Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Chapter 557 My name is Zhang Yun, and I am the first sect master of Immortal Dao!


Zhang Yun, who was watching the battle, had a look on his face and quickly asked Dark Phoenix to move aside.

But there were hundreds of threads rushing out of the city, and they were like a big hand grabbing at him from all directions.

"Damn, you don't have to hit the audience!!"

Zhang Yun's mouth twitched.

He didn't even enter the city, but just watched the battle outside. Attacking him was too much!

But the Green Demon Spider ignored it completely, and hundreds of threads continued to come.


Zhang Yun's face turned cold.

A wave of dark phoenix flames swept up from the dark phoenix beneath him, touching these threads.

Tsk! !

Suddenly there was a harsh sound, and hundreds of threads were burned in an instant.


Deep in the city, the Green Demon Spider looked up and looked out of the city, its scarlet pupils condensed slightly: "No wonder it makes me feel disgusted, it turns out to be a flaming bird with mixed feathers!"


Just as it was thinking about it, a large area of ​​dark phoenix flames burned the silk thread field on the edge of the city at this moment.

The Green Demon Spider immediately let out a soft snort, and an astonishing domain power suddenly emerged from the huge spider web covering the city.

Instantly suppressing the burning of the dark phoenix flames.


But soon, a dark phoenix flame containing the power of the domain burned again.

The Green Demon Spider's expression darkened, and a thick line immediately shot out from his body, heading towards the outside of the city.

What it hates most is this kind of creature with top-level flames and not bad strength.

The most important thing is that the other party is outside its territory.

This bastard must be dealt with first!

Everywhere in the city.

Long Fenghua and others were able to breathe a little easier.

Especially the six-digit Mahayana period who had just been forced out by the line.

They were under the domain of the Green Demon Spider and were suppressed too much. If you continue to be attacked, the outcome will not be much better than the current strong old man waiting for the Mahayana stage.

"It turns out to be a group of underground rats. No wonder they can hide so well!"

When Long Fenghua saw these six Mahayana figures, he hummed.

The six Mahayana disciples ignored him and immediately looked at the Green Demon Spider, followed by the Cloud Demon King and the Dark Demon King. "This Master Spider, and the two Demon Kings, we and your noble sect are allies!"


Cloud Demon King and Dark Demon King were startled and quickly thought of something.

The Demon Sealing Sect has always been governed by Xuan Mo. They don't know much about some things, but they also know a few things.

For example, the ten major underground forces headed by their Demon Sealing Sect.

According to this meaning, the six Mahayana figures in front of us seem to come from other underground forces in nine directions.

"If you want these two kings to believe it, then kill them!"

Cloud Demon King immediately pointed at Long Fenghua and others.

"no problem!"

Although they were a little uncomfortable giving the order, the situation was stronger than the people, and the six Mahayana warriors did not hesitate to take action.

Compared with the extremely powerful Green Demon Spider, Long Fenghua and others are easier to deal with. The most important thing is that being able to eradicate Long Fenghua and others will also be good for their future.

Boom—! !

They were about to explode when there was a loud noise that caused the entire city to shake violently.


At the same time, the Green Demon Spider's body trembled, and a large mouthful of blue-red blood spurted out of its mouth.

"Lord Demon Spider!!"

The Cloud Demon and the Dark Lord were confused.

Everyone was also surprised.

Before I had time to think about it, I felt a breath of extremely high temperature blowing towards my face.

The next second, the huge spider web covering the entire city was burned by a blue flame.

"Ang ang ang -!!"

A burst of dragon screams came from the sky: "Stop, stop, this dragon is going to turn into roasted dragon meat!!"

The green flames were seen burning through the entire spider web area, and for the golden dragon bound to it, the huge body was inevitably affected by the green flames.

The extremely high temperature of the flame quickly burned most of its body, and the alluring aroma of meat wafted in the air for a moment.

Many people swallowed subconsciously.

But the expected roasted dragon was not born. Long Fenghua took action at this moment, and a blue talisman spurted out a large stream of extremely low-temperature water, extinguishing the green fire burning on the golden dragon's body.

"Ang ang ang -!!"

But the taste of the two heavens of ice and fire still made the golden dragon scream and fainted.

Long Fenghua was about to put away the golden dragon, but a force restrained him.

Long Fenghua frowned.


Then I heard a phoenix cry.

Zhang Yun, who was dressed in a white robe and outshines the snow, stood on the back of Dark Phoenix and flew over: "Leader Fenghua, you owe me a favor!"

Long Fenghua glanced at him, and his eyes were quickly attracted to the middle-aged man wearing a green and red robe behind Zhang Yun.

Just standing there, the void around him was oppressive.

Pupils shrank slightly, Long Fenghua nodded to Zhang Yun: "Your Excellency saved the life of the golden dragon in this pavilion. Fenghua acknowledges this!"

Zhang Yun smiled.

The power that prevented Long Fenghua from putting away the golden dragon disappeared immediately.

Long Fenghua exhaled, immediately put away the golden dragon, and flew out of the city without saying a word.

Zhang Yun didn't pay attention. He just glanced at the injured Green Demon Spider below and waved his hand indifferently: "Solved!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the middle-aged man in green and red robes was summoned by his side. To be precise, it was the leader of the Fengxu Clan who quickly disappeared on the back of Dark Phoenix.

When he reappeared, he was already in front of the Green Demon Spider and the two Demon Kings below.


The Green Demon Spider's expression suddenly changed, and a thick layer of silk magic armor suddenly condensed on his body. At the same time, countless silk threads swept towards the Fengxu clan leader frantically.

But as soon as these threads came close, they were instantly burned out by a layer of cyan flames.

