Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Across the Southern Territory Chapter 350 The Original Demonic City Where You Can Hear a Needle Drop

The four disciples were brought to Xianbao Pavilion, an empty training hall.

Zhang Yun took out a few array disks and looked at them for a while.

"I'm going to get a sutra for my teacher, and I'll wait for a while..."

After speaking to several disciples, he ducked into a training room on the other floor of the Immortal Treasure Pavilion and found the master of the Lingxian Sect who was adjusting his breathing with his eyes closed.

"Is something wrong?"

Sensing his arrival, the leader of Lingxian Sect opened his eyes.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Zhang Yun's handsome face with a flattering smile, "Sect Master, do you feel that you have become more and more handsome recently?".

The leader of the Lingxian Sect trembled and said calmly: "Don't do this, you kid, just tell me if you have something to say!"

"Hehe... Sect Master, I have some formation disks here, please help me take a look..."

Zhang Yun took out more than ten array disks from his body at once.

These are the trophies obtained during this period. Like the previous formation disk that recorded the spirit-stimulating formation, it records some arrangement methods of the formation.

"Are you in a hurry to arrange it?"

The leader of the Lingxian Sect asked after glancing at it.

"Sect Master, these two formations will be used soon!"

Zhang Yun picked out two of the formation disks.

The leader of the Lingxian Sect immediately picked it up. After inspecting it for a while, he used his spiritual energy to raise his fingers and began to carve on the formation plate.

Zhang Yun waited patiently.

Within a few minutes, the leader of the Lingxian Sect stopped and threw the two array disks back to him, "I have helped you improve some of the defects inside. You can just arrange them according to the improved version."

After a pause, "If you are not in a hurry, leave the remaining formations here first. I will find time to help you improve them!"

"Thank you, Master!"

Zhang Yun took the two formation disks with a smile, looked at what the other party thought of with empty fingers, and immediately handed over a storage ring filled with a lot of resources.

"What is this doing?"

"Sect Master, if you help me improve the formation, I must give you some reward!"

The leader of Lingxian Sect was silent for a moment, but still took the storage ring.

All his things were kidnapped and looted before, and now he can't even get a single spiritual stone from him, so he really needs resources.

"Sect Master, I'll leave first. If you need anything, just tell Void!"

Zhang Yun said something and teleported back to the previous training hall.


When several disciples saw him coming back, they all looked forward to it.

Zhang Yun smiled: "Get ready and adjust your condition to the best. The next resources will be an energy bombardment for you!"

Yu Shui'er, Yu Wei, and Zhou Kan immediately closed their eyes, sat cross-legged on the futon, and adjusted themselves.

But Fatty Wu suddenly remembered something and said to him: "Master, before, inside my body..."

Zhang Yun smiled, "Are you trying to say that the blood in your body is inexplicably excited?"

"Master, how do you know?"

Wu Xiaopang was stunned.

"If you don't understand your apprentice as a master, then what kind of master would you be?"

Zhang Yun smiled and said: "The blood excitement is not because there is something wrong with you, but because the talent given to you by the master has grown!"


"Exciting battle blood is the name of this talent."

Zhang Yun explained: "This is a talent of being a teacher. When you encounter an enemy, it can make your blood boil and your strength will explode in a short period of time. The stronger the enemy, the greater the explosion!"

"I see!"

Wu Xiaopang suddenly realized, "No wonder my strength increased inexplicably when my blood was excited before..."

As he was talking about something, he was a little confused: "Master, what do you mean by seed?"

Zhang Yun explained: "This is another talent of the teacher. You can condense your other talents into seeds and plant them in other people. After a period of time, when the seeds mature, the person who is planted will receive the corresponding talent!"

As he said that, he glanced at Yu Shui'er and the other three people who were eavesdropping beside him, "You three also listen to me, I have planted a talent for each of you. However, everyone's situation is different, and the seed growth cycle is also different. It’s different, so it’s hard to say when the seeds will mature!”

"Master, do we all have them?"

Yu Shui'er and the other three opened their eyes in surprise.


Zhang Yun nodded, watched the three of them explore their bodies, and said with a smile: "You can't feel the talent that my master planted in you before it matures!"

