Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Chapter 556 The Great Success of the Mahayana Stage, Green Demon Spider!

The dark phoenix flapped its wings and flew towards the city ahead.


But just as it approached the city, Zhang Yun asked the dark phoenix to stop.

He narrowed his eyes and looked at the void around the city, only to see strands of silk threads looming.

Boom--! !

At this moment, a shocking wave suddenly erupted from deep inside the city.

Ang! !

With a painful dragon roar, Long Fenghua's huge golden dragon suddenly flew out from the depths.

The body was entangled by countless silk threads filled with green demonic energy, and the flesh and blood were eroded into countless large and small bloody wounds. It was in pain and bumped around, trying to fly out of the sky.

But just as it flew into the sky, it was caught by a huge spider web that suddenly emerged from the void.

The 200-meter-long body of the golden dragon was directly tied and restrained on it.

The spider web covered the sky of the entire city, and spread to the edge of the city in front of Zhang Yun at this moment...

[Green Spider Sky Net] (Field)

Introduction: The spider web domain woven by the Mahayana Green Demon Spider has extremely strong binding properties.

Zhang Yunxian glanced over and looked deep into the city.

Boom! Boom! Boom! ...

Almost at the same time, a shock wave came out, and a series of sharp cones formed by a large number of silk threads shot out from a large building in the depths.

The sturdy old man and many other Mahayana masters were knocked out by these silk thread cones.


Then there was a louder shock.

I saw a holy light and a wave full of green demonic energy collide on the large building, and the surrounding buildings exploded together, and several figures flew out from it.

It was the Cloud Demon King, the Dark Demon King, and Long Fenghua, who was bathed in holy light at the moment, and...


A blue spider man was making a sharp hiss.

The upper body had a human-shaped head with fangs, and the lower body was a huge blue spider body.

[Blue Demon Spider]

Race: Pure-blooded Magic Beast

Introduction: A pure-blooded Magic Beast born from the combination of the demons of the Blue Demon lineage and the Magic Spider of Magic Beast.

Cultivation: Great Accomplishment of the Mahayana Stage

Physique: Pure-blooded Blue Demon Spider

Physique Talent:

1: Blue Demon Armor Body-Can form thick blue armor with blue demon energy, with extremely strong defense.

2: Demon Spider Silk Thread-All the demon energy on the body can be transformed into silk threads, and each silk thread is full of corrosive power.

3: Demon Spider Devouring-By devouring creatures of the same bloodline, it can continuously strengthen its own strength.

Self-domain talent: Silk magic armor - gather silk threads on the premise of the green magic armor body, and further condense the silk green armor. While the defense is greatly improved, it can resist the purification power that the magic energy fears to a large extent.

Spiritual consciousness domain: Green spider sky net - use magic energy to form silk threads, quickly spread across the line domain of heaven and earth. Within the domain, other creatures cannot activate the domain.

All creatures touched by the silk threads in the domain will have their energy absorbed by the silk threads and converted into energy for the green magic spider to replenish itself.

Weakness (domain defect): Fear of the top flames possessed by the same level of strong people, fear of the purification power directly attacking the body.

Xianyan Jue scanned the information of the green magic spider that appeared, and Zhang Yun's eyes condensed slightly.

Mahayana period Dacheng magic beast...

Is this the back-up that Xuan Mo said?

Swish, swish, swish! !

Just thinking about it, hundreds of silk threads shot out from the green magic spider in the city, shooting towards Long Fenghua in front of him and several Mahayana periods around him.

The faces of the Mahayana masters such as the sturdy old man changed, and they quickly used their energy to block, but their energy was as thin as paper in front of these silk threads...

Puff puff puff!

It was pierced in an instant, and the body was directly pierced by multiple silk threads.

The corners of their mouths were bleeding, and the faces of the Mahayana masters such as the sturdy old man turned pale.

Although the difference between the Mahayana Great Success and the Mahayana Small Success is only a small realm, the difference in strength is no less than that of a Yuanying stage and a Jindan stage.

After reaching the Fusion Stage, each small realm will have a great improvement in strength.

Of course, there are some monsters like Zhang Yun who are not afraid of the realm gap.

For example, Long Fenghua in front of him.

The silk thread that easily pierced the sturdy old man and many other Mahayana masters was blocked by Long Fenghua with a purifying light.

At the same time, a long spear filled with purifying power appeared in his hand and was thrown at the Green Demon Spider.

The long spear shot out like a beam of light.

Seeing this, the Green Demon Spider did not dodge or evade, but directly used the green demon energy and silk threads around its body to form a magic armor to block it.


The purifying power on the spear burst out, but it could not penetrate the layer of silk threads contained in the magic armor.

He took a shot, but was unharmed!

"It's my turn!"

The Green Demon Spider spoke in human language, and hundreds of green demon energy and thick green threads formed by multiple silk threads suddenly emerged from its body.

With a rotation and jump of its eight spider legs.

Hundreds of thick threads suddenly shot out in the sky in pieces.

They pointed at Long Fenghua in the air, as well as the strong old man and other Mahayana masters.

The faces of the strong old man and other Mahayana masters changed drastically, and they quickly burst out energy to block.

