Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Across the Southern Territory Chapter 337 Waiting for a Rain of Magic Treasures

"Just right here!"

Zhang Yun glanced around and stopped moving forward.

Su Die and the leader of Lingxian Sect looked around with doubts on their faces.

There is nothing here except magic sand flying in all directions.

Zhang Yun previously said that he wanted to create some movement. What kind of movement can be created in a place like this?

While the two were wondering, Zhang Yun had already taken out a formation disk and placed it on the sand in front of him, and then took out a large number of spirit stones and began to arrange them around.


Seeing this, Su Die and the leader of the Lingxian Sect had a hint of curiosity on their faces.

"Sect Master, Su Damei, please stop holding me back and come help me!"

Zhang Yun handed a part of the spirit stones to the two of them, and pointed to several directions around the formation disk: "Separate these spirit stones and bury them at these points!"

"Boy, are you planning to set up an energy-stimulating array?"

Looking at the direction he was pointing, the leader of the Lingxian Sect saw something.

"Sect Master, you have such good eyesight!"

Zhang Yun smiled.

The leader of the Lingxian Sect rolled his eyes. As a former disciple of the Youling Sect, he was a dignified formation master. If he can't even see this little formation, it's all in vain.

"Boy, your positional arrangement is too much of a waste of spiritual stones, and the effect is not optimal!"

Glancing at the positions Zhang Yun had just arranged, the leader of the Lingxian Sect said: "Although I don't know what you want to do, but if you want to maximize the effect of this energy formation, it's best to change the positions... "

"Sect Master, where can I change?"

Zhang Yun asked immediately.

He was not proficient in the formation, he just relied on the plans provided by the formation.

The leader of the Lingxian Sect directly gave instructions: "Change the east to the south, then connect the spiritual stones in a line, bury them along the 100 meters to the west to 30 meters to the north, and then..."

Zhang Yun immediately did as he was told.

Soon, a huge formation covering a hundred meters in radius appeared in the land of magic sand below.

"Next, we only need to activate the energy of the spirit stone ten meters to the west to activate the formation!"

The leader of the Lingxian Sect said, "However, the environment is limited. Once activated here, the energy-stimulating array can only last for a quarter of an hour at most before the energy is exhausted!"


Zhang Yun smiled slightly, placed the two wizard staffs in the center of the formation, and held the command brush in his hand.

After preparing everything, he sat down cross-legged on the edge of the formation.

"Zhang Yun, what are you doing?"

Seeing that he had no intention of activating the formation, both Su Die and the leader of the Lingxian Sect looked puzzled.



"Wait for a rain of magic treasures!"

Zhang Yun smiled and looked into the depths of the magic sand land.

Outside the Demon Realm Square, the original Demon City.

The top of a tall building.

Holding a dragon-patterned crutch, the stooped Gutuo, the lord of Gumo City, stood on it, looking at the Demon Realm Square in front of him that was shrouded in a large demonic barrier and unable to see the inside. He narrowed his eyes and asked, "What's going on? Talk about it!”

Behind him, a group of people were kneeling.

It was the white-haired and strong body cultivator who had blocked Zhang Yun before when he entered the 500-meter area.

"Sir, that guy is a monster, his physical strength is unbelievable!"

The white-haired and strong physique cultivator said bitterly: "He saw through the weaknesses of all the physique cultivators of our Ding family, including me, at a glance, and defeated us easily!"

Gu Tuo, Kuang Long, Bai Meiren, Taoist Hongda and others who were standing nearby narrowed their eyes in the Void Refining Stage.

The Ding family members, headed by the white-haired and muscular body cultivator, are all masters of the divine transformation stage, and the most important thing is that they all follow the path of physical cultivation. In Demon Realm Square, a paradise for physically powerful people, the ordinary Void Refining Period may not be a good outcome for them.

Such a group of people was easily defeated by Zhang Yun...

"No wonder you dare to lure us here!"

Kuanglong snorted coldly.

They were not fools either. Zhang Yun appeared openly and openly in the original Demon City, which was not far from Gu Mo City. This was not the behavior that a person who was being hunted should behave.

After hearing that Zhang Yun entered the Demon Realm Square, they guessed Zhang Yun's intention.

Although they didn't know where Zhang Yun got his confidence, for the sake of safety, they did not choose to enter the original Demon City after they arrived. Instead, the original Demon City and Demon Realm Square were sealed first.

The next step is to collect information about Zhang Yun.

Seal the Demon Realm Square and ask for information about Zhang Yun from everyone who comes out.

The Ding family members in front of them were caught by them when they came out during the process, and they provided information after seeing Zhang Yun's appearance.

"Then what?"

Gu Tuo spoke calmly.

The white-haired muscular physicist shook his head and said: "Because of the existence of Demon Baoyu, we were asked by the Luohan Sect to guard the area 500 meters in front of the Demon Sand Land. But the guy appeared and broke through. We were afraid of being held accountable. I immediately went back to pack my things and left the Demon Realm Square. I don’t know what happened inside after that!”

Gu Tuo frowned slightly.

In the original Demon City, they, Gu Mo City, had development eyes. But the Demon Realm Square is too special. Only physically strong people can survive inside. Even their ancient Mo City has only developed a small force.

In terms of strength, they are much inferior to the Ding family.

Even the occurrence of Demonic Treasure Rain in the Magic Sand Land was only confirmed from the Ding family and his entourage now.

The information they had received from Gumo City before was that strange phenomena occurred inside the Demonic Sand Land, and from time to time some Evil Shadow Demonic Branch seeds would fall out.

Although this is strange, it is not worthy of their attention.

It was only at this moment that it became clear that this kind of magic treasure rain actually appeared inside the magic sand land.

The Void Refining Stage cultivators present were more or less tempted.

After all, if they could obtain the treasures left by the demons, especially the Evil Shadow Demon Branch, even if they were not demon cultivators, they could sell them to the Demon Sealing Sect and other demon cultivator forces and earn a large sum of money.

But thinking of Zhang Yun, Gu Tuo and others were still a little hesitant.

Since the former wanted to lead them to the Demon Realm Square, it meant that the other party was confident that they could deal with them there.

They were not reckless people who could reach the Void Refining Stage step by step.

When faced with such a dangerous situation, they would consider it carefully.


Just as they were hesitating, there was a sudden tremor under their feet.

Looking carefully, they saw that the huge demon energy barrier in the Demon Realm Square area in front of them suddenly trembled violently at this moment.

Gu Tuo and others were surprised.

Soon, their sights were all attracted to a direction in the demon energy barrier.

There, an amazing energy aura shone, and the tremor obviously came from that area.

"Is that the Land of Demonic Sand?"

Thinking of something, Gu Tuo looked at the Ding family and asked.

The Ding family looked in the direction they were looking, quickly determined the direction, and nodded to them: "That should be the direction deep in the Land of Demonic Sand!"

Gu Tuo and others looked serious.

The Land of Demonic Sand had a rain of magic treasures, and now there was another strange phenomenon...

"No matter what, I'll go in and take a look!"

The Taoist Hongda said, and rushed directly to the entrance of the Demon Realm Square in front of him.

Seeing this, Gu Tuo and others no longer hesitated and rushed in.

Although Zhang Yun might be ambushing inside, as a Void Refining Stage, they were not fish that could be slaughtered even in the Demon Realm Square!


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