Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Chapter 637 Reshape the body and reach the turbulent world

But what Zhang Yun wants to do is not only help Bai Xuefeng reshape his physical body, but also help him reshape his polar body.

The Immortal Master's Heavenly Eye has given him the method.

"Please wait a moment, master!"

Zhang Yun thought of something and hurried back to the Time Speed ​​Palace: "Xiao Kan, give me a drop of your blood essence!"

Zhou Kan was startled, but without hesitation, he forced out a drop of blood essence from his body.

Zhang Yun collected the essence and blood and left immediately.

Zhou Kan was a little strange, but he didn't think much about it. A drop of blood essence had little effect on him.

Return to the Beast King's blood pool.

"Xue Feng, use one of your tentacles to suck this drop of blood essence!"

Zhang Yun handed the blood to Wang Xuefeng.

Wang Xuefeng nodded, and the tentacles absorbed the essence and blood, and soon a vitality of holy elixir energy filled it.

"This is holy elixir energy, with strong healing power..."

Before he could ask, Zhang Yun had already explained: "My teacher will help you rebuild your body next. This process will be very painful. When you feel that you can't hold on, use the holy elixir energy to heal..."

Wang Xuefeng nodded, with a firm look in his eyes.

Zhang Yun didn't say anything more and quickly got ready.

Take out various elixirs and add a Ganoderma lucidum filled with golden brilliance.

This is a holy medicine that was previously found in the treasure house of Ultimate City. The Holy Marrow Renewal can repair the meridians throughout a monk's body and make them stronger.

Zhang Yun directly cut the holy mushroom into five parts and kept them in five jade boxes. The other elixirs were also divided into five parts.

After doing this, Zhang Yun gave Bai Xuefeng a pill and said, "The next step will be very painful, Xuefeng, are you ready?"


Bai Xuefeng nodded.

Zhang Yunjiang directly pushed Bai Xuefeng into the Beast King's blood pool.

The moment he entered the blood pool, the efficacy of the elixir in Bai Xuefeng's body exploded, and a large amount of the Beast King's blood suddenly poured in crazily.


At this moment, it was as if his whole body was being bitten by ants, and the severe pain made Bai Xuefeng almost faint.

But he soon gritted his teeth, opened his eyes that were instantly bloodshot, and veins popped up all over his body.

Click, click, click...

Soon, as the energy in the Beast King's blood poured into Bai Xuefeng's body, a crisp sound of broken meridians came from his body.


The pain of ruptured meridians all over his body made Bai Xuefeng unable to help but scream.

Zhang Yun immediately handed over a portion of Pulse Renewal Holy Zhi and shouted: "Xue Feng, swallow it!"

Bai Xuefeng reacted and endured the pain and swallowed this part of the holy mushroom in one gulp.

Under Zhang Yun's spiritual perception, the broken meridians in the opponent's body were instantly wrapped in energy and reconnected.

Bai Xuefeng's pain also quickly faded, replaced by a warmth that enveloped her whole body.

He only felt that his body, which had always been weak, was regaining its strength at this moment.

This made him overjoyed.

"Xue Feng, this is just the beginning!"

Zhang Yun poured cold water on him at this time: "There will be many similar processes in the future..."

Bai Xuefeng's expression condensed.

Zhang Yun said: "Next, you can soak in the blood pool here. After seven days, the master will come back to help you with the next one!"

"Yes, master!"

Bai Xuefeng nodded.

Zhang Yun handed him another storage ring, "If you get hungry, just eat the two spiritual fruits inside!"


Bai Xuefeng nodded.

Zhang Yun didn't say any more and returned to the Time Speed ​​Palace.

He asked directly: "Disciples, did you see the tentacles of your junior brother Xuefeng just now?"

Wu Xiaopang, Yu Shui'er and others nodded.

Zhang Yun smiled and said, "I have prepared one for you too!"

With that said, he took out the remaining seven Cloud Demon King talent balls and threw them to them.

