Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Across the Southern Territory Chapter 351 The Realm of the Holy Priest

The owner of the black palm, Gu Tuo and others all raised their heads and looked at the light beam in the distance in surprise.

Just in the blink of an eye, I saw that this beam of light had already connected the sky and the earth.

The clouds in the sky dispersed, and a strange glow emerged.

The most surprising thing was that a huge staff appeared in the glow of the glow.

A large beam of rays of witchy power was emitted, falling towards the bottom of the beam!

"Inducing visions, condensing visions... Staff, witchcraft power, it seems that there is a wizard with extraordinary talent!"

The owner of the black palm murmured when he saw this, his tone rarely sounded a little surprised.

As he spoke, the body swayed slightly and suddenly became transparent.

"This ray of incarnation of me is about to disperse!"

He immediately spoke to Gu Tuo: "Since this wizard chose to break through in the wild, it means that he either defected from the Wizard's Palace or is a loose wizard who has not joined any force. Go, bring him to Gumo City, and I will personally Meet!”

Hearing that he wanted to receive him in person, Gu Tuo looked stern and nodded quickly.

He immediately took the other Gumo City monks present and flew in that direction.

As they left, the owner of the black palm became completely transparent.

Finally, he looked back at the original demon city and then disappeared into the void.

In the original magic city.

Countless monks who were still alive were all attracted by the vision in the distance, but no one dared to say a word.

The eyes were full of fear at the moment, looking at the black-gloved hand in the Demon Realm Square.

The owner of the hand did not show up, nor did he say anything when facing the distant vision.

Just after seeing the owner of the black hand disappear outside the city, he retracted into the void and disappeared.

The pressure that enveloped the whole city faded away instantly.

Countless people relaxed, but their backs were wet with cold sweat.

How can you dare to stay longer?

They left the city one after another.

The huge original demon city was instantly deserted.

Deep in the Demon Realm Square.

A figure wearing black gloves and covered in demonic aura murmured to himself: "The time of recovery is not far away..."

Outside the original demon city, a figure that had just rushed out when the pressure weakened appeared in a small forest.

It was the old man in gray who killed Zuorang.


Looking at the vision and the aura emanating from the distance, the old man in gray frowned slightly and reached out to take out a token.

I looked at the red dots above, and then looked at the direction in the distance where the vision was rising...

Eyes narrowed.

Immediately move towards there.

At the same time, in a cave not far from Ancient Mo City.

"The Dharma has actually been condensed!!"

A middle-aged man wearing a silver robe stood at the entrance of the cave, his pupils contracted as he looked at the vision in the distance, and he quickly said into the cave: "This is a very rare believer for adults. Let's go and have a look!"

In the cave behind him, two bandaged men nodded and each put on a black robe.

The three of them approached the direction of the vision.

Inside the temporary cave.

Zhang Yun looked at the spirit-sealing array that was scattered in front of him, and then at the big hole that was poked through the top of the cave.

Finally, he looked at Wu Haihai, who was lying on his back on a futon he had put down in front of him, bathing in the rays of light falling from the sky along the big hole. He was so comfortable that he was spinning around on the futon...

Speechless for a moment.

He carefully arranged the formation and was waiting for Wu Xiaopang and the other four to break through.

As a result, the four of them had not yet made a breakthrough, but Wu Haihai, who had been sleeping in the space of the Witch Fairy Staff for almost half a year, suddenly woke up!

As soon as I wake up...

Just destroy everything he arranged!

Looking at the strange glow of the staff in the sky, Zhang Yun was helpless.


"Your disciple Wu Haihai successfully broke through to the stage of becoming a god, and received a hundredfold return on his cultivation level!"

"Your apprentice Wu Haihai successfully awakened his witchcraft power and received a hundred times the witchcraft power in return!"

As Wu Haihai bathed in the glow and absorbed the falling energy, two reminders suddenly came to his ears.

Two streams of return energy emerged in the body.

The returning witchcraft power is particularly huge!

