Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Across the Southern Region Chapter 313 Helper

Whoosh! Whoosh!

At this moment, two figures bursting with demonic energy rushed out, one on the left and one on the right, actively meeting the two attacks.

Bang! Bang!

As soon as they met, the demonic energy of the two figures was broken by the two attacks, and their bodies were blown apart.

In just a moment, Zhang Yun also forcefully broke through the energy line and flashed away from the spot.


Everyone was stunned.

"Do you like to fight with more people?"

Then Zhang Yun's faint voice sounded: "Then you can try it too!"

Swish! Swish! Swish! ...

As the voice fell, figures appeared one after another beside Zhang Yun.

In a flash, there were thirty more figures around Zhang Yun.

Five company presidents, ten Lan'er, ten Black Demon ancestors and five Thousand Island ancestors.

"Spiritualization stage? Half-step refining stage?"

All the refining stage cultivators present were surprised.

Zhang Yun actually brought so many cultivators with him?

"Wait, how come they look the same?"

Seeing that there were multiple of President Lian, Lan'er, Black Demon Ancestor, and Thousand Island Ancestor, they were full of surprise.

"Black Demon is right, you can summon these God Transformation Stages with your own means!"

Ankang Demon snorted coldly.

Zhang Yun ignored him and took a breath as he looked at the thirty figures around him.

These are his assets.

All the corpses above the God Transformation Stage were used at this moment.

President Lian only had five because he was killed by Tianku Finger at that time, and he could only summon five mummies. Thousand Island Ancestor only had five because two of them were killed just now to block his attack, and the other three were left for Su Die to help.

"It's just a group of slightly larger ants!"

Kuang Long spoke coldly, and a large amount of murderous aura swept directly towards the thirty people summoned by Zhang Yun.


Before the murderous aura swept over, a wave of deep blue magic power like the sea had blocked it.

Zhang Yun smiled faintly: "Sometimes, ants can also eat elephants!"

As he said this, the Wild Night Sword in his hand slashed across his arm, and blood gushed out, splitting into thirty drops and falling on the thirty people he summoned.

The thirty people opened their mouths and swallowed the blood.

"Ah!" "Ah!" "Ah!"...

As they swallowed the blood, the thirty people shouted in unison, and thirty amazing blood auras burst out from them.


Feeling the auras of the thirty people begin to rise steadily, all the people in the Refining Void Stage present were shocked.

What the hell?

Swallowing a drop of blood and bursting out? ?

"Mysterious! All of you die for me!!"

Kuang Long shouted coldly, and the murderous aura in the murderous aura field around him gathered on the blade in his hand.

"Sword Art of the God of Death - All living things are annihilated!"

As a terrifying murderous intent burst out, a hundred-meter-long gray sword light that made the world pale broke through the air and slashed towards Zhang Yun and others.

Fast! Speed!

The two words "command brush" fell, and the effect covered Zhang Yun and the thirty people he summoned at the same time. At the same time, they all burst out at speed and dodged in all directions.

The Lord of Gumo City sneered when he saw this.

"Soul-stealing Sword Book!"

But just as he was about to move, a black book suddenly appeared above his head, and sword lights slashed down from the book.

The Lord of Gumo City's face changed, and he didn't care about making a move, and hurriedly dodged.

At the same time, he looked coldly at the elegant and handsome middle-aged man who appeared on his side at some point.

The elegant and handsome middle-aged man reached out to take back the black book, and smiled slightly at the thirty-one figures on the other side who had no lines blocking them and successfully dodged the sword light.

At the same time, he looked at the Lord of Gumo City, "Lord Gu, what you did today is a bit unkind!"

"Guo Ce, do you want to be an enemy of my Gumo City?"

The Lord of Gumo City said in a cold tone.

"You are too kind, Lord Gu!"

He smiled faintly at the elegant and handsome middle-aged man called Guo Ce, glanced at Zhang Yun not far away, and said: "I have some cooperation with this Taoist friend, I can't watch you kill him!"


The Lord of Gumo City didn't waste words, countless lines emerged in the air around him, sweeping out like sharp blades.

Clang clang clang! !

Guo Ce gently turned the next page of the book, and sword lights swept out, colliding with countless lines in the air, and countless sparks instantly splashed in the space around him.

Seeing the two of them fighting...

Kuang Long and Ankang Old Demon both frowned.

Bai Meiren, Hongda Taoist and other people in the Refining Void Stage were also surprised.

This Guo Ce actually helped Zhang Yun? What was he thinking?

Not to mention them, even Zhang Yun was a little puzzled at this moment.

Just now, this Guo Ce suddenly sent a voice message to ask him if he was willing to agree to the previous cooperation?

Zhang Yun was a little surprised, but agreed without thinking.

After all, in this situation, the other party asking this is equivalent to asking him if he wants to help...

After he agreed, Guo Ce replied that he would contain the Lord of Gumo City.

Then the other party took action.

Looking at Guo Ce who was fighting with the Lord of Gumo City, Zhang Yun secretly remembered it in his heart.

No matter what the other party's specific purpose is, taking action at this time is no less than helping in need!

He accepted this favor!

Fight! Fight!

Immediately without any nonsense, he directly commanded the two big characters of the brush, and the effect covered himself and the thirty people he summoned at the same time.

"Kill them!"

Pointing at Kuang Long and Ankang Old Demon, he waved his hand.


The five company presidents, five Qiandao ancestors, ten Lan'er and Black Demon ancestors, all burst into the peak of their auras and rushed towards Kuang Long and Ankang Old Demon.

"You are not the only one who can be summoned!"

Kuanglong snorted coldly, a magic seal appeared in his hand, and a piece of demonic energy swept out instantly.

Ten gods-stage monsters roared out.

Seeing this, Zhang Yun's lips curled up slightly.

The ten black demon ancestors took the initiative to greet him.

"Dark Devil Mahamudra!"

At first, a black demon ancestor directly slapped it with one palm.

A monster in the transformation stage didn't even have time to react, and it hit the ground with a palm, causing everyone to be shocked.

Kaka! !

The monster's body cracked under a palm, turning into wisps of demonic energy that began to dissipate.

And this is just the beginning.

boom! boom! boom! …

Following a roar, the remaining nine black demon ancestors took action one after another, killing the monsters with one palm.

Just a few seconds after the ten monsters appeared, they turned into demonic energy and exploded.

Kuanglong couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth.

This magic seal, is it fake? What kind of garbage was summoned? ?

Ankang Laomo on the side was dumbfounded.

As his subordinate, he knows very well the strength of the Dark Demon Ancestor.

Although this God-Transformation stage monster is not very strong, it can still barely fight against the Dark Demon Ancestor at the God-Transformation stage. At this moment, all of them were killed instantly when they met each other?

The real Dark Demon Ancestor is here, and his strength is far from that strong!

These Dark Demon Ancestors who were summoned and took a drop of Zhang Yun's blood are definitely not enhanced versions of the Dark Demon Ancestor's true form?


Zhang Yunke didn't care what they thought, he just shouted and killed Kuanglong and Ankang Laomo together with the thirty people he summoned.

He has not killed anyone during the Void Refining Stage, but today, he is going to eat meat!

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