Within the forest.

Wu Xiaopang looked back at where he was just now and couldn't help but say: "Master, can you just leave them there like this?"

"What, you still want to find a safe place for them?"

Zhang Yun glanced at him.

"Master, that's not what I meant!"

Wu Xiaopang shook his head and said: "I'm just worried that the 'abuse-seeking' elder will be eaten by the spirit beast. I'm afraid you won't be able to keep the bet you made with him!"

Zhang Yun looked at the serious Wu Xiaopang in a daze after hearing this.

But don’t tell me, this is indeed a problem, that’s ten thousand spiritual stones!

But after thinking about it, Zhang Yun waved his hand: "It's okay. If you are eaten, I will go find the master of their Nanshan Sect. I believe that the other party will not let go of these ten thousand spirit stones!"

"That's true!"

Wu Xiaopang nodded.

Xu Ming listened to the conversation between the two and was speechless.

You know, before they left, they took off all the storage rings and other items from Qiu Lue and the others.

Qiu Lue's spiritual stones are basically inside.

At the moment, Zhang Yun and Wu Xiaopang are still thinking about the Ten Thousand Spirit Stones... I guess if Qiu Lue knew about it, he wouldn't want to wake up again!


The three masters and apprentices were chatting when a sound suddenly came from their ears.

Zhang Yun looked at the training bracelet, and a light word appeared on it——

‘The first training mission: lead the apprentice to hunt down five spiritual beasts at level five or above in the Qi refining stage. Reward for completing the task: 20 points. ’

"This mission comes at just the right time!"

Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows and suddenly looked up behind a big tree dozens of meters ahead.


A deep beast roar was heard, and a black tiger over three meters long with scarlet eyes stared at them fiercely.

"Spiritual beast?"

Xu Ming and Wu Xiaopang were shocked.

Zhang Yun tried to use the Immortal Eye Technique;

【Black Spirit Tiger】

Realm: Seventh Level of Qi Refining Stage

Weakness: The double pupils are the gates of life. When the double pupils are hit, the combat ability will be quickly lost.

"Also spiritual beasts?"

Zhang Yun's eyes brightened slightly and he immediately spoke, "Ming'er, I leave this black spirit tiger to you. Its weak point is its pupils!"

"Okay, Master!"

Xu Ming nodded, immediately took out his sword and rushed forward.


Seeing that the human in front of him dared to charge towards him, the black spirit tiger immediately roared, opened its mouth full of fangs and bit the charging Xu Ming.

The moment he was about to collide with the black spirit tiger, Xu Ming turned sideways to avoid the black spirit tiger's attack, and at the same time waved the long sword in his hand.


Quickly and accurately stabbed the Black Spirit Tiger's right eye.

Blood emerges.


The Black Spirit Tiger suddenly roared crazily in pain, and its three-meter-long body collapsed.

Xu Ming didn't hesitate, and stabbed the Black Spirit Tiger's vitals with his sword several times quickly.


Soon with a cry, the black spirit tiger lost its life.

‘Kill the seventh level spiritual beast in the Qi refining stage and get 7 points. ’

A ray of light lit up on the bracelet Xu Ming was wearing.

At the same time, Zhang Yun's bracelet also lit up - 'Mission completion progress: 20%. ’

"Master, what should I do with this body?"

Xu Ming looked over.

Zhang Yun said, "Put it away first and deal with it together after returning to the clan!"

The corpses of spiritual beasts are still very valuable, because after cultivating spiritual energy, their flesh and blood contain considerable energy. Making it into food and eating it has many benefits to the monks.

Especially some high-level spiritual beasts will also form crystal nuclei in their bodies. This kind of crystal nuclei can be compared with some high-level elixirs.

Xu Ming followed the instructions and used the storage ring to put away the body.

Zhang Yun picked up a map and looked at it.

This map was found in Qiu Lue's storage ring. It depicts the Nanfeng Forest and has the locations of many spiritual beasts marked on it.

It is estimated that the other party made special preparations for these two exchange meetings.

It's a bargain for him now.


After determining the direction, Zhang Yun waved to Xu Ming and the others and walked straight away.

At this moment, their position was close to the central area of ​​Nanfeng Forest, and there were often spiritual beasts around.