Zhang Yun didn't even have time to think. His whole body was stretched out in a large circle in an instant, and the huge witchcraft stretched almost every inch of his skin to the maximum.


Startled, Zhang Yun hurriedly refined and absorbed it, but the magnitude of the witchcraft energy exceeded his imagination.

Not to mention refining and absorbing, it is impossible to suppress it at this moment.

The whole body swelled more and more. It seemed to have turned into a big human-shaped balloon.


Wu Haihai had climbed up from the futon and looked at the mutated Zhang Yun who was stretched out like a balloon in front of him. He put his chubby fingers on his mouth in confusion.

Zhang Yun wanted to answer, but the crazily expanding witchcraft power in his body at this moment made him unable to even distract himself from speaking.

"LGb, I still don't believe I can't suppress you!!"

Clenching his teeth, he used all his strength to suppress this witchcraft power.

But the power of the witch was too great, causing bloody seams to appear on his skin.

The powerful physical body can no longer bear the expansion of this magical power...


Just when it felt like it was about to explode, a chubby little hand suddenly placed on his belly that had swelled to the point where it looked like it was dozens of pregnant women.

Zhang Yun was startled.


The next second, his whole body suddenly twitched, and it felt like there was an extra outlet in his stomach, and the huge witch power was instantly released from it.

Everything poured into Wu Haihai's fleshy little hands.

He was a little surprised, but Zhang Yun didn't think too much and quickly used his power to suppress the remaining part of the witchcraft power.

The body quickly shrank back to its original shape.


Seeing him change back to his normal appearance, Wu Haihai immediately clapped his hands happily.

"Haihai, you saved the master's life!"

Zhang Yun smiled slightly when he saw this, took a breath, and continued to refine and absorb the two energies in his body.

Although most of the huge magical power was gone, the remaining part was still astonishing.

Zhang Yun refining and absorbing.


In just a few blinks, the remaining witchcraft power directly broke through the bottleneck of his witchcraft realm.


A large amount of witchcraft power burst out.

In the sky, a large witchcraft phenomenon like waves suddenly appeared...

Why did the vision appear again?

People from all over the place who were approaching here showed surprise when they saw this scene.

Is it a continuous breakthrough?

Thinking of this, they all quickened their pace.

In a temporarily opened small cave.

"The realm of the Holy Priest?"

Zhang Yun was bathing in the magic power of the large sea waves, looking at the magic power around him that was like real sea water, with astonishment in his eyes.

The witchcraft realm of his sixth-level priest realm has now entered the seventh-level holy priest realm!

You must know that the remaining returned witch power he refined is less than one percent of what it was just now.

Just such a small amount directly broke through a big realm?

Thinking of the amount just now...

Zhang Yun couldn't help but glance at Wu Haihai, who was staring at him curiously, and was shocked.

It wasn't until this moment that he realized how outrageous his fourth disciple, who was a reincarnated immortal, was!

Take a deep breath and continue to refine the remaining cultivation energy in your body.

Wu Haihai's breakthrough took him directly from the Nascent Soul Stage to the Divine Transformation Stage...

This range of cultivation energy is also the largest wave of energy he has ever received so far.

Fortunately, his extreme body is relatively suppressive to cultivation energy.

Otherwise, the cultivation energy just erupted along with the witchcraft force, and he would have been absolutely bursting!

Calm down and start refining and absorbing.


In just an instant, his aura began to rise by leaps and bounds.

The peak of the sixth level of the Nascent Soul stage...The peak of the seventh level of the Nascent Soul stage...



Before he finished climbing, two astonishing auras erupted from the inside of the Xianbao Pavilion, as if he had made an appointment.

"Your disciple Wu Xiaopang successfully condensed the Nascent Soul, broke through to the Nascent Soul stage, and received a hundredfold return on his cultivation!"

"Your disciple Yu Shui'er successfully condensed the Nascent Soul, broke through to the Nascent Soul stage, and received a hundredfold return on his cultivation!"

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