Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Across the Southern Territory Chapter 325 The Land of Magic Sand

Zhang Yun got straight to the point, "I'm already in. What do I have to do to let my clan leader go?"

"You just need to do what I say next, and your clan leader will appear in front of you safely!"

A cold voice came.

"What do you mean?"

Zhang Yun frowned.

"I think you also know that the Demon Realm Square is one of the places where the demons practice!"

A cold voice sounded, "There are many demons and demons practicing in this place. I need you to help me get some things now!"

Zhang Yun frowned slightly when he heard this: "You won't attack me?"

"Why should I attack you?"

The cold voice said with a hint of smile: "You and I have no grudges. What I'm doing with you now is just a deal. If you help me get what I want, I will return your clan leader to you!"

"Who are you?"

"You don't need to know this!"

The cold voice said: "Now follow my command. No matter where you are now, or where you are in the city, just go west. When you walk out, you will see a sandy land. When you get to the sandy land, I will tell you what to do next!"

After that, the other party hung up.

Zhang Yun frowned.

He thought the other party wanted to kill him or capture him, so he deliberately staged a scene with the leader of Jiuxing Village, hoping that his weak fighting power could lure the other party out.

But he never expected that the other party actually wanted him to come in and get something.

But did the other party trust his strength so much?

Did they already investigate him?

Zhang Yun frowned slightly.

He guessed that the other party might be the Taoist of Wunian City, but if he was from Wunian City, there was no reason for the other party to investigate him.

After all, he had no connection with Wunian City before.

Could it be that the leader who was captured was not from Wunian City?

Who was he then?

Zhang Yun was a little confused for a while.


He gritted his teeth. This was the first time he felt so troubled about something since he came to this world.


If it was someone else, it would be fine, but he couldn't ignore the safety of the leader of Lingxian Sect!

Although this leader was sometimes pitfalls, he was still very good to him overall.

Perhaps it was because he showed enough talent, but it did not prevent him from being grateful to the leader of the Lingxian Sect.

"Damn, give the leader a protective amulet in the future!"

Zhang Yun took a deep breath. Without hesitation, he headed westward.

Since he couldn't guess the other party's identity, he would find a way to catch the other party. He didn't believe that the other party could hide without leaving any traces!

In addition, he also wanted to see what the other party wanted him to take!

Yuanmo City, outside an entrance to the Demon World Square.

"This guy is too impulsive!"

Su Die couldn't help frowning when she saw that she couldn't contact him for a long time with the sound transmission jade card.

If she couldn't contact him at the distance provided by the sound transmission jade card, there was only one possibility, that Zhang Yun had entered the Demon World Square.

The Demon World Square is very special. Once you enter it, all communication tools will be isolated from the outside world.

If you want to contact someone in it, you must also enter the Demon World Square.

"Let's go, let's go in!"

After trying to contact again without success, Su Die spoke in a deep voice.

"Miss, no!" Su Yiyuan, who was standing by, quickly dissuaded him: "Once you enter, it won't be easy to get out. Let's wait for some more people..." "Don't talk nonsense! If you are willing to come in with me, come in. If you are not willing, just stay outside!" Su Die interrupted him directly and headed for the entrance. "This..." Su Yiyuan opened his mouth. "It seems that our young lady already has someone she belongs to!" The second floor owner of the Aurora Building sighed and followed him in. "Belonging..." Hearing this, Su Yiyuan was silent, looking at the entrance in front of him with a trace of unwillingness in his eyes, gritted his teeth and followed him in. ... Demon World Square, in the alley of the city. "Zhang Yun, didn't I tell you to wait for us?"

Hearing the roar of the woman coming from the sound transmission jade card, Zhang Yun trembled and responded helplessly: "Beautiful Su, I can't do anything. I was monitored as soon as I arrived. If I don't go in directly, the other party will kill me!"


Su Die was silent for a while, and asked in a calm tone: "Where are you now?"

Zhang Yun glanced around, feeling the dusty breath floating in the distance, and said: "I came in from the east entrance of the city, and now I have gone deep into the Demon World Square. I should be almost at the Demon Sand Land!"

Before coming, he had already learned the route from the owner of Jiuxing Village, and also learned about some important places in the Demon World Square.

The sandy land that the owner of the indifferent voice asked to go to is one of the famous demon cultivation places in the Demon World Square, the Demon Sand Land!

"What are you doing there?"

"The guy who kidnapped the leader asked me to come here and asked me to help him get something..."


Su Die thought about it for a moment, as if she had thought of something, "Damn, that guy wouldn't ask you to get the evil shadow magic branch, would he?"

"Evil shadow magic branch?"

Zhang Yun looked puzzled.

Su Die said in a deep voice: "That is one of the treasures of the demon clan left by the original demon, left ten thousand meters deep in the demon sand land, and it is said to be a reward for the demon clan!"

"Demon clan treasure?"

Zhang Yun's expression was slightly condensed.

The leader of Jiuxing Village had not mentioned this to him before, well, he didn't ask.

He only knew that this land of magic sand was a place for demons to practice, and it was filled with magic sand. Simply put, it was a kind of gravel formed by the fusion of demonic energy and sand. It is more destructive than ordinary gravel and can also corrode skin and flesh.

But at the same time, it is also an excellent thing to exercise the body.

Many monks majoring in physical fitness have come here to temper their bodies.

But they are only on the outskirts of the Magic Sand Land.

Because the farther inward, the more and denser the magic sand becomes. There were once some monks who did not believe in evil and went deep into the land of magic sand. And most of these monks never came out again!

Is this really going to get the evil shadow branch that is ten thousand meters deep?

Zhang Yun's mouth twitched as he thought about it, and he had already walked out of the city. In front of him was a huge piece of sand dyed black. At first glance, there is a dim scene of wild sand dancing.

But you can see many monks walking among them with their naked upper bodies, bearing the blows of the flying dark magic sand.

Zhang Yun looked at this scene and immediately picked up the sound transmission jade tablet, "I'm here, what next?"

"Go deep into it and get the evil shadow branch!"

An indifferent voice came.

"I'll get out of here, uncle!"

When Zhang Yun heard this, he immediately cursed: "If you want me to die, just come here. If you want me to die by myself, just have your big dream! At worst, your grandson will kill the sect leader, and I will chase your grandson to the ends of the world -!" !”


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