Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Across the Southern Region Chapter 375: Conquer and Understand

After subduing them, Zhang Yun also asked about the identities of the eleven members of the Cai organization, as well as the one he killed.

"Man Emperor Palace, Ultimate City, Caiyun Palace..."

Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows slightly as he heard the names of the various forces.

He knew several parties here. He had seen them on the hunting list issued by the top ten underground forces during the previous wanted list conference.

Man Emperor Palace, Ultimate City, and Caiyun Palace, these three parties are all top powers.

Among the eleven members of the lottery organization, four are from these three parties.

The leader among them, the member of the Cai Organization wearing a gray mask, is a disciple of the Man Emperor Palace. At the same time, there was another one wearing a golden mask who also came from the Man Emperor Palace.

Both of them are elders of the outer palace of the Man Emperor Palace. Although they are not the core high-level officials, their status is considered high.

Even among the top powers, the Barbarian Emperor Palace is still at the top level. The master of the palace, Rong Man, is ranked second on the hunting list!

The other two parties, Jiji City are old acquaintances, and Caiyun Palace is relatively unfamiliar.

The rest of the members of the Cai organization also come from some powerful forces that can be seen on the hunting list.

Zhang Yun was not surprised by this.

After all, most of the monks who can reach the Void Refining Stage and above are concentrated in these powerful forces.

As for the Cai organization, it is equivalent to a mercenary organization. And these monks from various forces joined it just to make extra money.

Just like the task that the twelve of them received this time, to obtain the evil shadow branch.

They don't know who issued the mission. But once they complete the mission, each of them can receive 100 million spiritual stones plus a reward of any high-level spiritual weapon.

Originally, they had already obtained it, but they were reluctant to part with the rain of magic treasures spilled from the depths of the magic sand land.

There are many good things in it that are of great value.

They had been collecting for several days and had almost reached half of their mission rewards.

Zhang Yun couldn't help but give a thumbs up to their behavior.

Because these things all belong to him now!

Zhang Yun smiled crookedly when he saw how much flesh and blood it contained, as well as the many resources that demon cultivators could use.

It really takes no effort at all!

He was also thinking about where to get the magic cultivation resources needed to cultivate Ran Ran.

These members of the lottery organization are so considerate!

Looking at Zhang Yun with a smile on his face, the members of the Eleven Lottery Organization wanted to fight with him.

This shameless robber!

At the same time, they also regretted it!

If I had known this, after I had completed my mission by obtaining the Evil Shadow Branch, it was time to retreat!

Regardless of what they thought, Zhang Yun came to another room after taking his things.

Inside was the middle-aged man in brocade robes from the Luanliu clan.

"What did you do to me??"

Seeing his arrival, the middle-aged man in Jinpao, who was closing his eyes to rest, immediately opened his eyes and asked him angrily.

After he woke up, he felt that his whole body was restrained, and the most important thing was that his heart and soul were inexplicably attached.

He tried calling Zhang Yun several times, but got no response.

After waiting for many days, I finally saw Zhang Yun, and I couldn't help but feel extremely excited.

"A little way to control your life!"

Zhang Yun grinned and snapped his fingers.


The middle-aged man in Jinpao suddenly felt his heart beating wildly, and his soul couldn't help but tremble.

"Stop this quickly!"

An inexplicable feeling of fear arose spontaneously, and he couldn't help but yell.

"Let's see!"

Zhang Yun directly placed a video recording stone on the table next to him and opened it.

An image of him who had just conquered the members of the Cai Organization suddenly appeared on it.

This was specially recorded by him just now.

Because he estimates that he will encounter many similar things in the future, so as not to repeat them every time, he can just open them up like this for now.

"Color Organization..."

Seeing the appearance of these people in the picture, and then looking at Zhang Yun's actions among them, the middle-aged man in brocade robes trembled: "You..."

"I don't want to talk nonsense. Either surrender or die. You have ten seconds to think about it!"

Zhang Yun said calmly and lifted his fingers.

One stick, two sticks, three sticks...

Seeing him lifting it up so quickly, and looking at the repeated playback of members of the red-masked organization being killed by Zhang Yun on the screen, the middle-aged man in brocade panicked.


He doesn't want to die!

He is still waiting for the Turbulent Spirit Land to open and enter it to obtain the inheritance of their immortal ancestor! !

"Surrender! I surrender!!"

Seeing that Zhang Yun had quickly broken off his ninth finger, the middle-aged man in the brocade robe couldn't bear it anymore and shouted quickly.


With a soft sound, he suddenly felt light all over his body, and the trembling feeling in his soul and heart faded away.


The whole person collapsed to the ground, and he couldn't help breathing heavily.

Zhang Yun asked: "What is the relationship between Guo Ce and you?"


The middle-aged man in Jinpao was startled: " know Guo Ce?"

"A little friendship!"

Zhang Yun nodded.

He still has a pretty good impression of Guo Ce. After all, when he was ambushed by Gu Tuo and others in the Void Refining Stage, the other party took the initiative to hold Gu Tuo back. For this alone, he owed the other party a favor.

We originally made an appointment to meet at the Holy Stone Group in Nine Stone City.

But he had no idea what happened next.

I feel guilty for Guo Zhi.

