Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Chapter 703 Long Fenghua’s request for alliance

The entrance to the secret realm of the Immortal Struggle is open!

Zhang Yun's expression condensed, and he immediately took Da Huang Huang out: "Let's go!"

Da Huang Huang saw the eye-catching energy beam in the distance, and immediately realized it, and immediately rushed in that direction.

While moving, Zhang Yun took out the sound transmission jade card and quickly contacted Qing Jianzun.


"Go to the entrance!"


After a brief exchange, Zhang Yun put away the sound transmission jade card, looked at the energy beam that was getting closer and closer, and thought a little in his heart.

Now he has three positive tokens on him.

One came from the ruins of Fengcheng, one came from Huan Qianzun, and one came from Man Cangqiong who was captured just now.

As for the one in the dead world, Zhang Yun left it to Qing Jianzun.

According to the rule that one token of the Immortal Struggle can bring two assistants in addition to itself, plus Qing Jianzun's token, the four tokens add up, including him and Qing Jianzun, a total of twelve people can enter.

In other words, he and Qing Jianzun can openly bring ten living beings in.

Zhang Yun thought about this.

Because once he entered, even if the animal farm would not be affected, he would not dare to take people out of the animal farm at will.

After all, there is a high probability that there will be immortals paying attention in the Immortal Fighting Secret Realm.

Since the number of places in the Immortal Fighting Secret Realm is limited, ordinary space artifacts will definitely not be used at that time. If he can still use it, the special secrets on him will be exposed.

It will not be a good thing to be targeted by a group of immortals at that time!

Just thinking about it, the sound transmission jade card on his body made a "ding ding" sound.

Zhang Yun glanced.

It was other disciples.

Zhang Yun answered one by one.

"Don't get close to the beam, practice in various places in the space fairyland. After the fairyland is closed, you can return to various places on the mainland to practice, or you can return to the first sect of the immortal way. The master will be away for a while next!"

He said the same thing to all the disciples.

Hearing this, the disciples understood what he meant and were silent for a while.

"Take care, master!"

They all replied to him.

Only Wu Haihai...

"Si Fu, is Luo Lian in the sect?"

Hearing this reply, Zhang Yun wanted to rush over and beat up this heartless little guy.

Your master is leaving, but you don't care about him, but just think about your big and soft one?

But suddenly thinking of something, Zhang Yun said to Wu Haihai: "Wait, Haihai. Come to the beam position!"


Wu Haihai was puzzled.

"Stop yaaa, come to the master quickly!"

Zhang Yun said seriously.

Although Wu Haihai could speak a long time ago, he always liked to use yaaa to express his meaning.

As for whether it was intentional, only this lustful little guy knew it in his heart.

Seeing Zhang Yun's seriousness, Wu Haihai's body shuddered, and immediately asked Da Tietie to bring him here.

Zhang Yun exhaled.

From Wu Haihai's reaction to the one-way portal in the Insect World before, it can be seen that he must have been to the immortal world before his reincarnation.

Going there may help Wu Haihai recover his memory quickly, which will also help Wu Haihai improve his strength.

Wu Haihai's soul power is now stuck at 5% recovery.

Zhang Yun also saw that this little guy's breakthrough cannot be achieved by spending resources, but also requires other stimulations.

For example, recovering some memories.

Therefore, he planned to bring Wu Haihai with him.

In addition, there was a selfish reason for bringing Wu Haihai, which was to help Su Die find her parents.

After all, Zhang Yun didn't know where the one-way portal in the Insect World was connected to. Since Wu Haihai was afraid of the breath there, he would definitely feel it when he approached it now.

It would be convenient to identify it if he met it later.

By the way, he could find the other door connected to the one-way portal in the Insect World.

If he could find it, it would be equivalent to mastering a portal that could freely travel between the Immortal Dao Continent and the Immortal World, which was of great significance.