The leader of the Fengxu Clan took one step forward, and as if teleporting, he came to the huge silk thread magic armor formed by the Green Demon Spider, and pressed his palm against it.

boom! Peng——! !

This made Long Fenghua and many other Mahayana-stage helpless silk thread magic armors, but at this moment, they were exploded by a burst of green fire.

The Fengxu Clan leader's palm penetrated and slapped the Green Demon Spider on the forehead.

"no, do not want……"

The Green Demon Spider trembled all over and begged for mercy.


The leader of the Fengxu Clan looked indifferent, and the green fire burst out in his hand.

The Green Demon Spider's head exploded on the spot, and its soul was annihilated under the green fire.


Looking at the fallen headless body of the Green Demon Spider.

There was sudden silence in the huge city.

The two demon kings who were right next to them, who were in the Mahayana stage... all stood there dumbfounded.


This Green Demon Spider, who achieved great success in the Mahayana stage, died like this? ?

"not good!"

The faces of the two demon kings changed drastically.

The leader of the Fengxu Clan raised his head and looked at them.

A simple look, but it brought boundless fear spreading throughout their bodies.

They tried to escape, but found that their legs were not working.

Because the Fengxu Clan's patriarch's peak Mahayana stage pressure has been firmly locked on them.

In the past, they used their magical power to suppress others, but now, they are the ones being suppressed!

"Keep alive, don't destroy the body!"

Zhang Yun spoke.


The Fengxu clan leader responded and stepped forward.


Cloud Demon King's expression changed drastically, and his tentacles swung wildly.

But it couldn't stop the Fengxu clan leader at all, he directly hit 'Peng' to explode its life core.

At the same time, the leader of the Fengxu Clan quickly dodged and kicked the Dark Lord next to him, seriously injuring him on the spot. He vomited blood and passed out.

One Mahayana-stage Great Demonic Beast, two Mahayana-stage Small-Advanced Demons...

In an instant, two people were killed and one was injured.


Many Mahayana practitioners present were stunned.

Several Mahayana people among them couldn't help but wipe their eyes, wondering if there was something wrong with their Mahayana eyes.

But seeing this real scene, they all trembled and looked at the Fengxu clan leader with horror on their faces.

Where did this top powerhouse come from?

The most important thing is to obey orders completely...

Looking at Zhang Yun on the back of the dark phoenix, all the Mahayana disciples swallowed their saliva.

Swish, brush, brush! !

The six Mahayana stagers who had been forced out by the Green Demon Spider before turned around and left without hesitation.


But a sea of ​​fire formed by dark phoenix flames fell in front of them at this moment, directly blocking their way.

"Guys, why are you leaving in such a hurry?"

Zhang Yun looked at them with a smile.

The moment these six people appeared, he had already observed them with the Immortal Eye Technique.

Through some unique physiques or talents, it is easy to identify the identities of several of them.

An old man in linen robes with a space body, who seems to be the Mahayana of the Space Pavilion; a black robe and mask, whose race is the black and white spirit race; an old man with a staff who has seven levels of holy priest-level witchcraft, a member of the Wizard's Palace ; There are three others who are not so clear, but that does not prevent him from stopping them all.

"This fellow Taoist, I am Kong Zheng of the Space Pavilion!"

The old man in linen robes took the initiative to speak: "You see, we have no grievances, no..."

"No injustice or enmity? Haha..."

Zhang Yun interrupted him with a smile, took off the camouflage mask he had been wearing on his face, and said calmly: "When you offered a reward to kill me, I didn't hear any of you say this to me!"

Seeing him tearing apart flowers, he couldn't help but look over with curiosity.

very young!

This is the first feeling experienced by many in the Mahayana period.

But soon there was a trace of doubt in their eyes.

Especially the hemp-robed old man named Kong Zheng in Space Pavilion.

Bounty on the head?

Has their Space Pavilion ever done this?

When they saw this group of people, they all had confused faces, and no one spoke in shock.

Zhang Yun was startled.

These people don't even know him?

Okay, it seems normal. These Mahayana periods are probably usually hidden from the world, so it is not surprising that they are not familiar with the outside world.

"Wait,'re not..."

But apparently no one had seen him before. At this time, the black-robed Mahayana wearing a mask from the Black and White Spirit Clan clearly recognized him, with deep astonishment in his eyes.

"It's time to settle the matter with you Black and White Spirit Clan!"

Zhang Yun looked at the other party with a smile.

The black-robed Mahayana's expression changed, and he avoided the dark phoenix flames without even thinking and wanted to run away.


But the figure of the Fengxu clan leader had already arrived in front of him first, and that finger directly touched the center of his eyebrows.


Under the frightened screams of the black-robed Mahayana stage.

A finger of green fire pierced directly through his head and wiped out his soul along with it.

A Mahayana who was alive one second has turned into a corpse this second.

The bodies of all the Mahayana disciples were trembling, and fear appeared on their faces.

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Zhang Yun, and I am the first sect leader of the Immortal Dao in the Southern Region!"

Zhang Yun's faint voice sounded.

"Zhang Yun? The first sect of immortality?"

All the Mahayana practitioners were startled. Someone soon realized something and looked at Zhang Yun with wide eyes: "Zhang Yun...wait a minute, are the one on the hunting list!!"

"I just remembered that a descendant of the Space Pavilion offered a reward for two places in the Space Wonderland. His name is Zhang Yun!"


When Kongzheng heard the name, his expression changed, and he tore open the void with one hand, trying to get in and escape.

Zhang Yun had long been on guard against his move.

A layer of dark phoenix flames followed the space wall and instantly burned Kong Zheng, who wanted to drill into the endless void.


The screams suddenly resounded throughout the world.

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