Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Across the Southern Region Chapter 374 Su Die’s Background

"Representative of the Demon Sealing Sect?"

Zhang Yun was surprised.

Although Old Demon Ankang is in the Void Refining Stage, as a demon cultivating leader-level force like the Demon Sealing Sect exists, the Void Refining Stage should be nothing among them.

Ankang Laomo can actually become a representative...

"If you want to know about Laomo Ankang, it would be more appropriate to ask this person in Laochan!"

Gu Tuo looked at his expression and took out a purple crystal stone from his body.

【Purple Ling Space Core】

Introduction: space artifacts.

Zhang Yun took it with a glance. The crystal was somewhat similar to the space artifact that Elder Mo used to install on him, but it was smaller in size.

Open immediately.

After seeing the people in the inner space, he quickly knew who Gu Tuo was talking about.

It was the Dark Demon Ancestor who followed Old Demon Ankang at the Wanted List Conference.

He just said that he had never seen this person, and it turned out that he had brought a space artifact to Gu Tuo.

"I've told you everything I know, so give me a good time!"

Gutuo lay on the ground and closed his eyes.

I just waited for a long time, but I didn't see the scythe I imagined.

He opened his eyes in confusion and saw Zhang Yun's calm face: "It's rare to regain freedom, why not take a few more breaths of free air?"

Gu Tuo said nothing.

Zhang Yun didn't say anything more, took the crystal and left.

Everything Gu Tuo said, if he hadn't observed the Immortal Eye Jue before, he might have doubted it. But he had used the Immortal Eye Technique to see the opponent's linear energy body before, and he already believed 80% of what Gu Tuo said.

As for not killing the opponent right now, it's because it's no longer necessary.

The opponent's linear energy body was destroyed due to energy disorder when he breached the life gate in the previous battle. Gu Tuo, who has lost his aura energy, has reached the end of his lifespan. Even if he doesn't kill him, he won't be able to survive for a few days.

It is estimated that by the time they reach the Southern Territory, the other party will be dead.

Come to another empty room.

"Do you still recognize me?"

Zhang Yun brought out the Dark Demon Ancestor.


The Black Demon Ancestor was startled, and his eyes widened in shock when he saw him.

Zhang Yun didn't give him any time to think, and directly sealed the other party's soul and body.

The last time, the opponent's remnant soul self-destructed and escaped through the rebirth of the demon's flesh and blood clone. This time, he won't give the other party any chance!


Under the screams of the Black Demon Ancestor, Zhang Yun began to question him.

Half an hour later.

Zhang Yun walked out of the room.

As for Old Demon Ankang's identity in the Demon-Sealing Sect, I couldn't get any answers from the Black Demon Ancestor, but I got a piece of useful information from him.

That is the location of the Demon Sealing Sect's headquarters in the Southern Territory.

After interrogating the Dark Demon Ancestor, Su Die walked out of the room on the other side.

"What's wrong, Beauty Su?"

Looking at Su Die with a somewhat gloomy expression, Zhang Yun had a question on his face.

Not only was he happy that he had solved his enemy, he also didn't look so sad.

"The situation is more complicated than I thought!"

Su Die said in a deep voice: "I thought it was just the Qian Shen Cult that was dealing with me. But I just learned that there is another mastermind behind it!"

"Is it the wizard's palace?"

Zhang Yun spoke.

"how do you know?"

Su Die looked at him in surprise.

Zhang Yun shrugged: "I heard the conversation between the three leaders of Qian Shen Cult before..."

Su Die suddenly realized.

Zhang Yun was confused: "Have you ever offended the Wizard's Palace?"

Although I knew that Su Die's identity was not simple, it felt a bit strange when I thought about it carefully.

After all, if there was a very powerful force behind him, there was no reason why Su Die would have to go through so much trouble to deal with a Qian Shen Cult.

Su Die glanced at him, pondered for a moment before looking at him: "Do you know the Butterfly Palace?"

"Butterfly Palace?"

Zhang Yun was startled and thought of something: "Beauty Su, is this the power behind you?"

Su Die nodded, "This is the force my parents created when I was born. However, in less than ten years, my parents' pair of bastards disappeared inexplicably, leaving such a mess to me who was only ten years old at the time... …”

Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows.

This was the first time I heard Su Die talk about his experience, so he immediately listened patiently without interrupting.

"Fortunately, there are still a few elders helping to take care of it, but what they want is the power of the Butterfly Palace!"

Su Die continued: "I didn't want to get involved in this, so I took Erlouzi to the Southern Territory. Aurora Tower is a small branch of our Butterfly Palace in the Southern Territory. Seeing that I didn't fight for power, those elders also Just give this branch to me, and I will be happy to relax in the Southern Territory until..."

She didn't continue, but Zhang Yun already understood: "That time I saved you?"


Su Die nodded and glanced at Zhang Yun: "The time I was attacked was carefully arranged by the Qian Shen Cult. Although I managed to escape with my trump card, I ran out of energy halfway through. If you hadn't appeared, , I’m probably dead!”

Zhang Yun was silent after hearing this, and the memory of his previous life rescuing Su Die clearly appeared in his mind.

At that time, the predecessor accidentally discovered that Su Die was being chased and fell down. However, there was only one seriously injured person left chasing Su Die, and his combat power was completely reduced.

The predecessor picked up the man, attacked and killed him, and then took Su Die to find a place to hide.

That's the whole process.

Su Die said: "You really saved my life, that's why I treat you differently!"

Zhang Yun smiled.

"But I didn't think you would achieve anything. I didn't expect..."

Looking at Zhang Yun in front of him, Su Die felt a little sad.

Zhang Yun shrugged.

