The fourth Skeleton City Lord was left behind.

The other party had seen Su Yixian and his wife in person and had to let them lead the way.

Zhang Yun glanced at the animal farm and brought out Universiade.

Su Die and others were startled when the six to seven hundred meter giant bear appeared.

"This...this is..."

Xuan Ling opened his mouth and said uncertainly: "Space bear?"

When Dayun Yun heard this, he glared at him angrily: "What space bear? This bear is the five-circle silver pattern space bear king. Don't think of this bear as an ordinary bear!!"

A look in his eyes made Xuan Ling tremble slightly.

"Okay, good luck!"

Zhang Yun spoke.

Only then did Dayun Yun retract his eyes, pick up everyone and fly away into the distance.

Xuan Ling swallowed his saliva and looked at Zhang Yun with more shock in his eyes.

First there was the dark phoenix, and now there is the space bear king of the Mahayana stage...

How many powerful spiritual beasts has the latter conquered?

Su Die glanced at Zhang Yun and was used to it.

No matter how many strange things happen to Zhang Yun, they are not strange things!

In terms of speed, Dayun Yun is faster than Xiao An.

Because of the advantages of space shuttle.

The endless void inside the Death World is difficult for ordinary beings to set foot on because it is filled with a large amount of death energy. If a monk from an ordinary space enters, he will be completely eroded in minutes.

This is also the reason why it is difficult for monks who enter the realm of death, even if they practice space energy, to directly tear apart the space and leave.

But for Da Yun Yun, who is the Space Bear King of the Mahayana period, this death energy cannot break through its thick-furred defense.

"If you want speed in the future, you still have to let good luck come..."

Zhang Yun thought.

Previously, Xiao An was asked to drive them to the Third Skeleton City, mainly because Xiao An had just been resurrected, and it was difficult for him to evaluate the speed of Dark Phoenix.

It should be good luck.

It was impossible to say that the women from the Yu family could have been saved at that time.

Shake his head slightly.

Zhang Yun didn't worry too much.

Not everything in this world can be perfect.

Quickly rush out of the Death Immortal Zone.

For the people in the Death Immortal Zone, Zhang Yun asked them to stay inside and continue searching.

Under the guidance of the Fourth Skeleton City Lord, Universiade quickly flew to the rich death aura area to the west of the death realm.

The concentration of death energy here is obviously many times stronger than that in other areas of the death world.

Even though he is just a superficial person, he cannot completely block this strong death aura at this moment.

"Da Yun Yun, come back!"

Seeing Da Yun Yun who was feeling a little uncomfortable, Zhang Yun took it back to the animal farm.

At the same time, he waved his hand and raised a layer of witchcraft light, covering several people present, and then asked the Fourth Skeleton City Lord to show the way and go deeper inside.

The deeper you go, the denser the death energy becomes.

Zhang Yun's magic power mask was eroded to the point of being crumbling, and adding more magic power into it could only barely maintain it.

The fourth Skeleton City Lord on the side had a slight sparkle in his pupils.

In this place, it might be possible...

boom--! !

Just as he was thinking about it, a terrifying sword wind suddenly hit his face, almost blowing his entire skeleton away.

I saw a sword beam of space energy hundreds of meters long, cutting through the void directly at this moment, forcibly cutting a vacuum path between the dense death air area in front.

"Yang Xu, take the Xuan Sect Master and follow me forward!"

Zhang Yun said, and directly hugged Su Die's slender waist with his left hand.

"What are you doing?"

Su Die's delicate body trembled.

"Beauty Su, you don't want to be swallowed by death before you meet your parents, right?"

Zhang Yun shrugged and gestured to the two sides that were cut open by him, but immediately began to gather back the large pieces of death energy.

He hugged Su Die and rushed forward quickly.

Lord Qingjian behind him also immediately picked up Xuan Ling and followed closely.

"I almost forgot about you!"

Zhang Yungang had just taken a few steps and thought of something. He turned around and grabbed the Fourth Skeleton City Lord who was still in a daze, and carried him forward with his right hand.

The rapid speed made Su Die stick to Zhang Yun's arms completely uncontrollably.

The man's breath was so close that Su Die's beautiful cheeks couldn't help but glow with a touch of red, and it felt hot against her chest.

It made her feel a little uncomfortable, but she also had an inexplicable desire to wish that time would stay at this moment forever.

The Fourth Skeleton City Lord's feelings were completely opposite to Su Die's. At this moment, the pain in his two foot bones made him want to curse.

Because the body was relatively large, eight or nine meters long, Zhang Yun happened to be flying about ten meters in the air, letting his pair of foot bones rub against the ground along the way, and the sparks shone brightly.

The Fourth Skeleton City Lord looked at Su Die in Zhang Yun's arms and almost went crazy!

d, can't you hug it like Su Die?

Ignoring the resentful gaze of the Fourth Skeleton City Lord, Zhang Yun moved forward at full speed.

Seeing the death energy from both sides gathering, he immediately threw the Fourth Skeleton City Lord to the side, took out the Space Fairy Sword, and slashed forward with another 100-meter space energy sword beam with one hand.

Cut open the large pieces of gathered death energy again.

Then he caught the Fourth Skeleton City Lord who was thrown to the side through the air, and continued to carry it forward.

The Fourth Skeleton City Lord was so angry that he wanted to curse.

Why don't you throw aside the woman you're holding with your left hand and chop her with your left hand?


Deliberately bullying the skeleton!

Zhang Yun doesn't care what it thinks.

If he didn't need the Fourth Skeleton City Lord to guide him, he would have abandoned him long ago.

It’s a big and heavy skeleton, and it’s very difficult to carry it!

It's better to be in your arms.

It's light, soft and fragrant, like warm jade in your arms.

Zhang Yun felt that the cold and dead air around him had become less cold!

Sure enough, the body of a monk who cultivates the fire attribute is like a heater!

Zhang Yun sighed in his heart and kept speeding up.

Behind him, Lord Qingjian hugged Xuan Ling and followed quickly.

Xuan Ling was holding Qingjian Zun tightly at this moment, for fear of falling out.

The lifelessness on both sides is so scary. If he falls, he will be swallowed in a minute!

In addition, there was an inexplicable and pleasant fragrance in Qingjian Zun's arms, which made him inexplicably intoxicated.

Lord Qingjian didn't care.

"That's it!"

After going deep for nearly half an hour, the Fourth Skeleton City Lord quickly pointed to a place ahead.

Zhang Yun immediately swung his sword to cut away the death energy in front of him.

Less than a hundred meters ahead, there was a large tombstone with the words "Fourth Special" written on it.

It is obviously the exclusive land of the Fourth Skeleton City Lord.

The Fourth Skeleton City Lord pointed to a forest not far in front of the tombstone, a forest full of death energy: "I was practicing here at the tombstone, and the human couple went deep into it. But now it has been a few months, whether they are still there, I No guarantee!”


Zhang Yun glanced at the dead forest and threw the fourth Skeleton City Lord ahead to lead the way.

The fourth Skeleton City Lord twitched his lips, but did not dare to say anything more and went straight into the woods.

Zhang Yun then signaled to Lord Qingjian behind him, hugged Su Die and followed him.

While following, he was also running the Immortal Eye Technique.

The place in front of me is full of death, and it is unusual for this forest to grow lushly here.

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