Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Across the Southern Territory Chapter 318 An unexpected gain


There are actually hundreds of corpses in the space of these storage rings!

Most importantly, it contained the corpses of a group of desert witches.

Yes, a bunch of them!

Zhang Yun counted them carefully and found that there were as many as fifty. And one of them shocked him after scanning it with the Immortal Eye Technique——

[Desert Demon Queen Corpse]

Introduction: The desert witch contains the blood of the desert witch queen. She was in the realm of Xiaocheng in the Void Refining Stage during her lifetime.

Void refining period!

This turned out to be the corpse of a Desert Demon Queen in the Void Refining Stage! !

Plus more than forty corpses of ordinary desert witches...

"It's so big!"

Zhang Yun's mood at this moment was even more exciting than when he ransacked the treasure house at the South Treasure Pavilion headquarters.

Because the value of these dozens of corpses has exceeded the sum of the resources in the treasure house of the South Treasure Pavilion Headquarters.

"Zong...sect leader?"

An uneasy voice came from Qingfeng.

Zhang Yun came to his senses and immediately spoke to Er Zi: "Put him down!"

The second son immediately put down his love affair.

"Deacon Qing, you did a great job this time!"

Zhang Yun stepped forward and patted Qingfeng on the shoulder, directly took a million spiritual stones and a few high-quality elixirs and put them in a storage ring and handed it out, saying: "These are rewards for you!"


Qingfeng opened her mouth.

Don't you want accountability? Is this changing too quickly?

"Thank you, Master!"

Although he didn't know what good thing Zhang Yun got, Qingfeng couldn't help but be happy and grateful when he saw the millions of spiritual stones in the storage ring.

"Go back and have a good rest. If you need any resources for practice, you can always come to me!"

Zhang Yun smiled and waved his hand, sending Qingfeng back to the other party's room in Xianbao Pavilion.

Looking at Erzi who was a little confused, Zhang Yun smiled and handed the other person a storage ring containing a lot of blood-attribute spiritual fruit and elixir: "I'm tired of maintaining the shared vision. Eat something to replenish your energy!"

"Thank you, sir!"

Erzi was a little surprised, but his eyes lit up when he saw the spiritual fruit in the storage ring.

Having a bat spirit body, he is different from normal monks. Ordinary monks rely on spiritual stones for daily practice, but he maintains his practice by eating spiritual fruit elixirs with blood attributes.

Zhang Yun was in a very good mood, and at this moment he carefully inspected the bodies of several storage rings.

In addition to the corpses of this group of desert witches, the other corpses were mostly from alien races. Such as fishmen, orcs, etc.

It is a pity that the only corpse that has reached the void refining stage is the Desert Demon Queen. However, there are five bodies in the transformation stage. Two were humans, two were orcs, and one was a desert witch.

"Is this old demon Ankang a small tribe who hunted and killed a desert witch..."

After inspecting the corpses of fifty desert witches, Zhang Yun couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. They found that their strength ranged from the foundation building stage to the void refining stage.

But what made him feel a little distressed was that many of the corpses of these desert witches were not complete.

For example, this one in the transformation stage is missing a pair of arms and the most important heart. One-third of the other desert witch corpses had no hearts.

Looking at this posture, it was probably Ankang Laomo who took it out and traded it.

Fortunately, the desert demon queen in the Void Refining Stage was well preserved. Ankang Laomo also specially arranged a special crystal coffin for this corpse, which contained multiple formations to prevent the corpse from decaying.

Ankang Laomo obviously had a special purpose in preserving this corpse.

Based on its urinary properties, it is probably being used for research.

Collecting so many corpses of various races and placing them in the storage ring...

"What an old pervert!"

Thinking of the scene he saw in the opponent's lair, Zhang Yun complained. At the same time, he glanced at the corpses in the storage ring and said: "I have avenged you. I will borrow your corpses. I think you won't mind!"

With that said, he took out the body of the desert witch who was missing her heart and arms, and called out to the summoning platform.

He wanted to determine how many desert witches could be summoned without a heart.

The most important thing is whether the summoned desert witch has a heart.


He immediately waved his hand.

brush! brush! brush! …

Soon, five identical desert witches came out of the summoning platform.

After they came back to life, each of them had a pair of breathtaking purple eyes, and their graceful figures under their gauze skirts exuded a mysterious charm.

【Desert Witch】(Summoning Creatures)

Realm: Divine Transformation Stage Dacheng

Physique: Charming Spirit Body, Sand Soul Body

Talent: Charm - can cause any intelligent creature to become nervously addicted and fall into endless fascination. Sand Control - Can turn all kinds of things except living things into gravel for control.

Kung Fu and combat skills practiced: Night Charm, Crazy Sandstorm Dance...

Weakness: If the demon's heart is destroyed, it will be destroyed directly. Fear of various energies that can corrode the soul (such as demonic energy, returning energy, etc.)

Lasting time: 1 day

Zhang Yun glanced with the Immortal Eye Technique and nodded slightly.

"Sha...Sha Lan!!"

At this time, an exclamation suddenly came from his ears.

Zhang Yun was startled when he saw Erzi, who was munching on the spiritual fruit at the side, seeing the desert witch. The spiritual fruit in his hand dropped to the ground in shock, his face full of astonishment.

"you know?"

Zhang Yun asked.

Erzi woke up after hearing the words, looked at these five identical desert witches, swallowed his saliva, and explained: "Sir, she is Sha Lan. She is a deacon in the Ziyue Desert of the Lingsha Realm. I represent the Bats of Ultimate City. Mai once made a deal with her!"

"Purple Moon Desert?"

Zhang Yun was surprised.

He had seen this force on the hunting list of the Wanted List Conference before, and it was the top force in the Central Region.

The Lord of Ziyue Desert ranked seventeenth on that list, two places higher than the leader of the Wandering Spirit Sect.

"You said this woman is from Ziyue Desert?"

"Yes, sir!"

Zhang Yun asked: "Then how did she die?"


Erzi shook his head, "Sir, I don't know that either. In my mind, she's not dead yet. Because the last time I saw her was when I made a deal with her five years ago, and I haven't seen her since!"

Zhang Yun thought for a moment after hearing this, then waved his hand to take out all the corpses of the desert witch from the storage ring, "Look, do you know anyone here?"

Erzi was startled, and after a quick glance, he pointed out the many corpses, "Sir, they were the subordinates who were with Sha Lan at that time!"

"Are they all from the Ziyue Desert?"


Seeing the affirmation on Erzi's face, Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows slightly.

I didn't expect these desert witches to have such a background, but how did Ankang old demon kill them?

Ziyue Desert is a top power. Although Ankang Laomo is strong, it is not enough to face such a top force. Unless he relies on the Demon Sealing Sect behind him...

Zhang Yun thought, looked at Erzi and asked, "Wait a minute, have you heard that the Demon Sealing Sect took action against Ziyue Desert?"

"Sir, I have never heard of such a thing!"

Erzi shook his head.

Zhang Yun frowned slightly.

Then he shook his head.

No matter how Old Demon Ankang did it, these corpses belong to him now.

The five summoned desert witches now allowed him to determine the body of the desert witch with the heart missing. At most five could be summoned at the same time.

There is a heart in everyone!

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