Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Chapter 638 Attacking the Black and White Spirit Tribe

Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows.

"This is Xiao An's blood essence, you suck it up!"

He immediately reached out and took out six drops of dark red blood essence.

For spirit beasts, the one-time loss of blood essence and blood does not exceed one-tenth, and the impact will not be too great.

Therefore, after resurrecting Xiao An, Zhang Yun asked the other party to release ten drops of blood and kept it on him.

When Wu Xiaopang, Yu Shui'er and others heard this, their eyes lit up and they immediately absorbed it.

As six strands of dark phoenix flames emerged from one of their tentacles, the temperature in the Temporal Speed ​​Palace that had just dropped due to the Ice Nether suddenly rose again.

Seeing the different energies on the tentacles, Wu Xiaopang, Yu Shui'er and others were extremely happy.

Zhang Yun said with a smile: "Master it well. Next, my teacher will let you practice together..."

"Yes, master!"

Wu Xiaopang, Yu Shui'er and others nodded.

Zhang Yun then left the Temporal Speed ​​Palace, exited the Immortal Master World, and returned to the broad back of the Universiade.

At this moment, the Universiade is hovering outside the vortex at the entrance of a huge space wall.

When Dayun Yun saw him coming out, he immediately said: "Sir, this is one of the entrances to the turbulent world, connecting the northern area of ​​the boundary..."

Zhang Yun nodded and said: "Go in!"

Dayun Yun nodded, and his huge body got into the whirlpool.

With a dazzling sunlight hitting my face.

Dayun Yun's huge body appeared in the turbulent world, on a desolate plain illuminated by the scorching sun.

After Zhang Yun asked Xiao Diao to leave a trace of essence and blood coordinates here, he took out a sound transmission domino and asked: "How?"

On the opposite side of the sound transmission domino, the voice of Master Heavy Gun came: "Sect Master, there is no movement on three sides..."

Zhang Yun was slightly surprised.

Long before that, he had already asked Butterfly Palace's branch in the Turbulent World and the Turbulent Clan to deploy manpower respectively to keep an eye on the three parties in the Turbulent World.

But from the development of the incident in Fengcheng Ruins to now, none of the three parties has taken much action.

It's understandable that there was no movement in the Magic Sand Land and the Wizard's Palace in the original Demon City. After all, these two parties probably never thought that he would come to cause trouble.

From the mouth of the worshiping holy witch, he already had a general understanding of the inside of the wizard's palace.

The older generation of Mahayana wizards all live in seclusion and rarely ask about the situation in the palace. The entire power of the Wizard's Palace is controlled by the Holy Witch of Worship and the Holy Witch of Heaven Worship.

Worshiping holy witches is more powerful and dominates. The holy witches who pray to heaven rarely show up on weekdays.

Now that the worshiping Holy Witch is away, it is normal that there won't be much movement inside the Wizard's Palace.

But it's a little strange that the Black and White Spirit Clan are so calm...

After all, the hatred between him and the Black and White Spirit Clan is out in the open.

He felt strange after learning about the news he had made in the ruins of Fengcheng, and that a Mahayana disciple had died in his hands, but there was no movement from the Black and White Spirit Clan.

"Go to the Black and White Spirit Clan..."

Without hesitation, he went directly to the Black and White Spirit Clan.

Since it’s weird, let’s solve it first!

As he went, he sent a message: "Heavy gun, go and guard outside the Black and White Spirit Clan's space. Don't let anyone inside leave. I'll be there soon!"

"Yes, Sect Master!"

Putting away the sound transmission dominoes, Zhang Yun looked into the distance and narrowed his eyes slightly.

It’s time to settle the feud with the Black and White Spirit Clan!

Another thing that concerned him more was that before Gu Tuo died, he told him that the Black and White Spirit Clan had obtained a true dragon corpse.

He had been thinking about this for a long time.

The space of the Black and White Spirit Clan exists in the endless void not far from Gumo City, and it is also a separate space.

The moment Zhang Yun arrived in the surrounding area riding on the great fortune, he immediately alerted the attention of countless spies standing nearby.

"Oh my God! What a big bear!!"

"Zhang Yun! That's Zhang Yun up there! He's really here!!"

"Quick! Send the news back quickly!!"

The commotion Zhang Yun caused in the ruins of Fengcheng has already caused a storm in all walks of life in the Central Region.

Since then, all parties in the Central Region have begun to investigate Zhang Yun's identity, and are also investigating the so-called first sect of immortality. During the process, I also learned about the grudge between Zhang Yun and the Space Pavilion and the Black and White Spirit Clan.

Because the previous reward for Zhang Yun and the leader who listed Zhang Yun as the 22nd in the hunt were these two parties.

The Space Pavilion headquarters is hidden deep enough that some forces cannot find their location. But the Black and White Spirit Clan is no secret in the turbulent world. Therefore, many forces sent people to the chaos world to pay attention to the surroundings.

I want to see if Zhang Yun will come to trouble the Black and White Spirit Clan.

Now that Zhang Yun has arrived, the spies from all sides are excited!

Zhang Yun didn't pay attention to these people.

When dealing with the Black and White Spirit Tribes, he never thought of hiding them.

At this time, a group of people flew out from the void in front and came forward together.

"I've met the sect leader!"

It was the period when Master Chongqiang, Guo Haoguang and many members of the Turbulent Clan were united.

They had been squatting in the surrounding void and were not noticed by these spies.

Zhang Yun waved his hand.

He raised his eyes and looked at the void in front of him. His eyes penetrated the void and locked on the huge space hidden in the endless void ahead.

He waved his hand: "Do it!"

Guo Haoguang and others were startled.


Hearing a roar, Universiade directly exploded the void in front of him with a bear paw, directly revealing the huge space hidden within.

Boom——! !

Before anyone could react, there was a loud noise, and Universiade's bear's paw directly hit the space wall of the Black and White Spirit Clan's space.

The entire space trembled, and the space wall cracked instantly.

Guo Haoguang and others, as well as the spies hiding around, were all shocked.

Looking at the black and white spirit space wall that was directly lined with a bear paw, they all took a breath of cold air.

This action, isn't it too direct and violent?


Before they could think about it, they saw Dayunyun's other bear paw also hit the space wall, directly blasting out a big crack.

The two bear paws, one left and one right, tore the huge space wall open like tearing paper.


Zhang Yun waved his hand, and Dayunyun carried him into it.

The heavy gun master followed closely.

Guo Haoguang and others swallowed their saliva and hurried to follow.

The spies from all sides were stunned.

They thought that Zhang Yun would have a big battle with the black and white spirit cultivators outside the black and white spirit space, so they had already opened the recording stone and prepared to record it, but...

He just blasted the space open and killed in? ?

The spies from all sides did not dare to approach, and quickly took out the product of the Ling's Chamber of Commerce, a super energy telescope, and looked inside through the crack in the space that was blasted open.

Zhang Yun and his party were blocked as soon as they entered the space on Dayunyun.

The air inside the space was obviously covered with countless lines, like a net. As soon as Dayunyun's huge body entered, it was wrapped and bound by these lines.

Dayunyun tried to break free with a burst of power, but these lines seemed to be stuck to its body, and it was difficult to break free.

"You dare to break into my clan! Zhang Yun, do you really think no one can deal with you?"

At the same time, a cold snort came from the inside of the space.


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