Zhang Yun's expression condensed, and half-step Mahayana soul power swept up, building a wall of soul power to block the pressure.

The body is slightly lowered and gazes forward.

At the end of the street, there appeared an undead skeleton over five meters long, wearing a messy black robe and holding a bone sickle——

【Dead Skeleton King】

Realm: Great Success in the Mahayana Period

Introduction: The Mahayana Necrons and the Mahayana Skeletons are mutated from the fusion of their original energy. The king of undead skeletons has the ability to summon undead skeletons.

Talents: Immortal Bones, Death Scythe - Once struck by its scythe, the vitality of flesh and blood will be instantly eroded, and death will spread throughout the body within half a minute.

Domain: The Killing Domain of the Undead Skeleton King - refers to the domain where the desire to kill will skyrocket, and the combat power of all Undead Skeletons, Necrons and Skeleton creatures will skyrocket.

Weakness (field defect): If the original ghost fire of the pupil is wiped out, it will die. The killing zone of the Undead Skeleton King can last up to ten minutes at a time. After the zone disappears, the Undead Skeleton King will fall into temporary weakness.

Zhang Yun's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Great... Mahayana period!!"

Behind them, Su Die and Xuan Ling felt the aura of the Undead Skeleton King and looked horrified.


The undead skeleton king in front suddenly raised his bone sickle and let out a roar that resounded through the surrounding streets.

"Ho!" "Ho!" "Ho!"...

I saw numerous roars echoing from the buildings in the surrounding streets.

Undead skeletons swept out one after another, and from all directions, groups surrounded Zhang Yun and his party.

Su Die and Xuan Ling's faces turned slightly pale.

The Mahayana Stage Necromancer Skeleton King, coupled with the hordes of Necromancer Skeletons surrounding him in all directions, it is now a certain death situation!

But at this moment, a huge creature suddenly appeared in front of him.

Before Su Die and the two could react, they saw countless threads filled with demonic energy sweeping out in all directions at this moment.

boom! boom! boom! …

In the area where the silk thread passed, the ground exploded, the terrifying demonic energy stirred up, and the pieces of skeletons were exploded into countless pieces on the spot.

In just an instant, nearly half of the undead skeletons swept out of the buildings in the streets were cleared away.


Su Die and Xuan Ling opened their mouths in shock.

"Beauty Su, Master Xuanmen, come up quickly!"

Zhang Yun's voice came.

The two Su Dies reacted and looked at Zhang Yun and Yuwei who were on the back of the huge spider in front of them. They didn't care about the shock and hurriedly jumped on.

"Rush over!"

Zhang Yun immediately waved his hand.


The green demon spider summoned by him immediately let out a sharp scream, and numerous green demon energy threads gathered around the body, forming a thick layer of green armor.

The undead skeletons rushing from all directions were all blocked outside the green armor.

The Green Demon Spider was like a war tank, pushing forward all the way.

Wherever it passed, the thick cyan magic armor directly blasted away many undead skeletons.


The undead skeleton king deep in front let out a roar at this time, and the majestic domain power containing the death energy swept away, covering the entire surrounding street in an instant.

"Ho!" "Ho!" "Ho!"...

Many undead skeletons in the streets shook and roared one after another, and the aura of death on their bodies burst out.

The realm that was already half a step into the Mahayana stage suddenly skyrocketed to the level of a small achievement in the Mahayana stage.

Like a violent beast, it rushed towards the Green Demon Spider crazily.

Puffy! !

The sound of explosions kept ringing in my ears for a while.

One after another, the undead skeletons collided with the silk thread magic armor of the Green Demon Spider, like moths flying into the flame, knocking their own bones apart.

The Green Demon Spider completely ignored the surrounding skeletons and rushed straight towards the Undead Skeleton King ahead.

so hard!

On the spider's back, Su Die, Xuan Ling and Yu Wei were speechless when they saw this.

Any of these undead skeletons in front of them made them feel fatally threatened. At this moment, in front of the condensed energy armor of this humanoid spider, it can't even shake!

The Green Demon Spider underneath him is definitely a Mahayana creature!

But what puzzled Su Die and Xuan Ling was how could Zhang Yun have such a mount? The most important thing is, how did you get this existence out?

In the realm of death, living things cannot be brought out from space artifacts...


As he approached, Zhang Yun suddenly swung his sword.

A sword light containing golden returning energy pierced the air and slashed towards the Undead Skeleton King.


The Undead Skeleton King waved its bone sickle, splitting the sword light vertically.

At the same time, he roared: "Kill——!!"

The white bone sickle in his hand gathered a large amount of death energy, forming an arc of light over a hundred meters long, slashing towards Zhang Yun and his party from across the air.

The silk thread magic armor around the Green Demon Spider immediately gathered to block the arc light.

Boom——! !

The arc of light struck the silk magic armor, and the bombardment caused the void to tremble.

