Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Chapter 639: Breaking the formation at a glance, the Black and White Spirit Clan is destroyed

I saw a middle-aged man with long black and white hair and a purple robe, floating among countless lines in the space.

"Now that you're here, let me stay here forever!!"

The middle-aged man in purple robe stared coldly at Zhang Yun and shouted loudly: "The line boy will burn his life!!"

"Ah!" "Ah!" "Ah!"...

In the space below, people with a large number of lines connected to their flesh and blood were all screaming at this moment.

The body instantly turned into a ball of blood, dyeing countless lines in the entire space red.

"The True Record of Dark Blood - Life-Burning Killing!!"

The middle-aged man in purple robe had all the power of the Mahayana realm fully injected into these lines at this time.

The blood-red lines all over the space seemed to be in a violent rage at this moment. The lines tied to Universiade's body actually forcibly cut through its thick skin surface.

"not good!"

Universiade's expression changed slightly, while Guo Haoguang and others' expressions changed drastically.

You can feel the deadly threat contained in these countless lines!

"Oh my God! No wonder the Black and White Spirit Clan has been quiet these days. It turns out they have arranged such a killing move!!"

"It seems like the giant bear in space can't stand it anymore!"

"I'll go, Zhang Yun won't die here, right?"

When the spies from all sides observing with super telescopes saw this, they all took a breath.

The countless lines tied to Universiade's body have already drawn blood marks.

The heavy gun master immediately picked up the heavy gun and wanted to take action.

But a hand stopped him.

"I come!"

Looking at Zhang Yun who looked calm next to him, Master Chongqian put away his gun and took a step back.

Zhang Yun looked at the middle-aged man in purple robe with calm eyes.

The middle-aged man in purple robe smiled ferociously.

Ever since the news of the ruins of Fengcheng came, he gathered the strength of the whole clan and started to arrange this array inside the space.

This formation uses his antenna field as the formation eye, sacrificing the lives of more than 3,000 line children of the entire clan, and using the threads contained in their bodies to form this heaven and earth burning blood line formation.

If Zhang Yun doesn't come, that's fine. If he comes, he will make the other party unable to leave again.

In front of this line formation, even if he is at the peak of his Mahayana stage, he still has to leave half his life behind! !


The middle-aged man in purple robe shouted loudly and moved his lines crazily.

"Fairy Eye Heaven and Earth!"

Zhang Yun also opened his eyes wide at this moment and looked directly at him.

The middle-aged man in purple robe was startled, and in the next second he felt as if a storm that seemed to clear the heaven and earth was approaching.

The storm of terror suffocated him.

He didn't even have time to react, the antenna field around him...

Puffy! !

It exploded in an instant, and countless lines collapsed.


A mouthful of blood sprayed upward to the sky.

The Heaven and Earth Burning Blood Linear Formation spread all over the world, lost the control of his formation eye, and all collapsed at the same time.

In an instant, the line formation was completely destroyed!

The whole process was so fast that those present did not even have time to react.

His eyes widened and his mouth opened.

The whole world was suddenly silent!

"Impossible! This is impossible... ugh!!"

It was the unbelievable roar of the middle-aged man in purple robe followed by the sound of vomiting blood that broke the silence in the field.

Master Chongqiang, Guo Haoguang and others, as well as spies from all sides, all looked at Zhang Yun in shock.

What have you done?

What did the latter do at that moment? ?

At this time Zhang Yun moved.

It was so fast that no one could catch the figure clearly, and they saw Zhang Yun had already flashed in front of the purple-robed middle-aged man.

"Death to me!!"

Guessing that Zhang Yun would approach, the middle-aged man in purple robe suddenly felt a backlash from the forceful destruction of his domain. A short sword suddenly emerged from his sleeve.


But there was a crisp sound.

Zhang Yun's two fingers were like steel, directly clamping the dagger.


The middle-aged man in purple robe opened his mouth.

He saw the index finger of Zhang Yun's other hand touching his eyebrows.


The middle-aged man in purple robe was frightened and wanted to say something.


But Zhang Yun didn't give him this chance, and directly penetrated the other person's eyebrows with one finger, and also penetrated the other person's soul.

A Mahayana man died!

Collect the opponent's body casually.

Zhang Yun looked indifferently at the countless horrified looks in the large building complex of the Black and White Spirit Clan below, and said: "The Black and White Spirit Clan can disappear!"

As he finished speaking, multiple figures rushed out from around him.

It was his disciples.

Ice netherworld, sea witch power, dark phoenix flames... all kinds of energy were swept away from below.

"don't want--"

“Help ah ah ah——!!”

The screams of countless black and white spirits resounded throughout the world.

The spies from all sides who were using super telescopes trembled and came to a conclusion in their minds.

The Black and White Spirit Tribe is finished!

They were about to continue watching when a pair of huge bear paws blocked their view.

Before they could think about it, they saw that the space crack that had been torn open just now was glued together again.

"Oh no, if you don't do this, at least let us finish it!"

"That is to say, space giant bear, you have gone too far!!"

The spies from all sides couldn't help but start talking.

Zhang Yun's faint voice came out: "If you want to see it, you can break through the space and come in to see it!"

The spies from all sides trembled in fright and hurried away.

This cloud was so terrifying that it broke through such a terrifying killing formation at a glance. If this comes out, they might be stunned to death at a glance, so it's better to escape first!

Zhang Yun didn't care anymore, and now he was rushing towards the treasure house of the Black and White Spirit Clan.

As for the remnants of the Black and White Spirit Clan, they were all handed over to his disciples for training.

The treasure trove will be searched soon.

"LGb, this broken clan is wasting corpses!"

This was Zhang Yun's first reaction after finishing the search.

Indeed, as Gu Tuo said at the beginning, the Black and White Spirit Clan once obtained a true dragon corpse.

It's just that now this corpse has been cut into pieces, skinned and cramped...

What Zhang Yun found were only dozens of drops of black dragon essence and blood and a few half-meter-large black dragon scales.

The remaining member of the Black and White Spirit Clan with the highest cultivation level was captured and interrogated and found out. The two Mahayana masters of the Black and White Spirit Clan had already made the black dragon's corpse into a spiritual meal and ate it.

Some important materials are either for sale or have been used.

The remaining black dragon essence and blood were kept because the secret method of the Black and White Spirit Clan, the True Record of Dark Blood, could be used.

After worrying about it for so long, this is the result?

Zhang Yun was very angry.

After venting his anger on the combined stage of the Black and White Spirit Clan on the spot, he killed him!

However, there are still many good things in the Black and White Spirit Clan.

For example, one of the large blood banks, in addition to the black dragon essence and blood, also collects the essence and blood of various living creatures.

There are alien races and spiritual beasts, and there are thousands of species.

There was also a kind of blood essence inside that surprised Zhang Yun.

A kind of void spirit beast that he had never seen before, a space rabbit.

I had only seen the introduction of this kind of spiritual beast before when I was bored and looking through ancient books.

But it's a pity that it's just a small bottle of blood essence. It would be nice if the body was intact.

Of course, these blood essences are still very useful, so Zhang Yun collected them all and might use them in the future.

In addition to the blood bank, the Black and White Spirit Clan also has an army of corpse puppets.

The Black and White Spirit Tribe wanted to use control to resist, but before they could use it, Lord Qingjian killed several Black and White Spirit Tribe who were manipulating the corpse puppets.

This army of corpse puppets, which numbered more than 20,000, became ownerless.

Zhang Yun was not polite and put them all away.

As he finished searching, the remnants of the Black and White Spirit Clan were also cleared away by his disciples.

At this point, the Black and White Spirit Clan was destroyed!

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