There are nine talent balls in total for King Cloud Demon. The Demon Fate Clone and Bai Xuefeng each used one, and now there are only seven left.

Xu Ming is not here, so we can only miss it. Wu Haihai and Zhang Yun thought about it and decided not to give it away. After all, the quantity is not enough, and this little guy is special as a reincarnated witch fairy.

Do you want these six demon tentacles?

But it means a lot to other apprentices.

After all, it can absorb six different kinds of energy. Not to mention other things, the holy elixir energy alone is of extraordinary significance.

Possessing the holy elixir energy is equivalent to possessing a strong self-healing ability.

Zhou Kan could ignore this.

But for Zhou Kan, the greater purpose of this tentacle is to increase combat capabilities.

Zhang Yun planned to give each of them a drop of Xiao An's essence and blood, and the Dark Phoenix Flame would greatly enhance their strength.

Wu Xiaopang, Yu Shui'er and others looked at the talent ball handed to them with slight doubts, "Master, what is this?"

"Something that stores a special talent..."

Zhang Yun explained: "Infusing a trace of spiritual energy into it will allow you to directly obtain the talents inside!"

Wu Xiaopang, Yu Shui'er and others' eyes lit up.

Although this kind of thing is unheard of, they are already accustomed to the magic of their master!

The talent balls are activated one after another.

Qing Jianzun's body trembled, and he let out a muffled groan. His back shook and then calmed down.

"Six demon tentacles? Cloud demon mist?"

The talent he received made Master Qingjian look at Zhang Yun in surprise.

"Yes, it is the talent of Cloud Demon King!"

Zhang Yun smiled and nodded: "Yangxu, try it..."

Qingjian Zun nodded, his body shook, and six white tentacles more than ten meters long suddenly appeared on his back.

With a slight swing, it cuts through the air like six sharp blades.

The six tentacles under the control of Lord Qingjian are like six extremely sharp sword blades.

Seeing him take control at once, Zhang Yun was not too surprised.

Because his demonic clone is almost the same.

For monks who have reached the Mahayana stage, it is not difficult to master this talent.

The other apprentices were slower than others, and the process was a little painful, but they all managed to master it after a lot of effort.

Zhang Yun said: "Xiao Kan, put out six drops of blood!"

After hearing this, Zhou Kan reacted after combining the talents of these six demon tentacles.

It turns out that this is what his essence and blood are for.

Immediately release six drops of blood.

The six Qingjian Masters each sucked a drop of blood essence with one of their tentacles. They were surprised when they looked at the vitality holy elixir energy that surged up in the tentacles.

They have all seen the healing effects of Zhou Kan's holy elixir energy.

Now they can move freely on their tentacles, which is of great significance!

Qingjian Zun couldn't help but say: "Master, I should be able to pass on my Ice Netherworld to senior brothers, senior sisters, and junior brothers, right?"

Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows.

The power of the Ice Netherworld of Qingjian Zun is extremely strong, which is indeed possible.

He immediately said: "Try it!"

Qingjian Zun immediately forced out eight drops of blood essence.

Wu Xiaopang and others each inhaled a drop, and a greenish blue color suddenly appeared on the tentacles. The temperature in the Flow Speed ​​Palace dropped a lot as a result.

"Teachers, you should try it too!"

Zhang Yun put away the remaining two drops of essence and blood, and at the same time forced out six drops of essence and blood from his body.

He possesses a variety of energies, and he doesn't know what will happen if he is absorbed by this tentacle.


"Master, it's your sea wizardry!"

The six Green Sword Masters quickly absorbed it, and strong sea witchcraft power emerged from their tentacles.

"Wu Li..."

Zhang Yun frowned slightly.

I was still thinking about whether I could bring the dead immortal power to my apprentice, but this witchcraft power seemed a bit poor.


Just as I was thinking about it, the call of Universiade suddenly came: "We have arrived in the turbulent world!"

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