The arc light quickly dissipated, but the silk magic armor was still intact.

Seeing that the attack failed, the Undead Skeleton King held up the bone sickle and wanted to strike again.

"Still want to behead? Have you asked me?"

Zhang Yunyun's voice suddenly sounded.

The ghost fire in the pupils of the Undead Skeleton King shrank slightly, and Zhang Yun was seen rushing out from the back of the Green Demon Spider and dodging to its side.

Without waiting for it to react, the omnipotent sword's return energy burst out and slashed out with one sword.

Click——! !

There was a crisp sound.

The bone arm of the Undead Skeleton King holding the bone sickle was cut off on the spot.


The Undead Skeleton King roared, and before the broken bone arm even hit the ground, it was forcibly sucked back by it, and he had to continue to recover directly.

"Witch Sea - Returns!"

How could Zhang Yun make it so easy?

The power of the sky-blue Wulihai domain has already swept out, spreading all over the sky above the head of the Undead Skeleton King.


As he pressed down with both hands.


The sea water in the sky was as thick as countless mountain peaks, and it fell heavily at this moment.

Bang——! !

The newly connected arm bones of the Undead Skeleton King were directly crushed again. At the same time, the entire skeleton body was crushed to the ground and cracked.


It opened its mouth to roar.


The tip of the sword, filled with the energy of return, had pierced its pupil at this moment.

The moment the return energy stimulated by the almighty sword touches the scarlet fire...


Unable to hold on even for a moment, the ghostly fire exploded on the spot.


The Undead Skeleton King suddenly let out a shrill scream, and the realm that enveloped the entire surrounding street collapsed.

Click, click, click...

There was a burst of bone cracking, and the five-meter-long bone body of the Undead Skeleton King cracked at this moment, and soon turned into bone fragments all over the ground.

Without the king's energy blessing, the surrounding undead skeletons also cracked apart.

"How hateful!"

Looking at the bone fragments on the ground, Zhang Yun couldn't help but cursed.

What he hates most is that dead bodies cannot be preserved.

Otherwise, there would be enough skeletons for him to summon an army of skeletons!

This creature from the dead world is simply the nemesis of his summoning platform!

Shake his head slightly.

Zhang Yun's eyes fell to the end of the street. There was a huge whirlpool in the barrier in front of him.

His consciousness scanned the other streets around him and found that the figures he had sensed previously could no longer be sensed at this moment.

Apparently they haven't been able to rush through the undead skeletons yet.

In addition, at the end of every other street in the surrounding area, Zhang Yun could sense an aura similar to that of the Undead Skeleton King just now.

Does every street have one end?

Zhang Yun frowned slightly.

Looking at this situation, no matter which street you take after entering the city, you will encounter...

Qingjian Zun, Ma Zi and the fifth Skeleton City Lord encountered each other alone. It might not be easy to pass!

Zhang Yun took out the sound transmission jade tablet and contacted him.

But this time, neither Qingjian Zun nor Ma Zi could be contacted.

"They shouldn't be separated!"

Shake his head.

But thinking about Qingjian Zun's ability, Zhang Yun is still relatively reassured.

The power of the netherworld was fused during the breakthrough. Although his realm is only a small achievement in the Mahayana stage, his real strength, Qingjian Zun, far exceeds his realm.

The Green Demon Spider behind them was also carrying Su Die and three others over.

Upon seeing this, Zhang Yun immediately got on the Green Demon Spider's back and waved his hand: "Let's go!"

The Green Demon Spider nodded and swirled forward.

Spider's back.

Su Die and Xuan Ling couldn't help but swallow their saliva when they looked at Zhang Yun who came back to them.


The guy in front of me is a monster in human clothes!

A Mahayana skeleton!

How strong is Zhang Yun now?

Su Die looked at Xiaojiu, the killer who once needed her protection in her eyes, and smiled bitterly.

As a young monk who has entered the Void Refining Stage, she believes that she is quite talented in cultivation, at least her cultivation speed is higher than the average level of most monks on the mainland. Compare it to Zhang Yun...

Damn it, comparing this person to others can really make people feel inferior to death!

Xuan Ling looked at Zhang Yun, and his heart was filled with shock.

He hadn't recognized it before, but soon after Zhang Yun communicated with Su Die, he was sure that Zhang Yun was the Zhang Yun who caused a commotion in the Central Territory.

Thinking of the rumors that Zhang Yuncai is only in the stage of becoming a god...

He just wanted to call bullshit.

The stage of transformation into gods, the half-step Mahayana stage...how blind are our eyes, how can we recognize such a huge difference in realms?

Zhang Yun didn't care about their thoughts. At this moment, the Green Demon Spider had already carried them into the vortex.

The whirlpool only serves to isolate perception. Walking in is like passing through a thin gauze curtain, and you pass directly.

After coming over, I was about to look around...

Immediately, I felt a lot of terrifying energy, locking in at this moment.

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