Zhang Yun and the Mahayana practitioners present all opened their eyes.


Before I could see clearly outside the palace, I heard a strange laughter coming in first.

I saw a figure wrapped in a black robe with only a pair of scarlet pupils floating in.

What made Zhang Yun's pupils shrink was that no information emerged from the opponent under his Immortal Eye Technique.

With a fairy thing?

The silver-haired women in the field looked at the black-robed figure and narrowed their eyes.

The feeling the other party gives them can only be described in three words, they can’t see through it!

From under the black robe, they could feel a threat.

The figure in black robe didn't pay attention to everyone's looks, but kept making a weird smile like "Jie Jie Jie Jie" and floated to a corner of the front hall.

That's right, Gone with the Wind.

Like a ghost.

Not human?

Zhang Yun and others raised their eyebrows.

But I didn’t pay too much attention to it. Places like the Death World were full of alien races.

But what made Zhang Yun and others a little uncomfortable was that the figure in black robe was floating in the corner of the front hall, scanning their bodies with his scarlet pupils over and over again while laughing strangely.

It was as if he was picking out delicious food.

Zhang Yun simply ignored it.



But the strange laughter that kept ringing in his ears made people inexplicably irritated.

"You damn thing, get in here!"

The silver-haired woman shouted suddenly, waved her right hand, and silver rays shot out from her five long silver nails.

The black-robed figure quickly dodged, but these silver rays blocked almost all dodgeable angles around him.


One of the hits immediately turned into a large silver light and swallowed up the black-robed figure.


By the time everyone reacted, the black-robed figure had disappeared, leaving only a fist-sized silver cube in place.

The silver-haired woman grabbed it from the air and the cube fell into her hand.

It can be seen that something seems to be struggling inside the square, making the whole body of the square continue to bulge.


But as the silver-haired woman pointed at the square, the entire square suddenly returned to calm.

The silver-haired woman put it away with a calm expression, as if she had done something trivial.

The other Mahayana players in the field were astonished at their peak.

A being that they couldn't see through was captured by a silver-haired woman like this?

Zhang Yun's eyes narrowed slightly.

[Original Space Grid]

Introduction: The exclusive talent of the Space Holy Body. After the space energy hits any living being, it can separate the space around the area where the living being is located and turn it into a separate space, thus compressing the source space grid.

Ways to avoid: Don't be hit by the caster's space energy.

The information he just captured from the cube still remained in his eyes.

Zhang Yun was secretly vigilant.

The silver-haired woman's talent might fall into her trap if she's not careful. Once you are hit, it is equivalent to being pulled into another space.

Unless he could blast out of another dimension in an instant, he would be like the black-robed figure being taken in by the silver-haired woman at this moment.


Looking inside the sleeves of the silver-haired woman, Zhang Yun touched his chin.

He couldn't see through the black-robed figure. There must be something from the immortal or something containing immortal energy on him, so he might not be able to escape the trap.

But after waiting for a long time, there was no movement from the silver-haired woman's sleeve robe.

Zhang Yun narrowed his eyes slightly.

Is the original space pattern formed by the silver-haired woman so strong?

As if feeling his gaze, the silver-haired woman glanced at him.

Zhang Yun looked at him calmly.

But in fact, the other party's eyes could not be seen. The silver-haired woman's long flowing hair covered most of her face.

But I can feel the other person's gaze.


A chuckle.

I saw the corner of the other person's red lips exposed under his silver hair, slightly raised.

Zhang Yun also showed a kind smile towards the other party.

The silver-haired woman was startled, inexplicably feeling like she was facing the smile of an elder.

Zhang Yun has withdrawn his gaze.

After the silver-haired woman took a deep look at Zhang Yun, she glanced at the other peak Mahayana peaks present.

At this moment, those eyes were looking at her.

"You want to try it too?"

The silver-haired woman's gaze swept across several peak Mahayana peaks.

Several people at the peak of the Mahayana stage frowned and looked away.

They were actually very unfamiliar with the silver-haired woman.

At the peak of the Mahayana stage, there are not many people on the Immortal Dao Continent, and they basically know each other somewhat.

For example, they all know the ancestors of Ultimate City.

Among the peak Mahayana people present, only the silver-haired woman in front of them felt strange to them.

The opponent's spatial methods are very similar to those of the Space Pavilion. But in their impression, there is no such female Mahayana in the Space Pavilion, and she is still a female Mahayana who has reached the peak of the Mahayana.

The other person seemed to appear out of thin air.

However, there have been examples of this kind in the past.

After all, beings at their level would often go into long-term retreat. It is possible to retreat for hundreds, thousands, or even thousands of years at a time.

This silver-haired woman probably started to retreat before the demonic catastrophe more than two thousand years ago.

Before the catastrophe of the demons, there were quite a lot of humans and aliens who reached the peak of the Mahayana stage. There was not much left after the catastrophe. But there are some circumstances where catastrophe can be avoided, which is normal.

But the unknown is always the scariest thing!

Facing the invisible silver-haired woman, several peak Mahayana figures were particularly vigilant.

The entire front hall became quiet again for a while.

Zhang Yun is still sitting cross-legged, and his internal condition has already recovered. He has his eyes closed at the moment, but he is actually observing his surroundings secretly.

He could vaguely feel that the dark creatures hiding deep in the Dead Immortal Zone were observing him in real time, as well as the silver-haired woman.

This is what he is most wary of at the moment.

Able to observe secretly in the deepest part of the Death Immortal Zone, and making it impossible for him to capture the opponent's position. Several peak Mahayana stages present did not even notice...

No matter what this creature in the dark is, it is definitely more difficult to deal with than the silver-haired woman on the surface.

Along the way here, he had carefully observed with his spiritual consciousness that except for the depths of the palace with the so-called immortal fate in front of him, there was no possibility of hiding people in other areas.

This creature is probably deep in the palace.

"The other party won't control the Death Immortal Palace, right?"

An idea suddenly popped into Zhang Yun's mind.

I remember that he played like this in Kuxian Palace.

At present, the Death Immortal Palace may have been invaded by the secret creatures first and gained control.

The so-called fight for immortality at this moment may be all arranged by the other party...

The more I think about it, the more it looks like Zhang Yun.

After all, the other party was already observing from a distance outside the city area. If he didn't control this place, how could the other party hide so deeply?

Now we have such a countdown...

Are you stalling for time?

Zhang Yun thought.

When he was in Kuxian Palace, he received the inheritance mission left by Kuxian and needed to restrict people.

Now this...

"I go!"

The more it feels, the more it looks like.


Zhang Yun stood up immediately.


The silver-haired women opened their eyes and looked at him.

Zhang Yun walked towards the gate of Death Immortal Palace without saying a word.

Crunch——! !

Under the astonished looks of the silver-haired woman and others, she opened the door of the Death Immortal Palace and walked out...

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