Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Chapter 704 Are there any fellow Taoists who need the Immortal Fighting Token?

It was none other than the Space Bear King, Datietie, who was hundreds of meters long.


Wu Haihai's cry came from afar.

Only Wu Haihai, who looked extremely small on Da Tie Tie's chest, was waving to him from afar.

Zhang Yun smiled.

"Six circles of silver streaks?"

Long Fenghua and others noticed the six circles of silver patterns on Da Tie Tie's body, and a trace of surprise flashed in their eyes.

They knew that Zhang Yun had conquered the space bear clan.

But among the space bear clan, apart from the Space Bear King, where did the second space bear with six or more circles of silver patterns come from?

And the kid on those big iron chests.

The peak of the Void Refining Stage!

How old is this child, yet he has reached the peak level of cultivation in the Void Refining Stage?

Long Fenghua and others couldn't help but look at Zhang Yun.

How is the latter cultivated?


At this time, Da Tie Tie was already several miles away, and Wu Haihai swooped directly towards Zhang Yun from a few miles away.

It's obviously just a small body, but the whole air brings an astonishing pressure and crushes it.

Zhang Yun's mouth twitched when he saw this, but he still stepped forward to catch Wu Haihai.

The moment he caught it, it felt like he was catching a big mountain, and his whole body was weighed down.

Fortunately, his physical body is strong now, otherwise he would have been crushed to the ground on the spot.

"Saxe, am I heavy?"

Wu Haihai asked with a smile on his face.

Seeing that he was still smiling, Zhang Yun couldn't help but give his little head a shudder, "You want to crush me as a teacher to death, right?"

"Saxe, it hurts!"

Wu Haihai touched his head and pouted: "This is the Immortal Mountain Pressing Technique mastered by Wo Gang!"

Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows when he heard this: "Is there another memory in your mind?"

Wu Haihai nodded.

Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows.

At this time Datietie also came closer.

Seeing this, Wu Haihai immediately jumped out of Zhang Yun's arms and jumped onto Datietie's strong chest.

Da Tie Tie's expression changed when he saw this. He wanted to avoid it but didn't dare.

Wu Haihai's small body put a lot of pressure on its chest muscles, causing its entire chest muscles to sag a lot.

The big iron bear's eyes were watery and he looked aggrieved.

Zhang Yun was ashamed.

This sea, even the bear's chest muscles are not spared...

Shake his head slightly.

Zhang Yun glanced around and could sense a lot of auras approaching, but none of them showed up.

Didn't pay much attention.

He turned around and looked at the huge light door at the entrance to the Immortal Fighting Secret Realm. At this moment, the light door was already halfway open, and it would be fully open in less than a quarter of an hour.

Zhang Yun looked calm, sitting on the back of the emperor and waiting quietly.

After waiting for less than half a quarter of an hour, another huge figure arrived from the distance.

It is Qingjian Zun and the other Space Bear King who also has six circles of silver patterns, Da Tiantian!

Long Fenghua and others present looked surprised when they saw another six-circle silver-patterned Space Bear King arriving.

In this space bear clan, when did so many space bear kings with six circles of silver appear?

But they were not stupid, and they quickly guessed that Zhang Yun had a way to improve the Space Bear King!

"What a lucky half-body!"

Long Fenghua and others stared at Zhang Yun, sighing in their hearts, understanding why the Space Bear King would follow Zhang Yun with his arrogance.

Zhang Yun didn't pay attention to their gazes and looked at Qingjian Zun: "Yang Xu, take Guitian with you when you enter later!"

"Yes, master!"

Upon hearing this, Lord Qingjian immediately understood what he meant and nodded.

Zhang Yun thought for a moment.

Da Tiantian, Guitian, and Qing Jianzun's immortality token quotas are full.

The three Immortal Competition Tokens he has on his body, apart from Dahuanghuang, Wu Haihai and Datietie, there are still five places left.

But I glanced at the animal farm.

Among the people he brought with him, there really wasn't anyone suitable.

After all, fighting is definitely inevitable in the secret realm of Zhengxian.

If he brought people like Qing Feng, Yin Wu, Deng Wu, etc., they would be a burden to him.

Qingfeng's talent of seeking good luck and avoiding evil would still be useful if it could work, but this talent is obviously limited here.