Thinking in his heart, Da Huanghuang also carried him to the position where the light beam rose quickly.

The light beam was located between an empty plain, and in the center, there was a huge light gate that was slowly opening.

At this moment, a group of people had arrived in front of the light gate first.

It was Long Fenghua and his party.


Noticing Zhang Yun's arrival.

Long Fenghua raised his eyebrows and immediately greeted: "Fellow Daoist Zhang!"

"Leader Fenghua!"

Zhang Yun smiled and nodded to him, glancing at Cang Chi behind him.

The latter subconsciously shrank when he saw him.

Zhang Yun didn't care.

He knew that after Long Fenghua and his party came in, the other party had probably told him about his disguise and hiding outside.

But Long Fenghua and his party had already come in at that time, so it had no effect on him.

As for the soul-suppressing mark planted in Cang Chi's soul...

"Fellow Daoist Zhang, I wonder if you are interested in cooperation?"

Just thinking about it, Long Fenghua's voice suddenly came to his ears.

Zhang Yun was startled.

"Fellow Daoist Zhang, you have seen us..."

Then Long Fenghua continued to say in a voice transmission: "According to the information received by our sect, there will be a total of seven opportunities to become immortals in this competition. Excluding Cang Chi, there are six of us in total. Including Fellow Daoist Zhang, there are exactly seven people!"

Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows: "Leader Fenghua means that the seven of us will jointly seize the seven opportunities to become immortals, and then divide them equally?"

"To be more precise, it is to maintain the third place and fight for the seventh place!"

Long Fenghua said: "Among the six people on our side, we don't ask for all the opportunities to become immortals, we will be satisfied if we can get two.

Give the extra portion to Daoyou Zhang. If we can fight for more, we will split it evenly! "

"It sounds interesting..."

"Do you agree with Daoyou Zhang?"

"No, I refuse!"

Zhang Yun said calmly: "Leader Fenghua, one opportunity from my side is far from enough!"

As he spoke, he glanced at the Great Emperor beneath him.

Seeing this, Long Fenghua said: "Friend Daoist Zhang, the Space Bear King is certainly worthy of a share. We can guarantee four and fight for seven..."


Zhang Yun shook his head, "Leader of Fenghua Alliance, I'm used to freedom and I don't like forming alliances!"

"In that case, that's all!"

After hearing this, Long Fenghua didn't bother anymore, but his eyes towards Zhang Yun became noticeably lighter.

Zhang Yun didn't care either.

If we fight for the secret realm of immortality, if we don't form an alliance, we will become each other's rivals.

Several people in robes around Long Fenghua saw this and asked, "Rejected?"

Long Fenghua nodded.

"Humph, I don't know how to appreciate it!"

Several people in robes glanced at Zhang Yun and hummed to themselves.

Zhang Yun didn't pay attention to their gazes.

He really wasn't interested in Long Fenghua's alliance proposal. In addition, Long Fenghua and his party are not worthy!

Glancing at the immortal arrow in the storage ring, Zhang Yun glanced at Long Fenghua, who looked calm, and shrugged secretly.

The latter obviously hasn't noticed yet, and the biggest trump card has been taken away by him.

The looting effect of Immortal Looting Cloth seems to be good in terms of stealth.

In addition, he glanced at the people in robes beside Long Fenghua, and they seemed to have an Immortal Fighting Token on their bodies.

According to what is known, there will be places where the Immortal Token will appear in the Immortal Continent, and there are four places opened before the Death World.

Long Fenghua and Man Cangqiong each obtained one of them. There are also two immortality tokens, and the person who got them is unknown.

From this point of view, one of the two unknown immortality tokens was given to Long Fenghua's companions. There was another piece that was obtained by Venerable Huan Qian who was killed by him.

All the Immortal Tokens from the Immortal Continent are now complete!

Roar--! !

Just as he was thinking about it, a roar suddenly came from his ears, and a huge figure was seen flying from a distance.

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