This is an entrance outside the city, surrounded by a wide open space with somewhat dry geology. Behind the open space are portals suspended in the void.

At this moment, in this open space, there are several figures sitting cross-legged with their eyes closed, as if waiting for something.


Suddenly, among the many whirlpool portals at the rear, there was a fluctuation from one of them.

Several figures present were startled and opened their eyes to look over.

Several huge cyan spider legs caught their eyes first.

Soon, the huge Green Demon Spider walked out.

Several figures raised their eyebrows and looked at the back of the Green Demon Spider...

Zhang Yun and the other two stood on the back of the Green Demon Spider. Before they could look around, they felt the fear coming from them.

Su Die and the three of them all trembled. Under these waves of energy, they had difficulty breathing at the moment.


Fortunately, Zhang Yun waved his hand and blocked these waves of energy for them.

Su Die and the three of them all breathed a sigh of relief, but the figures looking ahead were all horrified.

Mahayana period!

It’s all the Mahayana period!

And the qi machine is obviously more terrifying than the undead skeleton king just now!

Don't talk about them, Zhang Yun glanced over and couldn't help but twitching at the corners of his eyes.

The peak of the Mahayana period... the peak of the Mahayana period... or the peak of the Mahayana period...

All the realm information made him gasp secretly.

My mind immediately thought of the lone walker mentioned by the Lord of the Fifth Skull City before...

Among them, he also saw an acquaintance.

This man was also looking at him, with an expression obviously somewhat surprised.

This person was none other than the silver-haired woman who had met Zhang Yunxun before in the heavy fog.

The silver-haired woman looked at Zhang Yun and his group of four people standing on the back of the Green Demon Spider, a little surprised.

When she saw Zhang Yun and his party before, she didn't pay much attention.

Because the two strongest among them are only a small success in the Mahayana stage.

If the value of the death gas cloud had not been sufficient, she would have easily solved it.

She didn't expect to meet Zhang Yun here again.

Because to get here, you have to pass the level of the Undead Skeleton King. Among the people who come to the Death Immortal District this time, not many can make it this far.

at the moment……

"Demon energy? Mahayana period monster?"

Looking at the Green Demon Spider under Zhang Yun, the silver-haired woman frowned slightly.

Several other people present were also a little surprised.

How could such a monster enter this place?

The most important thing is that Zhang Yun and his party are carried on the back of this monster...

Which side?

Can a majestic Mahayana monster be used as a mount?

They were thinking.


At this time, one of the old men with long blood-silver hair suddenly sensed something, his eyes suddenly condensed, and he locked eyes on Zhang Yun.

Feeling the eyes that seemed to be staring at a peerless treasure, Zhang Yun frowned slightly, and looked at the other person carefully——

【? ? ? 】

Realm: Peak of Mahayana Stage

Physical Realm: Peak of Mahayana Stage

Soul Realm: Small Success in the Mahayana Stage

Physique: ancient blood heavy body, ultimate spiritual body

Physical talents:

Heavy blood - can convert every drop of blood in the body into heavy blood, and each drop of heavy blood can transform tens of millions of kilograms of weight.

Burning blood - can burn heavy blood in the body. Every 10% burned will increase the strength, up to 90%.

Ultimate Heavenly Skill - Absorbing the ultimate energy obtained from others through acquired skills to form a talent. It can sense the ultimate energy of those who absorb the ultimate energy from those who have the ultimate energy, and transform one's own physique.

When the amount of accumulated energy absorbed reaches one hundred, it can transform its whole body's blood into extremely heavy blood, achieve the ultimate holy body, and touch the power of immortality.

Current amount saved: 98. (Absorb two more extreme energies and the transformation will be completed)

Realm of Divine Consciousness: The Realm of Heavy Blood—The heavy blood drives the realm to cover the heaven and the earth. Wherever the realm refers, gravity sweeps...

Achievements in the martial arts practiced: Extreme Blood Heavenly Kung Fu (Holy Level Kung Fu), Aurora Holy Kill...