"It turns out you were sent by him to punish me!!"

The middle-aged man in brocade robe gritted his teeth.

Zhang Yun was startled, thinking about the Luanliu Lingdi that the other party mentioned before, and realized something: "He is from your Luanliu clan? And your competitor?"


The middle-aged man in brocade robe snorted coldly.

"Have you forgotten who you are now?"

Zhang Yun's eyes suddenly turned cold.

The middle-aged man in Jinpao suddenly felt a chill in his heart and soul, his body trembled, he quickly calmed down, nodded and replied: "Yes! Guo Ce is my competitor!!"

Zhang Yun said: "Tell me in detail!"

The middle-aged man in Jinpao did not dare to neglect and started telling the story immediately.

Zhang Yun gradually showed a look of surprise on his face as he listened.

As he thought, Guo Ce was a member of the Luanling clan, and like the middle-aged man in brocade robe named Guo Lin in front of him, he was one of the descendants of the Luanliu clan sent out to walk in the world.

They are both descendants, and they are also enemies of each other, especially at the time when the Chaos Spiritual Land is about to open.

Luanliu Lingdi was left behind by the immortal ancestor of the Luanliu clan. There has always been a rumor among the Luanliu clan that as long as you find and collect some things from them, you can get the inheritance of this immortal ancestor.

Therefore, every generation of descendants of the Luanliu clan will compete for the Luanliu Spiritual Land.

Every time the Luanliu Spirit Land is opened, each descendant will bring a group of helpers.

Because some of these places require people with strong enough qualifications to open them. The more qualified the person, the more places they can open!

Guo Lin had previously coerced Zhang Yun into helping, just to make him a helper. Because through the unique Dharma books of the Luanliu clan, they can distinguish the qualifications of others.

Yun raised his eyebrows after hearing this.

This ability is somewhat similar to his Immortal Master's Heavenly Eye.

After listening to what Guo Lin said, he had a rough idea.

From this point of view, Guo Ce's purpose in helping him was obviously to recruit him as a helper.

Zhang Yun looked at Guo Lin and asked, "What's the harm in becoming your clan's helper?"


Guo Lin hesitated for a moment, but the strange feeling in his heart and soul made him quickly answer: "Yes. Once you help obtain something in Luanliuling Land, it will be recorded.

It would be okay if no descendant gets the ancestral inheritance. Once obtained, the qualifications of the person being recorded will be sucked away and recorded in the Dharma Book of the tribe who has inherited it! "

"Absorbing qualifications?"

Zhang Yun was surprised. This was the first time he heard this word.

"To be precise, it's direct engraving. Forcibly collecting people and engraving them into Dharma books, and preserving their qualifications on them!"

"What will happen to this person?"


Listen to Guo Lin's words.


Zhang Yun smiled, a little coldly.

All the good feelings and guilt I had towards Guo Ce disappeared in an instant!

This is the original purpose of the other party's so-called goodwill.

Facing Zhang Yun's cold smile, Guo Lin trembled a little.

These are actually the secrets of their clan and cannot be revealed to the outside world. Now he revealed that if he is discovered by the clan, he will be severely punished.

The most important thing is that he is a little confused about Zhang Yun's attitude.

Zhang Yun didn't pay attention to him. After laughing for a while, he calmed down.

Just listening to what Guo Lin said now, maybe Guo Ce didn't have any idea in this regard.

No matter what, he planned to meet Guo Ce if he had the opportunity.

Guo Ce's previous help was considered a favor...

He had to at least confirm it!

Thinking about it, Zhang Yun looked at Guo Lin and asked, "When will the chaotic flow spirit land you mentioned be opened?"

"It's hard to say..."

Guo Lin shook his head and explained: "When a door appears in our tribe's Dharma book, it means that the Chaos Spiritual Land is about to open. But how long it will take is uncertain. If it is fast, it may be a year and a half, if it is slow, it may be a year and a half. Maybe ten or twenty years..."

"Can you feel it when it's turned on?"


"Tell me if you find something new!"

After Zhang Yun finished speaking, he turned and left.


Take a deep breath.

"Zhang Yun!"

Just as he was about to move, Su Die's call suddenly came to his ears.

He was slightly startled and immediately teleported over.

"You figured it out so quickly?"

Zhang Yun was a little surprised when he saw Su Die walking out of the room.

"Think of it like a hammer!"

Su Die rolled her eyes and curled her lips and said: "I have a headache thinking about it and I am too lazy to think about it. I am going to start practicing. After being lazy for so many years, it's time to work hard.

His uncle's palace is just a wizard's palace. If I practice seriously and my strength increases in the future, I can just fuck him! "


Zhang Yun opened his mouth and then laughed.

Su Die suddenly looked at him, "Speaking of which, did you capture the old man Baihuo before?"

Zhang Yun was startled, then nodded: "Captured easily!"

"Capture alive?"


"Then can you lend him to me?"

Su Die's eyes suddenly lit up.

Zhang Yun was confused: "What are you going to do?"

"I want his fire!"

Su Die's beautiful face showed a rare look of drooling desire, "I've heard of that old man a long time ago. He has a lot of flames in his body. To me, his fire is the treasure of cultivation!"

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