Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Across the Southern Region Chapter 336 Then give them a reason to come in!


Zhang Yun smiled and spoke.

The leader of the Lingxian Sect had hazy eyes, and soon realized what was happening. His eyes widened suddenly, and he was startled when he saw Zhang Yun: "Zhang...Zhang Yun?"

"Sect Master, do you still remember what happened before?"

Zhang Yun asked.


The leader of the Lingxian Sect was startled, recalling what happened before, but suddenly felt a burning pain in his cheek, and couldn't help but reach out and rub it.

Seeing this, Zhang Yun quickly retracted his palms into his sleeves.

The leader of the Lingxian Sect did not pay attention to his actions. At this moment, he felt a pain in his right hand. He raised his broken index finger and was a little surprised: "This... what is this?"

"Sect Master, you have been kidnapped!"

Zhang Yun gave a rough description of the previous kidnapping situation in a deep voice.


After hearing this, the leader of the Lingxian Sect just lay there in a daze.


He was actually kidnapped? ?

Recalling that in Gumo Pavilion, he went to trade, and then his soul was stabbed by something inexplicably, and he lost consciousness... and then now...

Looking at Zhang Yun in front of him, the master of Lingxian Sect wanted to find a crack to get in.

He never thought that one day he would be kidnapped...

Most importantly, he was also used to threaten the elders of their sect.

The majestic sect leader, even if he didn’t protect his elders, actually asked his elders to save him...

The leader of Lingxian Sect looked at Zhang Yun for a moment, his mood was indescribably complicated.

"Sect Master, connect your fingers first!"

Zhang Yun took out the severed finger from the courtyard just now, took out a bottle of ointment, applied it to the wound of the Lingxian Sect leader's severed finger, put the finger on it, and then wrapped it with gauze.

"Sect Master, this is bone-retaining ointment. It will recover after a while!"

While bandaging, he explained.

The leader of Lingxian Sect nodded.

This bone paste was also included in the batch of resources given to him after Zhang Yun harvested the treasure house of the South Treasure Pavilion.


Suddenly realizing something, the leader of the Lingxian Sect quickly checked his body. He was completely empty, which made him tremble: "Zhang Yun, have you seen the storage ring on my body?"

Zhang Yun shook his head.

There was a trace of bitterness on the corner of the Lingxian Sect leader's mouth.

He looked at Zhang Yun with a little guilt in his eyes, "Zhang Yun, I owe you those resources. I will definitely make up for them in the future!"


Zhang Yun wanted to say something, but the leader of Lingxian Sect waved his hand and interrupted: "No need to say more!"

"Sect Master, can you just listen to what I have to say?"

Zhang Yun looked helpless.

The leader of Lingxian Sect looked at him doubtfully.

Zhang Yun said: "I left something on Zuorang who took away the Evil Shadow Demonic Branch. When we get out, we have a way to get it back!"

"Can we find them?"

The leader of Lingxian Sect’s eyes narrowed.

Zhang Yun nodded.

"Very good!"

The leader of Lingxian Sect was a little excited, but he soon regained his composure with a slight cough.

Suddenly something occurred to him and he said: "By the way, this matter must be related to the person who kidnapped Yingying!"


"The daughter of the lord of Wu Nian City, Qian Yingying!"

The leader of the Lingxian Sect explained: "When I was still in the Youling Sect, I had experience with Qian Feng, the lord of Wu Nian City. He is one of my best friends."

Zhang Yun was stunned.

No wonder the sect leader had previously paid a high price to win the daughter of the city lord of Wu Nian City, who turned out to be the daughter of a close friend.

"I was attacked on my way to trade at the request of the other party..."

The leader of the Lingxian Sect said solemnly: "The Light Alliance deacon you mentioned is likely to have colluded with some people in the turbulent world. This time, I'm afraid it's not that simple!"

Zhang Yun nodded.

You don't need to think about this to know that it was definitely not ordered by the Alliance of Light.

The old man in gray who was the deacon of the Alliance of Light, he guessed, was planted by a powerful wanted force.

If the Alliance of Light places people in the turbulent world, some wanted forces will naturally place people in the Alliance of Light.

But what puzzled him the most was why the other party knew about him and the sect master?

After all, they had just come from the Southern Territory. If they were not familiar with them, they would not have kidnapped the leader of the Lingxian Sect to threaten him.

One of the two people, the green masked man and the old man in gray clothes, must have dealt with him in the Southern Territory!

Could it be the ancestor of the black devil?

Zhang Yun rejected the idea as soon as he thought of it.

Previously, through the screen, he used the Immortal Eye Technique to see the man in the blue mask.

This shows that the other party is at least in the Void Refining stage.

The Dark Demon Ancestor does not have this strength!

"This matter is a bit strange. If you can find them, find them as soon as possible!"

The leader of Lingxian Sect spoke.