"Okay, let's get back to the topic!"

Su Die breathed out, "The Qian Shen Sect's attack forced me to contact Die Palace again because I wanted to find out who killed me.

So I specially asked the second floor, that is, the owner of the second floor, to go to the Butterfly Palace to confirm that there were people who had taken over the mission and killed people from the Qian Shen Cult. They took action against me as revenge! "

Zhang Yun nodded slightly.

Aurora Tower is a branch, so we know that the Disc Palace behind Su Die is obviously a similar killer force. It's normal for a killer to take revenge.

But suddenly a question came to mind, "Why don't they take revenge on Butterfly Palace, but come to take revenge on you?"

"Pinch the persimmons softly!"

Su Die raised her pink lips and said with a crooked smile: "The most important thing is to kill me. They can vent their anger and don't have to worry about being retaliated by the Butterfly Palace. After all, my elders may not want to use this to exclude me from the possible struggle for power." potential target!”

Zhang Yun was silent.

"But now that this has happened, I will definitely fight back. That's why I took this action."

Su Die said calmly: "Several elders are also making a show of sending the lineage left by my father, which should be said to have already joined them, Su Yiyuan and his group, to me for dispatch!"

Zhang Yun was stunned.

No wonder Su Die was rude to Su Yiyuan, a subordinate who dared to be someone who had betrayed her lineage.

"Let's not mention these!"

Su Die suddenly said in a deep voice: "This matter is different if it has something to do with the Wizard's Palace!"

Zhang Yun also narrowed his eyes when he heard this.

According to Gu Tuo's description, the Wizard's Palace is one of the top ten underground forces, and its strength is definitely comparable to the top forces in the Central Region.

It's a bit weird for such a force to lead the Qian Shen Sect to kill Su Die!

"I have to think about this carefully..."

Su Die said: "Get me a room!"

Zhang Yun nodded and immediately took Su Die to an empty room in Xianbao Pavilion.

Seeing her starting to think, she didn't bother her much.

"Wizard's Palace..."

He just recited the name silently in his mind and narrowed his eyes.

It seems that we need to understand this force in the future.

Regardless of whether the other party was related to the Sea Witch Fairy Kingdom or was helping Su Die investigate, he had a reason.

He was very grateful to Su Die.

In the Demon Realm Square before, the other party got the news about him and brought people all the way over to help him. This alone is worth keeping in mind!

After settling Su Die, Zhang Yun teleported to another part of Xianbao Pavilion.

"Hello everyone!"

As soon as I came in, I said hello.

However, what greeted him were twelve pairs of angry eyes.

Zhang Yun shrugged.

The people in front of them were the twelve members of the Cai Organization who were captured in the Demon Realm Square.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! …

Without any nonsense at the moment, he moved among the twelve people and took photos of each of them.

The Heart-pressing Technique and the Soul-pressing Technique are taught one by one.

"What did you do to us!?"

Feeling the strange feeling in their souls and hearts, the leading member of the gray masked organization shouted.

Zhang Yun smiled: "A little way to control your lives!"


The twelve members of the lottery organization all stared.

"If you dare to attack us, you will definitely be retaliated by the organization...ah!"

The members of the Red Mask Organization shouted angrily, but as soon as they finished calling him, Zhang Yun stepped on the ground.

"Let go of Hong!"

The eleven members of the lottery organization around him all yelled.

Zhang Yun glanced at them coldly.

The sudden coldness in their hearts and souls caused all the members of the Eleven Lottery Organization to tremble and dare not say a word.

"You are all my prisoners now!"

Zhang Yun said indifferently: "I'll give you two choices. Either die, or surrender to me!"

"Surrender? If you want me to surrender, you are talking nonsense!!"

The red-masked man who was stepping on him heard this and immediately shouted.


Before the other members of the Cai Organization could react, they heard a loud bang from the red masked man's heart. At the same time, the soul also scattered out of the body at this moment, turning into stars and disappearing into the void.


There was silence for a moment.

The eleven members of the Cai Organization looked at Zhang Yun with a hint of fear in their eyes.

Zhang Yun wanted this effect. He waved his hand to put away the body of the red-masked man and looked at them calmly: "Now you have ten seconds to hesitate. Surrender or die. Choose! Ten, nine, eight..."

As he spoke, he read it quickly.

The expressions of the members of the Eleven Lottery Organization changed.

"Surrender! I surrender!!"

Among them, the green-masked man whose mask was shattered shouted quickly.

He first met Zhang Yun in the Demon Realm Square, and was also the first to be tortured.

I have long been filled with fear of the pervert in front of me.

At this moment, seeing the red-masked man at the head of their group being killed directly, the defense in his heart had already been shattered.

After practicing for hundreds of years, he finally reached this level. He didn't want to die like this.

Alive, at least there is hope!


"I surrender!"

With him taking the lead, the remaining ten members of the Cai organization did not hesitate any longer.

"Very good, from today on you will be a member of my first Immortal Sect!"

Zhang Yun smiled.

"The first sect of immortality?"

The members of the Eleven Lottery Organization were stunned.

Zhang Yun didn't explain much.

I have never killed these members of the Cai organization before, but I actually had this idea.

After all, if you kill them, you will be able to summon a group of people that can only last for one day. If you don't kill, you can get more than ten people in the Void Refining Stage.

Today’s No. 1 Immortal Sect needs this kind of power!

As he got to know the Central Territory, he became more and more aware of how insignificant the current No. 1 Immortal Sect was!

If you want your power to grow, you must absorb and cultivate more power!

Zhang Yun did not expect these monks who were forced to join to be loyal or have soul-suppressing skills, as long as they could bring enough use to the sect!

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