He immediately pointed in a direction, "Great Emperor, go in that direction!"

The emperor was startled.

But without hesitation, he immediately headed in that direction.

Zhang Yun continued to look at the silver-haired woman: "Who is Shansi?"

Hearing this name, the silver-haired woman suddenly raised her head again and looked at him in shock: "You..."

"After you escaped from the trap, I went to the space where you were trapped..."

Zhang Yun said lightly: "I saw the message you left for Shansi."

The silver-haired woman was suddenly enlightened. She pondered for a moment and then spoke: "Shansi, I came from the same school as me. I am the third disciple of my deceased master Kong Xian Taoist. I am the second oldest.

The two of us were originally brothers and sisters, but because of a group of space minks that were accidentally discovered, Shansi, that bastard, attacked me secretly..."

"A group of space minks?"

Hearing this, Zhang Yun was surprised.

The silver-haired woman raised the storage ring on her hand and said: "I am willing to give you everything, kill or behead him as you please. I just hope that when you meet Shansi in the future, you can help me kill him!"

Zhang Yun didn't answer, he just took off the two storage rings on the other person's fingers and looked at them.

It doesn't matter if you don't see it, your eyes will immediately light up when you see it.

There are only two Space Diao Neidan inside, but apart from the Space Diao Nei Dan, there is one thing that he is extremely scarce now.

Original energy!

Looking at the nearly 100 strands of original energy stored separately in a special container, Zhang Yun was filled with joy.

Before giving it to his disciples, Su Die, You Xinyuan and others, he had less than ten strands of original energy left.

Right now, this Baisi is simply putting out a fire!

Zhang Yun couldn't help but ask: "Where did you get this original energy?"

Previously, the silver-haired woman said that she used original energy to attract Xu Ming, but she obviously used a few, but now there are still hundreds of them...

He was a little curious.

"This was discovered when we discovered the group of space martens!"

The silver-haired woman explained: "The group of space martens I discovered with Shansi back then came from a cave.

The owner of the cave should be an immortal who has died outside.

Inside, there are more than a hundred space minks left, plus nearly ten thousand strands of original energy..."

"Nearly Wansi!!"

Zhang Yun's eyes widened and he hurriedly asked: "What about these original energies?"

"Most of them were taken away by Shansi that bastard!"

The silver-haired woman couldn't help gritting her teeth: "Back then, Shansi attacked me secretly and I was severely damaged.

Despite his wounded body and desperate efforts, he managed to snatch less than two thousand threads and five space minks from the nearly ten thousand threads of original energy...

Later, he was able to escape with the help of a space mink inner elixir that moved the space greatly.

However, the forced spatial movement worsened my injuries, and I fell into a coma in a wild field outside a small village in the Northern Territory. It was also at that time that I met Yifang..."

Speaking of this, her eyes looked to her side with a little softness.


Cai Yifang pursed her lips.

The silver-haired woman let out a breath and recounted the ensuing situation in detail.

In that small village, the silver-haired woman was rescued by Cai Yifang, so she later accepted her as her disciple.

This can be regarded as leaving a disciple for the silver-haired woman.

Unable to find her, Shansi captured her other apprentices.

Before discovering the cave, the silver-haired woman had several apprentices, and Shansi, as her junior apprentice, knew all about them.

Shansi captured his apprentice and forced him to meet him in a barren mountain in the southern region.

The silver-haired woman could not ignore her apprentice, and directly used most of the original energy she had captured to recover from her injuries, and went to rescue her apprentice.

But Shansi had already made all preparations.

Although she was very careful, the silver-haired woman did not escape.

During the battle, the barren mountain was turned into an abyss, which is now the Desolate Ax Abyss.

In the end, the apprentice failed to save him, and the silver-haired woman herself was trapped.

Shansi's space was specially prepared so that neither the Space Diao Neidan nor other space methods could be used.

This dilemma lasted for thousands of years until I met Xu Ming...

"What a waste!"

After listening, Zhang Yun said these three words.

The silver-haired woman was stunned for a moment.

"You are so wasteful!"

Zhang Yun was heard scolding: "You prodigal woman, nearly two thousand strands of original energy were used for treatment!!"


The silver-haired woman wanted to fight Zhang Yun.

She spoke so passionately, why do you only care about the original energy?

Zhang Yun didn't care what she thought.

He didn't slap the other person to death. He wanted to ask about Xu Ming.

Finished asking now...

Zhang Yun directly pressed his hands on the silver-haired woman and Cai Yi Fang Tianling respectively, and planted two soul-pressing seals.

"For the sake of leaving the Qi Drawing Talisman for Xu Ming, I will spare your lives!"

Zhang Yun said calmly: "Just be a maid next to my sect from now on!"


Upon hearing this, the silver-haired woman suddenly stared.

"Don't want to be?"

Zhang Yun's eyes suddenly turned cold.

The silver-haired woman only felt her soul tremble suddenly, and a breath of death rushed towards her face.

Her body trembled and she quickly lowered her head.

"This is the first and only time!"

Zhang Yun looked at her indifferently: "Next time you contradict this sect, there will be no need for you to exist!"

After saying that, he didn't care about the reaction of the two silver-haired women and threw them into the animal farm.

At the same time, he sniffed with the tip of his nose, fixed his eyes on a dense forest ahead, and shouted: "Stop!"

The big emperor under his body moved.

Zhang Yun flew directly into the dense forest.

Soon, in the middle of a lake deep in the forest, a crystal-like lotus was found——

[Pure Water Holy Lotus]

Level: Holy Medicine

Introduction: Contains pure water energy, which can wash away all kinds of toxins in the world and cleanse evil spirits.

Note: This lotus needs to be in contact with water, and it will dissipate by itself once it is dehydrated.

Zhang Yun's mouth curled when he saw this.

In this treasure land, the talent of affinity with all medicines is of great significance!

After putting this Pure Water Holy Lotus in a special container and putting it away, Zhang Yun returned to the back of the Great Emperor and continued to let it move forward according to the position of the treasure light engraved.

For most of the next half day, Zhang Yun searched the positions of the treasure light he had found before.

Every place where the treasure light pointed to had a valuable item.

But the most precious thing was the Buddha's rosary that was first obtained in that temple.

Zhang Yun finally understood why so many cultivators wanted to come to the space fairyland.

Not to mention the fairy fate, the treasures that can be encountered here alone are incomparable to the outside world.

Although many treasures are no longer of much use to him, for ordinary cultivators in the Void Refining and Combination stages, any one of them is a huge gain.

While searching, Zhang Yun was also waiting for the opening of the Immortal Fighting Secret Realm.


At this moment, Zhang Yun suddenly received some information, and his expression was lifted.

He immediately entered the Immortal Master World and came to the Time Flow Hall.


Seeing him, the gourd in the hall immediately spoke.

Zhang Yun couldn't wait to say, "Let it out!"

The gourd immediately opened its mouth, and a trace of milky white immortal power with crystal light and mist floated out.

[Soul-shaking Immortal Power]

Introduction: Top immortal power, which can suppress all kinds of immortal power after it explodes. If it touches the flesh of a living being, whether immortal or mortal, it can shake the soul of the living being out of the body.

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