But they couldn't block the thin silk threads before, let alone the thick threads formed by multiple silk threads.

Puff! Puff! Puff! …

At the first sight, the thick line easily penetrated their energy defense, like the sharpest blade, directly piercing their bodies.

Blood spurted out, and the sturdy old man and other Mahayana stage masters were severely injured on the spot.

Long Fenghua took out a piece of colored crystal, forming a colored crystal wall to block the multiple thick lines shot at him.

At the same time, he waved his hand, took out a large seal of light, and threw it at the Green Demon Spider.

But it was still blocked by the Green Demon Spider's silk magic armor.

Long Fenghua frowned slightly as he looked at the silk magic armor that was airtight and could not be penetrated by the power of purification.

Whoosh! !

Before he had time to think about it, multiple thick lines shot towards him again.

Long Fenghua quickly activated the colored crystals in his hands and continuously released the crystal wall to block.

He could only block for a while and was completely suppressed!

As for the strong old man and many other Mahayana people, as well as the golden dragon tied up with large pieces of silk thread in the sky, their faces were full of pain at this moment.

Their bodies were pierced and bound by lines, and the energy in their bodies was being sucked out crazily at this moment, constantly flowing into the Blue Demon Spider's body along the lines.

While fighting Long Fenghua, the Green Demon Spider absorbed energy without consuming it at all.

One against many.

The Green Demon Spider completely suppressed Long Fenghua and others.

Green Demon Spider, Cloud Demon King and Dark Demon King looked at this scene with slightly curved mouths.

The person in front of them is their support!

The cultivation level of the Mahayana stage is great, plus this field can limit the release field of other creatures, plus he has an upgraded version of the blue demon armor body.

If you want to use one word to describe it, the strength of Green Demon Spider is synonymous with perfection.

As long as they enter its territory, no creature can escape easily.

Previously, they set up a defense outside the city wall, seemingly to stop Long Fenghua and others, but what they really wanted was to release the final magic mist.

On the surface, it was to use the magic mist to cause those demons in the integration stage to self-destruct to harm Long Fenghua and others, but in fact, the real purpose was to use the magic mist to cover the area that the Green Demon Spider had set up in the virtual space of the city early.

Let Long Fenghua and others enter the city.

The moment they entered the city, it meant that Long Fenghua and others had entered the territory of the Green Demon Spider.

Whoosh! !

The Green Demon Spider shot out many thick rays. Except for Long Fenghua who barely resisted, the others had become lambs to be slaughtered.

"After this incident, I want to supplement a thousand pure-blooded green demons!"

The Green Demon Spider suddenly spoke.

"Don't worry, Lord Demon Spider!"

Hearing this, the Cloud Demon King and the Dark Demon King nodded.

The Green Devil Spider is good at everything except that it likes to devour Green Devils of the same bloodline as it.

This is also the reason why the two blue devils ran away earlier.

If left, the Green Devil Spider would definitely devour the two Green Devils without hesitation if they found out that they were seriously injured.

The Green Demon Spider doesn't care about alliances or alliances, all it cares about is food that can provide it with nutrients.

The reason why I am willing to form an alliance with the Demon-Sealing Sect is because I will give it some green demon supplements every year.

"There are six human rats hiding in the secret...and outside the city, there is a feathered bird with a disgusting smell and a human ant. Do you want me to deal with them together?"

The Green Demon Spider said again to the two demon kings.

The Cloud Demon King and the Dark Lord looked at each other intently.

Although they could vaguely sense that there were strong men following them secretly, they didn't expect there would be six of them.

In addition, miscellaneous feather birds and human ants outside the city...

Looking outside the city.

The huge dark golden phoenix figure can be seen in the distance.

They wake up instantly.

There was a cold light in the pupils of both demon kings: "Master Demon Spider, please take them down, especially the one outside the city!"

If you ask who among these people who came here they hate the most, there is no doubt that it is Zhang Yun!

Although they woke up not long ago, they had already roughly understood the situation and knew that the initiator of all this was Zhang Yun.

And what makes them very concerned is that Yunzhen from before and the Dark Lord who appeared at the Demon-Sealing Sect headquarters...

As a dead demon, he reappeared and was still at Zhang Yun's disposal.

It must be some special means!

The Mahayana period can be achieved, if this method is obtained...

There was a trace of fire in their pupils.

"Then we need to add a thousand more pure-blooded blue demons!"

Green Demon Spider said.

"no problem!"

The Cloud Demon and the Dark Lord nodded.

Originally, when the two Blue Demon Kings were around, they would still be wary. Now that the two Blue Demon Kings are gone, the Blue Demon clan of the Blue Demon lineage is effectively under their command.

Let the Green Demon Spider devour some more, that's fine.

The worst possible outcome is to order the male demons and female demons of the Green Demon lineage to be forced to pair up and give birth to more Green Demons!


The Green Demon Spider licked the corner of its mouth, its eight spider legs jumped and rotated, its body shook and twisted left and right, and a large number of silk threads were shot out in all directions.

Some of them were shot at Long Fenghua, some were shot at the figures hiding in six places in the city, and some were shot at Zhang Yun on the back of Dark Phoenix outside the city.

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