Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Across the Southern Territory Chapter 338: Make more noise to attract people!

In a building in the original Demon City, many people were disguised as ordinary monks and were temporarily placed under house arrest in a restaurant in Ancient Mo City. The man in green mask and the old man in gray looked at this scene with surprise in their eyes.

Why did this strange phenomenon suddenly appear in the direction of the magic sand land?

Is it possible that there is another treasure to be revealed?

"grown ups……"

The man in the green mask couldn't help but look at the old man in gray.

The old man in gray pondered for a moment and handed him a storage ring: "Take this back to the headquarters, I will go in and take a look!"

"Still going in?"

Zuo Lang's face turned pale: "That guy is still inside!"

"With this kind of movement, it is very likely that another demon treasure has been born in the square. If it falls into the hands of those demon cultivators, it will cause great damage to the alliance!"

The old man in gray said solemnly: "No matter what, at least go in and confirm!"

"Sir, then I..."

Zuo Lang wanted to say something.

The old man in gray clothes interrupted him directly, "You are familiar with the inside of Demon Realm Square, so you have to lead me!"

The corner of Zuo Lang's mouth twitched, but he still didn't dare to refuse.

"Let's take the first step!"

The old man in gray clothes gestured to the man in green mask.

The latter nodded.

The old man in gray clothes immediately led Zuorang out of the restaurant.


At the entrance of the restaurant, there were more than a dozen monks from Gumo City guarding the restaurant. The leader, a god-incarnation stage, looked at the two gray-clothed old men trying to get out, and immediately shouted: "You can't leave this restaurant until the blockade is over..." …”


However, before he could finish his words, the monk in the transformation stage was slapped on the head by the old man in gray and exploded with blood.

The old man in gray clothes rushed out of the restaurant with Zuorang directly.


"Get 'em!!"

This move immediately attracted the attention of many Gumo City monks in the city, and they all chased after the two old men in gray.

The streets of the original magic city suddenly became chaotic.

Many monks who were unhappy with being restricted by Ancient Mo City took action one after another, and more people rushed towards the entrances guarded by the Ancient Mo City monks in various places in the Demon Realm Square.

At present, there is such a movement in the land of magic sand. It may be that a treasure has been born, and many monks cannot calm down.

The entire original demon city suddenly became chaotic.

Seeing this, the man in the green mask seized the opportunity and took advantage of the chaos to leave the restaurant and head towards the outside of the original demon city...

At the same time, in a room on the second floor of a shop in the original magic city.

"You shouldn't have let the lady in before!"

Su Yiyuan looked at the trembling Demon Realm Square and the chaotic Original Demon City through the window with a gloomy expression.

"Now is not the time to talk about this!"

The owner of Jiguang Building said: "Take advantage of the chaos to enter the Demon Realm Square and meet the lady!"

Su Yiyuan nodded.

The group of people quickly left the shop and took advantage of the chaos to rush into the entrance to the Demon Realm Square where the security was weakened.

Within the Demon World Square, there is an area of ​​800 meters in the Demon Sand Land.

" this what you want to make?"

Seeing the terrifying energy beam that shot directly into the sky barrier of Demon Realm Square in front of them, Su Die and the leader of Lingxian Sect both opened their mouths and looked at Zhang Yun in shock.

"You need to make more noise to attract people!"

Zhang Yun said with a smile, holding the command brush and writing the word "increase".


The power of the energy beam hitting the sky barrier in front of him suddenly increased by another 30%.

The demonic energy barrier that enveloped the square trembled, causing the entire Demon Realm Square to tremble.

Countless monks looked at the light beam inside the Demon Sand Land with horrified expressions, but at the same time their eyes were filled with fire.

With such a big vision, something amazing is definitely going to happen.

Especially those who are in the area of ​​500 meters to 700 meters in the magic sand land.

At this moment, a new wave of magic treasure rain has just arrived, and such a strange phenomenon appears in the area eight to nine hundred meters deep. There must be a treasure about to be born!

For a moment, he was frantically approaching the direction of the beam.

Next to the beam.

Zhang Yun looked around.

Because the energy of the beam shook away a lot of magic sand, at this moment, with his naked eyes, he could capture many figures in an area of ​​600 to 700 meters, approaching here.

"about there…"

Looking in the direction outside the Demon Realm Square, Zhang Yun let out a breath.

If this kind of strange phenomenon appears in the land of magic sand, if the Lord of Gumo City and others can still be cowardly outside, then he will admit it!

Immediately waved his hand.

Between the beams of light, two witch-fairy staffs flew out, one of which was surrounded by astonishing energy fluctuations.

This staff is exactly the fourth one obtained from the previous wanted list meeting.

The difference is that this staff was previously in a sealed state. But now the seal has been completely lifted!

The inside of this witch and fairy staff is sealed by a witchcraft spiritual formation. It is extremely difficult for others to unravel, but for him, he only needs to take the formation wizard and fairy staff next to him and he can easily unlock it.

The reason why he can create such a vision here now is because of the breaking of the seal of the fourth magic staff.

As a component of an immortal weapon, once it is unsealed, a large amount of energy fluctuations will emerge from it.

Of course, the energy is not so large under normal circumstances.

The ability to form such an energy beam now relies on the support of the spirit-stimulating array and the command brush that were just laid out.

As the name suggests, the spirit-stimulating array is an array that can expel an energy infinitely. To put it simply, a kind of energy placed in the spirit-stimulating array can burst out in a short period of time with a hundred times or even more times the power of the energy.

Among the trophies he had previously obtained, there happened to be a formation disk recording the arrangement of the spirit-stimulating formation, plus the fourth witch-fairy staff that had not yet been unsealed.

Giving him the ability to cause movement in a short period of time.

This time the sect leader was kidnapped and forced to come to the Demon Realm Square. He deliberately revealed his face to attract the Lord of Ancient Mo City and others, taking this into consideration.

If the other party doesn't dare to come in, then trigger a vision to tempt the other party to come in.

Of course, if the other party still didn't come in, he would have a way out.

There is a desert demon queen crouching outside the original demon city. She still has half a body on her body and can be summoned five more times.

With six people in the Void Refining Stage by his side, as long as the terrifying existence in Gumo City that had transcended the Void Refining Stage didn't come in person, he would be sure to get out of trouble.

The possibility of that terrifying being coming seemed slim to him.

That kind of powerful existence must be among the top threats to the Alliance of Light. If the other party takes action, then the Alliance of Light will definitely take action as well.

Maybe they won't come to deal with the being in Gumo City, but they will definitely bring a lot of losses to the being in Gumo City.

He believed that the being in Ancient Mo City would not pay such a price for a being like him who was not even in the Void Refining Stage!

Of course, if the other party really comes, the worst he can do is not leave the Demon Realm Square.

He still doesn't believe that that kind of existence can keep him squatting!

As for the Lord of Gumo City and others, he is now completely unafraid.

After all, he now has twelve more members of the Cai Organization!

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