Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Across the Southern Region Chapter 344: Charge!

In the Demon Realm Square, there is a dilapidated ancient building some distance away from the Demon Sand Land.

"Master Deacon, aren't we going to move forward?"

Zuo Lang looked at the old man in gray beside him questioningly.

"It's a bit weird that the vision disappeared so quickly!"

The old man in gray squinted his eyes and looked in the direction of the magic sand land.

Zuorang said, "Could it be that the treasure has been taken away?"


The old man in gray clothes smiled faintly, "But I suddenly felt that this was more like someone deliberately causing the noise!"

"Man-induced movement?"

Zuo Lang couldn't believe it: "This is impossible, this is the Demon World Square..."

"Originally I thought it was unlikely, but from you, I just suddenly felt a glimmer of possibility!"

The old man in gray clothes stared at the left corridor.

"On me... on me?"

Zuorang looked confused.


Before he had time to think about it, he felt a palm covering his Tianling Cap.

"Deacon...deacon, you...what are you doing?"

Feeling the hand of the old man in gray above his head, Zuo Lang was inexplicably flustered and wanted to retreat.

"I have to check your body carefully, so..."

The old man in gray clothes smiled and said: "Please go to hell!"


Under Zuorang's screams, the old man in gray squished his whole head and exploded it.

As the head exploded, a trace of gray-gold dead immortal power suddenly floated out.


The old man in gray had a cold look on his face. He turned around and left the place without using any of his withered immortal power.


Less than half a quarter of an hour after he left, a figure quickly arrived at the dilapidated ancient building.

It was Zhang Yun.

"Have you been noticed?"

Looking at the headless corpse in the left corridor in front of him and the dead immortal power floating in the air, Zhang Yun frowned slightly.

When he was sitting cross-legged at the entrance of the Magic Sand Land, he sensed the emergence of this withered immortal power planted in Zuorang's body, and knew that the other party would come back again.

Then they first waited for Taoist Hongda and Gutuo Shipuppet, Kuanglong and his entourage who followed closely.

So I didn’t come over immediately.

at the moment……

"It seems it's a step too late!"

After exhaling lightly, Zhang Yun took back the withered immortal power floating in the air.

"That's fine!"

Shake his head slightly.

Now is not the time to pursue.

The person who kidnapped the sect leader can only wait until later to investigate!

He immediately waved his hand and brought Su Die and the leader of the Lingxian Sect out of the Xianbao Pavilion.

"Have you dealt with those people in Gumo City?"

As soon as the two came out, they immediately looked at him.

Zhang Yun shook his head: "That old guy Gu Tuo ran away!"

"Then let's do it next..."

"Leave the Demon Realm Square first!"

Zhang Yun said, looked at Su Die and said: "Ask Su Yiyuan and others to go to the sixth exit and leave with us!"


Su Die nodded and took out the sound transmission jade tablet.


Zhang Yun immediately went in one direction.

Su Die and the leader of the Lingxian Sect followed.

Half an hour later.

Demon Realm Square, the exit of a walled vortex.

Zhang Yun came here with Su Die and the leader of the Lingxian Sect.

There was a group of people waiting here, and they came up to them immediately when they saw them.

It was Su Yiyuan, the owner of Jiguang Building and others.


They all saluted Su Die.

Su Die waved her hand and looked at Zhang Yun beside her: "Everyone on my side is here, what should I say?"

"You enter my space artifact and let my people clear the way!"

Zhang Yun spoke.

"your people?"

Su Die and others were startled.

Swish, brush, brush! !

Before he could react, he saw figures appearing around him.

Transformation period!

Transformation period!

It’s still the stage of transformation! !

Feeling the aura of these hundreds of figures uniformly in the divine transformation stage, Su Die, the leader of the Lingxian Sect, Su Yiyuan and others were all dumbfounded.

What the hell?

So many stages of transformation? ?

Although they knew that Zhang Yun had special summoning methods, Su Die and others were still stunned by this scene.

one two three four……

There are more than a hundred gods in this stage! !

Even the top forces in the Central Region may not have so many internal gods! !

"What are you doing here? Come in quickly!"

Zhang Yun spoke at this time.

Only then did Su Die and others react, following the suction force he released, they all entered the Xianbao Pavilion.


Zhang Yun immediately waved his hand.

The first person in the transformation stage rushed out first.

After waiting for half a minute, the remaining summoned creatures in the transformation stage rushed out one after another.

The original Demon City was on the tallest building.

Gu Tuo, holding a dragon-patterned crutch, stood coldly, his eyes coldly staring at the barrier of the Demon Realm Square not far ahead.

From his position, he could clearly see most of the exits.

Buzz! !

At this moment, the sixth exit suddenly fluctuated slightly.

Gu Tuo's eyes immediately glanced over.

But when he saw that there was just a figure in the stage of becoming a god, he didn't even bother to look at his appearance, so he looked away.

At present, every entrance is covered with the lines of his domain, and the specific realm of anyone who comes out is invisible to his perception.

Zhang Yun is only at the peak of the Nascent Soul stage, and he knows this very well.

Boom—! !

However, the moment he looked back, a terrifying energy suddenly erupted outside the sixth exit, forming an astonishing mushroom cloud.

It made the entire original demon city tremble.


Gu Tuo's eyes were focused, and his face was shocked when he saw this amazing energy.

"not good!"

At the same time, he sensed that the energy lines surrounding the sixth area disappeared under this wave of self-destruction, and his face changed slightly.

Whoosh whoosh! !

Sure enough, in the next second, figures flashed out from under the light formed by the self-destruction.

Gu Tuo frowned slightly, and his mind went through all the forces in the Demon Realm Square.

Let a god-transformation stage self-destruct and then run away?

Which force is so willing?


Just as he was thinking about it, his eyes happened to catch a glimpse of the face of one of these figures, which made him stunned.

He immediately glanced at the other figures.

"How can it be?"

Looking at the familiar faces, his old face was suddenly filled with disbelief.

How could these dead people be resurrected?


Thinking of Zhang Yun's previous actions in the Gumo Pavilion cabinet, he had summoned many divine transformation stages. He realized something and quickly picked up the sound transmission jade tablet: "Activate the corpse puppets everywhere in the formation, and remove all the corpses from the sixth exit." The figures that rush out will be captured by the old man!"

After saying that, he swung the dragon-marked crutch himself, and a circle of domain energy spread out.

In the sky, earth and air in the city, countless energy lines suddenly fluctuated, spreading towards the area where the lines were destroyed at the sixth mouth.

Some figures who rushed out were directly stopped by the lines.


Gu Tuo shouted softly.

The lines suddenly turned into ropes, and they were about to tie up these blocked figures.


But at this moment, a faint voice sounded.

boom! boom! boom! ——

Several figures self-destructed together, and terrifying energy swept across, revealing a large ray of light.

Countless energy lines collapsed.

At this moment, a figure rushed out from the sixth exit and quickly swept along the ground under the light.

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