Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Across the Southern Territory Chapter 312 The isolation formation between heaven and earth, a certai

Exciting battle blood!

A majestic blood energy burst out from Zhang Yun's body, breaking all the energy lines tied around him.

Blood energy swept through the entire room instantly.

Kuang Long's expression changed as he was slashing at him with his sword, and he quickly raised his sword to block, but was still shocked by the blood energy and flew back more than ten steps.

This sudden scene made everyone in the Void Refining Stage present look shocked.

Especially the Lord of Gumo City, whose old face was full of disbelief.

The ant in front of him, who was only at the peak of the Nascent Soul stage, actually broke free from his shackles?

"Your breath is so exciting!"

Zhang Yun looked at Kuanglong and the Lord of Gumo City and licked the corner of his mouth.

This gaze, as if looking at prey, made both Kuanglong and the Lord of Gumo City look cold.


Kuanglong shouted loudly, and the murderous aura in his body burst out, and the blood energy that instantly overwhelmed Zhang Yun's body swept through the entire room.

"Kill!" "Kill!"——

A series of shouts and roars filled the air.

At this moment, the originally luxurious room seemed to have turned into a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, and everyone was in it for a moment.

A desire to kill spread in the hearts of everyone present.

However, everyone who could reach the Void Refining Stage was determined and quickly suppressed this desire.

"If it was your kind of aura!"

Zhang Yun, on the other hand, had a slightly sickly excited smile on his face, and his whole body couldn't help but tremble.

Facing the murderous realm of Kuang Long, he was obviously more excited.

That aura continues to rise inexplicably!

Bai Meiren, Taoist Hongda and others in the Void Refining Stage frowned when they saw this.

What's going on with this guy in front of me?

Old Demon Ankang also frowned. He had learned about Zhang Yun from the Black Demon Ancestor, but...

Well, the Black Demon Ancestor didn't reveal any useful information. The only thing he knew was that Zhang Yun had a summoning method.

Looking at Zhang Yun who was excited at this moment, Old Devil Ankang felt an inexplicable feeling of uneasiness in his heart.

Although he didn't know where he came from, he was secretly glad that he didn't stay on Qianhai Island at that time. Otherwise, he felt that he might not be able to get a good deal from him if he really fought with this guy!

"Why is this guy's aura still improving?"

I thought that Zhang Yun's aura would stop if it increased a little, but at this moment, Zhang Yun's aura increased and had no intention of stopping.

What secret method is this that can improve it like this?

I was shocked when I was present during the Void Refining Period.


Kuanglong's face was cold, and his body shot forward like a black lightning bolt.

Seeing this, Zhang Yun curled his mouth and moved his feet.


The body instantly disappeared like a bloody phantom.

When Kuang Long struck with his sword, Zhang Yun had already disappeared.

The speed was so fast that even the spectators in the Void Refining Stage could not catch it clearly.


The Lord of Gumo City snorted coldly, and countless lines of energy appeared everywhere.

Zhang Yun's figure was suddenly pulled out of the room by several energy lines.

"Killing God Sword Technique - Demon Killing!"

Kuang Long seized the opportunity and slashed out with his sword.

The color of the sky and the earth changed, and Zhang Yun felt that his eyes were filled with a huge ghost face, and endless murderous intent rushed toward his face.

"Withered fingers!"

More than ten strands of dry immortal power in Zhang Yun's body burst out at the same time, converging on his finger and pointing it out.

The sky and the earth were dim, and the finger of death appeared with an infinite and withered aura.

Boom—! !

The sword collided with the ghost face, and a terrifying wave of energy swept away in all directions.

Everyone present during the Void Refining Period gathered energy to block the aftermath.

But the entire room building was not so lucky, and was directly shaken into countless rubbles and exploded.

But these rubbles did not spread to the entire attic, but only swept away the area centered on the room.

Because a transparent mask of light shrouded the surroundings at some point, blocking all the energy and breath inside.

"Heaven and Earth Isolation Formation!"

Everyone present during the Void Refining Stage saw this, their expressions changed, and they stared at the Lord of Ancient Mo City: "Lord of the Ancient City, what do you mean by this!?"

Different from ordinary formations, the Heaven and Earth Isolation Formation is one of the top ten sealing formations in the Immortal Continent.

Once this formation is deployed, it will directly isolate the inside and outside of the formation, turning the area covered by the formation into a separate space, isolating everything!

Once trapped, there is almost no possibility of forcibly breaking through the formation.

Because the internal structure of this formation is extremely solid, there was once a person who was at the peak of his integration stage who was trapped in this formation, and it took him ten years of hard work to wear away the energy of the formation and get out of the formation.

This is true even for peak cultivators in the body stage, let alone those present in the void refining stage!

The Lord of Gumo City smiled lightly and said: "Everyone, please be patient. This formation is just to prevent this child from escaping. After taking this child, I will open the formation on my own!"

The faces of all the people in the refining stage darkened.


This is a naked threat!

If any of them dare to help Zhang Yun, it means that they will be trapped in the formation and unable to leave.

The Lord of Gumo City, Kuang Long and Old Demon Ankang had obviously reached an agreement secretly. Inviting them together was obviously to prevent Zhang Yun from becoming suspicious.

In order to trap and kill a peak Nascent Soul stage, what a good intention!

Everyone in the Lianxu stage snorted coldly, but they also leaned on the edge of the formation and watched coldly.

The Lord of Gumo City and Old Demon Ankang no longer concealed themselves, and stepped forward directly. Together with Kuang Long, the three qi machines of the Void Refining Stage were firmly locked on Zhang Yun at this moment.

"Three virtual refining periods are really exciting!"

Zhang Yun was not frightened when he saw this. On the contrary, he felt that his blood was more agitated and boiling. The blood energy emanating from his body was rich and the aura was constantly rising.

In an instant, it exceeded ten times!

Seeing this, the Lord of Gumo City, Ankang Old Demon and Kuanglong all frowned.

What is this blood energy? How can this kid become stronger?

The group of people in the Void Refining Stage watching at the edge of the formation were also a little bit unbelievable.

At this moment, Zhang Yun gave them the feeling that it was like a little spark, gradually growing into a fire that could burn the entire grassland. And the fire was still growing vigorously, as if it had no end.

"Kill him!"

The Lord of Gumo City and the other two could not sit still.

If it continued to rise like this, Zhang Yun might become so strong.

"Sword Art of Killing God - Tenfold Ghost Slash!"

"Demon Sealing Art - Five-Star Demon Palm!"

Kuang Long's murderous aura burst out, and he instantly slashed out ten superimposed ghost-faced sword beams;

The demonic aura of Ankang Old Demon surged wildly, and the pale palm under his sleeves raised, instantly gathering a huge demonic handprint of tens of meters;

Two terrifying attacks, one on the left and one on the right, crushed Zhang Yun at the same time.

Zhang Yun wanted to hide, but the air around him was filled with countless energy lines, which restricted him to the spot and made him unable to move.

Once the three Void Refining Stages joined forces, it was a sure kill!

The Void Refining Stages who were watching shook their heads slightly when they saw this.

Zhang Yun was dead!

No matter how strange Zhang Yun's methods were, no matter how much his aura increased, his realm was only the Nascent Soul Stage after all. Facing three Void Refining Stages who were attacking with all their strength at the same time, there was no possibility of survival at all!

Under their eyes, the two attacks were approaching Zhang Yun...

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