In the northern part of the secret realm of the Demon Sealing Sect's headquarters, there is a huge city filled with demonic energy.

At the front of the city, there is a huge city wall that towers into the clouds and is more than a kilometer wide.

At this moment, on the city wall, there are two huge demons with a height of more than a few hundred meters sitting cross-legged, but they both have many wounds on their bodies.

The two demons were a Cloud Demon King and a Dark Demon King who had just escaped from the ruins of Fengcheng.

Around them, multi-headed female demons with a size of several tens of meters were carefully wiping their wounds and applying various exclusive demonic ointments and spiritual fluids.

"Two idiots, Qingya and Qinghe, actually escaped!"

The Dark Lord couldn't help but snorted coldly: "If we escape back, we four demons combined with the defense of Demonic City may not be able to repel Long Fenghua's human beasts!!"

Cloud Demon King said calmly: "Even if we can repel them, it is difficult for them to survive if they are so seriously injured. Have you forgotten the one in the city and how much you want to devour them?"

"It is better to be devoured by that person than to die in the hands of human beasts!"

The Dark Lord looked into the depths of the city and hummed.

"They don't necessarily think so!"

Cloud Demon King looked into the distance and couldn't help but sigh: "I felt bad when I heard that Long Fenghua was coming. I didn't expect that it would come to this!"

The Dark Lord heard this and said angrily: "It's all the fault of that useless Xuan Mo! Is this how he manages external affairs when he is asked to do so!?"

"What's the point of saying this now?"

Cloud Demon King breathed out.

"Speaking of which, where is that useless Xuan Mo?"

"He just disappeared after chasing him out of the secret realm. There are so many Mahayana outside, it is probably more bad than good!"

"What a waste! You can't make any contribution even if you die!"

The Dark Lord cursed angrily and gritted his teeth: "Even if we block Long Fenghua and others this time, if this place is exposed, it will be difficult for us to live in peace!!"

"I have forewarned that such a day would come..."

Cloud Demon King narrowed his eyes and said: "Next, prepare to migrate!"


The Dark Lord was startled, "Where are you going?"

Cloud Demon King said: "Southern Territory!"

"Southern Territory?"

Hearing this, he suddenly realized something, and the Dark Lord's eyes narrowed, "Is it possible that over there in the Southern Territory..."


Cloud Demon King nodded: "The seal over there is about to be broken. I have already sent Mozhen, Qianchang, and Ziwei there before!"

"No wonder Mo Zhen and the others have never been seen..."

The Dark Lord smiled when he heard this and glanced at the Cloud Demon King: "You old guy, it's rare that you have a good escape route!"

"But it's a pity that all these years of hard work have been in vain..."

Cloud Demon King glanced in all directions of the secret realm of the Demon-Sealing Sect headquarters and sighed: "It would be great if the evil demon lineage was willing to join back then!"

"Those evil spirits are not following the pure path of evil. It would be the same with or without them!"

The Dark Lord snorted, "Besides, when the seal over there is opened, are you still afraid that those evil spirits won't submit?"

"Stop talking, here we come!"

Cloud Demon King's expression suddenly condensed, and he immediately shouted to the wasteland outside the city: "Get up!!"

"Hoah——!!" "Hoah——!!"...

After the words fell, dozens of combined-stage demons over a hundred meters in size looked up to the sky and roared in various places in the wasteland outside the city.

boom! boom! boom! …

Streams of demonic energy erupted from these demonic gases, forming beams of demonic energy that rose into the sky and converged in the sky dozens of miles outside the city, forming a huge barrier of demonic energy connecting the sky and the earth.

Cloud Demon King was not at all relieved when he saw this, and immediately shouted: "Wake it up!"

The demons everywhere in the wasteland outside the city immediately tore off part of their flesh and blood and threw them all to a location ten miles away from the city.

Buzz! !

As soon as the demon flesh and blood touched the ground there, a hole immediately appeared in the ground, swallowing the demon flesh and blood.

As if chewing, two rows of huge teeth as white as jade appeared on the ground, making a "chirp, chirp" sound.

hold head high--! !

At the same time, a dragon's roar suddenly came from far away from the demonic barrier dozens of miles away from the city.

An energy shock wave filled with holy light penetrated through layers of demonic energy from a distance and slammed into the huge demonic energy barrier.

Boom—! !

The earth shook.

The huge demonic barrier only lasted for less than two seconds before countless cracks appeared.

Soon the 'Peng' fell apart.

Puff puff! !

The dozens of combined-stage demons outside the city all swayed and sprayed out large streams of blood.

But the shock wave of holy light that broke away the demonic energy barrier did not stop, and continued to rush inwards.

Soon we were close to ten miles outside the city, above the two rows of teeth as white as jade.

"La la la la la la!!"

Under the teeth, a huge black tongue stretched out, making a sound that sounded like singing.

Under the singing, the holy light shock wave seemed to have been pressed on the deceleration button, and its forward speed suddenly slowed down dozens of times.

Puffy! !

At the same time, the ground cracked on both sides of the teeth as white as jade.

A pair of big hands filled with demonic aura broke out of the ground, one to the left and one to the right, and slapped the sky like applause.

The sound was unremarkable, but it carried a wave that seemed to penetrate everything.

The decelerating shock wave of holy light was penetrated and immediately turned into countless particles of energy, scattered in the sky.

at the same time.

A giant golden dragon galloped quickly from the distance.

Long Fenghua, who was dressed in a white robe with cloud patterns, was standing on top of the dragon's head, his eyes narrowed as he stared at the teeth on the ground below and the pair of big hands filled with demonic aura.

Whoosh whoosh! !

From behind, many Mahayana disciples including a strong old man also followed.

"The Mahayana monster!"

