Several gods in the transformation stage were knocked back by the shock, and this time they stepped back, their feet were directly in the air.

He wanted to fly up, but the energy formed by the restriction in front of him swept across again, so he could only fall off the bridge to avoid the restricted energy.

But it also left the bridge again!

Several of the gods in the transformation stage looked a little ugly.

Looking at the mist-shrouded fairy palace in front of me, I wanted to rush straight there.

But thinking of the previous shock wave that knocked away the master of Fuxian Pavilion, he calmed down and flew back to the bridge head again.

"We need to let some people in appropriately..."

Looking at the several gods in the picture, Zhang Yun thought.

Anyway, the requirement for the trial is that no more than a hundred people can enter, so letting some people into the Immortal Palace will not make him fail.

He had to keep an eye on these gods in order to restrict them, and he had to activate the psychedelic formations and restrictions again and again.

In such a short period of time, a lot of energy has been consumed. Coupled with the previous impact and the energy condensed from the three bridges, nearly half of the energy he can control at the entrance to the Immortal Palace has been consumed.

This trial will last for three days, and it's only half an hour now.

If this consumption continues, the energy at the entrance to the fairy gate will be gone in a few hours.

Instead of doing this, it is better to put these gods in the palace to save some energy.

Most importantly, they can't do much when they come in.

The only thing that can go deep into the front hall of the Immortal Palace is the corridor directly in front of it, which is blocked by a barrier.

Zhang Yun had already tested the strength of the barrier.

Not to mention the Divine Transformation Stage, even if he comes to the Void Refining Stage, he may not be able to break through it.

As for himself, he just hides.

He glanced at the room next to him and immediately controlled the dead branches to teleport in.

Right now, from the entrance to the Immortal Palace to the front hall, within this area, he can teleport at will with the help of dead branches.

Move the screen into the room.

Looking at the several gods in stage rushing towards the bridge again, Zhang Yun just used the psychedelic array to symbolically block the wave this time.

After all, even if you want to let it go, it can't be too fake.

Soon several gods in the transformation stage rushed to the gate of the Immortal Palace one after another.


The door was pushed open, and several gods in stage stepped in one after another.

Watching them step in, Zhang Yun immediately used the indifferent tone before and made a voice that echoed through the front hall: "Congratulations on successfully passing the first trial. Now you have three days of rest. In three days, the second trial will begin. Close the trial!”

"Three days?"

The leaders of the Lingxian Sect were startled, and their eyes scanned the front hall.

At a glance, he noticed the barrier-enclosed corridor in front of him.

"I wonder who the senior is?"

The leader of the Lingxian Sect couldn't help but ask.

When Yucang, the young man in black and the master of Fuxian Pavilion heard this, their eyes narrowed slightly.

The voice was definitely alive.

Because of the previous bridge, they could see that it was controlled by someone. What is uncertain now is whether the person who spoke is the immortal who stayed here?

After all, leaving a trace of remnant soul to protect the place of inheritance is a common method used by many powerful people.

"I am the Dry Immortal!"

Zhang Yun spoke calmly.

These four simple words made the pupils of the Lingxian Sect masters shrink.

Although the Immortal Secret Realm has always been called Immortal, many people actually have doubts about whether Immortal inheritance really exists.

Now that they have been confirmed, the leaders of the Lingxian Sect can't help but breathe quickly.

The leader of the Lingxian Sect said: "Senior, we have not consumed anything. Can you just let us continue with the second trial?"

That respectful tone made Zhang Yun feel comfortable.

Unexpectedly, one day, their sect leader would have such a mouthful when a senior called him, tsk tsk...

But he didn't respond to this.

Second trial?

There is a second level trial with a hammer!

I'm just letting you slow down.

And as an 'immortal', when faced with several questions from the little gods, it would be too cheap if he answered them all.

As an 'immortal', he must have his own character.

Seeing that Zhang Yun did not respond, the leaders of the Lingxian Sect frowned.

After confirming the existence of immortal inheritance here, let them wait for three days?

How can we wait any longer!

In three days, all those monsters and ghosts might have arrived. If nothing else, Qian Hai Dao can definitely catch up with the God Transformation Stage. Once the old monster from Qianhai Island comes, it will be difficult for them to fight for the immortal inheritance!


The leader of Lingxian Sect wanted to speak again.

"Shut up!"

But as soon as he opened his mouth, Zhang Yun interrupted him coldly: "Any more words will be regarded as giving up participating in my trial!"

As soon as these words came out, the leader of Lingxian Sect immediately shut his mouth.

The three masters of Fuxian Pavilion did not dare to say anything.

They could feel the displeasure in this 'immortal''s tone.

Although the other party may only have a trace of their soul left, they have no doubt that the other party has the ability to throw them out.

After all, even a trace of the immortal's remnant soul cannot be blocked by those in their divine transformation stage.

Zhang Yun was not surprised to see them becoming more honest.

After all, the intimidating power of immortals is still great.

As for whether it can be used as a deterrent, Zhang Yun is not worried. If they can't be deterred, the worst possible thing is to lock these gods in the front hall.

After looking at the screen, there were many Nascent Soul Stages rushing across the first half of the bridge. Zhang Yun immediately summoned more than a dozen Silver Wolf Kings and teleported them outside the gate of the Immortal Palace.

Without the divine transformation stage, the usefulness of these silver wolf kings has become apparent.

As a Yuanying stage spirit beast, although it is only a minor success, its combat power can be compared with the Yuanying stage Dacheng cultivator. Except for a few Yuanying stage peak cultivators, the other cultivators in front of this group of people are not even a match for the Silver Wolf King.

More than ten Silver Wolf Kings blocked the remaining cultivators.

Zhang Yun smiled. After letting these few Huashen stage cultivators in, the pressure was much less.

He decided to let all the Huashen stage cultivators in.

After all, there are probably less than ten Huashen stage cultivators in the South Region. Even if all of them come, it will not cause him to fail the trial.


Just then, a sea turtle came in front of the three bridges. What Zhang Yun was concerned about was the beautiful woman in red on the back of the sea turtle.

"Why is this woman here too?"

He was a little surprised.

The person who came was Su Die, the twelfth of the Aurora Building and nicknamed the twelfth princess in the killer circle!

"Is there a mission?"

Zhang Yun touched his chin. In his previous life's memory, Su Die usually stayed in Nanyunzhou, and most of the time she left was because she accepted some commissions or tasks from Aurora Tower.

By the way, the spiritual food that the beautiful lady Su prepared last time seemed to have not been delivered to him yet.

Wait, this woman didn't come here specifically to deliver spiritual food to him, did she?

Zhang Yun was really unsure.

The Immortal Secret Realm is now open, and you can find out with a little information about Su Die. And this woman's style of doing things is different from that of ordinary people, so it is not impossible for her to come here specifically to deliver spiritual food.


Suddenly thinking of something, Zhang Yun used the Immortal Eye Technique to look at the other party in the picture.

He was stunned when he saw it!


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