Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Across the Southern Territory Chapter 416 Summoning Granny Miao

"Fellow Daoist Kong?"

Zhang Yun was surprised.

It's been less than half a minute since he crushed the jade token, and this is it?

"Fellow Daoist Zhang, come in quickly!"

A spatial fluctuation appeared next to him, and two bear paws tore a gap in space.

Seeing this, Zhang Yun didn't think much and said quickly: "Elder You!"

You Xinyuan understood, stopped inputting energy in the formation, and directly followed the suction released by Zhang Yun into the Xianbao Pavilion.

Zhang Yun immediately rushed to the entrance to the space ahead.


The Ziwei Witch above noticed this scene and burst out with a large amount of purple-black demonic energy that rushed through the killing array that had lost its energy and swept directly down.

Whoosh whoosh! !

Nine Gutuo rushed to the top of Zhang Yun's head at this time, blocking the purple and black demonic energy that swept towards him.

Zhang Yun took advantage of this gap to quickly drill towards the entrance of the space.

hold head high!

At this time, the dragon roar came, and an energy dragon crashed into the space entrance one step ahead of him.

The bear's paw that was holding the opening of the space was so frightened that it quickly retracted, and the opening of the space quickly closed.

Zhang Yun was also blocked in front of the energy dragon.

Puffy! !

Before there was any time to make any move, there was an explosion from above. The nine Gutuos only persisted for a moment, and at this moment, they were already bombarded by Ziwei Witch one after another.

"Brother, why don't you want to go with me?"

Ziwei Witch looked at Zhang Yun with a smile.

One look reveals endless charm!

Zhang Yun was already on guard, and his spiritual consciousness affected his soul power to form a defense, preventing this charm from invading his soul.


At the same time, he took out the command brush and quickly sketched one word.

boom! boom!

Two astonishing waves of demonic energy rushed up, and countless branches of the demonic energy that became particularly powerful under the blessing of the command brush spattered towards the Ziwei Witch and Master Jinglong respectively like a shower.

Ziwei Witch and Headmaster Jinglong both raised their eyebrows.

At this moment, these demonic branches are obviously much stronger than before.


The two were preparing to release energy to resist.


At this moment, Zhang Yun commanded another word from the brush to fall, causing two invisible waves to spread to the two Ziwei Witches.

At this moment, the energy released by the two people suddenly stagnated, and the speed of energy release became inexplicably slow.

The two of them looked at the brush in Zhang Yun's hand in surprise.

Whoosh! !

Before they had time to think about it, a shower of demonic energy branches shot over their heads.

However, at the moment they fell, they had broken away from the inexplicable sluggish state, and the energy surged up to directly block these demonic branches.


However, Zhang Yun took advantage of this time and rushed out.

He didn't expect that this move could defeat the two witches and crape myrtle.

Although the command brush became stronger as his soul became stronger, its effect also became much stronger. But in the face of the existences of Ziwei Witch and Ziwei Witch, whose realm is much higher than his, the restrictive effect they can have is limited.

What he wants is to slow down the two witches Ziwei for a while.

At this moment, he rushed out without any hesitation, aiming directly at the top of the mountain next to him... the body of Granny Miao!

"Don't let him get the body!!"

Headmaster Jinglong reacted immediately.

Before letting Zhang Yun escape in the turbulent world, he went to investigate. I got a big piece of information about Zhang Yun’s summoning method, and that was the corpse!

Any corpse that falls into Zhang Yun's hands will be summoned by him later.

At this moment, Zhang Yun's move towards Granny Miao's body was undoubtedly the most clever!

Headmaster Jinglong wanted to stop him, but an evil tree man quickly stopped him.

At the same time, another evil tree man also stopped in front of the Ziwei Witch.

Zhang Yun quickly approached the top of the mountain and was about to approach the body of Granny Miao...

"Night Charm!"

But at this moment, the ground suddenly darkened and entered the night.

The corpse of Granny Miao in front of Zhang Yun seemed to blend into the night and disappear.

At the same time, everything around him turned into darkness.

His eyes, perception, and consciousness... were all blocked at this moment, and all he could observe was the boundless darkness under the night!

"Brother, let's go with me!"

The Ziwei Witch's laughter echoed loudly at this moment.

Zhang Yun looked in a daze.

Let's go with others~ let's go~ let's go~~

Her ears were filled with the laughter of the Ziwei Witch, and the daze on her face gradually turned into a smile full of fascination: "Okay!"

At this moment, a slender white jade hand appeared in the darkness.

Zhang Yun raised his hand to touch it.


But at the moment of contact, Zhang Yun's palm suddenly grabbed the jade hand with force.


The screams of the Ziwei Witch rang out in the dark night.


Zhang Yun didn't give the other party time to react, and Baisi Kuxian's power in the energy storage room exploded along his palm.

It was too late for Ziwei Witch to retract her hand.

The slender and white jade hands were like a piece of art being polluted, becoming wrinkled and withered as the gray-golden immortal power was eroded.


But soon a purple-black demonic energy surged out from the wrinkled jade hands, preventing further erosion.

However, Zhang Yun also quickly pulled away at the same time.

Because the darkness that shrouded his eyes had dispersed, he quickly rushed to the top of the nearby mountain and grabbed the body of Granny Miao.

"Brother, it seems you really want others to tear you apart!"

The angry voice of the Ziwei Witch came from behind, as well as the purple-black devilish energy that filled the air.


Without saying a word, Zhang Yun took out the summoning platform and threw the body of Granny Miao onto it.

Almost at the same time, a scent containing the power of the domain hit his nostrils.

Even if Zhang Yun had turned on the protection of his soul and consciousness to the maximum, he still could not prevent the intrusion of this fragrance.

His expression suddenly became dull.

boom! boom! boom! …

But at this moment, multiple strands of the combined aura of Dacheng erupted.

Zhang Yun was awakened directly from his addiction.

I saw a total of six Miao Granny walking out of the summoning platform with a burst of light at this moment.

"Yinguang!" "Yinguang!" "Yinguang!"...

A total of six realms of divine consciousness erupted at the same time.

Rao is the realm formed by the Ziwei Witch, and even in the face of the six realms of divine consciousness, it was forcibly pushed away.

"How can it be?"

The Ziwei Witch's delicate body swayed, and she looked at the six Miao Granny who walked out of the platform thrown by Zhang Yun, her eyes full of surprise.

How did you do it, instantly summoning six combined stages of great achievements?

On the side, Headmaster Jinglong had already blasted away the evil tree man that was blocking him. His pupils shrank when he saw this scene, and at the same time he glanced at the summoning platform summoned by Zhang Yun with eyes full of fire.

Sure enough, he was summoned using a corpse!

Looking at the six auras of Granny Miao, who were not inferior to those in life, his eyes gleamed.

The Great Success in the combined stage can summon six of them in an instant. This method...

He must get it!

Just as he was thinking about it, the Yin Light formed by the six Yin Light Realms was already spreading towards him.

Headmaster Jinglong's expression changed and he hurriedly retreated.

On the other side, the Ziwei Witch was also forced back by the shadowy light.

The yin light formed by the six combined stages of Dacheng Realm is no joke!

"not good!"

Sensing something, the expressions of Ziwei Witch and Ziwei Witch changed.

I saw a pair of bear paws tearing open a gap in space next to the top of the mountain where Zhang Yun was.

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