Weakness (field defect): After using Burning Blood to reach more than 50% of the explosive combat power, you will fall into a short period of weakness.

"Holy level technique?"

Zhang Yun's eyes narrowed slightly.

He also understood why the other party looked at him passionately.

Absorb extreme energy…

This was the first time he had seen this method.

Wait, extreme...this old man in front of me can't be...

Suddenly thinking of something, Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows.


He could not continue to think deeply, and the sound of breaking wind in his ears made his expression suddenly condense.

The Green Demon Spider Silk Thread Magic Armor gathered in front, blocking the heavy punch of the blood-silver haired old man who suddenly rushed over.

boom--! !

But there was a roar, and the silk magic armor only lasted for half a second before it cracked and exploded completely.

The huge body of the Green Demon Spider was lifted into the air.

Zhang Yun, Su Die and the others quickly flew away.


The blood-silver-haired old man locked his eyes on him, and grabbed him with his palm.


Zhang Yun didn't let him succeed, he took hold of the Universal Immortal Sword and slashed out a sword light full of withered power.

But in the face of the opponent's strength, the sword light only lasted for a moment before being blown away.

However, taking advantage of this moment, Zhang Yun and Su Die and the others quickly flew back dozens of meters away.

The green demon spider was left to gather a layer of silk magic armor again to block the blood-silver haired old man.

This silk thread magic armor, which is extremely hard for other monks, is obviously not enough in front of the blood-silver haired old man.

Peng——! !

The blood-silver haired old man raised his hand and punched, blasting the Green Demon Spider into the ground.

The Green Demon Spider's body exploded into pieces, but it was not killed and was struggling underground.

The blood-silver-haired old man ignored the Green Demon Spider and locked his eyes on Zhang Yun.

Zhang Yun's expression condensed and he immediately threw Su Die and the others to a corner on the sidelines.


Almost at the same time, the blood-silver-haired old man quickly approached and directly touched his shoulder with a palm.

But Zhang Yun had an early warning, and at the same time he took hold of the Universal Immortal Sword and spurted out his immortal power, slashing at the opponent.

The threat brought by the withered immortal power made the blood-silver haired old man's face slightly condensed, and he had to release his palm and jump into the air.


But the old man continued to open his palms, forming a huge energy handprint in the air.

When the silver-haired woman and the others saw this scene, they looked at the old man in surprise.

I don’t understand why the latter suddenly took action against Zhang Yun and his party.

Seeing Zhang Yun covered by big hands, they shook their heads slightly.

This half-step Mahayana period is over!

Swish, brush, brush! !

However, the next second, a sharp sword light flashed.

Puffy! !

The huge handprint was instantly cut into countless pieces and exploded in the air.

Zhang Yun, holding the universal sword, rushed out.

But at this moment, the expression on his face was completely different. He was licking the corners of his mouth and looking at the old man with a sick smile: "Your breath is so exciting!"


The moment the voice fell, Zhang Yun's whole body shot out like lightning.

It was so close that the peak Mahayana figures present did not even have time to catch it.


Zhang Yun had appeared beside the old man and slashed directly at the opponent's head with his sword.

At the critical moment, the old man reacted and took out a large mirror that looked like a shield.

Zhang Yun slashed at it with his sword, and the whole mirror buzzed and trembled.

Directly absorb the energy from his sword.

【Reflection Realm】

Level: Sacred Artifact

Weapon skill: Reflection - can absorb any attack and then reflect it out with twice the power.

Limitations: Maximum three uses per day.

Zhang Yun scanned the mirror information and narrowed his eyes.


Almost at the same time, the old man pointed the mirror at him...


An even more astonishing sword light shot out from it.

Zhang Yun had already been warned and dodged to one side.

The old man obviously anticipated his move and quickly approached him, then his withered palm directly grabbed his shoulder.

"Little baby, let's have a good talk with me!"