Feeling the breath under their teeth, their expressions condensed.

Bang bang bang! !

As soon as their voices fell, they saw two big hands filled with demonic energy clapping in front of them like applause.

An invisible sound wave with terrifying penetrating power swept over.

The expressions of the strong old man and other Mahayana men changed, and he quickly released energy to protect his whole body.

But it was directly penetrated by sound waves.

Sound waves enter the ear.

At this moment, the strong old man and other Mahayana stagers felt as if they had been punched in the ears multiple times.

Their eardrums were shattered, and blood kept pouring from their earlobes.

My whole head was buzzing.

Only Long Fenghua took out a green hood from somewhere and put it directly on his head.

Although it damages the image, this hood obviously has a strong sound isolation effect and blocks sound waves.

Woohoo! !

The golden dragon under him was not so lucky. His ears were shaken so much that blood flowed out, and he screamed in pain.

At this time, a ray of light fell, relieving its pain.

I saw Long Fenghua say: "Jiujiu, with your anger, spit waves to kill it!"

hold head high--! !

The golden dragon roared suddenly, and an astonishing purifying power surged from its mouth, forming a shock wave of holy light that was stronger than before.

At the same time, Long Fenghua quietly merged something into the shock wave.

"La la la la la la!!"

Seeing the teeth as white as jade on the ground, the black tongue stretched out and made another singing sound.

The shock wave of holy light emitted by the golden dragon suddenly slowed down as if the slowdown button had been pressed.


A chuckle came from under his teeth that seemed to be mocking 'useless'.

"It's not a good thing to be happy too early!"

Long Fenghua smiled.

call out!

Almost at the same time as his voice fell, an extremely sharp beam of light suddenly shot out from between the shock waves of holy light.

That sharp spear filled with purifying power!


The monster under the teeth was frightened.

There was no time to dodge, and the spear was already fired.


The terrifying power of purification broke out within it.


The screams suddenly echoed through the wasteland.

The shock wave of the golden dragon's holy light also hit the white jade teeth because it was no longer restrained.

All the teeth were broken, and the monster underneath screamed and was annihilated by the power of purification.

The tall and broad city wall.

"What an idiot!"

The Dark Lord cursed upon seeing this.

"Magic mist, rise!"

The Cloud Demon King on the side has already rushed out, and combined with the surrounding multi-head Fusion Stage Cloud Demons, a large amount of magic mist spurted out at this moment, sweeping across the ten-mile area in front of the city in an instant.


Then he said something and left the city wall directly.

Shrouded in the magic mist, Long Fenghua and others lost their perception of the front.

"Rush over!"

But Long Fenghua didn't hesitate and rushed in on the golden dragon.

Seeing this, the strong old man and other Mahayana disciples followed him one after another.

Although the magic mist was thick, it could not block the purifying power of Long Fenghua and Jinlong, and forced a passage for them.

But just as they were about to approach the city wall, there were suddenly multiple astonishing waves of demonic energy flying in from all directions of the demonic mist.

Long Fenghua, who had an indifferent face at first, suddenly focused his eyes: "Jiujiu, hurry up!"

The golden dragon under him accelerated forward.

In the midst of the magic mist, all the combined-stage demons who were around before rushed forward. And their huge bodies, when they appeared in everyone's field of vision, had all expanded nearly three times.

"not good!"

The strong old man waited for the Mahayana period, his expression changed, and he hurried forward.

But it’s already slow!

boom! boom! boom! …

Streams of self-destructive energy containing infinite demonic energy erupted one after another in the demonic mist, rapidly bombarding the entire area in front of the city wall.

The strong old man and the others in the Mahayana stage gathered energy to form a defense, but they were still shocked by the collective self-destruction of dozens of combined stage demons.

Puff puff! !

Many Mahayana practitioners vomited blood on the spot.

Only Long Fenghua sensed it in advance and led the golden dragon to avoid most of the demonic energy explosion, only being slightly eroded.

With their purification methods, they can easily block it.

As this wave of combined stage demons self-destructed, the city wall in front also collapsed.

But the Cloud Demon King and the Dark Demon King who were originally on it had already left, leaving only the bloody corpses of the multi-headed female demons who helped them treat them.


Long Fenghua's eyes shot into the depths of the city, and he rushed forward without hesitation.

The black-haired old man waited for the Mahayana stage to see this, and gritted his teeth despite his injuries to follow.

The city in front of them is the core of the secret realm of the Demon Sealing Sect headquarters. They have already searched the previous places and found nothing.

This shows that all the important things of the Demon Sealing Sect are hidden in the core city.

The most important thing is that Long Fenghua came all the way here.

They must keep up.

Long Fenghua can become the number one bounty target on the hunting list not only because of his strength, but also because of his good fortune.

On the mainland, there is a constitution called the Holy Body of Fortune.

This kind of constitution is naturally accompanied by good fortune. Good things happen to you wherever you go.

For example, if you accidentally fall into a pit, you may find a treasure house of ruins; if you accidentally fall into a river, there may be a sacred medicine under the river; if you accidentally break into a dead place, you may have a golden dragon pet next to you when you come out...

It sounds ridiculous, but these all really happened to Long Fenghua.

It would be fine if it was just once or twice, but similar things had happened to Long Fenghua countless times.

There were even some people who followed Long Fenghua and unexpectedly gained good things.

The strong old man and other Mahayana people were able to arrive at the Fengcheng ruins in just one day. It was not because they were extremely fast, but because they heard the news of Long Fenghua's dispatch and left the gates of their respective forces early and rushed there as soon as possible...

"Looks like you're not too late!"

Shortly after Long Fenghua, Zhuangshou Old Man and other Mahayana players entered the city, Zhang Yun arrived here on the Dark Phoenix.

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