Yu Shui'er chuckled and asked curiously: "Master, what are the talents you have planted for us?"

"You will know when it matures!"

Zhang Yun said, looked at Yu Shui'er and added: "Shui'er, you started early, and the seeds are almost mature according to time. If you feel anything strange in your body recently, you can tell my teacher, and my teacher also needs to check his talent. Adaptation situation!”

"Okay, Master!"

Yu Shui'er nodded.

Yuwei and Zhou Kan on the side were full of curiosity.

This was the first time they had heard of this talent, and they were all looking forward to it.

"Okay, calm down and adjust your condition!"

Zhang Yun spoke at this time.

The four apprentices nodded.

Zhang Yun immediately took out the resources and began to arrange them according to the array array improved by the sect leader.

One is arranged in the training hall;

There is another one arranged around the cave outside;

Although this place is far away from the original Demon City, if there is too much movement, it is still possible to attract people from Ancient Mo City.

Therefore, this spirit-sealing formation is needed.

This formation is exactly the opposite of the previous Spirit-Calling Formation. The Spirit-Calming Formation doubles the amount of noise, while the Spirit-Sealing Formation suppresses the movement to a minimum.

It can seal the burst of energy within a certain range and prevent it from spilling out.

Each of his disciples is extraordinary, and it is impossible for their breakthroughs to not cause any movement. After all, even his human exploration machine Qingfeng's breakthrough will cause strange phenomena, not to mention his disciples!

After checking the area around the cave, he set up the Soul Sealing Array around the small cave, and then returned to the training hall of the Immortal Treasure Pavilion to set up the second array.

This array is called the Differentiation and Balance Array.

Some things with strong energy can be divided into multiple parts at the same time, and then the body of the cultivator in the array can be sensed, and the energy can be divided into suitable portions and provided to each cultivator in the array.

The reason for setting up this array is that the resources he wants to take out at this moment include many resources including the heart of the desert demon girl.

Direct absorption, since his disciples are currently unable to digest it, they can only be divided into multiple strands for them to absorb.

Half a quarter of an hour later.

As the last array pattern was carved, Zhang Yun said: "It's started!"

Wu Xiaopang and the other four people tensed up instantly.

Buzz——! !

Dazzling light suddenly bloomed from the many resources that Zhang Yun had placed. It turned into large amounts of energy, rushing from all directions to Wu Xiaopang and the other four in the center of the training hall.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

The four of them all practiced their skills, like four giant beasts with bloody mouths, and began to greedily devour the surging energy.

"They are all stone-sucking monsters!"

Zhang Yun shook his head slightly after looking at the nearly 10 million spirit stones placed beside the formation and saw that one of them was missing.

"I don't know what Ming'er is doing..."

He couldn't help but think of his big disciple Xu Ming, who was a big stone-sucking monster.

It has been a few months. I wonder if Xu Ming has used up all the resources when he was alone outside?


He exhaled lightly.

When he returns to the South Region next time, he must find Xu Ming back.

It is good to practice alone, but it is still faster to follow him!

He looked at the four disciples in front of him.

From the initial tension to now, Wu Xiaopang and the other four have calmed down. Under the effect of the differentiation and balance formation, it began to absorb the energy of the surrounding spirit stones at different speeds.

When it was almost done, Zhang Yun took out several Yuanying-stage desert demon hearts.


The energy in the training hall suddenly became violent.

Wu Xiaopang and the other four trembled, and the pores all over their bodies began to absorb crazily.

Zhang Yun took a deep breath and relaxed his body.

This time, he was ready to let the four disciples break through the current realm.

And he was also ready to break through the peak of the Yuanying stage and enter the God Transformation stage in one fell swoop!

The original demon city.

In this huge city surrounded by demonic energy, it was so quiet at this moment that you could hear a pin drop!

Countless sights in the city were focused on the tallest building at this moment, the large ball of energy wrapped in demonic energy.

Everyone's expression was dull.

Even Gu Tuo, who had flown a distance away from the tallest building at this moment, was no exception.

Self-destruction energy!

The demonic energy was wrapped in the energy of the self-destruction of five powerful people in the Refining Void Stage! !

