
As she slowly started to use the Witch's Xuanlu technique, it was a matter of course, and she immediately broke through the bottleneck that was blocking her upwards.

Her soul aura was the first to rise, directly reaching the stage of becoming a god.

Zhang Yun did not dare to neglect when he saw this, and hurried out of the Xianbao Pavilion, and immediately said: "Let's leave the endless void!"


The little bully who was on his way was a little confused when he heard this.

But seeing Zhang Yun's serious expression, it condensed, but still reminded: "Master, if you go out now, I don't know where you will end up..."

"It doesn't matter, let's go out first and then talk!"

Zhang Yun spoke.

Based on Ran Ran's situation, he could have guessed what kind of strange phenomenon it would cause if he broke through the stage of transformation.

If it is in the endless void, it will inevitably cause a lot of space turbulence, which will be even more dangerous!

When the little bully saw what he said, he no longer hesitated and forcibly tore a large hole in the tunnel next to him and got out.

As the world spins in front of my eyes.

When he looked around again, he was already on a huge desert under the night sky.

Haven't had time to figure out where they are.

boom--! !

From the Xianbao Pavilion pendant hung around Zhang Yun's neck, an astonishing aura of demonic energy swept up, and the world was instantly enveloped in a white aura of demonic aura.

Boom! !

In the night sky, a burst of thunder exploded out of thin air.

The entire night sky seemed to be torn apart by a pair of giant claws at this moment, and an extremely pure demonic energy from heaven and earth swept down.

Zhang Yun's expression condensed.

He quickly brought Ran Ran out from Xianbao Pavilion.

Ran Ran has completely entered the breakthrough state. As soon as he came out, a terrifying suction force burst out from his body, turning the demonic energy of heaven and earth sweeping down from the night sky into waves of crazy absorption.

As he absorbed it, his breath gradually began to rise.

The strange phenomenon of demonic energy in the night sky also became more and more intense, and soon the movement swept across the desert.

"Demon cultivator!?"

The Little Overlord and the black-robed masked man on its back suddenly woke up when they saw this scene, staring down at Ran Ran who was sitting in the desert and frantically absorbing the demonic energy of heaven and earth, with shocked expressions on their faces.

They could feel that the little girl in front of them was breaking through the stage of becoming a god.

A breakthrough in the divine transformation stage can actually trigger such a strange phenomenon of demonic energy in the world...


This little girl is definitely a demon cultivator! !

They looked at Zhang Yun with some fear.

I wonder why Zhang Yun carries such a demonic cultivator?

Zhang Yun didn't care what they thought. At this moment, his attention was attracted by the desert in the distance.

He could feel some breath approaching from the desert in the distance.

Apparently he was attracted by the vision.

"Just confirm the location!"

Zhang Yun touched his chin and did not take the initiative to move. Instead, he waited for a few auras in the distance to come within the range of his consciousness.

Whoosh! !

Wuli Haihai suddenly turned into tentacles and shot out of the air, forcibly pulling several figures approaching from a distance.

Throw it directly on the sand in front of you.


"it hurts!"

A woman screamed.

What I saw being dragged over were several beautiful women wearing purple gauze skirts.

Zhang Yun didn't pay much attention at first, but after glancing at these women, he was suddenly stunned.

【Desert Witch】

Realm: Peak of Nascent Soul Stage

【Desert Witch】

Realm: Nascent Soul Stage Dacheng

"Desert witch?"

Zhang Yun was surprised.

These random people were dragged over, and they turned out to be the once-in-a-lifetime desert witch?

Hearing his undisguised surprise, the faces of the desert witches who were dragged over changed.


Without hesitation, they unfolded their talents.

A fragrant breeze swept around.

But neither Zhang Yun, Little Overlord, nor the two men in black robes and masks were unmoved.


Several desert witches were horrified, turned around and ran away.

Those who can ignore their charm like this must be at least one level above them!

But before they could even take two steps, a layer of magical sea water tripped them down.

At the same time, Wuli's sea water directly wrapped them all, leaving only their heads exposed.

"don't want!"

"Spare my life!"

Several desert witches screamed.

"Shut up!"

Zhang Yun suddenly shouted coldly.

The delicate bodies of several desert witches trembled and they all closed their lips.

"Where is this?"

Zhang Yun asked.

Several desert witches were startled and didn't understand why he asked this question.

We've arrived inside this desert, don't we still know the location?

But feeling Zhang Yun's indifferent eyes, their delicate bodies trembled, and the strongest among them, the Nascent Soul stage peak desert demon girl, said: "You...if you are asking about the location, this is the inner area of ​​the Ziyue Desert!"

"Purple Moon Desert?"

Zhang Yun was stunned, looking around at the huge desert with some surprise.

The Little Overlord randomly burrowed out of the endless void, and actually burrowed directly into a top force.

Ziyue Desert is one of the top forces in the Central Region.

The desert witch that Zhang Yun had harvested from Ankang Laomo's storage ring came from this desert.

And this force...

Suddenly realizing something, Zhang Yun's eyes narrowed, and his consciousness immediately expanded.

However, when it expanded halfway, it was separated by a sand barrier formed under the night sky. But the sand barrier is moving. He was moving quickly towards his location.

Divine consciousness!

A strong man in the combined stage!

Feeling the breath between the sand barriers, Zhang Yun narrowed his eyes.

Seeing that Ran Ran couldn't finish absorbing the demonic energy of heaven and earth for a while, he immediately took a deep breath and gathered his consciousness from all directions into a huge sharp cone.

With a wave of his hand, he crashed directly into the sand barrier that was approaching rapidly.


There was an explosion and the sand barrier exploded.

But a figure hiding among them also disappeared at the same time.

Zhang Yun's eyes narrowed slightly.

Reacting quickly, a piece of magical sea water swept under the desert.

Directly blowing away the desert ahead.

A figure hiding under it flew out, and when he raised his hand, a huge sand handprint made of gravel came towards him from the air.


A large amount of Wuli sea water gushes out from Zhang Yun's body, directly wrapping the gravel handprint in mid-air and crushing it.

"Divine Consciousness—The Realm of Crazy Sand!"


At this time, a power from the realm of spiritual consciousness exploded, causing countless sand and gravel to form and roll up into the air.

"Sacred Consciousness - Sea of ​​Witches!"

Zhang Yun's eyes suddenly opened and he also expanded his field at the same time.

The majestic Wuli sea water first formed a sea wall around Ranran behind him, and then faced the realm of consciousness formed by countless sand and gravel in front.

Bang——! !

The two realms collided and the void trembled.

Swish, brush, brush! !

At this time, dozens of salon scrolls rolled up, and they rushed towards his domain from all directions.

slow! slow!

Zhang Yun took out his command brush and wrote two words instantly.

Dozens of salon rolls rolled in all at once.

Puffy! !

Zhang Yun immediately erupted into a sea of ​​magical power, forcibly scattering dozens of saloon scrolls.

"Got you!"

At the same time, his eyes locked on a position in the gravel field in front of him, and his body went straight through it like lightning.

Bang——! !

He raised his hand and punched, directly blasting a 100-meter sand pit in the desert field.

He raised his head and saw that the person who had come had already jumped into the air.

It wasn't until this moment that Zhang Yun saw the other party's appearance clearly.

A short, skinny old man.

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