Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Across the Southern Region Chapter 302 Killing the Temple


The corner of Zhang Yun's mouth twitched under the mask, but he did not refuse the invitation of Taoist Hongda and took the initiative to step forward.

"Fellow Daoist Yun, take whatever you want to eat, don't be polite!"

Taoist Hongda looked at him coming over, his face full of smiles, patted Zhang Yun's shoulder with his greasy hands, and pointed at the various delicacies brought from various tables in front of him.

It was as if this was his home.

Zhang Yun laughed, glanced at the delicacies on the table and raised his eyebrows slightly.

I really didn't realize before that all the delicacies gathered by Taoist Hongda on the table were spiritual food.

He immediately took a chicken leg and put it in his mouth to chew.

The chicken was firm and elastic, full of juice, and tasted very good. After swallowing it, there were still strands of spiritual energy rippling in his body.

Although the increase in his strength was very slight, it also increased.

Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows.

"These are all made by Chef Li, who is ranked 100th on the wanted list. He is a great spiritual chef!"

The Taoist Hongda beside him laughed and said, "The spiritual meals made with the delicious ingredients of these Jindan Yuanying stage spiritual beasts are all top-notch. It is not easy to eat them on weekdays, especially at the wanted list conference. Fellow Daoist Yun, take this opportunity to taste them!"

"Then I won't be polite!"

Zhang Yun smiled slightly, and immediately picked up all kinds of delicacies on the table and put them into his mouth.

In less than half a minute, there were more than a dozen empty plates in front of him.

"Damn, they are still fellow Taoists!"

Taoist Hongda shouted when he saw this, and hurried to eat.

For a while, the huge hall seemed to have become a competition venue for the two people to eat and drink.


Many people present were in a bad mood.

Although the spiritual meals at this banquet can be eaten at will, how can you eat like you two?

The most speechless ones are Su Die, Su Yiyuan and others.

What's wrong with Zhang Yun?

How did he get mixed up with Taoist Hongda?

What made Su Die most angry was that Zhang Yun was enjoying the spiritual food made by Chef Li at this moment, even more than he enjoyed the spiritual food made by her!

Damn, Chef Li is not even worthy of being my mother. You are enjoying eating such a low-quality spiritual food made by a chef, do you have any taste?


Sensing the murderous intention of a certain woman, Zhang Yun suddenly burped, touched his slightly round belly and said: "Daoist Hongda, it's almost done. If you eat any more, I'll feel full!"


Daoist Hongda, who was gnawing on a big duck leg, was stunned, "You're full with just this little?"

"It's already a lot!"

Zhang Yun looked at the empty plate in front of him that was already higher than his head, and waved his hand to indicate: "If you eat any more, you'll really feel full!"

"Your stomach is not good, you can't eat just this little. You need to exercise more. You can improve your strength by eating more spiritual food!"

Daoist Hongda said: "How about this, I'll find you a big stomach king's stomach to exchange with you later. I know an old guy, he has a lot of such stomachs..."

"No need, Daoist, I think it's good enough now!"

Zhang Yun waved his hand.

Daoist Hongda wanted to say something, but at this time, a group of people walked in from outside the hall, which made him look condensed.

There were also many people in the field, and their eyes were condensed.

Zhang Yun looked over when he saw this.

A group of people wearing masks and black armor, with a cold aura all over their bodies, walked in.

As soon as they entered the hall, the temperature of the air in the entire hall dropped by several degrees.

Zhang Yun narrowed his eyes slightly, and the Immortal Eye Technique was running.

Can't see through!

The person in the lead made his pupils shrink, but fortunately he could see the people behind him.

[? ? ? ]

Realm: Peak of the God Transformation Stage

Equipment: Black Iron Armor - Made of top-grade black refined iron, with amazing defense, can withstand the attack of a cultivator in the God Transformation Stage.

Special Energy Cultivated: Killing Aura (Condensed by slaughtering millions of people)

Cultivated Art and Combat Skills: Seven Styles of Killing...

Weakness: Proving the Dao with killing, only killing and attacking, weak self-defense.

[? ? ? ]

Realm: Peak of the God Transformation Stage

Equipment: Black Iron Armor

Cultivated Special Energy: Killing Aura

Cultivated Art and Combat Skills: Seven Styles of Killing...


There are six people in total, and every piece of information is almost carved out of the same mold.

Zhang Yun's eyes narrowed slightly.

Slaughtering millions of people gathered murderous aura. The six people in front of him, plus the seven people who were the leader and could not be seen through, killed at least more than seven million people!

Although they are not demon cultivators, it is no exaggeration to call them demon heads!

"I didn't expect this group of killing lunatics to come..."

Taoist Hongda curled his lips.

Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows, and the information on the mainland wanted list flashed through his mind, but he could not determine who the other party was for a while.

"Zhang Yun, this group of people is ranked 19th on the mainland wanted list, the people of the Killing Temple!"

Su Die's voice transmission reminded him in his ears: "The leader is ranked 62nd on the mainland wanted list, named Kuang Long, the deputy hall master of the Killing Temple. They prove their way with killing, and there will be killing wherever they go. Try to avoid them!"

Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows.

No wonder he couldn't find it. He didn't associate the name Kuang Long with the other party at all. On the mainland wanted list, many people only have one name, without detailed introduction.

As for the mainland wanted list, he was relatively unfamiliar.

Because the forces behind this wanted list are basically concentrated in the Central Region, it is only circulated in the Central Region.

Now that I am in the Central Region, I can go get a copy and take a look...

Just thinking about it, a chill suddenly hit me.

I saw seven people from the Temple of Killing wearing black armor, walking in front of them at this moment, but completely ignoring him.

The leader, Kuang Long, looked at Taoist Hongda coldly: "We want to eat here, get out!"

Taoist Hongda twitched the corner of his mouth, got up and prepared to walk away very unhappy.

However, he found that Zhang Yun was sitting in his seat and did not move, so he couldn't help but said: "Fellow Taoist Yun..."

But as soon as he spoke, Zhang Yun's body suddenly started to tremble slightly.

Taoist Hongda was surprised.

The people present were stunned at first, and then they all cast mocking glances at Zhang Yun.

They thought that the person invited by Taoist Hongda had some strength, but at this moment, the people in the killing temple were so frightened that their bodies trembled. It seemed that he was just a waste!

Taoist Hongda frowned.

He had taken the initiative to interact with Zhang Yun before because he felt that Zhang Yun's soul aura was not inferior to his.

In his eyes, Zhang Yun was also in the Void Refining stage. Would such a presence make murderous people tremble with fear?

He didn't understand.

Su Die, Su Yiyuan, the leader of the Lingxian Sect and others also frowned upon seeing this.

Although the murderous intent of the seven people in the Killing Temple is astonishing, with Zhang Yun's strength, he shouldn't be frightened and trembled!

"Zhang Yun, don't stay there, leave quickly!"

"Boy, what are you doing? Get out of that position!"

Su Die and the leader of the Lingxian Sect are both sound transmitters.

But Zhang Yun still didn't move, still sitting there with his body trembling slightly.

"Weak ants don't deserve to live!"

Kuanglong didn't say a word when he saw this. Behind him, a man in the transformation stage of the Killing Temple said coldly.


Murderous intent burst out, and he drew the sword directly from his waist.


The next second, blood appeared, and a big head flew high.

"How pathetic!"

Everyone present showed compassion.

I didn't expect that some of the people who entered here would be killed out of fear. This was probably the first time that the wanted list conference had happened.

"Wait, then...that head..."

At this moment, a sound of astonishment suddenly sounded in the field.

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