Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Across the Southern Territory Chapter 319 Self-destruction comes with a fragrant wind

Zhang Yun tried to let a desert witch take out the heart.

As soon as she took it out, she saw that the desert witch's entire body turned into energy, converging on the heart.

[Heart of the Desert Witch] (God Transformation Stage)

Introduction: The core of the Desert Witch contains pure vitality and pure energy. Absorbing it can extend lifespan, improve strength, and help integrate power during the refining period.

Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows and asked the second desert witch to also take out the heart.

The result was the same. The Desert Witch turned into energy, leaving only a heart.

He understood.

The desert witch summoned by the summoning platform can indeed generate extra hearts as he expected. But once the heart is taken out, the corresponding desert witch will also turn into energy and blend into it.

It is equivalent to a desert witch corpse missing a heart. After summoning, it can summon five, turning into five desert witch hearts.

Zhang Yun immediately summoned the complete corpse of the desert witch.

Ten beautiful figures walked out.

This confirmed her.

The complete corpse of the Desert Witch with a heart is the same as a human being. Up to ten can be summoned at the same time. When transformed into the heart of the Desert Witch, there are ten hearts!

However, this is only limited to desert witches above the Nascent Soul stage. The demon heart of the desert demon girl under the Nascent Soul stage is not fully developed, and the same situation is the same when she is summoned.

But even so.

Zhang Yun calculated that if all the desert witch corpses on his body were to be transformed into desert witch hearts, he could produce about two hundred of them.

According to the previous bid price given by the Lord of Gumo City, a fifty million spirit stone is a total of ten billion!

And this is based on the demonic heart of the desert demon girl in the Nascent Soul stage.

The value of the desert demon succubus demon heart in the god transformation stage and the void refining stage can be increased several times!


Zhang Yun took a deep breath.

Even though he had a lot of resources now, he was still shocked by this number.

After all, the bounty for Long Fenghua, who is number one on the human hunting list, is only 10 billion spirit stones!

The summoning platform is simply a wealth-making machine!

"Don't know what the third talent is?"

Zhang Yun is also looking forward to the third talent that is still being cultivated.

"By the way, the fourth talent can also be planted!"

Thinking of something, Zhang Yun hurriedly entered the Immortal Master World and came to the talent planting field.

The second talent was planted before, and now there is a vacant spot in the field.

Without hesitation, Zhang Yun immediately appointed his fourth disciple Wu Haihai and then took out a large amount of resources.

"Put you two in!"

After thinking about it, I put in the two hearts of desert witches in the transformation stage that I just got.

To be honest, the resources he put into the previous three talents are actually a bit lacking now. This time he's going to do something big.

In addition to these two desert witch hearts, he put in resources worth nearly 100 million spiritual stones.

The heart of the desert witch in the transformation stage is worth 100 million per heart. Two hearts are worth 200 million. In addition, this is a resource of 300 million spirit stones!

"Let me see what you can grow!"

Zhang Yun started planting with anticipation.

A bud appeared in the planting field, and a countdown appeared on it - '2189 days 23:59:59'

"Six...six years??"

Just seeing the time, the corner of his mouth suddenly twitched.

There are still a few months left for the third talent, and he feels like it’s a long time, these six years...

Well, it’s actually pretty fast!

"Did I improve too quickly?"

Zhang Yun touched his nose.

After all, it has only been about a year since he came to this world.

In the Immortal Continent, it is normal for other monks to stay in seclusion for a few years or more.

"I still haven't adjusted my sense of time!"

Zhang Yun sighed.

But soon his expression was shocked: "Wait, let me adjust the wool? You can become stronger quickly, why do you have to slow down?"

I wanted to quickly get rid of the new thought.

How can we be homogenized by this world?

Zhang Yun took a deep breath.

Others are still in the Nascent Soul stage for hundreds of years and thousands of years, and that is someone else. What he wants to do is himself. For hundreds of years, he will become an immortal!

Thinking about it, a trace of determination appeared in his eyes.

Become an immortal!

Develop the No. 1 Immortal Sect into the No. 1 force in the Immortal Continent!

This is the path he has decided to take next!


After taking a long breath, Zhang Yun came back to his senses and looked at the six-year countdown to the talent cultivation field...

"We have to find a way to shorten it!"

Touched his chin.

The excitement of the battle was completed ahead of schedule, which made him certain that once this talent was planted, it would cause some changes in his body.

"Find some time and look for it with Shui'er and Haihai!"

he thought.

Since his body has changed, Yu Shui'er and Wu Haihai, who are his designated planting targets, must also be there. As long as he determines what changes have occurred in the same way between him and his two apprentices, he will undoubtedly be able to find a way to speed up planting!

Return to Xianbao Pavilion.