In addition, Su Die and Zhang Yun did not plan to bring them out.

To find Su Die's parents, we have to go to the Red and Blue Sea. It doesn't make much sense to bring Su Die to the Secret Realm of Fighting for Immortals.

These five places are equivalent to being vacant...

It's like a piece of Immortal Fighting Token cannot be used directly.

Zhang Yun thought for a moment, suddenly thought of something, and immediately looked around and asked loudly: "Fellow Taoists, do any of you need the Immortality Token?"

As soon as these words came out, the whole place fell into silence.

All eyes looked at him with confusion.

Especially some strong men who came nearby early but did not show up, hiding in the surroundings.

Zhang Yun's this is complete nonsense.

If they don't need the Immortal Fighting Token, what are they doing hiding around?

At this moment, he is hiding around, waiting for the person who gets the Immortal Token to arrive and snatch it!

Currently, Zhang Yun and Long Fenghua are known to have the Token for Immortality, but neither of them is easy to grab, so the experts can only wait for others to get the Token, but whose identity is not yet known.

The entrance to the Immortal Fighting Secret Realm is open, and those who get the token will definitely show up.

"Here, our sect plans to publicly auction an Immortal Fighting Token!"

However, Zhang Yun's next words stunned everyone present.

Auction... Auction for Immortal Tokens?

"The Secret Realm of Fighting for Immortals will open in less than half a quarter of an hour, so there isn't much time!"

Zhang Yun stretched out his hand, and an Immortal Fighting Token floated in the palm of his hand: "The starting price of this Immortal Fighting Token is 30 billion spirit stones, and there is no upper limit. In the next five minutes, you can make public bids. If it is inconvenient, You can also send a message to the sect for a quotation.

Within five minutes, the highest bidder wins. In addition, those who do not have enough spirit stones can also use treasures of equal value to offset! " Zhang Yun said, waving his hand: "Start bidding now!" As soon as the voice fell, there was silence in the venue. Auction of the Immortal Token? Are you kidding? You are auctioning this kind of thing? But many people thought of Zhang Yun's capture of Man Cangqiong at the entrance of the Space Fairyland before. For Zhang Yun, who already had the Immortal Token, Man Cangqiong's token was obviously extra. This auction... Many people were excited. "Fifty billion!" At this time, a bidding voice suddenly sounded. The people present were startled. I saw a peak Mahayana no longer hiding, took the initiative to show up, looked at Zhang Yun seriously and asked: "Friend Zhang, is the auction you said true?" "Of course, I can swear!" Zhang Yun nodded, looking at the Xifeng headmaster who appeared as a trustee with a smile on his face. Xifeng headmaster immediately said: "Okay, then I bid 50 billion spirit stones! "

Zhang Yun looked around with a smile: "Daoyou Xifeng bid 50 billion spirit stones, is there a higher price?"

Many people present swallowed their saliva.

50 billion spirit stones is not a small amount. But compared with the qualification of the secret realm of fighting for immortals, it is nothing at all.

The scene was still quiet.

"Daoyou Zhang, I bid 55 billion spirit stones!"

"Daoyou Zhang, I bid 60 billion spirit stones!"

"Daoyou Zhang, I bid 70 billion..."

But in Zhang Yun's ears, he received multiple voice transmissions at the same time.

Two minutes later.

Hearing the decrease in the voice transmissions in his ears, Zhang Yun immediately said: "The highest bidder now is 100 billion spirit stones. Daoists who bid below this price, please don't report it again!"

100 billion...

Many people present twitched their mouths.

"Daoyou Zhang, I bid 120 billion spirit stones, give me this token of fighting for immortals!"

"120 billion! ”

“Daoyou Zhang, 110 billion!”

But there was still a series of voice transmissions, which sounded in Zhang Yun.

This time, after waiting for less than half a minute, Zhang Yun said loudly: “Now the highest price is 200 billion, Daoists who are lower than this price should not bid!”

200 billion…

Hearing this number, many cultivators who were bidding by voice transmission all stared.

Who the hell bid this? Raising the price so high at once, is crazy?

Zhang Yun urged: “There are only two and a half minutes left in the countdown, Daoists who need it should hurry up!”

“Three more tomorrow!”

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