Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Spirit Fairy Chapter 38 Golden Core Stage Spirit Beast

Several people were startled.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

I saw a huge figure six or seven meters long walking out of the woods, shaking the ground with each step.

It was a giant brown bear.

"Spirit Brown Bear King?"

Huang Laodao's expression changed when he saw this.

Zhang Yun's eyes immediately started to use the Immortal Eye Technique——

【Spirit Brown Bear King】

Cultivation: Golden elixir stage Xiaocheng

Weaknesses: Slow movements, fragile pupils, its pupils can severely damage it during an attack, weakening its physical defense...

"Golden Core Stage Spirit Beast?"

Zhang Yun was surprised and his eyes lit up.

Golden elixir stage spiritual beast, this is a treasure!

Not to mention the crystal core in his body, the skin and flesh of the body in front of him is estimated to be worth several thousand spirit stones.

Immediately, he didn't care about killing the brown bear in front of him, and rushed towards the golden elixir stage brown bear king with his sword.


Seeing Zhang Yun rushing towards the Spiritual Brown Bear King with excitement on his face, Huang Laodao opened his mouth and hesitated, but in the end he remained silent.

The Spiritual Brown Bear King of the Golden Core Stage can be regarded as the dominant figure in the Nanfeng Forest.

Its physical defense is extremely astonishing. Even if a cultivator at the peak of the Golden Core stage attacks with all his strength, it will be difficult to break through his skin and flesh.

Huang Laodao encountered this once before. He attacked with all his strength and failed to even break through the fur of the Spiritual Brown Bear King. In the end, he had no choice but to run away.

My first reaction when I saw it now was to run away. But looking at Zhang Yun's excited expression and thinking about the latter's strength, he hesitated.

But the spiritual energy still surged in the soles of the feet, ready to run away at any time.

Although Zhang Yun gave him a strong feeling, was there really any way to deal with this rough-skinned and thick-skinned spiritual brown bear king?



Just as he was thinking about it, the painful roar of the Spirit Brown Bear King suddenly came to his ears.

Huang Laodao was stunned, and when he raised his eyes, he saw that Zhang Yun had jumped in front of the Spiritual Brown Bear King's head, and the sword blade in his hand accurately penetrated the Brown Bear King's big pupils.


The huge body of the Spirit Brown Bear King collapsed and rolled in the woods in great pain.

Huang Laodao was confused.

Xu Ming and Wu Xiaopang were shocked.

"Ho ho ho??"

Many brown bears in the foundation building stage were also confused.

what's going on?

How come their king was stabbed down by this human with just one sword? ?

Zhang Yun doesn't care what they think.

At this moment, taking advantage of the fact that his illness was killing him, he aimed two more swords at the eyes of the Spiritual Brown Bear King, then he aimed his sword at the brown bear's chest and stabbed it in with all his strength.

The sword blade was slightly hindered when it penetrated into the flesh, but it could be seen that the flesh of the Spirit Brown Bear King had obviously softened, so he pierced it with a little more force.

The spiritual energy attached to the sword blade was like a twisted blade, and exploded directly in the heart of the Spiritual Brown Bear King.


Following the sound of the Spirit Brown Bear King's feet, which sounded like crying, its huge body completely collapsed, and its vitality quickly disappeared.

Zhang Yun breathed out.

"Kill the golden elixir stage spirit beast and get 50 points!"

I was a little surprised to see the message on the training bracelet.

50 points?

Wait, are there extra points for the Killing Golden Elixir phase?

He raised his eyebrows slightly.

When I came in before, the head of the Nanshan Sect did not specifically mention the extra points for killing the golden elixir stage spiritual beast.

Also, the Golden elixir stage is not like the Qi refining stage and the foundation building stage, which are divided into one to ten levels, but is divided into Xiaocheng, Dacheng and Peak.

If you really want to calculate it, it’s really hard to add up these points.

50 points is quite a lot.

With the addition of this group of brown bears, I guess the ranking should be much higher!

Thinking about this, Zhang Yun cast his eyes towards the dozen or so foundation-building stage brown bears left in the field.


When these brown bears saw him looking over, they were frightened and dispersed like birds and beasts.

But how could Zhang Yun let these ‘points’ go?

Qing Yuanbu stepped forward at full speed and charged forward with a sword strike.

In just half a minute, there was only a brown bear carcass left in the surrounding woods under the darkness.

"Old Huang, come here and collect the body!"

Zhang Yun greeted.

"Okay... okay, sir!"

Huang Laodao, who had been standing at the entrance of the tree hole for a long time, woke up after hearing the words, nodded quickly and stepped forward.

"Ming'er, little fat guy, come here too!"

Zhang Yun waved.

Xu Ming and Wu Xiaopang reacted and quickly stepped forward to the huge corpse of the Spiritual Brown Bear King.

Zhang Yun said: "Come on, go up and try to take out the crystal core from it!"

