Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Chapter 587 Death Immortal Palace, Immortal Fate?

In the deepest part of the city, in the white bone palace.

"As expected of you, Master!"

Looking at the scene where the ancestor of Jizhi City was suppressed in the picture, Xu Ming's face was full of excitement.

On the white bone throne next to him, the black gold skeleton wearing a crown was silent for a while.

Then he suddenly asked Xu Ming: "Is this person your master?"


Xu Ming nodded and smiled: "Is he powerful?"

"His strength is average, but he has many tricks..."

The black gold skeleton said lightly: "I am not qualified to be your master!"

"Whether you are qualified or not is not up to you!"

Xu Ming glanced at it indifferently and said: "In my eyes, even immortals are not as good as Master!"

"You have such an idea because your horizons are not broad enough!"

The black gold skeleton was not angry either, and said calmly: "I can take you to broaden your horizons, you..."

"Not interested!"

Before it finished speaking, it was interrupted by Xu Ming directly.

"Your choice will make you regret it..."

"I won't!"

Xu Ming interrupted it without hesitation, saying lightly: "Don't talk nonsense. You specifically asked the blue skeletons to lure me here, and then captured me here. What is your purpose? Just tell me!"

"The time is not yet right. It's not too late to watch the next battle first..."

The black gold skeleton waved his hand, and his pupils looked at the screen.

At this moment, the scene on the screen has changed from outside the city to inside the city.

Xu Ming frowned slightly.


Inside the city.

The green demon spider moved forward.

Zhang Yun also took out the sound transmission jade card in his hand and tried to contact Qing Jianzun, Ma Zi and the Lord of the Fifth Skeleton City.

This time, there was no response.

He couldn't help but turn his head to look at the gates behind the city.

It seems that after entering, the sound transmission jade card will separate the streets outside.

"That's right!"

Suddenly remembering something, Zhang Yun took out a bone card.

This was taken from the White Fire Skeleton King before.

Before entering the Death Immortal Zone, Zhang Yun specially gave one to Qing Jianzun and Ma Zi.

Ding Ding! !

Soon the dominoes vibrated, and Qing Jianzun's voice came: "Master..."

It's really good!

Zhang Yun's eyes lit up.

When the White Fire Skeleton King took it out before, he specifically asked for it because he saw that this domino could ignore the isolation restriction and transmit sound.

It seems that after leaving the Death Immortal Zone, I can go to the Fifth Skeleton City to get a batch of them and prepare them for the members of the First Sect of the Immortal Dao.

Zhang Yun asked: "Yang Xu, where are you?"

"Master, I had an accident here..."

"Are you not injured?"

"Master, I'm fine... I just may not be able to meet you for a while!"

Qing Jianzun said: "Just now I was stopped by a skeleton with the great accomplishment of the Mahayana period. During the battle with it, I accidentally broke through a nearby building.

Now it is surrounded by an unknown secret realm, which is completely different from the dead world and full of vitality. I fell into a pool and soaked for a while. That vitality cured my baldness..."


Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows and immediately thought of asking Qingfeng to sense it when he entered the dead world before.

Good luck!

This is the result of Qingfeng's energy sensing of Qing Jianzun.

"Yang Xu, don't worry about meeting up with your master. You can explore in that secret realm. Maybe you can meet some opportunities..."

Zhang Yun said: "If there is any situation, use this domino to contact your master at any time!"

"Okay, Master!"

After speaking, Zhang Yun hung up and continued to contact Ma Zi.

But he didn't get a response.

His brows furrowed slightly.

Could it be that he couldn't get away from the battle?

Zhang Yun thought and shook his head.

Never mind, it's good that Qing Jianzun is fine anyway.

He immediately asked the Green Demon Spider to move forward at full speed.

According to the previous introduction of the Fifth Skeleton City Lord, the Dead Immortal Area is divided from the outside to the inside, including the Beast Plain, the Skeleton Main City, and the Dead Immortal Relics in the depths of the city.

The city area where he is now is obviously in the deepest part of the Dead Immortal Relics.

He scanned the buildings in the city.

Indeed, as the Fifth Skeleton City Lord said, most of the buildings here are living buildings and cultivation buildings.

However, there is no one in them, and the whole city is dead.

After a simple glance, Zhang Yun's eyes focused on the deepest part of the city.

Just now, the silver-haired woman and several peak Mahayana period were waiting outside. As soon as the movement appeared, they hurriedly went deep inside. Obviously, there was something they wanted inside.

"Zhang Yun..."

At this time, Su Die suddenly spoke.

Zhang Yun looked at her.

"Put us down!" Su Die said, "It doesn't make much sense for us to go deeper. We will only hold you back!" "Beautiful Lady Su..." Zhang Yun wanted to say something. Su Die waved her hand to stop him from saying anything, and continued, "We are no longer on the same level as you in strength. If we meet in a battle like before, we may die if we are slightly affected. For our own lives, we don't plan to move forward!" "I know!" After looking at Su Die, Zhang Yun flew out of the back of the Green Demon Spider and went forward alone. "Hey, what are you doing? I asked you to put us down, not to walk alone!" Su Die shouted when she saw this: "This spider..." "It protects Yu Wei. Beautiful Lady Su, it doesn't matter if you and Xuan Ling are in danger, but my apprentice must not be in trouble!" Zhang Yun replied, and then quickly left. Su Die's mouth twitched. Yu Wei smiled and said, "Sister Su Die, Master is just like this. He will never let us walk alone in danger!"

