Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Across the Southern Territory Chapter 415 The Ziwei Witch

The fragrance is fragrant, with endless charm.

Zhang Yun's expression suddenly fell into a trance, and he felt as if he was being held by a warm embrace. This warm feeling made him addicted.

But soon he realized something was wrong, his soul consciousness expanded, and he suddenly woke up.


But it was too late to wake up, and a large area of ​​purple and black evil energy was coming towards him.

Zhang Yun was so close that he couldn't dodge at all, and his huge body was directly swallowed by the demonic energy.

at the same time.

Wearing a purple dress, a woman with a face like a porcelain doll but a mature and hot figure walked out of the demonic aura.

Just standing there gave me the urge to step forward, take her into my arms, and cherish her.

"The Ziwei Witch!!"

Seeing the woman in purple skirt, Granny Miao and Headmaster Jinglong both shrank their pupils.

Being swallowed by the demonic energy, Zhang Yun shrank back to a normal human body at the critical moment, and took advantage of the gap to prop up a circle of magical seawater light shield to protect himself. Hearing this, Zhang Yun also stared at the woman in the purple skirt.

【Laziwei Witch】

Race: Desert Witch

Realm: peak of integration stage

Physique: Charming demon body, sand soul body

Physical endowment:

Charm - can make any intelligent creature addicted, and the soul and body fall into endless obsession. The weaker the soul, the stronger the effect!

Sand Control - Can turn all kinds of things except living things into gravel for control.

Female Demon Transformation - a special talent for half-demon, which can transform into a demon for a short time after being used, and the power of the demonic energy is increased tenfold in all directions!

Realm of Divine Consciousness: Enchanting Demonic Realm - The domain refers to the boundless charm. Touching it, all intelligent creatures will be addicted.

Field defects: Facing those with extremely strong souls, the effect will be greatly reduced.

Kung Fu and combat skills practiced: three forms of the Holy Art of Sealing Demons, dual cultivation techniques of succubus, and the Charm of Night...

Weakness: Facing a strong soul, the combat power will be greatly weakened.

"The peak of the integration stage!!"

The information about the Immortal Eye Technique made Zhang Yun's pupils shrink.

At the same time, I was also a little surprised.

This crape myrtle witch turned out to be a desert witch!

Thinking that Ankang Laomo was the other party's mistress, and the corpses of the desert witches were found in Ankang Laomo's space artifacts, Zhang Yun suddenly understood something.

Before I had time to think about it, the charming voice of Ziwei Witch suddenly sounded in my ears, "Handsome brother, are you interested in going with me?"

Zhang Yun wanted to refuse, but the nerves in his body were inexplicably weak. His whole soul was uncontrollable and he made a longing sound with his mouth: "Welcome to those who are interested!!"

"Then let's go!"

The Ziwei Witch came to him with a smile, and gently held his hand with her slender white jade hands.

Zhang Yun's whole body suddenly felt like an electric shock, and everything in his body seemed to be transmitted along the palm of his hand.

"Oh, he is still an inexperienced brother!"

Ziwei Witch suddenly showed surprise on her face, and her eyes looked at him with a little more warmth.

The corners of Zhang Yun's mouth twitched.

Another one who lusts after his body!

He wants to escape!

But the body refused to obey.

It seems that he has infinite charm. He can obviously think, but he cannot control his soul or body at the moment. He knew that this was due to the other party's charm.

Wait, he seems to be able to control the corners of his mouth!

Feeling some obvious sensations coming from his body, Zhang Yun's heart perked up and he struggled to control his body.

The Ziwei Witch noticed his movements, but didn't pay attention. She just smiled and said: "Brother, you killed my previous partner. From now on, you will be my new partner~!"


The corners of Zhang Yun's mouth twitched.

It seems that the other party has already found out about his killing of Ankang Laomo. New partner... Do you want to treat him as your new concubine?

His eyes glanced at Ziwei Witch's face as delicate as a porcelain doll, her mature and hot body... It seemed that she was really taken by her, and it seemed good!


Zhang Yun was frightened by this whimsical thought. He quickly cheered up and continued to struggle to control his body.

Ziwei Witch didn't pay attention when she saw this, and prepared to leave with him.

"Ang——!!" "Ang——!!"...

But at this moment, many dragons roared together.

All around, countless energies gathered and emerged like colorful flowers, and at the same time, there seemed to be a bunch of colorful clouds shining. The entire area seemed to have turned into a beautiful scenery.

However, the power of the domain that filled it made it clear that this was not a scenery.

The Ziwei Witch turned her head and looked at Headmaster Jinglong who was unfolding her domain, and Granny Miao below who was recovering from her injuries and accumulating light. She asked calmly, "Are you two trying to stop me?"

"Dragon Protector Ziwei, our sect does not want to be responsible for you and the Demon Sect, but this child is of great significance to our sect. Please protect me and give this child to our sect!"

Headmaster Jinglong held up his hands and said: "As compensation, this sect owes the protector a favor. If there is any need for help in the future, this sect will be obliged to help!"

