Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Chapter 19 of Fairy Tales Chapter 19 You are not very durable!

"Oh my, our weird elder reacts really fast!"

A laugh came, and a group of three people walked out from behind a big tree not far away.

The leader was the eighth elder of Nanshan Sect, Qiu Lue!

"You followed me?"

Looking at the longbow in the other party's hand, Zhang Yun narrowed his eyes.

"Follow? If there was no quarter-hour limit, this elder would have dealt with you long ago!"

Qiu Lue snorted coldly: "Don't you see what kind of stuff you are? Dare to bet with this elder to compare grades? This elder will make you lose the ability to get grades now!"

As he said, he took out a feather arrow and put it on the bow. The spiritual energy was diffused, and he aimed at Zhang Yun and shot an arrow.

This time Zhang Yun had a warning, and he pushed away Xu Ming and the two people around him at the first time, and dodged to the side.


The feather arrow surrounded by spiritual energy fell to the ground, and the energy of the qi force burst out, which actually directly blew a small pit in the ground.

Zhang Yun's pupils shrank slightly.

If this arrow landed on him, he would be half-dead if not dead!

"You dodged quickly, but can you still dodge the next arrow of this elder?" Qiu Lue snorted when he saw this, and he had already taken out another feather arrow and put it on the bow. "Don't even think about hurting Master!!" At this time, Xu Ming and Wu Xiaopang also reacted and took out their weapons. Qiu Lue frowned. He could easily kill two young Qi Refining Stage disciples. However, as an elder, he also had his pride and disdained to attack his disciples. "Qin Hei, Qin Bai, kill them!" He immediately looked behind him and instructed: "Leave one alive, just kill him!" "Yes, Master!" The two disciples behind him responded and sneered at Xu Ming and the others, as if they were looking at two lambs to be slaughtered. What strength can a disciple of an elder with the cultivation level of Foundation Establishment Stage have? The most important thing is that Xu Ming and Wu Xiaopang look very immature, and they are at most 17 or 18 years old. In their opinion, the strength of Qi Refining Stage 3 or 4 is the best. They have been practicing with Qiu Lue for more than five years, and their realm has already reached the eighth level of Qi Refining Stage.

"Brother Bai, leave the fat guy to you, I will destroy this pretty boy!"

"Okay, Brother Hei!"

The two disciples said, and went to meet Xu Ming and the others.

Qiu Lue was relieved when he saw this, and he put the bow in his hand on the arrow and pointed it at Zhang Yun again, laughing: "Don't worry, Elder Qi Pa, I will spare your life. After all, I have to wait for you to go out and pay back the bet!"


As soon as the words fell, an arrow broke through the air.


However, this arrow was dodged again, and a small pit appeared on the ground.

Qiu Lue didn't care, looking at Zhang Yun with messy steps, with a playful sneer on the corner of his mouth, and shot another arrow.

As a cultivator who is good at using bows, he enjoys watching the enemy dodge around like prey.

Zhang Yun dodged again, and his steps looked even messier.

Qiu Lue's playfulness became more intense, and he continued to draw his bow and shoot arrows.






Arrow after arrow, looking at Zhang Yun who was constantly dodging in a panic, Qiu Lue sneered: "It's almost time for you to see blood!"


As he said that, his eyes condensed, and the spiritual energy on the feather arrow burst out and shot out. The speed of this arrow was obviously faster than any previous arrow.


Just as he was expecting blood to bloom on Zhang Yun's body, he found that Zhang Yun, who had a messy step a second ago, suddenly straightened his feet and took a mysterious step, perfectly avoiding this sharp arrow.

Qiu Lue looked surprised.

"Enough of the embarrassing version of the Qingyuan Step experiment. Elder 'Seeking Abuse', it's almost time to knock you down!"

Zhang Yun suddenly raised his head and grinned at him.


Qiu Lue was startled, and his pupils suddenly contracted the next second.

He saw a green shadow flashing in front of him. He didn't even have time to react before he saw Zhang Yun was less than a meter in front of him, raising his hand and punching him.


Qiu Lue was shocked and quickly blocked with his bow.


Although he was ready to face the power, the power of this punch was far beyond his imagination. The terrifying Qi force bent the longbow in his hand, causing his robe to burst, and his whole body flew backwards uncontrollably, hitting a tree more than ten meters tall.

There was a crisp sound of "crack, crack, crack", and I don't know how many ribs were broken.

"Is this the feeling of hitting someone with all your strength? It's interesting!"

Zhang Yun looked at his fist and smacked his lips.

This is the first time he has burst out with all his strength since he traveled to this world. I have to say, this feeling is great!

Immediately looked at Qiu Lue again.

"Not good!!"

