【? ? ? 】

Realm: Integration stage

Physique: The best Shaling root body

Constitution: Sha Rong - the body can blend into the desert.

Realm of Divine Consciousness: Realm of Crazy Sand - stir up countless grains of sand to form a realm of sand. Within the scope of the realm, the sand grains can be controlled to freely condense into various things.

Domain Power: In non-desert areas, double energy is required.

Special energy cultivated: Demonic Qi

Kung Fu and combat skills practiced: Demon Sealing Holy Technique, Purple Sand Technique, Hundred Layer Salon Scroll...

Weakness: Afraid of the power of purification, its combat power will be limited in non-desert areas.

"It looks like they are really a gang!"

After scanning the other party's information, Zhang Yun breathed a sigh of relief and confirmed a guess he had made a long time ago.

That is Ziyue Desert, as the top force, and the most wanted force in the mainland, the Demon Sealing Sect... are in the same group! !

This idea came to him when he got the corpses of desert witches from Ankang Laomo's storage ring and summoned one of them who was recognized by Er Zi as a person from Ziyue Desert.

After discovering that the Ziwei Witch was a desert witch, he became even more convinced of this.

After all, Old Demon Ankang is the concubine of Witch Ziwei.

Combined with the corpses of the desert witches from the Ziyue Desert, it is not difficult to guess that the Ziwei Witch, who is also a desert witch, came from the Ziyue Desert.

Such a peak powerhouse in the integration stage, and a high-ranking protector in the Demon Sealing Sect, comes from the Ziyue Desert...

One can imagine the relationship between the Demon Sealing Sect and Ziyue Desert!

Now that he saw that this was obviously the short old man from Ziyue Desert who had practiced the Demon-Sealing Holy Technique, he was absolutely certain of this.

The short old man in mid-air didn't know what he was thinking. Seeing that he actually broke into his own domain, he couldn't help but sneer, "How dare you force your way into my domain and seek your own death!"

As soon as the words fell, the surrounding wild sand field boiled, and countless sand grains formed four sandstorms driven by the power of the field.

Behind, left, and right, Zhang Yun, who was under the sand pit, was blocked from all escape routes and swallowed him down.

The corners of the short old man's lips curled up into a sneer.

He didn't know where Zhang Yun came from the combined stage, but since he broke into their Ziyue Desert, he was an enemy.

No matter what, take it first and then...

boom! boom! boom! …

Before he could finish his thoughts, one, two, three... a total of five strands of power from the realm of divine consciousness erupted under the sand pit at the same time.

Peng——! !

Before the short old man could react, he saw a large sandstorm blowing away his ears.

At the same time, the power of the domain exploded, causing infinite red fire to sweep across his domain.

"not good!!"

The short old man's expression changed greatly and he wanted to stop him.


But the combined explosion of the five powers from the realm of consciousness was beyond his ability to block, and it exploded through his Kuangsand realm in an instant.


The field was forcibly exploded, and the short old man suffered a backlash and spurted out a mouthful of blood.

Whoosh whoosh! !

Before he could take a breath, he saw five figures covered in red fire attacking him at the same time.

"I'm so sorry!!"

The short old man made everyone stupid.

Where did this five-person fusion period come from?


He turned around and wanted to escape, but the five realms of divine fire had already enveloped him.


The short old man shouted.

But the five middle-aged men in green robes covered with red fire ignored him and swarmed him directly.

Five against one, the short old man was injured.

There was no suspense at all, and the short old man was quickly knocked down from mid-air.


Falling on the desert, blood spurted out of his mouth before the short old man could think too much.

A foot stepped on his chest.


Zhang Yun's handsome smiling face immediately caught his eye.


Another stream of blood gushed out of the short old man's mouth. Looking at the 'fusion stage' in front of him that was obviously the one who had just fought with him, he was so angry that he vomited blood.

What's wrong with this?

Isn't the other person a person? Why are there suddenly five more people around me?

"Wait, you...you're not..."