"What a nuisance!"

Su Die rolled his eyes and immediately asked the Green Demon Spider to move to the edge of the city.

There may be a big battle deep in the city next, so don't get too close!

Zhang Yun stopped caring about the rear.

With the Green Demon Spider here, it was enough to protect the three of them.

After all, if it were the peak of the Mahayana period, the silver-haired woman would have arrived early, just like the others.

The remaining ones that have not reached it are basically impossible to reach the peak of the Mahayana period.

Even if some of them come in through the Undead Skeleton King, it is estimated that the strongest one is the Mahayana Dacheng.

Facing monks of the same level, the Green Demon Spider is only stronger than weak, and its silk magic armor is enough to defend against most attacks.

He had Su Die and three people around him, so it was really difficult to perform.

In the previous fight with the ancestor of Ultimate City, I did not have a big collision with the other party because I was considering that it would affect Su Die and the other three.

It is not possible to put the three Su Dies into space artifacts. After all, if they enter the space artifacts in the dead world, they cannot come out again unless they become corpses.

Immediately, he quickly went deep and soon reached the depths of the city.

What appeared in front of us was a huge black gold palace.

In front of the palace, there is a sickle-shaped stone tablet with three Chinese characters "Death Immortal Palace" engraved on it.

Divine consciousness cannot penetrate into this palace, but the three silver-haired women who came in before have obviously entered it.

Zhang Yun stepped forward, and the energy flowed along the palm of his hand and gently touched the palace door.

The palace door suddenly opened inward, and a wide front hall came into view.

The silver-haired woman who had entered before and several other peak Mahayana figures were all inside.


Seeing the door being pushed open, the silver-haired woman and the others stared at her.

When they saw that the person coming was Zhang Yun, they were all stunned for a moment.

There was surprise in his eyes.

Are you still alive in this half-step of the Mahayana stage?

Zhang Yun ignored their reactions and walked into the palace at this moment.


As soon as he entered, the palace door closed behind him.

Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows and glanced across the front hall, and was quickly attracted to the corridor at the front.

I saw that the entrance to the corridor was now covered by a dark barrier, and a beating light message was floating on it——

‘The fight for immortality is about to begin, countdown——00:58:01’

"Fighting for immortality?"

Seeing these four words, Zhang Yun was stunned for a moment.

React quickly.

Immortal fate...

Although the specific reason is not sure, it is obviously related to the immortal. No wonder the silver-haired woman and other peak Mahayana people come here specially.

"Where's that old guy from Ultimate City?"

A voice came.

One of them, a tall old man with short gray hair, looked at him and asked.

Zhang Yun glanced at the other party and did not answer.

The short-haired old man frowned slightly.

But after thinking about it, I decided to take action.

When I took one last look behind me, I clearly saw that the ancestor of Ultimate City was about to finish off Zhang Yun. Now it is Zhang Yun who comes in...

Something weird!

The short-haired old man narrowed his eyes slightly.

The same goes for the silver-haired women.

They know the strength of the ancestors of Ultimate City.

Faced with a half-step Mahayana stage and failed?


But there is no Jiji City Patriarch at the moment, and apart from this explanation, they can't think of any other explanation.

After pondering for a while, few people said anything.

They don't care whether the ancestor of Ultimate City dies or not.

I just wonder, how did Zhang Yun do it?

My heart was full of surprise and suspicion, and I was even more wary of Zhang Yun.

Especially when they thought of the previous book page, they felt like their bodies were uncontrollably frozen as soon as it appeared.

With this kind of trump card, if you have some other trump cards...

This half-step Mahayana period is not simple!


The corners of the silver-haired woman's mouth curved slightly.

She was wrong before!

Zhang Yun ignored them, looked at the countdown and there was still a lot of time, and directly found a place around the front hall to take out the futon, sat down cross-legged, closed his eyes and rested.

Take advantage of this time to recover from your body which has not yet completely recovered.

In this way, time passed bit by bit.


At this moment, Zhang Yun suddenly sensed something and opened his eyes suddenly.

After feeling it for sure, his pupils shrank slightly.

The Lord of the Fifth Skeleton City is dead!

When he conquered the opponent before, he left a soul-pressing mark on the opponent's body. At this moment, the soul-suppressing mark dissipated.

This only happens when the soul is broken.

Who did it?

Zhang Yun was shocked and confused.

The Lord of the Fifth Skeleton City is a Mahayana after all, so he is invincible to ordinary Mahayana, but at least if he is determined to escape, it will be difficult for him to stay with the Mahayana Dacheng.

As for the peak of the Mahayana period, it should be here.

Who else can kill the fifth Skeleton City Lord?

With doubts in his heart, Zhang Yun took out the sound transmission domino again and contacted Ma Zi.

But still can't get in touch.

This domino can penetrate the isolation restriction, which eliminates the possibility that Ma Zi will not receive the message. If you don't respond to a message, you either don't reply on purpose, or something unexpected happens and you can't respond.

Zhang Yun prefers the latter.

After all, Ma Zi also has a mark of his Soul Pressing Technique in his head.

If the other party doesn't want to die, there's no way he won't reply on purpose!


After exhaling, Zhang Yun shook his head, contacted Yuwei to make sure they were safe, and then put away the dominoes.

Don't think too much and continue to sit with your eyes closed.

Time passed, and when the countdown came to thirty minutes left...

Crunch——! !

The palace door suddenly opened.

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