Those who participated in the test of the ruins finally came out alive.

Apart from the head of the Sea Witch Fairy Kingdom, there were only Su Yixian and his wife.

The leader of the Sea Witch Fairy Kingdom failed to obtain the Witch Fairy Seal, so the only ones who could obtain the Witch Fairy Seal were Su Yixian and his wife.

Because he didn't know much about the strength and identity of Su Yixian and his wife, the Worshiping Holy Witch did not take action rashly after learning about this matter.

Instead, he spent a lot of effort and finally found a suitable candidate in Liang Cheng.

Through him, he got close to Su Yixian and his wife, and after getting to know them step by step, they set up an ambush in the central area and started taking action.

Next is what Zhang Yun learned from Liang Cheng.

Liang Cheng led Su Yixian and his wife to the central realm, where the Holy Witch and others ambush.

But the result was different from what Liang Cheng expected.

Su Yixian and his wife did not die in the ambush. On the contrary, they killed most of the people in the ambush. In the end, they were both injured by the worshiping holy witch and escaped with serious injuries.

But that ambush made the Worshiping Holy Witch confirm that the Witch Immortal Seal was in the hands of Su Yixian and his wife.

Because Su Yixian and his wife used the Witch Immortal Seal at that time.

The holy witch was seriously injured and could not be pursued, so Liang Cheng was allowed to temporarily control Die Gong and Su Die.

He knew that the only way to lure out Su Yixian and his wife was Su Die.

However, because he was too seriously injured, the Holy Witch could only recuperate while staring at Su Die.

Su Die was able to go to the Southern Region in the future, which was actually under the nose of the Holy Witch.

He wanted to test whether Su Yixian and his wife would take away Su Die in the Southern Territory.

But Su Yixian and his wife never showed up.

For this reason, the Qian Shen Sect took action, which was also the second attempt to worship the Holy Witch.

This temptation began many years later, as a sacrifice to the Holy Witch in order to heal his injuries.

At that time, he personally took some people to the Southern Territory to see if Su Yixian and his wife would show up when Su Die was dying frequently.

But the result disappointed him.

Su Die was almost cornered, and Su Yixian and his wife did not show up.

This leaves the worshiper of the holy witch with only two possibilities:

First, Su Yixian and his wife were not looking at Su Die; second, they had given up on their daughter.

He prefers the former.

Because he learned from Liang Cheng that Su Yixian and his wife were not heartless people, he paid tribute to the Holy Witch and spared Su Die's life in the end.

"I see!"

Hearing this, Su Die smiled miserably: "I'll tell you why I was so lucky to escape with serious injuries..."

It wasn't until this moment that she realized that her life had always been in other people's hands!

Zhang Yun was also stunned.

No wonder the predecessor was able to save Su Die at that time.

If the worshiping holy witch had the idea of ​​killing Su Die, his predecessor and Su Die would probably be dead at that time.

So he seems to have to thank the other party?

Zhang Yun glanced at the Worship Holy Witch and said, "What happens next?"

"I took people to the Southern Territory, and this matter attracted the attention of some old guys in the palace. I didn't want this matter to spread, so I only had people keep an eye on Su Die, and at the same time, I looked for Su Yixian and his wife, and didn't try any more. Until... "

The Holy Witch of Worship paused after saying this, and glanced at the thawed Fourth Skeleton City Lord next to him: "I have received news from the Fourth Skeleton City Lord.

In order to find Su Yixian and his wife, I sent their portraits to some closely related forces to let them pay attention. The Fourth Skeleton City is one of them.

Not long ago, the Fourth Skeleton City Lord suddenly sent someone to tell me that he saw the Su Yixian and his wife in the portrait in the world of death..."

Hearing this, Su Die was shocked: "My parents are really in the realm of death?"

The Worshiping Holy Witch looked at the Lord of the Fourth Skeleton City.

Seeing this, the Fourth Skeleton City Lord nodded and said: "At that time, I was sleeping and practicing deep in the rich dead energy area to the west of the dead world, and I felt someone passing by.

Because there are basically no non-dead creatures passing by that place, so I observed it out of curiosity and discovered the human couple..."

Su Die looked a little nervous: "When you saw them, did they look?"

The Lord of the Fourth Skeleton City replied: "The aura is restrained and long, and the complexion is very good. The condition should be maintained at its peak!"

Su Die breathed a sigh of relief.

But then a trace of confusion appeared on his face, and there was confusion in his beautiful eyes.

Since she wasn't injured, why didn't her parents go find her?

Could it be...

Thinking of something, she couldn't help biting her lip.

At this moment, I suddenly felt a warm hand on my shoulder.

Zhang Yun smiled at her.

Su Die was stunned for a moment by his handsome and sunny smiling face.

"Get out!"

She quickly reacted and pushed Zhang Yun's hand away with her shoulder. Her pretty face turned red and she cursed: "I'm not your apprentice, I don't need your comfort!"

Zhang Yun shrugged and continued to look at the Worshiping Witch Saint: "You discovered that Su Yixian and his wife were in the realm of death, so you asked Liang Cheng to go to the southern region to capture Su Die and plan to take her to the realm of death?"


The worshiping witch saint nodded, glanced at Xuan Ling and Wu He beside him, and said, "I originally sent someone to follow him, but on the way I found out that Su Die had been rescued by him, so I simply used Wu He to induce Xuan Ling to take Su with him. Die took the initiative to enter, but because he caught up with the opening of the Death Immortal Zone,..."

Zhang Yun understood.

Including the long-standing doubts about why Kong Gen didn't understand the world of death as a Mahayana in the wizard's palace, the doubts were now solved.

When the Witch Saint learned about the Witch Immortal Seal from the Lord of the Sea Witch Fairy Kingdom, he obviously had the idea of ​​​​taking it all for himself. Everything he did after that was done without the knowledge of Kong Gen and other wizards in the Mahayana Palace.

It is not surprising that Kong Gen and others did not find it in the Mahayana period.

Because after reaching the Mahayana stage, each of these old guys like to shrink into seclusion somewhere and pursue higher levels. Daily matters are basically left to the apparently powerful people such as the Worshiping Witch Saint.

Of course, it is also related to the worship of the witch saint in front of him.

This kind of witchcraft is very special and is formed through the worship of many wizards.

These witchcraft powers complement each other.

The more worshipers there are, the more powerful the witchcraft will be.

At the same time, the more reverence the worshiper has for the worshiping witch saint, the stronger the witchcraft power he can obtain through worship.

Otherwise, it will weaken!

Therefore, worshiping the witch saint wants to identify whether there is a traitor, and he can identify it by the degree to which the other party worships him.

This directly prevents his subordinates from leaking the news.

After listening to Liang Cheng's description before, Zhang Yun didn't have much idea. Now he used the Immortal Eye Technique to see the information about worshiping the witch saint with his own eyes, and he understood the special nature of this witchcraft power.

This witchcraft is a bit interesting...

"I have said everything that needs to be said, you..."

The worshiping witch saint looked at Zhang Yun and the two men in front of him, as well as Qingjian Zun next to him, with a hint of bitterness in his expression.

He never expected that he would fall into the hands of such young boys.

But the strength of Lord Qingjian made him still feel cold in his body at this moment.

This handsome young man with long blue hair is so terrifying!

"Beauty Su, what do you want to do with them?"

Zhang Yun spoke.

Su Die said: "Find my parents first!"


Zhang Yun nodded and threw the worshiping witch saint and others into the Kujin Immortal Palace.

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