Looking at the three desert witches in the transformation stage and the ten desert witches in the Nascent Soul stage in front of him, Zhang Yun pondered for a moment and asked them to stay for the time being.

It can last for a day, so there is no rush to turn them into hearts now.

There is also the corpse of the Desert Demon Queen in the Void Refining Stage...

Zhang Yun looked at the beautiful corpse in the crystal coffin, touched his chin, and looked outside.

The group of bats on the moonlit night where we are at this moment is still flying in the night sky of Gumo City.

Through the vision shared by the two sons, it can be seen that there is chaos in Gumo City at this moment.

Just because of one thing...

Lock down the city!

The sky above the huge Ancient Mo City under the night was completely enveloped by a huge barrier.

In just a moment, Gumo City has opened a city protection formation, prohibiting everyone in the city from leaving.

This also triggered resistance from many monks.

The monks who hang out in the turbulent world are all licking blood with the tip of their swords.

It's impossible to get them to follow the rules. Especially after Zhang Yun's previous roar let everyone know that Gumo City was attacking the guests of the wanted list conference.

Closing the city at this moment is simply telling everyone that Gumo City wants to keep everyone here!

In this case, all the rules about not destroying the buildings in the city were forgotten.

Many monks broke out collectively, and the entire Gumo City was in chaos.

Zhang Yun smiled slightly when he saw this.

He is happy to see the chaos in Gumo City!

As for Su Die and others, he is not worried, because by sensing the location of the three Thousand Island Ancestors summoned by the summoning platform, he has determined that Su Die and others have left Ancient Mo City.

The advance plan was to take action outside the city. Su Die and others had probably killed the Qian Shen Cult and his party outside the city.

With three Qiandao Ancestors in the half-step Void Refining Stage here, it shouldn't be difficult to deal with the Qian Shen Sect and his party.

After thinking for a while, Zhang Yun said: "Control the moonlit bat swarm and move towards the edge of the city!"

"Yes, sir!"

The second son next to him nodded quickly.

The bat swarm outside immediately turned around and headed towards a direction outside the city along the night sky. I met many monks along the way, and some noticed the bats, but ignored them.

A low-level swarm of bats not worth caring about.

But they didn't care, Zhang Yun still let Erzi control a part of the Moon Night Bat that was affected by the aftermath of the monks' battle.

By the time they flew all the way to the edge of the city, there were only about twenty of the group of moonlit bats left.

The current location is at the edge of the city wall of Ancient Mo City.

After confirming that there were no monks in the Void Refining Stage nearby, Zhang Yun asked the Hidden Witch to put a layer of Hidden Witch power on himself and the Witch Fairy staff, and then placed the staff on the city protection formation at the edge of the city.

Analysis completed!

Soon feeling the message from the Witch Fairy's staff, Zhang Yun's lips curved.

He glanced at the chaotic city behind him and thought for a moment.

It's not his style to leave like this after being tricked!

"I have to give you some fun!"

Zhang Yun narrowed his eyes slightly and placed half of the body of the Desert Demon Queen in the Xianbao Pavilion on the summoning platform.

Soon, five graceful figures walked out from the summoning platform with enchanting steps.


Facing the fragrant wind, looking at these five graceful figures with alluring charm, Zhang Yun took a deep breath, suppressed the hot feeling in his lower abdomen, and commanded three of them, "Go find the Lord of Gumo City and Kuang Long and his party. , give them some fun!”


Three beautiful figures responded.

With a wave of Zhang Yun's hand, after leaving the Xianbao Pavilion, they turned into three ghosts in the dark night and headed towards the three streets in the city.

Wherever they passed, the fragrant breeze blew by, and the many monks who were fighting each other looked dumbfounded.


In the next second, both eyes turned red, as if they were fighting for a peerless treasure, they frantically began to attack the surrounding buildings. Among them were many monks from Ancient Mo City, who were also attacking their own buildings.

The already chaotic streets suddenly became shaky and buildings continued to collapse.

As for the three beautiful figures, they quickly moved towards the depths of the city.

Zhang Yun felt a little bit of pain when he saw this.

These are three hearts of desert witches in the void refining stage!

Shaking his head, he immediately picked up the magic staff and swept it towards the city defense formation.

A gap suddenly appeared in the large formation barrier in front of him.


Zhang Yun was about to walk out when his eyes suddenly froze and he shouted coldly to a street corner: "Come out!"

"My senses are really sharp. I accidentally exposed my breath and you noticed it..."

A calm female voice sounded.

I saw the mysterious gray-robed female cultivator who had previously competed with Zhang Yun for the Witch Fairy Staff at the Wanted List Conference, walking out from the corner of the street.

"You followed me all the way?"

Zhang Yun narrowed his eyes.

