Looking at the immortal power in front of him, Zhang Yun's eyes lit up.

Quickly store it separately in the energy storage room.

With this trace of soul-dwelling immortal power, he has the confidence to face the immortal!

Zhang Yun looked at Hulu: "Can I still continue to transform?"

Calabash nodded.

Zhang Yun didn't waste any time and took out a few pieces of Guitian meat that had been prepared long ago, as well as a trace of original energy.

After the gourd saw this and absorbed it, it continued to transform.

It still takes a thousand days, which is equivalent to ten days in the outside world.

Zhang Yun breathed out.

After leaving the Temporal Speed ​​Palace, return to the Great Emperor's back.

He had basically finished searching for the precious lights he saw on the west side when he first came in.

At this moment, it can be regarded as aimlessly wandering through the space fairyland.

He walked like this for half an hour.

Zhang Yun suddenly smelled the fragrance of medicine and immediately pointed: "Your Majesty, go in that direction!"

The great emperor under him immediately flew away in the air.


Not far ahead, a towering city wall suddenly came into view in front of him, which surprised Zhang Yun.

Smelling the scent of medicine just behind the city wall, I immediately asked the Great Emperor to speed up and approach.

"He who comes is stopped!"

As soon as they got within a hundred miles of the upper city wall, a surge of spiritual consciousness came.

Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows and looked forward, his eyes looking straight through the layers of void to an old man in a Chinese robe who was sitting cross-legged on top of the city wall a hundred miles away.

The old man in Hua Pao also opened his eyes at this moment, just looking at him from a distance.


When they looked at each other, the old man in Hua Pao immediately recognized him and his expression changed.

Without thinking, he immediately left the city wall and fled in the opposite direction to Zhang Yun.

Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows when he saw this and glanced at the Great Emperor.

The latter understands.

Suddenly, it was like a ghost in the virtual space, moving forward at full speed.

In terms of speed, as a half-immortal, there is probably no one in the Immortal Continent that can match him.

In a few blinks, he quickly caught up to less than a hundred meters behind the old man in Hua Pao.

"Fellow Daoist Zhang, Mrs. Hua's previous credit debts have all been settled..."

The old man in Hua Pao was horrified and knew that he could not escape, so he quickly said: "Why are you still chasing me?"

When his voice fell, the Great Emperor quickly caught up and stopped in front of him.

Zhang Yun shrugged when he heard this: "I should ask my friend, what do you mean by turning around and running away when you see me?"


The old man in Chinese robe opened his mouth.

"Fellow Taoist, your running away has made the Bear Emperor of our sect quite dissatisfied. Look at how tired it is after chasing it for dozens of miles all the way..."

Zhang Yun said and looked at the great emperor beneath him.

The emperor immediately understood after hearing this.


He immediately looked out of breath and exhausted.

At the same time, Xiong Tong looked at the old man in Hua Pao full of dissatisfaction.

The corner of the old man's mouth twitched.

Knowing that he couldn't leave easily, he asked with a wry smile: "Fellow Daoist Zhang, how can we make King Xiong eliminate his dissatisfaction?"


Zhang Yun smiled slightly, looked at the Great Emperor and said: "My sect, the Xiong Emperor, prefers things that are full of precious light. If I give him ten or eight pieces, I might not care about you anymore!"

Eight out of ten...

The corners of the old man's mouth twitched.

This shameless bastard!

Cursing secretly in his heart, he still took out a storage ring and held it out from the air, asking: "Fellow Daoist Zhang, do you think there is enough in it to calm King Xiong?"

Zhang Yun took it and glanced at it.

There is a holy medicine in the storage ring, plus many precious cultivation crystals and some materials, each of which is valuable.

The old man in the robe of the Lingshi Chamber of Commerce in front of him has gained a lot in the Space Fairyland.


"Fellow Taoist, these things of yours are a bit mediocre. You see, I, the Emperor Xiong, are very dissatisfied!"