Just now, a desert demon queen and five mad dragons suddenly exploded when they collided with Gu Tuo.

Although Gu Tuo reacted quickly, he only had time to interrupt the self-explosion of one of the desert demon queens, and failed to stop the self-explosion of the five mad dragons.

The self-explosion of five refining virtual period cultivators was enough to destroy the entire original demon city!

Gu Tuo and countless cultivators in the city all fled frantically.

As a result, halfway through the escape, a shocking scene suddenly occurred.

Such a terrifying demonic energy suddenly emerged inside the Demon Realm Square, directly wrapping the five self-explosive energies of the refining virtual period in it.

Forcefully suppressed the spread of the self-explosive energy.

And now, this demonic energy is gradually compressing the five self-explosive energies bit by bit.

Under the shocked eyes of the whole city, in a few blinks, the huge energy was compressed to a palm-sized sphere.


A hand wearing a black glove stretched out from the void, grasped the compressed energy sphere, and put it away.

"You guys, you're too noisy!"

At the same time, an emotionless and indifferent voice came out.

A terrifying pressure swept the whole city in an instant, and the air in the entire original demon city seemed to be frozen, and everyone's body was stiff on the spot.

Even Gu Tuo was no exception.

With horror in his eyes, he looked at the void behind the hand wearing a black glove.

Although it was not very clear, he could vaguely capture that there was a figure with a demonic energy rising to the sky.

He had only felt this kind of demonic energy on the top demon in the Demon Sealing Sect!

Top demon cultivator!

Gu Tuo was shocked.

Gu Mo City was not far from the original demon city, but he had never heard that there was such a top demon cultivator hidden here!

"You all deserve to die for disturbing my peace!"

A cold voice sounded.

A layer of demonic light spread out from the black-gloved hand to the city.

Everywhere he passed, countless cultivators could not even scream, and they were annihilated into nothingness under the demonic light.

Countless people were terrified and wanted to resist, but at this moment, the air in the entire Former Demon City was frozen. Not to mention resistance, they couldn't even move.

One by one, the monks were annihilated and disappeared.

This real doomsday scene made countless monks in the city extremely frightened.

But at this moment, they could only watch the demonic light approaching.

Seeing that the light of evil energy is about to affect Gu Tuo.

Buzz! !

At this moment, the dragon-patterned crutch in Gu Tuo's hand suddenly glowed.

The next second, a black hand appeared from the light.

The approaching demonic rays of light stopped in front of this black palm.

"grown ups!"

Gu Tuo's face was filled with joy, and he felt his body suddenly regained its freedom.

"Gu Tuo, you have become more and more disappointing recently..."

An indifferent voice came out.

Gu Tuo trembled and said bitterly: "Sir, this is an act of dereliction of duty. I am willing to accept any punishment after I return!"

The black palm ignored him. At this time, he faced the hand wearing black gloves and asked lightly: "I wonder which Taoist friend it is?"

"You're not bad at it, I'll give you some face!"

The hand wearing black gloves did not answer, but said coldly: "Take your people and get out of the original demon city!"

The voice was unceremonious.

Gu Tuo's mouth twitched.

However, the owner of the black palm did not get angry. He just said calmly: "Since this is the territory of fellow Taoists, I won't bother you too much!"

After he finished speaking, he immediately left with Gu Tuo and some Gumo City monks in the city.

During this process, many figures also used the weakened pressure to forcefully rush out of the original demon city.

The black-gloved hand didn't stop.

It wasn't until most people rushed out that the previous demonic light continued to spread.

However, he did not continue to kill people, but destroyed the tens of thousands of puppets that enveloped the original demon city.

Puff puff! !

Gu Tuo, who had just left the range of the original Demon City, and many monks from Gu Mo City who participated in the formation, all vomited blood at this moment.

Looking back at the original demon city, everyone showed horror.

"The original demon city has an owner!"

The owner of the black palm spoke calmly.

Gu Tuo and others were silent.

Boom buzz——! !

At this moment, a beam of light shining in the sky and the earth suddenly rose from the distance.


"It's the familiar two-in-one again~(*^▽^*)~"

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