Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Across the Southern Territory Chapter 301 Four Void Refining Stages

Zhang Yun was wearing a black mask at the moment, which Su Die had prepared before arriving.

People who participate in the wanted list conference generally do not show their true colors.

After all, it is very likely that people from the Alliance of Light will enter in disguise. Although they maintain a tacit understanding with the organizers, they do not mind recording the appearance of certain people through the conference.

Entering Gumo Pavilion, there is a long corridor in front of you. At the entrance of the corridor are two strong men in black suits.

【? ? ? 】

Realm: Peak of Nascent Soul Stage

Kung Fu and combat skills practiced: Corpse Puppet Technique, Ten Puppet Formation...

【? ? ? 】

Realm: Peak of Nascent Soul Stage

Kung Fu and combat skills practiced: Corpse Puppet Technique...

He glanced at the two strong men with the Immortal Eye Technique, and felt that there was a divine energy in the darkness locked around them, and he couldn't help but take a deep breath.

The gatekeepers sent one person in the transformation stage and two peak Nascent Soul stages. You can imagine how powerful the organizers of this wanted list conference are!

"Please show me the invitation!"

The two strong men watched Zhang Yun step forward and said lightly.

Zhang Yun took out the card given by Su Yiyuan before.

"Dignified guests please enter!"

The two strong men immediately moved out of the way.

Zhang Yun nodded and walked over.


At this time, a fiery figure suddenly rushed in from the attic door at the back.

"I'm a little dizzy from sleeping. It looks like I'm not late yet!"

Listening to the voice, Zhang Yun turned his head and glanced.

He was a young man with disheveled hair, a white coat on his body, and bare feet, as if he had run out of a mental hospital.


But after Zhang Yun glanced with the Immortal Eye Technique, his pupils couldn't help but shrink.

can not see!

His Immortal Eye Technique could not see the message of this young man in a white coat! !

Refining the void period.

Three words immediately popped into Zhang Yun's mind, and he couldn't help but take a closer look at the young man in the white coat.

You can feel the aura contained in the other person's body, which is not weaker than his soul aura.

"You have been staring at me for a long time. Do you want to make friends with me?"

Before he had time to think too much, he saw the young man in white coat handing over the invitation letter and almost teleporting to his side.

Zhang Yun narrowed his eyes and asked lightly: "What do you call your Excellency?"


The young man in the white coat smiled, "What is your Taoist friend's name?"

"You can call me Mr. Yun!"

Zhang Yun spoke calmly.

"Mr. Yun?"

Hongda raised his eyebrows, with a trace of confusion in his eyes: "This is the first time I have heard the name Taoist Fellow. I'll treat it like we know each other here. See you later, Fellow Taoist!"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Zhang Yun to respond, Hongda hurriedly walked towards the depths of the corridor ahead.

"Master Hongda..."

Zhang Yun looked at the other person's back, and his mind had roughly locked onto the other person's identity.

He had already gone to find out more about the mainland's most wanted list, and the one ranked 79th on it was none other than a Taoist named Hongda!

Ranking seventy-nine made him feel undetectable.

This is the top one...

Zhang Yun took a deep breath, feeling a little more vigilant, and moved forward along the corridor.

Soon we came to the end of the corridor, and in front of us was a magnificent and spacious hall. There were rows of long tables in the hall, and the long tables were filled with exquisite food and drinks.

At this moment, many people have gathered in the hall, and except for a few people, most of them are wearing masks.

Zhang Yun used the Immortal Eye Technique to sweep over.

The peak of the Divine Transformation Stage, the Divine Transformation Stage, and the Nascent Soul Stage...

I haven’t seen anyone below the Nascent Soul stage.

Most of them were in the transformation stage, and there were even a few that he couldn't see the information about.

For example, Taoist Hongda, who had just met him, was sitting at a long table eating and drinking.

In addition to them, there were three other people on the field.

A man in gray robe was wrapped in a gray robe, covering every inch of his body, making it impossible to distinguish between male and female.

A woman wearing a white mask and an embroidered cheongsam perfectly showed off her curves, attracting many eyes in the hall.

The last person was a handsome and elegant middle-aged man, without a mask like Taoist Hongda, wearing a white dress. He was sitting with his legs crossed on a row of sofas in the corner of the hall, reading a black book.

None of the four refining periods is normal!

Zhang Yun complained in his heart, and his eyes fell to a place in the hall.

There was a woman wearing a gold-rimmed mask and a red coat.

Although he was wrapped tightly, Zhang Yun still recognized the other party.

Su Die!

There are also Su Yiyuan, the owner of Jiguang Building and others, scattered throughout the hall at the moment.

After paying attention to Su Yiyuan's gaze, Zhang Yun's eyes fell on a group of four people in the field. All four of them were wearing silver robes. Even though they were wearing masks, they could tell they were in the same group.

One is in the half-step refining stage, and three is in the divine transformation stage...

These four people are obviously members of the Qian Shen Sect.

【Leader of Qian Shen Cult】

Realm: half-step refining stage

Special energy cultivated: Worshiping witchcraft

Witchcraft Level: Sixth Level (Priest Realm)

Talent: Worship the witch power - the witch power obtained through worship contains the power of the object of worship, and contains extremely strong suppression, which can suppress various special energies except witch power. Worship Summoning - You can sacrifice half of your own essence and blood to summon the object of worship.

Kung Fu and combat skills practiced: Dance of Worship, Divine Cult Proverbs...

Weakness: To worship the witchcraft, you need to maintain piety to release its power. If you lose your piety, your power will be lost. You can use illusions to confuse your mind.

"Witch power?"

Zhang Yun was slightly surprised when he saw the message from the leader of Qian Shen Sect.

"Isn't he a wizard from the Sea Witch Fairy Kingdom..."

Touching his chin, it was the first time he met a wizard who was not from the Sea Witch Fairy Kingdom.

【Members of Qian Shen Cult】

Realm: Peak of Divine Transformation Stage

Special energy cultivated: Blood Witch Power

Witch Power Level: Level 5 (Great Witch Realm)

Talent: Blood Witch Power - formed by the fusion of blood and water energy, it contains extremely corrosive properties and can corrode the blood of living creatures to strengthen itself.

【Members of Qian Shen Cult】

Realm: Divine Transformation Stage Dacheng.

Special energy cultivated: fire wizardry

Witch Power Level: Level 5 (Great Witch Realm)

【Members of Qian Shen Cult】

Realm: Divine Transformation Stage Dacheng.

Special energy cultivated: water magic power

Witch Power Level: Level 5 (Great Witch Realm)

After glancing at the other three people, who were all great wizards, Zhang Yun couldn't help but glance at Su Die not far away.

I understand why the other party specially invited him.

This Qian Shen Cult's witchcraft power needs a witchcraft practitioner like him to fight against it.

"Fellow Daoist Yun!"

Just as I was thinking about it, a voice suddenly came from my ears: "Come on, come on, come over and eat together!!"

It was Taoist Hongda who waved to him.

This attracted a lot of attention in the field.

As the 79th most wanted criminal on the mainland's most wanted list, there are almost no one in the Hongda Taoist community who doesn't know him.

Such a powerful wanted criminal actually invited people?

Everyone present stared at Zhang Yun curiously, including the three people who were in the virtual refining stage where Zhang Yun could not see the information.

For a moment, Zhang Yun became the focus of the audience!

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