Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Chapter 37: What’s going on with this strange elder?

"It's going to be night soon, get out as soon as possible!"

After meeting the two apprentices and Huang Laodao, Zhang Yun immediately took them in the direction of lower spiritual energy density...

After feeling that the density of spiritual energy in the surrounding world was not that high, night had fallen in the sky.

A group of four people immediately searched around, and finally found a large tree hole. After killing a peak-level brown bear that originally lived in it, they occupied the magpie's nest and rested temporarily.

"I guess I'm lagging behind in the rankings. I have to speed up tomorrow!"

Zhang Yun sat on the futon and looked at the points on the crystal bracelet. From being sucked into the underground cave to now, he only got twenty points from killing the brown bear just now. After so long, it is estimated that the ranking that might have been high has now fallen.

If you want to win first place, you have to work hard in the next two days!

In the square outside Nanfeng Forest, the place was illuminated by large aura lights at night.

‘First place: Nanshan Sect’s third elder, 450 points. ’

‘Second place: Fifth Elder of Nanshan Sect, 439 points. ’

‘Ninth place: Great Elder of Lingxian Sect, 379 points. ’

‘Tenth place: Ninth Elder of Lingxian Sect, 355 points. ’

‘Thirteenth place: Grand Elder of Nanshan Sect, 301 points. ’

The rankings on the crystal control tablet were clearly displayed in front of everyone.

"Score, the ninth elder of Lingxian Sect scores!"

"Here I go, I haven't scored in the past half day. Isn't it going to start again?"

"It's already dark, so it shouldn't be a problem. But Nanshan Sect's great elder, why haven't you scored?"

"Yes, before this weird elder of Lingxian Sect came up, the great elder of Nanshan Sect was always number one. Now half a day has passed and he has not scored a single point, and he has fallen outside the tenth place!"

"Is something going to happen to the Nanshan Sect's great elder?"

"It's impossible, that's a peak golden elixir stage monk!"

Everyone was talking about it.

Mu Wenxuan and the head of the Nanshan Sect looked at each other, each frowning.

When they saw that Zhang Yun suddenly lost points and dropped all the way down the rankings, they wondered if the Lin family had not taken action before and only took action later. But right now...

Why did this guy score again?

what happened?

"What's going on with the Great Elder?"

The head of the Nanshan Sect frowned.

He is really confused now.

If Qiu Lue might have gone to Zhang Yun to trouble him and failed, then the Great Elder of Lingxian Sect should not do it!

Before entering, he had specially sent a message to their elder to ask him to stop the process of earning points for the elder of Lingxian Sect, and then start earning points at full speed without thinking about anything else.

At present, the opponent, like Zhang Yun, has not scored for a long time, and now Zhang Yun has scored again, and their elder's points are still unchanged.

This made him feel a little uneasy.

But it felt impossible.

Based on the strength of their great elder, he did not think that anyone among the elders of the two sects participating this time would be his opponent. Not even the Great Elder of Lingxian Sect!

Could it be that the discovery of some ruins in the cave was delayed?

The great elder of Nanshan Sect could only think so.

"What's going on with the Ninth Elder?"

"This is too strange. The points suddenly increase sharply, and then there are no points for a long time..."

"Oh, I don't expect anything else. As long as he can keep his top ten position!"

"At least the Great Elder is now in the top ten. Under this situation, it's okay to keep two people in the top ten..."

Everyone in the Lingxian Sect was speechless about Zhang Yun's ranking.

One moment he was rushing to the first place, another moment he was about to fall out of the top ten without scoring for a long time... They really couldn't figure out what their ninth elder was playing.

Also confused is the leader of the Lingxian Sect.

Originally, he wanted to give Zhang Yun a credit, but after that Zhang Yun stopped scoring, and his ranking dropped all the way. It made him extremely painful to watch, and at the same time, he was worried that something was wrong.

As a result, Zhang Yun scored again!

Damn it, there's no problem, why can't you score for a long time?

"I hope you can stay in the top ten for me, otherwise I will give you a big demerit when I come out!"

Lingxian Sect groaned inwardly.

Thinking that he was in the Nascent Soul Stage, Zhang Yun's Foundation Establishment Stage actually made Zhang Yun's mood agitated at the end of the day. If Zhang Yun can't keep the top ten, then he, the leader of the Lingxian Sect, won't do it if he doesn't give this little punishment!

"Damn it! It's so crazy! The ninth elder of Lingxian Sect started to be crazy again!!"

At this moment, an exclamation suddenly arose in the originally quiet place under the night.

Everyone was startled and looked at the crystal control monument.

I saw Zhang Yun, the ninth elder of Lingxian Sect, who was ranked tenth with 355 points a second ago, and his points jumped directly to 370 in this second, and then jumped to 383 in the next moment... In just a few blinks, he directly broke through 400 points. mark.

The ranking started to jump up!

Everyone was shocked!

What's going on with this weird elder?

Either score in half a day, or fly straight away after scoring? ?

"Damn it, he's in the top three! He's in the top three!!"

"Second! He is second!!"

"The points have jumped again! 459 points, first place!!!"

Everyone went crazy!

has a problem!

There is definitely something wrong with this strange elder! !

"Nine...Ninth Elder..."

Everyone in Lingxian Sect opened their mouths wide.

One second they were thinking about Zhang Yunbao being in the top ten, this second...

No. 1? ?

The leader of Lingxian Sect was also stunned at this moment.

Where is Zhang Yun playing?

The points are so high! ?

Under night, in the open space in front of the tree hole in Nanfeng Forest.


Zhang Yun stabbed a foundation-building brown bear in front of him to death. Looking at the group of brown bears with red pupils around him, he couldn't help laughing and shaking his head.

Unexpectedly, killing a brown bear and grabbing a tree hole attracted a group of people!

Just in time, get wave points for him!

"Old Huang, protect my two apprentices!"

After giving instructions to Huang Laodao at the entrance of the tree cave, Zhang Yun directly charged into the group of brown bears with his sword, moving the Qingyuan Step between the brown bears, stabbing them accurately in the vital points with each sword.

Roar! Roar! …

A roar of pain sounded out, and the brown bears fell one after another.


Huang Laodao, who was standing at the entrance of the tree hole, couldn't help but swallow his saliva as he watched this scene.


This ninth elder of Lingxian Sect is simply a monster!

The group of brown bears in front of us is composed of spiritual brown bears. Although their individual strength is only in the foundation-building stage, they have rough skin and thick flesh. Even if Jin Danqi wants to kill, it will take a lot of effort.

Fortunately for Zhang Yun, every sword in his hand could accurately find the vital points of these brown bears.

One sword and one sword is like chopping melons and vegetables.

In just a few blinks, nearly half of the dozens of brown bears were killed.

This leisurely posture made Huang Laodao's scalp numb for a while!


This was the only feeling he felt at the moment.

Could it be that this man really exists beyond the Nascent Soul stage?

Huang Laodao couldn't help but have a hint of reverence in his eyes when he looked at Zhang Yun.

Xu Ming and Wu Xiaopang in the tree hole were looking with admiration at Zhang Yun, who was strolling among the brown bears.

Their master is so awesome!


At this moment, a bear roar with astonishing volume suddenly came from deep in the forest.

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