Zhang Yun nodded, thought of something, took out the sound transmission jade tablet and tried to contact the master of Lingxian Sect.

Except for the purple robe he was wearing, the other party left the Lingxian Sect with everything else, including the sound transmission jade tablet that had been used to communicate with him.


There was a flurry, and the message Zhang Yun tried to send was directly interrupted.

This is not a refusal by the other party, but a forced isolation!

If this happens, it means that the other party has left the Demon Realm Square...

Zhang Yun breathed out.

Also, if the evil shadow magic branch is brought out of the Demon Realm Square by Zuorang, the other party will definitely go out and get it.


At this moment, the sound transmission jade tablet suddenly made a sound.

Zhang Yun was startled and quickly opened it.

A picture emerged, and Su Die's beautiful face appeared in it.

Seeing him, Su Die immediately breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately you haven't gone out yet!"

"What's wrong?"

Zhang Yun was confused.

Su Die said in a deep voice: "The Lord of Ancient Mo City and the others are here. They not only brought the Killing Temple and his party, but also Bai Meiren, Taoist Hongda and other Void Refining Stages. They did not enter the Demon Realm Square, but sealed off the entire original Demon City. !”

"Now all the exits of Demon Realm Square are blocked, and everyone who goes out is controlled by the people of Gumo City!"

"Everyone is controlled?"

Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard this: "How long ago did it happen?"

"They came not long after I took people out. It's been more than half an hour now..."

Su Die thought for a while and said: "The Demon Realm Square was sealed off as soon as we arrived. I squatted outside for nearly half an hour before I grabbed an opening and rushed in!"

"More than half an hour?"

Zhang Yun looked thoughtful.

It had only been less than half an hour since he released the left corridor. At that time, the man in the green mask and the old man in gray contacted him, which meant that the other two were still in the Demon Realm Square at that time.

According to the time Su Die said, if the two men in blue masks went out, they would definitely be caught by the people of Gumo City.

The other party hasn't left the original demon city yet!

"Good news!"

Thinking of this, Zhang Yun's mouth curved.

Seeing that he was still laughing, Su Die was a little confused.

Now that all the exits are blocked, how can you still laugh?

"What are you talking about?"

The leader of the Lingxian Sect on the side was a little confused as he listened to the conversation between the two.

What is the purpose of blocking the original demon city in the Void Refining Stage, including the City Lord of Gumo City?

Su Die also specifically informed Zhang Yun, was she here to arrest Zhang Yun?

"Were you rescued?"

Hearing his voice, Su Die noticed and was a little surprised.

The leader of Lingxian Sect twitched his face when he heard this.

Do so many people know about his kidnapping?

Instead of answering, he asked: "Miss Die, what's going on?"

"Let me tell you!"

Zhang Yun said: "Sect Master, I only told you about your kidnapping before, and I forgot to tell you what happened on my side. Wasn't I invited to that private banquet before? As a result..."

When he was about to be surrounded and suppressed by the Lord of Gumo City and others, he told the story of his subsequent escape.

After hearing this, despite being the leader of the Lingxian Sect, he was so surprised that he opened his mouth into an 'O' shape.

The Lord of Ancient Mo City, the Deputy Lord of the Killing Temple, and Old Demon Ankang in the Void Refining Stage joined forces to encircle and suppress Zhang Yun. As a result, not only did Zhang Yun escape, but Old Demon Ankang was also killed? ?

"Boy, are you trying to fool me?"

The leader of Lingxian Sect was a little unbelievable.

"If you don't believe me, ask Dame Su..."

Zhang Yun shrugged.

The leader of Lingxian Sect looked at Su Die in the picture.

"This guy is telling the truth!"

Su Die nodded.


The leader of the Lingxian Sect opened his mouth and looked at Zhang Yun as if he were a monster.

This is the Void Refining Stage!

Why was it that Zhang Yun was already in the virtual refining stage after he was kidnapped?

Could it be that he was dreaming?


The leader of the Lingxian Sect slapped himself, and it hurt.

It hurts more than a normal slap.

Wait, his face seemed to hurt like this when he woke up earlier. Did someone slap him?

"Now is not the time to talk about this..."

Su Die spoke and couldn't help but look at Zhang Yun.

Seeing Zhang Yun still smiling, the corner of her mouth couldn't help but twitch.

LGb, she is so anxious, why is your client still laughing?

Zhang Yun smiled and said: "Beauty Su, relax. I have already anticipated this when planning in advance!"

Su Die hesitated: "Then you..."

"Since they won't come in, then I'll give them a reason to come in!"

Zhang Yun smiled slightly.

"Reason for coming in?"

Su Die was a little confused.

Zhang Yun didn't explain much. After thinking for a while, he said to Su Die and the leader of the Lingxian Sect: "Let's go to the Magic Sand Land to gather!"

After saying that, he took the leader of the Lingxian Sect to the land of magic sand.

