Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Across the Southern Territory Chapter 326 Lottery Organization


It seems that Zhang Yun didn't expect such a big reaction. The owner of the indifferent voice opened his mouth, and he didn't know how to reply for a while.

"Grandson, if you want to kill the sect leader, please give me a warm word!"

Zhang Yun hummed when he saw that he was silent.

The owner of the indifferent voice came back to his senses after hearing this and said angrily: "Do you really want your sect leader to die?"

"I don't want to! But I won't die for the sect master!"

Zhang Yun said coldly: "If you are brave, your grandson will take over the sect master. Let's see if I can catch you in the future!"

"you wanna die!"

"Come and kill me if you can. I'm waiting for you at the entrance of the Magic Sand Land!"

After Zhang Yun hummed, he hung up the jade token.

In the Demon Realm Square, in a dimly lit room between buildings.

Wearing a luxurious silk green robe and a green mask on his face, the man looked at the jade jade plaque that was hung up in his hand and felt a little unbelievable.

How dare this guy take the initiative to kill him?

Do you really not care about the life and death of the leader of Lingxian Sect?

"Rabbits can bite people when they are in a hurry, let alone a strong man who has the ability to escape from the siege during the Void Refining Stage!"

A voice sounded from the corner of the room, where an old man in gray clothes was lying on a chair and said calmly: "Stop playing charades with him and tell him the situation directly!"

The man in the green mask frowned slightly.

"No matter what grudge you have against this person, put it aside for now!"

The old man in gray robe said calmly: "Our mission on this trip is the most important. Let this person test the Cai Organization. It can also be used to observe this person's true strength and pave the way for your future revenge!"

"I will obey your orders!"

The man in the green mask raised his hand to the old man in gray robe and picked up the sound transmission jade tablet to make contact.

The entrance to the Magic Sand Land.


Looking at the sound transmission jade tablet that sounded again, Zhang Yun felt a little relieved.

The scolding he just had was actually a gamble.

Bet that the opponent needs to use him to achieve some goal, and before that, he will not really tear up the leader of Lingxian Sect.

The most important thing is that he doesn't want to be led by the other party's nose all the time.

This curse is to send a signal to the other party. If you really push him into a hurry, the leader of the Lingxian Sect can give up!

"Grandson, what should I do if I contact your uncle again?"

Zhang Yun opened the sound transmission jade tablet, curled his lips and spoke.

The man in the green mask twitched his mouth when he heard this. He wanted to kill Zhang Yun immediately, but he still suppressed his anger.

The tone remained indifferent: "You may have misunderstood what I said before. Asking you to get the Evil Shadow Demonic Branch does not mean that you go deep into the 10,000-meter depth of the Demonic Sand Land.

According to the news I got here, the Evil Shadow Magic Branch has now fallen into the hands of a group of people. This group of people is now in the area five to six hundred meters inside the magic sand land. I want you to snatch the Evil Shadow Branch from their hands, that’s all! "

"Do you think I'm an idiot?"

Zhang Yun snorted coldly when he heard this: "The person who can penetrate ten thousand meters into the magic sand land to get the evil shadow magic branch must be a super strong person? Grab it from them, why don't you let me die directly?"

"The opponent has some strength, but this is the Demon Realm Square. Here, the opponent's cultivation level is the same as yours. The most important thing is that they are not the evil shadow branches obtained by going ten thousand meters into the Demon Sand Land."

The man in the green mask explained: "Some changes occurred in the magic sand land not long ago, and the evil shadow magic branch moved to an area of ​​two thousand meters. The group of people can get it, which is considered to be some luck!"

Zhang Yun frowned slightly.

"Your sect master is intact now..."

The man in the green mask said again: "As long as you get the evil shadow branch, I can immediately trade people with you for things!"

Zhang Yun asked: "Who is that group of people?"

"This is their image."

As the sound transmission jade tablet flashed, a picture emerged.

The picture shows the image of a group of more than ten people, all wearing black robes. The only difference is that they are wearing red, blue, yellow and green masks, all of which are different colors.

"Get the Evil Shadow Magic Branch as soon as possible!"

There was a sound, and the sound transmission was interrupted.

Zhang Yun frowned slightly.

It is possible to explore the five to six hundred meter area of ​​the Magic Sand Land.

After thinking about it, I contacted Su Die, mainly asking about the situation of the Evil Shadow Demonic Branch and the identity of the person just now.

"The evil shadow branch moved to an area of ​​2,000 meters, and someone got it?"

Su Die was a little confused when he heard this, shook his head and said: "I really don't know this. In the original Demon City, most demon cultivators pay more attention to it, but my eyeliner doesn't pay much attention...

As for the group of people in the video, judging from their attire, they should be members of the Cai Organization! "

"Color organization?"

Zhang Yun was confused.

"This is a very special force organization. Not many people in the Central Territory know who the founder is, but its members range from top force disciples to ordinary casual cultivators. There are all kinds of people. If I have to say it, the Cai organization is quite To a group of mercenaries!"

Su Die explained: "They will issue various commissioned tasks and provide corresponding rewards. Members can accept them if they like them. Wearing masks of various colors is a requirement for members of the Cai Organization when performing tasks! "

Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows, "So, these ten people now are members of the Cai organization who are performing tasks?"

"It looks similar!"

Su Die said: "Zhang Yun, don't act rashly. People from the Cai organization come from all walks of life. Since they dare to enter the Demon Realm Square to perform tasks, it means they are all experts who are well adapted to this place. It is not easy to deal with them here!"

Then he added: "I'm leading people to your side, wait for us!"

"I'm afraid I can't wait any longer..."

Zhang Yun looked at the sound-transmitting jade plaque that made a tinkling sound and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Open it after hanging up with Su Die.

The green masked man's voice suddenly came out: "There are many exits inside the Magic Sand Land, and that group of people has already begun to move. If they are allowed to escape from the Magic Sand Land, your sect master's life will be ended!"

After speaking, the other party hung up without giving Zhang Yun a chance to respond.

Zhang Yun frowned.

Knowing that the other party was forcing him to enter immediately.

After thinking about it, I finally stepped into the land of magic sand.

In this place where he was also suppressed in the Qi refining stage, he really didn't fear anyone!

The moment you enter the land of magic sand.

Large tracts of dark magic sand are coming towards you.

Although his cultivation is suppressed, all kinds of energy in his body can still be used, but the power is much weaker.

He immediately circulated a layer of dark blue witchcraft around his body, blocking the magic sand in front of him.

This outermost magic sand is not very powerful, and even if a monk whose true realm is only in the Qi refining stage comes, it can still block it.

But after reaching within thirty meters, the density of the magic sand began to increase.

When it reaches 100 meters.

The witchcraft power all over his body showed signs of breaking apart, but it could still be maintained.

In addition, there were many monks gathered around, all naked at the moment, sitting cross-legged in this area and letting the magic sand beat on their bodies.

Zhang Yun didn't pay attention to these people and moved forward quickly.

The further he moved forward, the greater the resistance, and he had to release his return energy and add witchcraft power to block it.

Just when he was about three hundred meters deep;

"He who comes is stopped!"

A faint voice came from the front.

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