Just as he was thinking about seeing Zhang Yun's face clearly, he suddenly recognized something and his eyes widened suddenly.

"Recognize me?"

Zhang Yun shrugged when he saw this, "It seems that I am very famous now, and everyone recognizes me!"

"You...why are you here?"

The short old man couldn't believe it.

Zhang Yun!

He had only seen it through images before, and it was definitely Zhang Yun in front of him! !

But isn't Zhang Yun in the mountain world?

As the target ordered by their Lord Ziwei, Ziyue Desert has been paying attention to Zhang Yun. Half an hour ago, they had just received the image of Zhang Yun appearing in the mountain world.

For this reason, Lord Desert Lord just set off to the mountain realm with his people.

Why did this rightful master appear inside their Ziyue Desert now?


Even if there were infinite teleportation with sparks and lightning all the way, it would be impossible to come from the mountain world to their spiritual sand world in such a short time!

"Fake! You are not Zhang Yun! Who are you??"

The short old man shouted loudly.

Zhang Yun said: "I am Zhang Yun!"

"You're absolutely not!"

The short old man looked determined.


As soon as he finished speaking, his body suddenly trembled, and he looked at Zhang Yun's feet in shock, which directly crushed his heart.

What does it mean? Why suddenly...

"You can't do it if you don't!"

Zhang Yun waved his hand casually, and the Wuli sea water sank into the opponent's body along the soles of his feet, directly wiping out the opponent's life.

call out!

A wisp of remnant soul shot out in the next moment.

But before it shot a few meters away, it was enveloped by a ball of sea witch power.

"No! We have no grievances and no grudges!!"

The remnant soul of the short old man quickly wielded his sword

"Indeed, we have no grievances or grudges!"

Zhang Yun nodded.

"Let me go!"

The short old man's remnant soul was overjoyed when he saw him stop, and said quickly: "It was my fault that I acted indiscriminately before, and I will use my body as compensation. You... ugh!"


Halfway through his words, he suddenly glared.

I saw that the sea witch power surrounding his soul body was intensifying at this moment, and cracks appeared in the entire soul body.

The short old man looked at Zhang Yun in shock.

What does it mean?

It’s not that I won’t take action without any grievances, so why suddenly...

"There is no personal grudge, but you are a member of the Demon Sealing Sect!"

Zhang Yun spoke.


The short old man's eyes suddenly widened, but he could no longer make a sound, and his remaining soul was completely shattered under the crushing power of the sea witch.

Zhang Yun waved his hand and put away the other party's body.

At the same time, he looked towards the desert in the distance and saw some auras that were obviously approaching. He exhaled: "It's really troublesome!"

"Protect Ran Ran!"

He immediately waved his hand and the five middle-aged men in green robes summoned by him immediately dispersed and surrounded Ran Ran who was making a breakthrough.


The Overlord and the masked man in black robes suddenly woke up when they saw this. Looking at the five middle-aged men in green robes around them and Zhang Yun who put away the body of the short old man, they couldn't help but swallow their saliva.

This is a combination period!

To be slaughtered in such an instant...

But looking at the five middle-aged men in green robes around them, they felt that it was reasonable.

Five Fusion Stages of the same level can do one thing, but they were first hit by a wave of domain-shattering backlash. Isn't this abuse?

But the most important thing is, how did Zhang Yun summon these five combined stages?

Swish, brush, brush! !

Before they could think about it, they saw five more figures flashing around Zhang Yun.

Shockingly, there are five middle-aged men in green robes!

Another...another five-person integration period? ?

The Overlord and the black-robed masked man both had their eyes widened.

Are you kidding me?

In this combined period, can it be summoned like this? ?

The two men in black robes and masks suddenly thought that Zhang Yun and the four sect masters of Butterfly Palace before them were weak...

They looked at each other, both showing a wry smile.

Being able to summon the combined stage like this, aren't the four sect masters of the Butterfly Palace weak?

Zhang Yun ignored the shocked people beside him and narrowed his eyes at the moment, looking at the many figures that were vaguely visible in the distance.

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