Granny Miao didn't say a word, but she stared closely. Although the injury was serious, she was unwilling to give up at such a high price!

"Your favor..."

Ziwei Witch looked at Headmaster Jinglong indifferently: "Is it valuable?"


The moment the words fell, purple and black demonic energy surged up, directly penetrating through the landscape area formed by Headmaster Jinglong.


Before Zhang Yun could react, he felt his body being lifted up.

Seeing the Ziwei Witch leading him out of the realm...

"Ang——!!" "Ang——!!"...

A dragon roar sounded. Between the realms, countless dragon shadows formed by the convergence of energy bared their teeth and claws, roaring and rushing over.

"Are you willing to attack me?"

The Ziwei Witch suddenly showed a pitiful expression to Headmaster Jinglong.

Zhang Yun could feel an invisible charm spreading out.

Headmaster Jinglong's body trembled, and the many energy dragon shadows that rushed towards Ziwei Witch in the domain also softened.

Taking advantage of this gap, Ziwei Witch took Zhang Yun and rushed out of the domain in an instant.

"Damn it!"

Below, Headmaster Jinglong also woke up at the same time, his face darkening. Immediately control many energy dragon shadows to rush forward.

The Ziwei Witch who escaped from the realm immediately held Zhang Yun in her arms with her left hand. Zhang Yun's face was directly pressed against the other person's chest. The amazing touch made his body tremble.

Is this how Haihai feels?

Thoughts flashed through Zhang Yun's mind, but he quickly got excited and hurriedly controlled the nerves that wanted to indulge.

Continue to struggle to control your body.

This witch is too scary, we must get away quickly!

The Ziwei Witch didn't pay attention to his reaction. She raised her slender white right hand and looked at the many energy dragon shadows rushing up with a smile: "How about turning it into gravel?"

An invisible energy instantly filled the numerous energy dragon shadows that rushed up.

The bodies of many energy dragon shadows stagnated, and then disintegrated in the next second, turning into countless gravels.

As the Ziwei Witch flipped her right hand, a sandstorm formed directly to sweep over Headmaster Xiang Jinglong.

Headmaster Jinglong's face darkened, and he quickly gathered energy to resist the sandstorm.

While he was resisting, Ziwei Witch hugged Zhang Yun and quickly moved away.

call out!

But at this moment, a sharp gray yin light ray came through the sky.

The Ziwei Witch suddenly paused in her forward movement, leading Zhang Yun to avoid the ray, but the fluttering purple skirt made a big hole for the Yinlight ray to penetrate.

There was a hint of coldness in her eyes, staring at Granny Miao who was shooting below.

Granny Miao's expression changed, and she quickly tried to gather the light.

But the light was only halfway condensed, and her expression became sluggish.

call out!

When she woke up from the charm, what she saw was the Ziwei Witch's finger in the air, and the purple-black demonic energy that had been formed shot down.

"Jinglong, save me!!"

Granny Miao's expression changed drastically and she wanted Headmaster Jinglong to save her.

Just now, Headmaster Jinglong cooperated with her to make a move. She was responsible for the sneak attack, while Headmaster Jinglong faced the Ziwei Witch head-on.

Although the two were enemies, they had also collaborated.

Facing an enemy like the Ziwei Witch, the two of them can only stand a chance if they cooperate!

However, facing her plea for help at this moment, Headmaster Jinglong ignored her at all. Instead, he took advantage of this gap to gather a nearly 100-meter-long phantom of a giant dragon and attack the Ziwei Witch.


The purple-black demonic energy fingerlight was the first to shoot down. It was already supporting Granny Miao, and due to the slow nerves caused by the charm, it was impossible to avoid it at this moment, and it penetrated directly between the forehead and the eyebrows.

It penetrates with the soul.

Granny Miao stared at Headmaster Shangjinglong...

With endless resentment and endless regret, the body completely lost its vitality and fell to the top of the mountain next to it.

At the same time, Headmaster Jinglong’s nearly 100-meter-long giant dragon phantom attacked the Ziwei Witch.

"The Holy Technique of Demon Sealing - Demon Sealing!"

The Ziwei Witch just released the finger light with her right hand but could not release it immediately, so she was forced to raise her left hand to release the demonic energy.

Zhang Yun suddenly lost her embrace, and his uncontrollable body suddenly became a free fall.

The Ziwei Witch didn't pay attention because it was only for a moment.

A large amount of purple-black demonic energy erupted along the palm of her left hand, forming chains of demonic energy to block the energy dragon.


Then it was like teleporting.

Before Zhang Yun had time to think more, he felt his shoulder being lifted by the other party again.

He raised his head and met the eyes of the Ziwei Witch.

The latter showed him a charming smile: "Don't worry, my untouched brother, I won't let anything happen to you!"

"I know……"

Zhang Yun smiled, and then shouted loudly: "The only thing that will happen is you catch me!!"

Hundreds of bursts of dead immortal power are released directly from the energy storage room.