The old man spoke calmly, and a forbidden energy spread down his palm.


But at this moment, Zhang Yun suddenly smiled, still with such a sick smile.

"not good!"

The sudden chill caused the old man's expression to change and he immediately wanted to retreat.

But it's too late...

"The Hundred-Xiang Ancestor's Withering Technique - Gazing with Withered Eyes!"

Zhang Yun's right eye turned gray-gold at this moment, and the majestic withered immortal power followed his eyes and fell on the old man.


A scream.

The old man fell directly from mid-air and staggered to the ground. You can see the entire area of ​​his right shoulder. It seemed as if the life had been forcibly sucked away at this moment, and it was so haggard that only skin and bones were left.


The silver-haired woman and several other high-level Mahayana figures showed astonishment when they saw this.

Did they read that correctly?

The ancestor of Jiji City was actually injured by a young boy who was only half a step into the Mahayana stage? ?

"Tch, the reaction is really fast!"

Zhang Yun raised his hand to cover his right eye, and curled his lips when he looked at the Jiji City ancestor who had not been severely damaged.

He has basically determined the identity of the other party...

The ancestor of Ultimate City!

The technique of absorbing the ultimate energy is immediately matched by those who desire the ultimate body.

The so-called extreme body practitioners are monks who have received the blessing of extreme energy from behind the Shackles Gate.

The ancestor of Ultimate City captured the Ultimate Body Master, obviously in order to practice the skill that he had accumulated ninety-eight points of talent.

Just as he was thinking about it, a terrifying pressure that erupted at the peak of the Mahayana period swept over him.

"You little beast, you deserve to die!!"

The ancestor of Ultimate City is angry!

He had not left Ultimate City for many years, and he was actually injured by a half-step Mahayana stage. The most important thing is that the energy in his body cannot be restored to the injured and eroded area at this moment!

What a shame!

This is simply a shame! !

Whoosh! !

At this time, more than ten sharp threads shot from one side.

The ancestor of Jiji City didn't even look at it, but raised his hand and punched him.

The terrifying energy directly broke these threads.

The green demon spider in the distance trembled, blood spilled from the corner of its mouth, and it suffered serious backlash.

"Witch Sea - Returns!"

The power of the domain of Wulihai that fills the sky with blue color emerges.


Zhang Yun waved his hand directly.

The sea water all over the sky is as thick as countless mountain peaks, all pressing down on the ancestor of Ultimate City.


The ancestor of Ultimate City snorted coldly, cut his finger and shot out a drop of blood.

Boom——! !

The moment blood and water filled the sky, it was like a bomb exploding.

The sea water all over the sky exploded into pieces in an instant.


Before Zhang Yun could move, Jiji City's ancestor had already flashed to his side as if teleporting, and a drop of blood floated from his cut finger.

Like a sharp arrow, it shot at his head at close range.

Certainly! Certainly!

The aura of death faced him, but Zhang Yun did not panic. A page with two words "ding" written on it floated out.

Invisible fluctuations swept across.

The blood that was shot out, the ancestor of Ultimate City, and everyone in the field all gasped at this moment.

Boom——! !

There was an astonishing explosion, and blood like a sharp arrow shot through the air and hit the wall of a building in the distant city, causing an explosion.

The ancestors of Ultimate City and several other people present at the peak of their Mahayana stage suddenly woke up.

There was a hint of astonishment in their eyes as they looked at Zhang Yun, who had quickly flashed to one side at the moment of freezing.

What method is this?

At that moment, they felt like they had completely lost control of their bodies.

Although it is only a short moment, it is fatal enough!

"There are quite a few trump cards!"

The ancestor of Ultimate City snorted coldly and rushed out again.

He didn't believe that Zhang Yun could use this method a second time!

Boom buzz——! !

Just as he rushed towards Zhang Yun, an astonishing wave suddenly erupted from the depths of the city ahead, forming a dazzling light that shone in the sky deep in the city.

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