Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Across the Southern Territory Chapter 345 Then I’ll take care of you right here!

Terrifying energy exploded in the sky above the original demon city, and the energy stirred up broke countless lines throughout that area of ​​the city!


On the tallest building, Gu Tuo's face was cold, and the dragon-patterned crutch in his hand shone brightly.

Countless lines suddenly appeared in the sky and the earth around the city, surrounding each other in circles. The terrifying energy formed by the self-destruction of these gods in the transformation stage at the same time turned into a big ball and was wrapped in it.

As Gu Tuo grasped his hand, the terrifying self-destruction turned into a muffled explosion. It only made a muffled sound of 'bang' and disappeared among countless energy lines.

Many monks in the nearby area breathed a sigh of relief when they saw this.

If this self-destruction explodes, they will be turned into ashes on the spot!

But looking at the countless lines between heaven and earth, many monks turned pale.

They had never noticed before that there were so many energy lines hidden in the air.

They may even have touched these lines before during their daily activities, but they just didn't notice it.

If the people from Gumo City who control these energy lines attack, countless of them can be strangled on the spot in an instant!

Fear spread through the hearts of many monks for a while, and they all ran frantically towards the exit of the original demon city.

We can no longer stay in this former demon city!

The city suddenly fell into chaos.

On the tallest building, Gu Tuo looked gloomy looking at this familiar scene.

It was the same in Gumo City before. Zhang Yun first caused chaos in the city and then took advantage of the chaos to escape.

Now it's the same thing again!

"This time, you can't escape!"

Gu Tuo whispered coldly, his eyes scanning around like a pair of eagles.

Many figures rushed out of this wave just now. Since the self-destruction broke the energy lines spread throughout his field, he was not sure whether Zhang Yun took advantage of the chaos and rushed out.

But now there were so many figures rushing out to mingle with the crowd that he couldn't lock them all in for a while.



He picked up the dragon-marked crutch and shook the building under his feet.

Boom, boom, boom! !

The shaking of the building immediately caused an astonishing tremor, spreading across the entire city in all directions.

Countless people in the city were shaken.

A soul-stirring voice of coercion also resounded throughout the city at the same time: "Everyone stands still. Anyone who dares to move will be regarded as an enemy of our Ancient Mo City and will be killed without mercy!"

As soon as these words came out, the chaotic city suddenly became silent, and countless monks trembled and stood there daring not to move.

Whoosh whoosh! !

As soon as they stopped, the summoned creatures that were still moving suddenly became prominent.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Gu Tuo's mouth, and the dragon-patterned crutch in his hand shone brightly.

In the sky, earth and air in the city, countless lines of energy swept toward these summoned creatures.

“Buzz——!!” “Buzz——!!”…

The bodies of multiple summoned creatures began to expand on the spot.

Whoosh whoosh! !

boom! boom! boom! …

But this time, before the summoned creature's body could fully expand, the summoned creature was interrupted and shot down on the spot by silhouettes that sprang out from all over the city.

Countless energy lines immediately bundled up.

In the blink of an eye, dozens of summoned creatures were bound and restrained.

Many monks in the city who dared not move saw this scene with fear in their eyes.

Dozens of people in the God Transformation stage were all taken down in such a blink of an eye.

Ancient Mo City is so powerful!

There were many people building in the city, but Gu Tuo, who was standing on the tallest building, was frowning at this moment.

Although he didn't count the number of summoned creatures that exploded in the previous wave, there were definitely more than a few dozen!

Hidden in the crowd?

Just as he was about to scan it, he suddenly sensed something and his expression froze.

Countless sharp lines of energy suddenly appeared around the tallest building.

Whoosh whoosh! !

I saw more than a dozen invisible summoned creatures rushing out of the void, hitting these sharp energy lines, and were cut into countless pieces of flesh on the spot, turning into energy and scattering.


Gu Tuo's cloudy old eyes narrowed.

Whoosh whoosh! !

Before he had time to think about it, he saw multiple originally invisible figures rushing out of several streets in the city at the same time, rushing towards various city gates.

Gu Tuo didn't even look at it.

Multiple corpse puppets rushed out from below, and in conjunction with the energy lines in the virtual space, they took down these figures together.

"Winning with numbers in front of the old man?"

Gu Tuo smiled disdainfully.

If it were anyone else, facing such a large number of Divine Transformation Stages, even a few Void Refining Stages might not be able to stop them. But he is different. In his field, the most restrained thing is this kind of quantity!

Once he is entangled in the energy lines released from his antenna field during his transformation stage, there will be no escape!

"Even if you are hiding, you still have to come out!"

Gu Tuo sneered: "Under the realm of the old antenna, no one can escape!"

"Antenna scan!"

As he spoke, he waved his dragon-marked crutch.

Countless energy lines spread across the city, sweeping across the city row after row.

Wherever it passed, the monk touched by the line felt as if everything in his body had been scanned.

This feeling of being spied on made many monks look dissatisfied.

But at this moment, the countless lines densely spread throughout the city, as well as the corpses with indifferent expressions all around, made them dare not say a word.

Whoosh whoosh! !

At this moment, when several locations in the city were about to undergo line scanning, dozens of figures rushed out at the same time.

Several figures among them had already approached the edge of the city in just a short while.

"Still want to escape?"

Gu Tuo hummed in disdain, and numerous lines and corpses surrounded these figures.

"Who said I was going to run away?"

But at this moment, a faint voice suddenly came from his ear.

Gu Tuo's pupils shrank.

He saw that the sharp energy lines surrounding the tallest building he was in were cut off by several sword rays at this moment.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"——

Four figures with murderous intent rushed up from four directions of the building at the same time, surrounding him on all sides.

"Crazy...crazy roar??"

Looking at the appearance of these four figures, Gu Tuo's eyes widened in shock.

"How can it be?"

Somewhat unbelievable.

Kuang Long is in the Void Refining Stage, and Zhang Yun is not at the peak of the Nascent Soul Stage, so how can he summon it?


Before he could think about it, a cold shout came from above his head.

Another wild rumbling rose in the sky above him, and a sword brought up a layer of sword light that stretched for more than a hundred meters, like splitting a mountain, and slashed down vertically.


There was a roar.

Dozens of sharp energy lines were seen shooting up into the sky from Gu Tuo's body, gathering together to form a huge line-pointed drill, blocking the astonishing sword light from the front.

"Old City Lord, you must be your true form this time, right?"

A faint voice sounded.

Gu Tuo immediately looked up.

In the air, Zhang Yun was seen in a fluttering white robe, with light golden gas lingering around him, descending like an immortal.

"You don't dare to fight in the Demon Realm Square. Then I'll deal with you here!"

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