Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Across the Southern Territory Chapter 316: Rush out and roar

Bai Meiren, Taoist Hongda and others in the refining stage all had stern expressions on their faces.

As the top Void Refining Stage, it would be quite terrifying for Guo Ce and the Lord of Ancient Mo City to attack with all their strength!

They all hurriedly found a position to prevent being affected!

Among them, the female cultivator in gray robes had a slight gleam in her eyes, and she moved closer to Zhang Yun's direction intentionally or unintentionally.

Zhang Yun noticed it, but didn't have the intention to pay much attention to it at the moment.

The speed at which the Witch Fairy Staff analyzes this heaven-and-earth isolation formation is much slower than the usual analysis of other formations, and it has not yet been completed.

On Kuanglong's side, only the last few of Lan'er, President Lian, Black Demon Ancestor, and Qiandao Ancestor that he summoned have been killed.


Zhang Yun took a deep breath, with the dry immortal power surging in his body, and was ready to fight.


Soon, the last Thousand Island Ancestor was split into two.

A murderous aura that seemed to sweep through the world rushed towards Zhang Yun at this moment.

"Ant, your life must end!"

Kuanglong stared at Zhang Yun coldly and stepped forward step by step.

In Zhang Yun's eyes at this moment, the other party was like a god of death holding a sickle, approaching step by step.

Exciting battle blood!

The blood in his body boiled again, Zhang Yun's whole body turned red, and his face was filled with excitement when facing this murderous intent.

However, he didn't get excited for two seconds. He sensed something and quickly suppressed his excited desire, turned around and rushed towards the transparent light shield of the heaven and earth isolation formation.


Kuanglong smiled disdainfully.

Knowing you are invincible, are you ready to escape?

But it's a pity that you can't escape in front of the heaven and earth isolation formation!

Many people in the Void Refining Stage shook their heads secretly when they saw Zhang Yun's actions.

Under the isolation formation between heaven and earth, no one can escape when the integration period comes.

In their opinion, Zhang Yun's explosion was now at its end and he could no longer maintain the special increase in the secret technique. Knowing that he would die, he could only think of escaping at this moment.

It seems that everything is over soon!

A trace of regret flashed across Taoist Hongda's eyes.

He is quite fond of Zhang Yun.

If the enemy wasn't killing the temple, he wouldn't mind helping, but it's a pity...


At this moment, a crisp sound suddenly sounded at the edge of the mask.

Everyone was startled.

I don't know when, but a long crack appeared on the light mask in front of Zhang Yun.


Everyone was shocked.

what's the situation?

Are there cracks in the isolation formation between heaven and earth? ?

Guo Ce's eyes flashed with surprise when he saw this.

"This is impossible!"

The Lord of Gumo City couldn't believe it.


Before they could think about it, they saw Zhang Yun holding the magic staff and tapping the light shield lightly.


The light shield in front of him suddenly shattered into pieces, leaving a hole several meters wide.

"Everyone, see you again when we are destined!"

Zhang Yun smiled and waved to everyone and rushed out.

"Stop him quickly!!"

The Lord of Gumo City roared wildly.

"Don't even think about leaving!!"

Kuanglong reacted quickly, regardless of the shock, and rushed at full speed.

Darkness is coming!

But at this moment, a darkness directly enveloped the mouth.

"Get out of here!"

Kuang Long swept away the darkness with a murderous aura.

It was just that the darkness was dispelled, and Zhang Yun had long disappeared. At the same time, the broken mask opening healed strangely and quickly.


At this moment, a figure that had approached there at some unknown time quickly rushed out through the half-healed hole.

It is the female cultivator in gray robe!


Bai Meiren, Taoist Hongda and other people in the Void Refining Stage also reacted and tried to rush out, but it was too late.

The light shield healed quickly after the gray-robed female cultivator rushed out.

Even Kuanglong couldn't rush out before the light shield healed.


The murderous aura fell under the healing light shield and was directly bounced back, shaking Kuanglong's body.

"Asshole! How could this happen!?"

Looking at the completely healed mask, Kuang Long couldn't help but understand.

This is the isolation formation between heaven and earth that cannot be broken even in the combined stage. Now a peak Nascent Soul stage that has not even reached the god transformation stage has been broken?

What a joke! !


The Lord of Gumo City could no longer remain calm when he saw this.

Arrange a banquet, join forces with Kuanglong and Ankang Laomo, and arrange the isolation formation between heaven and earth...

Under such an arrangement, if Zhang Yun is still allowed to run away, then his old face will have nowhere to go!

Seeing that he was going crazy, Guo Ce decisively chose to retreat.

Now that Zhang Yun has escaped, there is no need for him to linger any longer.

The Lord of Gumo City wanted to kill him, but he didn't want to pay much attention at the moment. He took out a formation plate and said, "Open!"

With a falling sound, the transparent light shield covering the surrounding area was suddenly opened.

Bai Meiren, Taoist Hongda and others in the Void Refining Stage breathed a sigh of relief.

Although I didn’t get out in time, it would be great if I could get out!

"What an Ancient Ink City! What an Ancient Ink City City Lord! He actually teamed up with the old demon in the Void Refining Stage and the Deputy Lord of the Killing Temple. They invited him privately and said they were attending a banquet, but in fact they set up traps such as the isolation formation to ambush the guests and rob them. I’ve seen a lot of things about guests today!”

At this moment, an icy roar resounded throughout Gumo City.

In the outer pavilion, in the hall where the Wanted List Conference was held, many monks gathered here heard it.

"what's the situation?"

"Who is talking?"

"The lords of Gumo City jointly killed the temple and set up traps to kill the guests?"

"Wait a minute, the lord of Gumo City, the deputy lord of the Killing Temple, Kuang Long, and the person who just contradicted him are not here!"

"Oh my God, is this real?"

"Isn't this too insidious in Gumo City?"

"Let's go, let's go!!"

The whole hall suddenly became chaotic, and many monks rushed to leave.

Dare to openly yell like this in Gumo City, which means that this matter is probably true.

Although I don’t know how the other party escaped from such a killing situation, the fact that Gumo City did this made many monks feel scared.

After all, if Gumo City takes action against them, they don't think they have a chance to escape.

The top priority is to leave Gumo City!

With one sentence, Gumo City fell into quite a bit of chaos under the night sky.

When the people in the Lianxu period who had just escaped from the trap heard this roar, they all opened their mouths in shock.

Unexpectedly, before Zhang Yun left, he would still have time to say this.

"Damn bastard——!!"

The lord of Gumo City was furious.

Although in the turbulent world, fighting and looting are normal. But as the organizer of the Wanted List Conference, it is unacceptable for Gumo City to do this kind of thing to participating guests in private.

Once this incident comes out, it is likely that future wanted list conferences will not be held.

At least it will be difficult for them to do it again in Gumo City.

The lord of Gumo City rushed out crazily.

At this moment, he only had one idea, tear Zhang Yun apart! !

The streets of Gumo City at night.

"What's going on with this kid?"

Su Die, the leader of the Lingxian Sect, and others who were preparing to ambush the Qian Shen Sect and others were all confused when they heard this voice.

Why did Zhang Yun suddenly roar?

Wait, the words say that the Lord of Ancient Mo City teamed up with the old devil in the Void Refining Stage and the Deputy Lord of the Killing Temple to set up a killing plan...

He could still speak at this moment. Did Zhang Yun escape from this killing situation?

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