Within a few minutes, we arrived at a spiritual beast area indicated on the map.

It was a tree hole under a big tree, and there was a green snake entrenched inside.

【Green Snake】

Cultivation: Sixth Level of Qi Refining Stage

Weaknesses: The three-inch area and the seven-inch area are critical...

"Little Fatty, I leave this snake to you."

After reading the message on the Immortal Eye of Operation, Zhang Yun immediately ordered: "Attack its three inches and seven inches!"

"Understood, Master!"

Wu Xiaopang nodded and immediately rushed forward.

Just watching Xu Ming kill the Black Spirit Tiger, his hands were already itchy.

Although he was full of confidence, Wu Xiaopang was still a little confused when it came to actually fighting the Green Snake. Afraid of being bitten, he kept evading.

After a lot of effort, he finally hit the green snake seven inches with a punch packed with Overlord's true energy, killing him in one fell swoop.

Zhang Yun looked at it and shook his head slightly.

Wu Xiaopang is too unfamiliar in terms of combat. If not crushed by combat power, the same level

In comparison, Xu Ming is much better in this aspect, perhaps because he has a blood feud.

In short, both of his apprentices still have to hone their skills.

Just take this opportunity to practice.

Just when Zhang Yun and his disciples started hunting spiritual beasts, they were in the square outside Nanfeng Forest.

Everyone present was staring closely at the crystal control tablet placed in the center.

On the monument, there is ranking information that is beating all the time——

‘First place: Nanshan Sect’s Great Elder, 49 points.’

‘Second place: Nanshan Sect’s Third Elder, 42 points.’

‘Third place: Nanshan Sect’s Fourth Elder, 38 points.’

‘Tenth place: Lingxian Sect’s Great Elder, 25 points.’

“Why are the top nine all Nanshan Sect’s elders?”

“My God, is Nanshan Sect trying to crush Lingxian Sect?”

“It shouldn’t be. In terms of strength, the Lingxian Sect’s elders shouldn’t be that bad, so why is there only one person in the top ten?”

Looking at the ranking information, the field was full of discussions.

Seeing this, Mu Wenxuan, who was next to the control monument, smiled and said: “It seems that the elders of Nanshan Sect are very efficient!”

“Mr. Mu is too kind!”

The leader of Nanshan Sect smiled and said: “But my elders often take their disciples to practice, and they do have some experience in this area!”

As he said that, he deliberately glanced at the leader of Lingxian Sect next to him.

The leader of Lingxian Sect had a calm face.

He had expected this situation.

After all, Lingxian Sect learned that the exchange meeting between the two sects would be held five days ago, so they did not have much time to make specific preparations. On the other hand, Nanshan Sect may have started preparations a long time ago.

It is estimated that a detailed route plan has been made for finding spirit beasts in the Nanfeng Forest.

In this regard, the elders of Lingxian Sect must suffer a little.

Thinking of this, the leader of Lingxian Sect could not help but glance at Mu Wenxuan.

Although he did not know what agreement the latter had reached with the leader of Nanshan Sect, it was not a good thing for Lingxian Sect.

"That weird elder was actually ranked sixteenth!"

"Oh my god, it's true. This weird elder can actually be ranked in the middle?"

"Wait, why is the eighth elder of Nanshan Sect still 0 points?"


At this time, someone in the field noticed that the leader of Lingxian Sect was startled and was a little surprised to see this.

The leader of Nanshan Sect frowned.

He did not care about Zhang Yun's sixteenth place, but he cared about Qiu Lue's last place!

Others may not know, but he knew that Qiu Lue was carrying a route map. For the previous bet, he specially asked the second elder of Nanshan Sect to exchange the route map with the other party.

The route map Qiu Lue was holding could be said to be one of the routes with the most spirit beasts marked.

It should be easy to enter the top ten at the moment. Not a single point...

The leader of Nanshan Sect felt a little nervous.

There won't be any accidents, right?

Impossible, how could there be any accidents? It must be because of something that delayed the hunting of spirit beasts! If there was an accident, it should be that weird elder of Lingxian Sect...

Suddenly thinking of something, the leader of Nanshan Sect looked into the Nanfeng Forest, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.


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