Su Die in the picture was a little confused when he saw this, but he still headed towards the land of magic sand.

An hour later, the entrance to the Magic Sand Land.

"Zhang Yun, what on earth are you going to do?"

Su Die, who rushed here to meet Zhang Yun, couldn't help but ask as soon as they met.

"Make some noise!"

Zhang Yun smiled slightly and went deep into the magic sand land.

Su Die and the leader of the Lingxian Sect looked at each other.

I wonder what kind of medicine is sold in this gourd?

But he followed anyway.

Soon it went deep into the 500-meter area.


Zhang Yun kicked the magic sand barrier in front of him with a direct kick, creating a large hole.


The top forces in the Demon Realm Square from all sides gathered within the 500-meter area were startled when they saw this.

"Holy crap, why is this monster back again?"

"People from the Cai Organization are looking for him, but he still dares to come in?"

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way!!"

Soon after seeing Zhang Yun's handsome face, all these people's expressions changed.

As if facing a formidable enemy, they all retreated to both sides.

Su Die and Lingxian Sect were surprised when they saw this.

Along the way, starting at 300 meters, they encountered many people blocking them. Now that they are five hundred meters away, these obviously stronger physiques in front of them don't stop them?

These people obviously knew Zhang Yun.

The two couldn't help but look at Zhang Yun.

"Let's go!"

Zhang Yun didn't explain much, just said something and then moved forward.

Su Die and the other two followed.

With Zhang Yun's face, all parties gave way to him wherever he passed.

Only when they reached the 700-meter area did they encounter an obstacle.

Gray mask, pink mask, gold mask...

They are a group of seven people wearing masks of different colors.

"Color Organization!!"

Su Die and the leader of the Lingxian Sect both shrank their pupils.

As a former disciple of the Youling Sect, the leader of the Lingxian Sect still knew about the Cai Organization.

"I'm just going to pass by, can you guys just go ahead and give me a break?"

Zhang Yun spoke calmly.

He was not surprised that there were members of the Cai Organization.

There were twelve members of the lottery organization in the previous image, but he had only done five before.

These seven people were probably deeper in the Magic Sand Land before.

"Hand over Hong and the others!"

The leader of the gray mask organization said coldly.

Zhang Yun smiled, "I can let them go, but you have to do me a favor!"

"I'm not negotiating terms with you!"

The gray masked man said coldly: "If you don't let go, you will die!!"


As he spoke, he directly stepped on a large piece of magic sand, and with one claw, the magic sand was driven around to form a claw mark of more than ten meters and came through the air.

Su Die and the leader of the Lingxian Sect looked stern.

In a place like this, such an offensive can be gathered?

But the next second...


The paw prints gathered by the magic sand exploded directly under Zhang Yun's trace of gray gold dead immortal power.

Zhang Yun raised his hand and directed thirty strands of withered immortal power to surge up, converging on his index finger, and pointed at the seven members of the Cai Organization in front of him.

The sky is dry!

The finger light appears, and the color of heaven and earth changes.

In the eyes of the Gray Masked Man and other members of the Qicai Organization, the entire world became dim at this moment, and a finger of light with the meaning of infinite annihilation came towards them like covering the sky and the earth.

"not good!!"

The expressions of the seven members of the Cai Organization changed drastically, and all kinds of light erupted from their bodies, causing the magic sand everywhere to stop them.

But under this finger, their brilliance was like tofu.

Puff puff! !

Blood sprayed out, and all the members of the Qicai Organization vomited blood and flew out.

It was scattered all over the ground and fell to the ground unable to get up.


For a moment, the only sound left in the world was the whirring sound of flying magic sand.

Everyone watching this scene opened their mouths silently.

Even Su Die and the master of Lingxian Sect are no exception.

What the hell?

The seven members of the Cai Organization actually gave Zhang Yun a thumbs up?

The most important thing is that finger just now...

This is inside the Demon Realm Square and the Demon Sand Land. In such a place, Zhang Yun can actually release such a powerful finger?

Did they read that correctly? ?

Many people wiped their eyes, wondering if their eyes had been dazzled by magic sand.

But no matter how I wiped it, the image of Qicai Organization members scattered all over the floor appeared in front of my eyes.

The monks around him were trembling and looked at Zhang Yun with fear in their eyes.

Where did this monster come from?

Zhang Yun ignored the crowd and waved the members of the Qicai Organization into the Xianbao Pavilion.

Whether it's killing them and turning them into corpses, or planting soul-suppressing techniques on them after they get out, this is valuable combat power.

"Let's go!"

As he spoke, he continued to go deeper into the land of magic sand.

Su Die and the leader of the Lingxian Sect swallowed their saliva and followed.

When they arrived at the 800-meter area, no one could be seen around.

"Just right here!"

"Two chapters combined into one~(*^▽^*)~"

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