When Xu Ming and Wu Xiaopang heard this, they both stepped forward with excitement on their faces.


Huang Laodao, who was collecting the corpse of the foundation-building brown bear on the side, couldn't help shouting when he saw this.

But it was too late, Xu Ming and Wu Xiaopang had already touched the body of the Spirit Brown Bear King.


A deep bear roar suddenly came from the huge corpse of the Spiritual Brown Bear King, and a terrifying spiritual power filled the air.

Xu Ming and Wu Xiaopang were both shocked.

Huang Laodao looked at the corner of his mouth and twitched.

Spirit beasts at the Golden Core stage are different from spirit beasts below the Golden Core stage. After the death of a spirit beast of this level, there will be residual spirits left in the body. It will not disappear within a certain period of time.

Once someone who is not meant to be killed approaches, the remnant spirit will release a coercive roar to express resistance.

If the strength is not much different from it, there will be no problem. But Xu Ming and Wu Xiaopang in front of them were only in the Qi refining stage. The coercion exuded by the remnant spirit of the Golden Core Age Spirit Brown Bear King was enough to shock their souls into idiots.

Looking at Zhang Yun next to him, Huang Laodao was full of confusion.

This is common sense and the former should not be unaware of it!

"hold head high--!!"


Just as he was thinking about it, a dragon roar and a roar suddenly sounded.

Huang Laodao was stunned.

I saw only a golden dragon phantom exuding dragon power; a humanoid phantom exuding domineering power and dominating the world; at this moment, they respectively appeared on Xu Ming and Wu Xiaopang.

The little coercion exuded by the Spiritual Brown Bear King was instantly annihilated under these two pressures.

At the same time, these two forces of coercion spread.

Huang Laodao, who was standing not far away, felt his body tremble, and felt that the spiritual energy in his body was stagnant for a moment.

Suddenly he looked at Xu Ming and Wu Xiaopang in shock.

What the hell is this?

Why do such phantoms appear on these two Qi refining stages? ?


Is it a special constitution?

Huang Laodao swallowed as he looked at the Golden Dragon Spiritual Energy and Overlord True Energy permeating the bodies of Xu Ming and Wu Xiaopang.

Just because of his cultivation in the Qi Refining Stage, the coercion exuded can make him feel that the spiritual energy in his body is stagnant in this Golden Pill Stage.

What kind of heaven-defying physiques do these two people possess?

Looking at Zhang Yun, who was standing next to the body of the Spiritual Brown Bear King with a calm expression, he understood.

No wonder the former dared to let Xu Ming and the others get close to the corpse, and no wonder the former would accept these two Qi Refining Stage disciples.

Each of the three people in front of me is a monster!

Huang Laodao thought of his status as a servant, and all the grudges in his heart disappeared.

There is no shame in being a servant to such a monster!

"This is?"

On the corpse of the Spiritual Brown Bear King, Xu Ming and Wu Xiaopang looked at the shadows appearing on their bodies, with a trace of surprise in their eyes.

"This is the talent that comes with your physique, feel it. If you can master it skillfully, your strength will be even higher!"

Zhang Yun spoke.

Of course he knows the common sense about the bodies of golden elixir stage spirit beasts.

He also asked Xu Ming and Wu Xiaopang to come forward because the Immortal Master's Heavenly Eye suddenly gave him training suggestions just now, allowing Xu Ming and Xu Ming to get close to the corpse to stimulate the hidden potential of the body.

He absolutely believed in the Immortal Master's Heavenly Eye.

But he was also prepared. If Xu Ming and the two were unable to support themselves, he would immediately take action to throw them away.

Hearing Zhang Yun's words, Xu Ming and Wu Xiaopang both looked stern, and immediately closed their eyes to feel the shadows on their bodies.

"Old Huang!"

Zhang Yun waved to Huang Laodao.

Huang Laodao immediately came forward and asked respectfully: "What are your orders, Master?"

Zhang Yun said: "Go and look around. Since this group of brown bears has appeared, there should be a nest nearby, and there may be something left in it!"

"My subordinate understands!"

Huang Laodao nodded and immediately ran towards the surrounding woods.

Seeing his obviously respectful attitude, Zhang Yun smiled slightly.

The performance of combat power just now clearly convinced this guy.

He didn't pay too much attention. He was determined and he wasn't afraid that this guy had different intentions!

After looking at Xu Ming and his two men who were sitting cross-legged on the body of the Spiritual Brown Bear King with their eyes closed, Zhang Yun also walked up, took out a sharp blade and stabbed it into the back of the neck of the Spiritual Brown Bear King's body.

As the skin and flesh were scraped open with his dagger, a flash of crystal light soon appeared. It was a milky white crystal core the size of a pebble——

[Golden elixir stage spirit beast crystal core]

Quality: Complete

Introduction: Contains rich spiritual energy, which can be used to make formations, spiritual weapons, puppets and other objects, or can be directly refined and absorbed during practice.

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