Qiu Lue, who was in so much pain that he couldn't get up from the tree, saw this and his face changed drastically.


But he didn't have a chance to act. Zhang Yun had already transformed into a green ghost and came in front of him, punching him again.


Blood spurted wildly, and Qiu Lue flew backwards like a cannonball, breaking several trees before landing.


The moment he landed, half of Qiu Lue's body was bent, lying on the ground, blood kept pouring out of his mouth, and he lay on the ground and couldn't get up.

"Elder Qiu, your name is so arrogant, but you don't seem to be very resistant to beatings!"

Zhang Yun looked disappointed: "It's just two punches!"

Qiu Lue was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood. Well, he was already vomiting.

But at this moment, he was more shocked.

Strange power!

What kind of terrifying strange power does this guy in front of him have?

Didn’t it mean that this strange elder had fallen to the third level of the foundation building stage? Why did this strange power make him feel even more terrifying than the existence at the peak of the Golden Core stage? ?

"Master, help me!!"

Before he could think too much, the two disciples' calls for help suddenly came to his ears.

He was stunned and looked sideways.

I saw his two disciples, who were beaten until their noses were bruised and their faces were as swollen as two pig heads, being stepped on by Xu Ming and Wu Xiaopang.


Qiu was slightly stunned.

what's the situation?

Both of his disciples have reached the eighth level of Qi refining stage. How could it be...

"Elder 'Qiu Abuse', you just seemed to want me to lose my ability to gain points, right?"

At this time, Zhang Yun suddenly walked towards him with a smile.

Qiu Lue's expression changed when he saw this, and his body lying on the ground squirmed backwards subconsciously: "You...what do you want to do!?"

"What I'm not doing is just completing the unfinished business of Elder 'Qiu Abuse'!"

Zhang Yun walked forward with a smile, raised his foot and pointed it at the opponent's abdomen...

"no, do not want!!"

Qiu Lue screamed with fear on his face.


Zhang Yun stepped down hard without hesitation.


A clear golden elixir shattered.

Qiu Lue even forgot about the pain for a moment, and the expression on his entire face was dull.


His golden elixir was trampled to pieces! !

Next to them, Xu Ming, Wu Xiaopang, and Qiu Lue's two disciples were also shocked.

The golden elixir is broken, which is equivalent to directly destroying a golden elixir stage!

"Zhang Yun, I will fight with you!!"

Qiu Lue suddenly went crazy.

But before he could get up, Zhang Yun raised his kick and knocked him out.


Xu Ming and Wu Xiaopang couldn't help but swallowed when they saw this.

"What, do you think being a teacher is cruel?"

Zhang Yun glanced at them.

Xu Ming and Wu Xiaopang looked at each other, not knowing how to answer.


Zhang Yun snorted coldly when he saw this, and cursed unceremoniously: "What do you think this place is? A game? This is a world of the jungle, and we are facing enemies. To be kind to them is to be cruel to ourselves. . What do you think will happen if the three of us, master and disciple, are defeated?"

Hearing this, Xu Ming and Wu Xiaopang looked stern.

Zhang Yun said calmly, "Destroy the two people under your feet!"

"No! Qi... Elder, please spare your life! We are just receiving orders from the master, no, we are here to seek the instructions from the abusive elder!!"

Upon hearing this, the expressions of Qiu Lue's two disciples changed and they quickly begged for mercy.

Wu Xiaopang hesitated.

Xu Ming's face turned fierce, and he stepped hard on the lower abdomen of the person under his feet.


Qiu Lue's disciple's Dantian, which was stepped on by Xu Ming, exploded!

Disciple Qiu Lue didn't even have time to make a sound and passed out from the pain.


Wu Xiaopang looked a little shocked.

Xu Ming spoke in a deep voice: "Little Fatty, the master is right, this is not a game. You must not be merciful to the enemy!!"

"No! Little fat boy, you can't be like them!!"

Qiu Lue's disciple at Wu Xiaopang's feet quickly shouted.

Wu Xiaopang was silent for a moment.


The next second, he kicked up his feet at the same time, stepping on the lower abdomen of Qiu Lue's disciple under him with great force.



Like a balloon being punctured, the Dantian in his lower abdomen exploded. The Qiu Lue disciple stared at Fatty Wu with his eyes wide open, his face full of shock and confusion, and he fainted with blood spurting from his mouth.

Zhang Yun and Xu Ming looked on stunned.

You were hesitant just now, and now you are so ruthless?

"If you call me chubby, just call me chubby. What does adding 'zi' mean? I hate it when people call me fat. You damn bastard!!"

Just listen to Wu Xiaopang scolding and chattering.

Zhang Yun, Xu Ming: "..."

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