Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Chapter 589 The fight for immortality begins!


The silver-haired woman was confused.

What do you mean, the fight for immortality is about to begin, go out now?

Buzz! !

At this time, the gate of Death Immortal Palace suddenly rippled with circles.

As soon as Zhang Yun stepped one foot over the threshold, he felt an additional resistance in front of him.

At the same time, on the doors on both sides, a line of large characters condensed by the energy of death appeared——

‘Warning, once you leave the Death Immortal Palace, you will not be able to enter the palace again, and you may lose the opportunity to compete for immortal fate! ’

Seeing this big character, the silver-haired woman raised her eyebrows slightly and looked at Zhang Yun.

Although they don't know why the latter suddenly went crazy, there are limitations...


Before they could finish their thoughts, they saw Zhang Yun stepping out of the threshold with his other foot and walking away from the Death Immortal Palace without looking back.

The silver-haired woman and others were stunned on the spot.

What the hell?

Is the cloud in front of me really having a seizure? ?

They felt baffled.

But quickly shrugged.

Even if they leave, they will have one less competitor!

The deepest part of the city, inside the Bone Palace.


On the Bone Throne, the black gold skeleton wearing a crown looked at Zhang Yun who was forbidden to walk out of the Death Immortal Palace in the picture, with deep astonishment in his pupils.

Xu Ming was also stunned for a moment.

In the picture, Zhang Yun flew out all the way out of the Death Immortal Palace without any nostalgia for the Death Immortal Palace behind him.

The black gold skeleton was completely stunned.

What kind of operation is this?

The fairy fate has been in front of you for a long time, and you ran away when it was about to open?

It couldn't help but look at Xu Ming next to it, "Master, does your brain have any serious illness?"

"You're the one with the disease in your head!"

Xu Ming responded unceremoniously.

"You dare to scold me?"

The black gold skull's expression darkened.

"Why are you scolding you, Broken Skull?"

Xu Ming is confident.

If the other party wanted to touch him, he would have done it long ago. She never touched him, and allowed him to observe everything from the sidelines, and also helped him to help the master...

You can tell at a glance that the other party's plan requires his consent.

Then the other party won't touch him until he agrees!

Understanding this, Xu Ming is not afraid of angering the black gold skeleton at all, and he has long been unhappy with the broken skeleton!

Lure him here and confine him to this palace of bones. He doesn't even let out a fart when asked about his purpose. He just plays riddles there. He's had enough!

"I'm going to meet the master!"

Xu Ming said directly.

The black gold skeleton remained silent, but clearly disagreed.

Seeing this, Xu Ming didn't talk nonsense. His right hand suddenly turned into a golden dragon claw and aimed directly at his head.


The expression of the black gold skeleton changed, and he quickly stretched out his bone hand and grabbed Xu Ming's wrist to stop him. A pair of pupils with black gold fire glared angrily, shouting: "Are you crazy!?"

"I told you, I want to meet my master!!"

When Xu Ming saw him stopping him, he secretly guessed it correctly and immediately spoke coldly.


The black gold skull refused.

"Then I will commit suicide!"

Xu Ming immediately increased his strength, and the tip of the claw that turned into a golden dragon claw touched his forehead, and a small bloody mouth was pierced, and golden blood flowed from his thigh.

The black gold skeleton quickly removed the golden dragon claw.

When Xu Ming saw this, the energy in his body immediately expanded.

But the black gold skeleton had expected it, and another bone claw gently patted Xu Ming's abdomen.

Xu Ming's whole body trembled, and he felt that all the energy in his body was suppressed in an instant, and at the same time, ropes made of warm and dead energy forcibly tied him to the wall next to him.

"let me go!"

Xu Ming wanted to struggle, but he felt weak.

"Just watch from the sidelines!"

The black gold skeleton said lightly and ignored Xu Ming.

Look at the screen.

I saw Zhang Yun, who had left the Death Immortal Palace, now at the edge of the Death Immortal Area, joining Su Die and the other three people on the Green Demon Spider.

As soon as they met, the Green Demon Spider immediately headed out of the city.


Seeing this scene, the black gold skeleton smiled.

No matter how stupid it is, it still understands that Zhang Yun has discovered that it is secretly controlling it.

"It is indeed not easy to be the master of the Golden Dragon Luck Master!"

Muttering in his mouth, the black gold skeleton lightly touched the crown on his head, stared at the screen and smiled and said to himself: "This competition would be too boring without you, stay and continue to participate!"

As the words fell.


A layer of gray sky appeared in the sky over the entire city at this moment, instantly covering the entire city.

As soon as Zhang Yun and his party approached the exit of the city on the Green Demon Spider, they were blocked by the barrier formed by the sky.

"Oh, your reaction is so fast!"

Zhang Yun cursed secretly.

He was completely certain that there were creatures secretly controlling this urban area where the Death Immortal once lived.

Although I don’t know what the other person is playing with, if I stay here, it will be the other person’s toy!

Immortal Eye Jue scanned the sky barrier in front of him, but could not see any information.

"You still have to upgrade!"

Zhang Yun sighed.

All immortals can see through it.

I thought there was nothing he couldn't see through.

But now he found that there were still many things that he couldn't see through.

Immortal energy, Immortal things...

How annoying!

Next, complete the task to gain upgrade permissions, and be the first to upgrade the Immortal Master's Heavenly Eye!

Buzz buzz buzz—! !

Just as he was thinking about it, the sky above the city shrouded in the sky and the Death Immortal Palace in the depths were all fluctuating at this moment.

I saw a large piece of light text floating in the air——

‘The battle for immortality begins. Within a limited time, whoever gets the most points will receive the immortality token on the sky screen! ’

As the light characters emerged, a white token appeared floating above the gray sky.

"This is……"

Seeing this token, Zhang Yun was stunned for a moment.

Because the token on the sky at this moment is exactly the same as the immortal token he got from the hands of the last immortal in the form of a young man in white in the underground mountains in the ruins of Fengcheng.

Is this the so-called fairy fate?

Just as I was thinking about it, another large piece of light text message appeared in the sky——

‘There are a total of 107 participants in this competition for immortality. The information is as follows...

‘There are eleven people competing for the Mahayana stage and above. Among them, six are at the peak of the Mahayana period, three are at great attainment during the Mahayana period, and two are at minor attainment during the Mahayana period. ’

‘There is only one person who can compete for the half-step Mahayana stage. This half-step Mahayana period is slightly special, as it allows you to pass levels, so your initial points are greatly increased. ’

‘There are a total of ninety-five people competing in the combined period and below. ’

‘Based on the cultivation level of each contender, you will all receive an initial score.

You can increase your points by hunting other contenders and obtaining vitality essence and death essence. At the end of the countdown, the one with the most points wins! ’

‘Now, the two areas competing for the Immortal Fate begin to merge! ’

Looking at this large list of information, Zhang Yun was a little confused.

Where did the one hundred and seven people come from?

In the city in front of him, including him, Su Die, and even the Green Demon Spider, there were only a dozen people in total.

These one hundred and seven...

Just as he was thinking about it, a scene suddenly appeared in the sky, making him open his eyes wide.

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