Zhang Yun spoke.

When the Great Emperor heard this, he immediately gave a 'hum' to the old man in the robe, and the Bear Emperor showed his imposing manner.

The old man in the gorgeous robe trembled.

Although my body ached, I took out a rosary bead and said, "Fellow Daoist Zhang, this is my biggest gain from this trip. Here it is, please let me go!"

【Buddha Rosary】

Level: Immortal weapon (incomplete)

Zhang Yun glanced at the rosary beads and was a little surprised.

This rosary was apparently part of the same immortal artifact as the rosary he had obtained in that temple before.

Putting away the rosary and looking at the old man in Chinese robe with a bitter look on his face, Zhang Yun smiled: "My sect, the Xiong Emperor, has calmed down, fellow Taoist, you can do what you want!"

Hearing this, the anger on the face of the great emperor immediately disappeared. He raised his head and glanced at the old man in the robe, with a look of 'You are quite sensible'.

The corner of the old man's mouth twitched, but he didn't hesitate and left quickly.

Zhang Yun shrugged and let the emperor go to the location where the scent of the medicine was smelled.

The medicinal fragrance refers to a tender white grass growing in the cracks along the lower edge of the city wall——

【Incompetent Holy Herb】

Level: Holy medicine (about to mature)

Introduction: A non-attributed medicinal herb that is naturally raised in the earth. It is born from the mutation of the spiritual grass where the energy of heaven and earth converges.

Medicinal effect: Any attribute energy can be integrated into the grass roots, and the incompetent grass will transform into a holy medicine with the corresponding attribute and obtain the corresponding effect.

Current maturity level: 99% (expected to be fully grown within one day)

Note: Once this grass grows and matures, its energy will evaporate into the air and will generally dissipate completely in three to five days. It needs to be picked as soon as it is ripe and stored in a container that can block energy loss.

Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows slightly.

The old man in Hua Pao stayed on the city wall, obviously waiting for the grass to mature.

"What a coincidence!"

Zhang Yun shrugged slightly and looked down: "Great Emperor, please go back to the animal farm and take a rest first!"

After saying that, he took it back to the animal farm, and he sat on the city wall instead of the old man in Hua Pao.

It's okay to wait for one day.

far away.

The old man in Hua Pao, who had already left some distance away, looked at this scene from a distance, his heart full of bitterness.

That was supposed to be the holy medicine that he was about to harvest!

The most important thing is the rosary, the component of the fairy weapon.

This is the greatest blessing of his trip.

He just got an unexpected harvest yesterday, but he left him before he even got it for a day...

Looking at Zhang Yun on the city wall, he felt angry.

"Fellow Taoist from the Lingshi Chamber of Commerce, you are staring at this sect so much. Do you still have anything you want to talk to us about?"

At this time, Zhang Yun's voice suddenly came from afar.


The old man in Hua Pao was horrified.

Can Zhang Yun still see things from such a distance?

Without thinking, he immediately turned around and ran away.

Zhang Yun shook his head slightly when he saw this, but didn't pay much attention.

His consciousness glanced around, then closed his eyes, waiting quietly for the maturity of the Incompetent Sacred Grass.

One day flies by in a blink of an eye.

"Sir, this grass is ripe!"

Guitian's voice came to his ears.

Zhang Yun opened his eyes and saw that the incompetent sacred grass under the city wall had grown completely.

Remove the container and put it away immediately.

He glanced at Guitian.

The latter met up with him a few hours ago.

The treasure lights that Guitian had asked Guitian to search for before had been brought back to him by Guitian. They were all valuable items.


After letting out a breath, Zhang Yun was about to leave.

Boom buzz——! !

At this moment, an astonishing beam of energy suddenly emerged from a distant location.

Before Zhang Yun had time to think about it, he felt a few Immortal Fighting Tokens on his body trembling in unison at this moment.

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