Feeling the threat of this gray-gold energy, the Ziwei Witch quickly let go of her hand and gathered a large amount of purple-black demonic energy to resist.

Zhang Yun took advantage of this moment to quickly break away and rush downwards.

The Ziwei Witch, who had blocked the withered immortal power, looked at the wrinkles on her palms that had been eroded, with a hint of surprise in her beautiful eyes.

The whole process of her touching Zhang Yun, Zhang Yun's movements and the surge of energy were all based on her sensing Zheng. Zhang Yun had only been away from her for just a moment, so how did he burst out with such amazing energy in an instant?

There is a secret!

With a desire for discovery in her beautiful eyes, the Ziwei Witch quickly chased after Zhang Yun.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

At this time, two figures came forward, it was two evil tree men.

The Ziwei Witch frowned.

boom! boom!

The demonic energy exploded, and the two evil tree men flew away with two slaps.

But during this gap, Zhang Yun quickly rushed to the Lingxian Sect below.

He quickly yelled: "Hurry up!!"

You Xinyuan reacted immediately and made a handprint.

At the same time, the nine Gutuo activated simultaneously.

A layer of fog suddenly rose above Lingxian Sect, but it only blocked the line of sight, but could not block the perception of consciousness.

Because the Wulihai domain that was originally suspended in the air had dispersed on its own when Zhang Yun was restrained by the Ziwei Witch just now.

At this moment, the countless energy lines and killing formations arranged above the Lingxian Sect are activated, and are only covered by a layer of fog. For the Ziwei Witch and the Jinglong Master in the sky, their spiritual consciousness can see through them at a glance.

However, even though he saw through it, the killing array and countless energy lines after activation were real.

The face of the Purple Star Witch was cold.

Seeing this, Master Jinglong breathed a sigh of relief.

Rather than letting Zhang Yun be taken back to the Demon Sealing Sect by the Purple Star Witch, he hoped that the situation would be stalemate.

He got the news through one of Grandma Miao's male favorites, and followed Grandma Miao to the Southern Region. He had been hiding in the dark and watching the previous collision between Grandma Miao and Zhang Yun.

He wanted to reap the benefits of being a fisherman, but he never thought...

He looked at the Purple Star Witch and didn't know when the other party came. But she must have arrived in advance like him.

But the Demon Sealing Sect was in the turbulent world before, and it was obviously not involved in capturing Zhang Yun. How did it suddenly appear?

Master Jinglong was puzzled, but Zhang Yun was not surprised.

When they were at the headquarters of the Southern Demon Sealing Sect before, Du Heng and others were personally assigned by the Purple Star Witch to come. It was clear that the Purple Star Witch had already noticed the Southern Region at that time. But Zhang Yun didn't expect that the other party would come in person, and come so quickly!

Zhang Yun crushed the jade token connected to the Sky Star Sword without hesitation between his sleeves.

He wanted to attract more people to come.

But the current Jinglong Sect Master and Ziwei Witch made him understand that there was no time to delay.



After just a slight hesitation, the Ziwei Witch above rushed down to the killing array below.

"Spiritual consciousness - Sea of ​​Witches!"

Zhang Yun did not hesitate, and the Sea of ​​Witches domain instantly swept up, covering the killing array.

He wanted the other party to retreat, but the Ziwei Witch had no idea, and rushed in with a layer of purple-black magic wrapped around his Sea of ​​Witches.

Zhang Yun immediately controlled the Sea of ​​Witches and attacked the other party frantically, but he could not break the purple-black magic wrapped by the other party.

"You have to pay for what you have done!"

Zhang Yun shook his head bitterly when he saw this.

He has always been the one who crushed others with energy, but now, he is being crushed.

His witch power of the seventh-level Holy Priest Realm is comparable to the Refining Void Stage according to the realm. With his peak state to break through the Refining Void Stage, the power of Wuli Seawater has also been raised to a higher level, which can be compared with the general energy of the Fusion Stage.

Just like the Yin Guang of Miao Po Po, his Wuli Seawater is not at a disadvantage.

But the purple-black demonic energy derived from the Purple Star Witch, which has merged the blood of the demon clan, is obviously a higher level of energy.

His Wuli Seawater was suppressed!

Seeing that the opponent quickly broke through the layers of seawater and entered the killing array, he easily broke through the energy lines full of murderous intent of the nine Gu Tuo.

Zhang Yun's face sank.


You Xinyuan spoke.

Zhang Yun waved his hand to indicate that he knew, and immediately looked at You Yangqiu, Guo Lin, and Jin Huhuang: "You come in first!"

The three Ru nodded and immediately followed Zhang Yun's suction to enter the Immortal Treasure Pavilion.

The existence of Jinglong Sect Master and the Purple Star Witch was not something they could deal with at all.

"I can't wait for the Sky Star Sword!"

Watching the Purple Star Witch tearing through countless lines and approaching quickly, Zhang Yun's face darkened slightly, and his eyes glanced at the escape route he had prepared before.

"Daoyou Zhang..."

Just then, a voice suddenly came to his ears.

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