Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Across the Southern Territory Chapter 327 Seeds

Zhang Yun was startled.

I saw a scarred man with a naked upper body standing a few meters in front of him, and said to him calmly: "The area ahead is temporarily reserved. If you want to go deep into the magic sand land, take a detour and go in another direction!"

Hearing this, Zhang Yun couldn't help but look inward.

Although there is a large area of ​​dark magic sand covering it, you can still vaguely see many figures gathering inside, as if they are digging for something.

"I'll just pass by!"

Zhang Yun didn't want to waste time by getting involved with the other party, so he just said something and bypassed the other party.

But the man with the scar took the initiative to block it, and his tone became cold: "Don't you understand the human language? I asked you to take a detour and go in another direction. The area in front has been reserved by our Vajra Alliance!"

"It doesn't matter to me whether you can book the venue or not, I'm just passing by, don't block me!"

Zhang Yun glanced at the other party lightly.

That indifference made the scarred man tremble inexplicably. When he came back to his senses, he found that Zhang Yun had already bypassed him and moved forward.

"court death!"

The scarred man was furious, stepped forward, and struck Zhang Yun with a golden fist: "Vajra Fist!"

The wind of the fist swept away even the surrounding magic sand.


There was a loud noise.

The fist filled with golden light was blocked by a palm.

"Open it for me!"

The scarred man shouted, and the power of his fist exploded with golden light, trying to knock Zhang Yun away with his palms.


boom--! !

There was a loud bang, and the scarred man didn't even have time to react, and his whole body was blown away.


"You bastard, how dare you run wild on the territory of our Vajra Alliance!"

"kill him!!"

This attracted the attention of the figures in front of them, and immediately they were all surrounded by golden light and rushed towards Zhang Yun.

Zhang Yun didn't talk nonsense, and moved Qingyuan steps under his feet.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! …

One by one, he pointed at the back of the neck, lower abdomen, thighs and other vital areas of these Vajra Alliance members.

Although his energy is restricted in all aspects, his Immortal Eye Technique can still function normally.

These members of the Vajra Alliance practice a body-refining technique called Vajra Body. After practicing the technique to perfection, the physical body will become indestructible. But before Dacheng, there is a life gate in the physical body.

It shouldn't be too easy for Zhang Yun to deal with such an opponent with a vitality.

I didn’t want to get involved with these people, but these people wanted to send the storage ring.

Shaking his head slightly, Zhang Yun collected the storage rings of this group of people. He mentioned the strongest bald man among them and asked, "What are you digging for?"

The bald man looked at Zhang Yun and his face was extremely pale, both because of weakness and fear.

This guy in front of me can easily find out the life gate of everyone in their Vajra Alliance. What kind of weird eyesight is this? More importantly, Zhang Yun's physical strength.

Everyone's energy here is suppressed, and the greatest reliance they can rely on is physical strength.

Their Vajra Alliance focuses on body cultivation, and all of them are physically strong. Although there is a life gate, in the Demon Realm Square, even if other people discover where their life gate is, it will be difficult to cause them much harm.

Because only the spiritual energy at the peak of the Qi refining stage cannot break through the defense on the surface of their skin.

But for the man in front of him, his fingers were as if they were inlaid with diamonds. The power of one finger directly penetrated all the defenses of his body.

What kind of terrifying body is this?

Looking at Zhang Yun, who was wearing a spotless white robe in front of him, the bald man felt deep fear in his heart.


The top physical strongman! !

Zhang Yun said calmly: "Didn't you hear what I said?"

The bald man's expression changed and he said quickly: "Seeds! We are digging for seeds!!"

"What seed?"

"The seeds of the evil shadow branch!"

"Evil Shadow Demonic Branch?"

Zhang Yun was surprised: "Does this thing have seeds?"

Seeing that Zhang Yun didn't understand, the bald man was a little confused, but he still opened his mouth to explain.

From his mouth, Zhang Yun learned about the situation.

Although the Evil Shadow Demonic Branch is called a branch, it is actually a big tree.

The evil shadow magic branch is very special and will produce some seeds every once in a while. Someone once got this kind of seed and successfully grew an evil shadow magic branch a hundred years after planting it. Although it is only small, it is extremely valuable.

Normally, this kind of seed would be located deep in the land of magic sand, and it would be impossible for ordinary people to obtain it.

But in recent days, for unknown reasons, strange phenomena have been recurring in the depths of the Magic Sand Land.

Someone soon discovered that some things that originally existed in the depths of the Magic Sand Land would be thrown out from the depths from time to time and fall in a circle of three hundred meters to one thousand meters outside the Magic Sand Land.

The most typical one is the seeds of the Evil Shadow Demonic Branch.

Almost every once in a while a batch of seeds is flung out from the depths.

Once these seeds fall on the sand, they will be directly submerged under the sand layer.

Therefore, the large circle area outside the Magic Sand Land is now occupied by many forces, digging for seeds everywhere.

In the past half month, many people have dug up the seeds of the Evil Shadow Demonic Branch.

The Vajra Alliance has no harvest for the time being.

Mainly, they are weak and can only occupy a small area around 300 meters outside.

The land of magic sand is shaped like a large circle, and the small area occupied by the Vajra Alliance is only a corner of it.

But even so, it cost them a lot to occupy it.

Previously, the scarred man asked Zhang Yun to take a detour. In fact, no matter which direction he went, as long as he got close to the area of ​​300 meters, it was currently occupied by some forces.

"Has the Evil Shadow Demonic Branch been thrown out?"

Zhang Yun looked at the bald man and asked.

"Original body?"

The bald man couldn't believe it: "This shouldn't be possible..."

But halfway through, he felt a little unsure: "Sir, our Vajra Alliance can only search in this small area nearby. We don't know much about the situation inside!"

Hearing this, Zhang Yun put down the bald man and headed inside.


The bald man suddenly spoke up.


Zhang Yun looked at him.

The bald man was a little scared, but he still gritted his teeth and begged: "Please...please leave us a few shovels!"

Upon hearing this, Zhang Yun threw the shovels he had just plundered from the other party back to them.

The apprentices here are covered in magic sand and cannot dig with their bare hands. They must use this special shovel.

This shovel means nothing to him, but to the people of the Vajra Alliance, it is the hope of reversing their losses!

Zhang Yun had taken all the storage rings on them, and now they could only hope to dig out an evil shadow magic branch seed to recover their losses, although there was little hope.

Looking at the bald man and the others who were digging despite their weak bodies, Zhang Yun threw a bottle of elixir out and said, "Restore some strength!"

"Thank you, sir!"

Although the elixir originally belonged to them, when the bald man and others saw this, they were still grateful to Zhang Yun.

Zhang Yun didn't care.

Let the other party regain their strength and dig, mainly because they might come back later. If you give the opponent some energy, you might be able to dig up some seeds, so you can bring them over for study.

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