When he escaped from the Heaven and Earth Isolation Formation before, he noticed that the other party also rushed out. But after turning on Nightfall and rushing out, I didn't sense the opponent's aura, thinking that the opponent had left from another direction.

At the moment, it seems that the other party may have been hiding and following the Moon Night Bat Group all the way.

He didn't even notice the whole process!

Zhang Yun was wary.

"I have no intention of being your enemy, I just want to talk to you!"

The gray-robed female cultivator spoke calmly.

Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows, "What do you want to talk about?"

"This is not the place for conversation!"

The gray-robed female cultivator glanced at the three streets and asked curiously: "The three figures you just released should be the same as the summoned people you released in the heaven and earth isolation formation before, right?"

Zhang Yun didn't answer.

But in the eyes of the gray-robed female cultivator, it was acquiescence, and she continued: "I don't know what you want to do, but Gumo City is not that simple. If there is any more movement, that person will probably be alerted. Jin It’s hard to leave now!”

Hearing this, Zhang Yun's eyes narrowed.

The person the other party was talking about was obviously the real controller of Gumo City.

"If you can follow me, let's talk!"

As soon as he thought of this, Zhang Yun said something and commanded the brush to write the word "quickly", which turned into a bolt of lightning in the dark night and quickly rushed out of the gap in the barrier.

The female cultivator in gray robe followed immediately.

Just as they rushed out of the gap one after another, a strong figure suddenly opened his eyes on the top floor of a tall building in Gumo City.

"Pavilion Master, someone rushed out of the city defense formation in the west direction!!"

Mouth exclaimed.

"What did you say?"

On the side, the Lord of Gumo City, who was scanning the surroundings of Gumo City with his spiritual consciousness, suddenly opened his eyes and realized something before the strong figure responded: "Damn!!"

Cursing in his mouth, he glanced at Kuang Long, who was also searching in the distance, and yelled: "Ximian!"

As he spoke, he swept towards the west at full speed.

"In the west!"

After hearing this, Kuanglong from afar immediately rushed out with several of the God-forming stages of the Killing Temple behind him.

"Did you discover your whereabouts?"

In a restaurant not far away that was not disturbed by the chaos, Bai Meiren, Taoist Hongda and others in the Void Refining Stage raised their eyebrows upon seeing this.

"But something seems to be coming first!"

Guo Ce was sitting at a table in the restaurant, holding a black book in his hand. He suddenly sensed something and looked up to the west.


A trace of doubt flashed across the eyes of Bai Meiren, Taoist Hongda and others in the Void Refining Stage.

Soon, a refreshing fragrance drifted in from the west.

Look up.

I saw three graceful and charming figures, speeding from the three streets to the west, stopping in front of the Lord of Gumo City and Kuanglong and his party.

"Refining the void period?"

Feeling the breath of these three beautiful figures, everyone present during the Void Refining Period was startled.

"Exactly the same?"

Soon they saw clearly the appearance of the three beautiful figures, as well as the identical charming aura, and there was a trace of surprise on their faces.

"I actually hid such a skill. It seems that I might have been too sentimental before!"

Guo Ce suddenly smiled faintly when he saw this, and turned the book in his hand to a silver page.

"We have to take the first step!"

His fingers paused slightly, Guo Ce raised his head and smiled, and the void around him suddenly cracked. His whole body lay directly back, completely submerged into the shattered void, and disappeared.

"Running so fast, something bad is bound to happen!"

Taoist Hongda's expression changed when he saw this, and he rushed out of the restaurant and galloped away as fast as he could.

But a figure was faster than him.

I saw a pair of tender white wings growing out of the white beauty's back, which turned into a stream of white light and rushed out.

"Damn, angel spirits are amazing!"

Taoist Hongda twitched the corner of his mouth.

But while running away into the distance, he couldn't help but look back.


He was frightened to death at this sight, and he immediately ran away as hard as he could.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! …

At the same time, the city lord of Gumo City, Kuang Long, the killer of the Killing Temple and everyone else present were also running away like crazy.

Just because of the three charming figures that came with the fragrant wind, the moment they saw the Lord of Gumo City, Kuang Long and his entourage, the energy in their bodies began to expand and explode without hesitation.


Three people in the Void Refining Stage are going to blow themselves up when they meet! !


This is what everyone present is thinking at the moment.

"Damn, stop running here, can you change the direction!!"

Taoist Hongda ran wildly, but when he saw Kuanglong and his entourage followed by the swollen figure, madly approaching in his direction, he was so mad that he couldn't help but curse.

But Kuanglong and his party missed him and rushed forward crazily!

The beautiful figures behind them, as well as the two figures following the lord of Gumo City on the other side, all swelled to the top at this moment.

As the three rays of "buzz buzz" shine in the night.

The terrifying energy that seemed to destroy the world swept through Gumo City in an instant...

"Two chapters combined into one~"

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