Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Across the Southern Territory Chapter 315 This flower is given to you!

"This flower is for you!"

A white flower caught Ankang's eyes at this moment.

This flower is so holy, so pure...

But to him, it is even more terrifying than a scourge!

"Get out of here! Get out of here!!"

Ankang Laomo roared, and his whole body of demonic energy exploded, trying to stay away from the flower.

But Zhang Yun's hand was gripping his wrist like an iron pliers at this moment.


As the flower got closer, Old Demon Ankang screamed, but he couldn't stop it at all.

The purifying power filled with holy steps bloomed from the flower, shining on him at this moment.


The screams suddenly resounded throughout the Heaven and Earth Isolation Formation.


Everyone present during the Void Refining Period showed astonishment on their faces.

what's going on? Why suddenly...

Under their astonished eyes, they saw that under the white and holy purifying power of Jinghua, Old Demon Ankang's entire body began to melt at a speed visible to the naked eye, and large strands of demonic energy were purified and disappeared.




At the same time, the face under the purple pupils of Old Demon Ankang changed into different faces at this moment, including mermaids, orcs, humans...

Different faces flashed back and forth on his face like a slide, dissipating one by one under the power of purification.

The moment it dissipated, Zhang Yun saw a hint of relief on these faces.

Finally, it turned back into the face of Ankang Laomo.

"Stop! Stop it!"

Old Demon Ankang roared crazily, and a pair of purple pupils caused the demonic energy all over his body to explode wildly.

But in the face of the purifying power of the holy medicine Jinghua, these are all in vain, and the evil spirit is purified as soon as it appears.


With the last hoarse roar, Old Demon Ankang's entire body completely fell apart, turning into countless demonic energies that were purified. Even the soul could not escape.

This scene, as if the world had evaporated, made everyone present at the Void Refining Stage tremble.


A great demon in the Void Refining Stage actually died like this! !

"Holy medicine!"

Seeing the half of the white flower still remaining in Zhang Yun's hand, and feeling the rich vitality and purifying power, the gray-robed female cultivator realized something and couldn't help but say: "Your flower is a holy medicine!!"

"Holy medicine?"

Everyone in the Lianxu period was startled and quickly realized what they were doing.


Holy medicine!

Only the purifying power released by an object of this level can purify a demon in the Void Refining Stage in such an instant.

For a moment, everyone present in the Void Refining Stage had their eyes burning.

The preciousness of the holy medicine is enough to tempt any monk in the Void Refining Stage.

Even the lord of Gumo City and Guo Ce had a look on their faces.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Yun quickly put away the remaining half of the pure flower and the storage ring that Ankang Laomo had fallen out of.

The potency of the holy medicine was beyond his imagination. Only half of it could evaporate a great demon in the Void Refining Stage. But it is a pity that Ankang Laomo's physical body has also been completely purified.


Immediately without any intention of stopping, he sent a message to Guo Ce and rushed towards the edge of the heaven and earth isolation formation.

Guo Ce was startled when he heard this.


How can we get out under this isolation formation between heaven and earth?

The Lord of Gumo City also noticed Zhang Yun rushing towards the edge of the Heaven and Earth Isolation Formation, and snorted with disdain.

Under the isolation formation between heaven and earth, even if a monk in the integration stage comes, he can't leave!

Although Ankang's death was unexpected, he was not worried about Zhang Yun's escape.

However, seeing Kuang Long beside him who was still entangled with the monk summoned by Zhang Yun, he was a little unhappy and shouted: "Kuang Long, why don't you take action with all your strength? Do you want this kid to escape??"

Pretending to be anxious!

Kuanglong snorted in his heart, but he was really annoyed at this moment.

To deal with an ant like Zhang Yun who was only at the Nascent Soul stage, he couldn't win it for so long and even lost one of his companions, which made him feel humiliated.

In addition, after such a fight, he also determined Zhang Yun's methods.

The only thing that is difficult to deal with is the withered immortal power. As for those holy medicines full of purifying power, they are fatal to Old Demon Ankang, but they are a treasure to him!

He wants this holy medicine!

"The Way of Killing—Extermination!"

At this moment, Kuang Long no longer had any secrets to hide, his eyes were filled with a touch of blood red, and his long hair turned white and fluttered out from under his helmet at this moment. A layer of actual murderous aura surged up all over his body.


A cold shout.

With one sword, he directly split the Qiandao Ancestor in front of him into two pieces.

The sword blade was like a life-threatening scythe, and he quickly killed the Black Demon Ancestor, Company President, Lan'er and Qiandao Ancestor who were entangled in front of him with one sword.

Zhang Yun had already quickly moved to the edge of the Heaven and Earth Isolation Formation. When he saw the wild rumblings starting to erupt, he quickly took out the magician's staff from the formation and placed it on the edge of the light shield.


Start analyzing!

Seeing the Witch Fairy Staff blooming with light, he felt a little relieved.

disease! speed!

Command the writing brush to quickly write two words, and directly apply the blessing to the body.

"Come in my direction with all your strength later, I will leave a hole!"

At the same time, he turned to look at Guo Ce, who was still entangled with the lord of Gumo City, and said via voice transmission, "As for Kuang Long, let's find another opportunity later!"

He was about to leave, so naturally he would not leave this helper alone.

Guo Ce was surprised when he heard what he said.

Leave a hole?

Can you really break through the isolation formation between heaven and earth?

Glancing at Zhang Yun's side, I found that he had taken out the Witch Fairy Staff and placed it on the light shield. A thought passed through his mind and he replied: "If you can leave, then leave first. After leaving Ancient Mo City, you can go to Nine Stone City. Holy Stones, I will find a way to meet you there!"

"Nine Stone City, Holy Stone Group..."

Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows when he heard this and nodded to the other party: "I've written it down!"

Seeing Zhang Yun release a staff and place it on the formation mask, a trace of doubt flashed in the eyes of the Lord of Ancient Mo City.

The model of this staff is obviously the same type as the useless 'sacred parts' they traded at the previous conference.

This one actually has a second component!

The Lord of Ancient Mo City suddenly understood why Zhang Yun was willing to pay a high price to buy the staff. Looking at this posture, maybe Zhang Yun has a way to form a holy weapon!

Thinking of this, his heart felt hot.

Countless energy lines were hidden in the virtual space and quickly extended towards Zhang Yun.


But before these energy lines could get close to Zhang Yun, they were all cut off by a sword light.

"Guo Ce, do you really want to fight to the death with me, Gumo City?"

Looking at Guo Ce who looked indifferent, the Lord of Ancient Mo City spoke coldly.

"The Lord of the Ancient City made a strong statement. I have already said that if we cooperate with this fellow Taoist, we cannot let anything happen to him!"

Guo Ce smiled calmly.

"In that case, then go die!"

The Lord of Gumo City gave a cold shout, and countless lines of energy exploded, sweeping out in a large area.

There was a trace of solemnity on Guo Ce's face, and he quickly flipped through the books in his hand, and sword lights filled the air to greet him.

The void trembles.

The two of them started to get serious!

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