All the immortals were surprised.

Although these two female fairies themselves cannot be dealt with, there are not many men who can catch their eye.

Zhang Yun in the picture does look pretty good, but that's about it, at least compared to them...

Many male immortals couldn't help but flip up their hair.

I consider myself more attractive than the guy in the picture, so why don’t the two fairies have any thoughts about him?

"It seems that area 306 has to be added..."

At this time, the male immortal in red on the red rosette smiled faintly and waved his palm.

The picture on the light screen turned, and the original hundred pictures appeared. However, on top of these hundred pictures, there is an additional picture where Zhang Yun is.

Area 306 of Zhengxian Secret Realm.


The sound of the prompt came, and Zhang Yun, who was lying in the treasure pile with his eyes closed and concentrating, suddenly opened his eyes and took out the Immortality Token from his clothes.

‘Numbered immortal contender, you are the first immortal contender to advance in this immortal competition. In the second round of immortal competition, your area 306 will become the central area of ​​the immortal competition. ’

‘Next you will become the champion of the central area and gain control of half of area 306! ’

"The champion of the central area? Control of half of the area?"

Looking at the information, Zhang Yun was slightly confused.

At this time, a sudden feeling came from the Immortal Fighting Token in his hand. After receiving it, a macroscopic world emerged in his mind.

Everything within the realm appeared clearly in his mind.

Mountains, woodlands, plains…

And the river beside the grassland where he was was also clearly reflected in it.

The boundary that appeared in my mind was the surrounding area of ​​Area 306.

But it was only half of it. When I saw the center of one of the plains, I felt that the previous land boundary had become a blank.

"Is this half of the regional control?"

Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows slightly.

Immediately try to touch a mountain range in the earth with your mind.

Suddenly a teleportation light enveloped him.

When he came to his senses, he was instantly teleported to the mountain range touched by his mind.

Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows and continued to touch with his thoughts.

In a blink of an eye, the person suddenly returned to the Great Emperor's back.


The Great Emperor and Man Cangqiong looked at him with slightly confused expressions when they saw him suddenly disappearing and then coming back again.

Zhang Yun did not explain, but looked at Man Cang Qiong with a thought.

"This transfer of other creatures requires one free transfer. Do you want to consume it? (There are currently two free transfers left)"

Suddenly, I received a message from the Immortality Token in my mind.

"Free times?"

Startled slightly.

Zhang Yun thought for a moment and chose yes.

The sky in front of him suddenly disappeared.

In his mind, the wild sky suddenly appeared in the mountain range he had just teleported to.

He himself also moved his mind and teleported it.

Arriving at the mountain range, Man Qiong was standing in front of him with a blank look on his face.

"Sir, this is..."

When you see him, immediately come forward.

"I gained some authority!"

Zhang Yun explained with a smile and waved his hand.

"This transfer of other creatures requires the last remaining free time. Do you want to consume it?"

The battle for immortality token came again.

He frowned slightly.

After thinking about it, he still ordered: "Old Man, you can return by yourself. From where you were just now, you can fly 100,000 miles eastward to return!"


Barbarian Qiong opened his mouth.

I saw Zhang Yun disappear in front of my eyes in a flash.


Man Qiong’s mouth twitched.

What does this mean?

Take him a hundred thousand miles away and then let him run back by himself?

I was speechless, but Barbarian Sky still flew back to the east.

As for Zhang Yun at this moment, his figure flashed back and forth like a ghost in the mountains, woods, and plains of most of the land in his mind.

Finally returned to the Great Emperor's back.

After one try, he was sure.

This so-called gaining control of half of the area in Area 306 means that he can instantly teleport anywhere within the area. At the same time, other creatures can be transferred, but the free times need to be consumed.

"The central area just mentioned. Does this mean that the second round of competition for immortality will be concentrated in area 306?"

It suddenly occurred to him.

His eyes lit up.

If so, it would be a good advantage to gain control over the ability to teleport at will.

‘There are still 70:56:30 left before the end of the first round of competition! ’

I looked at the Immortal Token and found that there was an extra countdown.

"You still have to wait so long?"

Zhang Yun grinned.

It seems to be the case. The rule mentioned at the beginning was three days, but now only more than half an hour has passed...

"It seems there was no need to worry before..."

Shake his head slightly.

"By the way, can I go to other areas?"

Suddenly he had a thought.

With a flash of his body, he arrived at the end of a mountain range. In front of him was a huge barrier connecting heaven and earth.

【Xianli Enchantment】

Introduction: Many immortals join forces to condense their immortal power to block everything.

After Xianyan Jue glanced at it, Zhang Yun shrugged helplessly.

Immediately returned to the Great Emperor's back.

Looking at the nearly three-day countdown, he couldn't help but sigh: "This fight for immortality is too ink-blank!"

However, what he didn't know was that these words were clearly transmitted through the picture into the hall filled with fairy spirit and overflowing with rays of light.

Many immortals twitched their mouths.

Especially the immortals who set this time, looking at the impatient Zhang Yun in the picture, wanted to drag him to the main hall and give him a beating immediately.

Three days is not enough for normal immortal contenders. Do you still dislike ink stains?

"Spirit of the Secret Realm, which continent does this child come from?"

The gorgeous robed immortal sitting on the blue rosette at the head suddenly asked a question.

Many immortals raised their eyebrows and looked at the light curtain.

Buzz! !

A piece of light text message quickly appeared on it——

‘The number contender for immortality comes from the lower realm of the Red Sea and the Immortal Continent! ’

"From the Red Sea?"

Seeing this, the Huapao Immortal frowned slightly, and couldn't help but look at the male Immortal in red on the red rosette opposite.

The male immortal in red was startled when he saw this. He quickly thought of something, and the corner of his mouth immediately raised a confident arc.

The Huapao Immortal frowned slightly.

The male immortal in red smiled secretly when he saw his unhappy look.

"A new half-immortal..."

At the same time, looking at Zhang Yun in the picture, a glint flashed through his eyes.

"Area 29 is over too!"

At this time, an immortal suddenly spoke up.

Many immortals looked at it, and on the screen with the number 29, it seemed that only the rich and handsome young man in blue was left.


Seeing this, all the immortals shook their heads and sighed.

In Area 29 of Zhengxian Secret Realm.

"A quarter of an hour and a half is not bad!"

A rich and handsome young man in blue stood on the top of the mountain, looking at the countdown of the Immortal Token in his hand, with the corner of his mouth slightly raised.

At the same time, he looked at the message that popped up next.

"No. 1620 Immortal Immortal, you are the second Immortal Immortal who has successfully advanced this time!"

Looking at the content of the message, the smile of the young man in blue suddenly froze on his face.


He opened his eyes and looked at the content of the message in disbelief.

He is so fast, but he is only second?

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