Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Chapter 440 The Desert Demon Queen in the Fusion Stage

In the desert at night, the cold wind is biting.

The rustling sounds of some movements were slightly hidden under the cold wind.

"Where do you want to go?"

At this time, Zhang Yun's voice suddenly sounded.

The rustling sound suddenly stopped.

Puffy! !

I saw several 'Desert Witches' sitting slumped on the desert, and at this moment they all turned into sand and dispersed. At the same time, there were several clear sounds of escape under the desert.

puff! puff! puff!

The next second, several waves of witch-powered sea water penetrated directly under the sand layer and forcibly pulled up several desert witches who were trying to escape along the sand.

"don't want!"

"We were wrong! Don't kill us!!"

Several desert witches were immediately frightened.

"Shut up!"

Zhang Yun drank coldly.

The delicate bodies of several desert witches trembled and they all closed their mouths.

Zhang Yun looked at the approaching figures in the distance and asked lightly: "Why did your family join the Ziyue Desert?"

Several desert witches were startled.

The leading desert witch at the peak of the Nascent Soul stage said: "I...we have been here since we were born..."

Zhang Yun turned to look at her, "Then let me change the question, what is the relationship between Ziwei Witch and you?"

"The Ziwei Witch?"

Several desert witches looked confused, "You...yours, is it the eighth one on the mainland's most wanted list?"

Looking at their expressions, Zhang Yun already understood.

He waved his hand to wipe away the vitality of several desert witches and collected their bodies.

Desert witches feed on human hearts, and their demon hearts are also of great value to monks. Ankang Laomo has already used more than half of the previous batch. Now that we have arrived in the Ziyue Desert, it’s time to replenish it!

Just as he was thinking about it, the approaching figure in the distant desert had already entered the scope of his consciousness.

boom! boom! boom!

Almost at the same time, three strands of combined spiritual consciousness swept over him.

Zhang Yun directly waved his hand and erected a sea wall to block these three spiritual consciousnesses from detecting Ran Ran, Overlord, the black-robed masked man next to him, and the ten middle-aged men in green robes.

Whoosh! !

At the same time, he drove waves of magical sea water to shoot into the distance. Zhang Yun deliberately weakened the power of these magical sea water.

Puffy! !

Not surprisingly, the Wuli sea water shot out was directly defeated by the three combined stages in the distance.

Seemingly sensing that his witchcraft water was not very strong, the three fusion masters no longer hesitated and quickly approached.

Soon it appeared under his sight.

Two men and one woman, both in the fusion stage.

What Zhang Yun cared about the most was that one of the women.

It was a woman with purple hair that looked bright even in the night, and a delicate and beautiful face. She was wearing a thin white gauze skirt, and the graceful curves under the gauze skirt were looming, revealing an air of beauty. Mysterious charm…

Well, that's not the point!

The point is...

This is a desert demon queen in the combined stage!

Zhang Yun stared at the other party with fiery eyes, as if he had seen a super heart containing extremely abundant energy!


Feeling Zhang Yun's fiery gaze, the arriving Desert Demon Queen raised her beautiful eyebrows, gently smoothed her purple hair, and revealed a lazy and charming smile, "Handsome brother, are you beautiful?"

The power of invisible charm emanates.


Zhang Yun, who was staring at the other party, completely accepted the charm, swallowed his saliva immediately, his eyes were a little obsessed, and he stared greedily at the Desert Demon Queen and nodded: "Beautiful...beautiful!!"

The Desert Demon Queen's smile became even more charming, "My handsome brother, are you interested in having an in-depth communication with me?"

“Welcome interested!!”

Zhang Yun nodded quickly, staring at the Desert Demon Queen with his eyes, wanting to rush forward immediately.

"Then let's go with him~!"

The Desert Demon Queen smiled and stretched out a white and slender jade hand to him.


Zhang Yun immediately ran forward.

The piggy look on his face made the two middle-aged men behind the Desert Demon Queen chuckle secretly.

My husband is so charming, but he is still invincible!

But it's strange, that guy Rong Pu should be around here, why is he missing?

There are also those who cause visions at this moment.

The two middle-aged men looked to the side and discovered that the earthly demonic energy was falling continuously in the night sky, and the area where it fell...


The two of them were startled when they saw a wall of Wulihai erected in front of that area.

This righteous master is already bewitched by his wife, how can he still maintain this sea wall that blocks their spiritual exploration?

Realizing something, their expressions changed and they quickly shouted: "Mrs. Xin!!"


But as soon as he finished speaking, a sea of ​​witchcraft water attacked the Desert Demon Queen.

The latter's expression changed, and he immediately built a huge sand wall to block the Wuli sea water.

boom! boom! boom! …

But before the Desert Demon Queen and the two middle-aged men could breathe a sigh of relief, they saw the realm of spiritual consciousness erupting one after another from behind the sea wall that blocked the perception of spiritual consciousness.

"not good!!"

The expressions of the three people changed drastically, and they quickly wanted to retreat.

But the surrounding desert has been covered by a large brown field of fire.

Ten strands of power from the realm of divine consciousness were suppressed at the same time.

The Desert Demon Queen's body sank, and she looked at the ten middle-aged men in green robes who rushed out from the sea wall with a horrified look on their faces.

The ten-digit integration period! !

The three of them were in disbelief.

This is inside the Ziyue Desert!

Ten combined stages, no, plus the bumbling bastard in front of me, that’s eleven.

How did the eleven-digit fusion period come here without being discovered?

There are strong men on the outskirts of Ziyue Desert who are on guard! !

"Wait, you..."

The Desert Demon Queen looked at Zhang Yun and suddenly remembered something, her beautiful eyes suddenly widened: "You are Zhang Yun!!"


The two middle-aged men next to him were startled when they heard this. When they took a closer look at Zhang Yun's appearance, their eyes widened: "How is that possible?"

"It seems that my popularity is really high now!"

Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows, "So is the short old man just now, and so are you... It seems that I will have to cover my face when traveling in the future!"

Hearing his words, the three desert demon queens became calm and asked in a deep voice: "What did you do to the soldiers?"

"You'll know soon!"

Zhang Yunyi shrugged.

Ten middle-aged men in green robes took action at the same time.

The expressions of the three Desert Demon Queens darkened, and they broke out into fields one after another.

With three against ten, they were quickly suppressed. However, after joining forces, the power of Sanrao's domain still formed a circle of defense, which temporarily withstood the siege of ten middle-aged men in green robes.

The three of them had no idea of ​​counterattack and were fully maintaining their defense at this moment.

That posture clearly shows that he is waiting for support!

And support arrived quickly. To be precise, it should be the dozen or so Void Refining Stages who arrived after the three Desert Demon Queens.


Seeing the stalemate between the thirteen realms of consciousness in the field, the more than ten people in the Void Refining stage all looked horrified.

"Sacred Consciousness - Sea of ​​Witches!"

Before they could think about it, a sea of ​​witchcraft power carried by their spiritual consciousness surged in front of them.

"not good!!"

The expressions of more than a dozen people in the Void Refining Stage changed drastically.

Zhang Yun didn't give them any chance to resist, and the Wuli Haihai swept down and directly killed more than ten people in the Void Refining Stage.

"Put the pressure on me!"

Looking at the three desert demon queens who were supported by the ten realms of divine fire, Zhang Yun immediately spoke.

Upon hearing this, ten middle-aged men in green robes immediately released their pressure on him.

The combined pressure of the ten strands came, and Zhang Yun's body sank, but a touch of excitement appeared on his face.

Endowment, exciting battle blood!

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