"What a joke!!"

The young man in blue lost his temper and couldn't believe the information displayed on the Immortality Token.

Although the rules of the secret realm of this competition are slightly different from those in the past, one thing that is no exception in every competition is that there are hidden rules in the first round of competition.

And this rule is limited to the first immortal contender to advance.

In order to achieve this, the young man in blue has made full preparations.

It took more than half an hour and a quarter, which seemed to him to be almost perfect.

Tell him now that he is only second?

The young man in blue was trembling slightly.

Who is first?

Looking at other areas, his eyes were full of anger.


On the broad back of the emperor, Zhang Yunzheng was yawning out of boredom.

It wasn't that he was tired, it was just that there was really nothing to do.

Here, Kujin Immortal Palace and Immortal Master World cannot be entered, and the things inside cannot be taken.

At the moment, he really has nothing to do except lie in the treasure pile and look at the strange and weird treasures from the powerful people from all continents around him.

There are not even ancient books here that I can read.


With a helpless sigh, Zhang Yun lay on the Emperor's back with his legs in the air, simply closed his eyes and went to sleep.

In the hall filled with fairy spirit.

Looking at the unwilling young man in blue in Area 29, and then looking at Zhang Yun yawning and sleeping in Area 306...

Even the immortals couldn't help but twitch their lips.

This guy in Area 306 is too idle!

The other immortal contenders are all nervous and vigilant. If they have time, they will definitely practice or recover from their injuries.

This guy is so good, he just sleeps on the back of a bear!

Damn, aren't you worried about the fight for immortality in the future?

"With such a mentality, it is difficult to achieve success!"

"Even if I get the chance to become an immortal, it will be difficult for me to set foot in the immortal realm!"

"I hope you won't waste this opportunity to become an immortal!"

Many immortals hummed.

They were a little unhappy because Zhang Yun ruined the plan. Seeing Zhang Yun acting like this now makes me even more unhappy!

Look at their juniors, each one is fiercely competing for the fairy ball, and this guy...

It makes me angry just looking at it!

"I think it's quite interesting to see such an interesting little guy appear!"

At this moment, a faint laugh came from outside the hall.

All the immortals looked at it.

I saw an old man carrying a wine pot, wearing a pair of wooden slippers, and smelling of alcohol walking into the hall with casual steps.

"Shi Laoxian!"

Seeing this old man, many immortals frowned slightly.

An immortal said: "Old immortal, now is the period of competition for immortality, you..."

"I know!"

Shi Laoxian interrupted him and said calmly: "Why, I can't come during the competition for immortality? I contributed the majority of the seven chances of becoming an immortal in this competition!"

Many immortals frowned.

"Old Immortal is here, I'm sure to welcome him!"

At this time, the leader of the flower-robed immortal on the blue rosette smiled and said, "I just don't know which color rosette you want to sit on, old immortal?"

As soon as these words came out, many immortals looked at Shi Laoxian.

"I don't like to sit on a rosette, just sit on a chair!"

Shi Lao

The eyes of the immortals twitched slightly, but they still did not say anything.

Time is like running water, and three days pass in the blink of an eye.

"The first round of the fight for immortality is over!"

At this moment, the same light message appeared on all the Immortal Tokens in various areas of the Immortal Immortal Realm.

In each area, beams of teleportation light also lit up at the same time.


Two simple words sent most people away.

In each area, there are only a few immortal contenders and assistants who have obtained more than two fairy balls.

Within area 306.

Zhang Yun looked at the Immortal Fighting Token——

‘The second round of the fight for immortality begins! ’

‘Because in area 306, the numbered contestants advance first, so area 306 becomes the central area of ​​this round of competition.

In the next two days, all immortal contenders must arrive at the central area. Those who fail to arrive within the time limit will be eliminated! ’

Fairy balls will begin to arrive in area 306 after three hours, with batches arriving every three hours.

All immortal contestants need to obtain one hundred fairy balls within three days from now on to advance to the next round of immortal contest. Otherwise, it will be eliminated! ’

‘The immortal power barrier currently enclosed between various areas has disappeared. All immortal contenders can follow the coordinates of the token and head to the central area, Area 306! ’

Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows.

This is what the central area means.

That is to say, all the immortal contenders have to come to him now?


Just as he was thinking about it, another piece of light text message specifically for him appeared on the Immortal Token——

‘You are currently the champion of area 306. Please try to prevent other immortal contenders from setting foot in the area you control.

If more than a hundred immortal contenders step into the area you control at the same time, you will lose your identity as the challenger and the area you control.

At the same time, when encountering other contenders, your challenger information will be disclosed to them. Please guard your token, once it is taken away, you will be eliminated! ’

‘Note: If you can advance to the next round of immortal competition as the champion, and advance again in the next round, you will directly get a chance to become an immortal through this immortal competition! ’

"Is this what the challenger means..."

Zhang Yun murmured.

There are 360 ​​areas. Except for 306 where he is, each area can advance up to three immortal contenders in the first round. The total number of contenders will be at most 1077.

In other words, he had to stop at least 978 immortal contenders.

"It's not easy!"

Zhang Yun's eyes narrowed slightly.

I sensed it immediately and had a thought.

Teleported to the end of the mountains at the edge of the area.

The fairy power barrier originally here disappeared at this moment, and a vast plain appeared in front of it.

It is adjacent to District 305.

Whoosh whoosh! !

Before I had time to observe further, a burst of wind suddenly came from the air in the plain ahead.

A group of three figures came out of the sky.


Seeing Zhang Yun, these three figures were stunned for a moment.

Zhang Yun was also startled when he saw them.

Because the three people in front of him were the three men in robes who had been with Long Fenghua before, and they all had the cultivation level of the second level of thunder tribulation at the peak of the Mahayana stage.

"Zhang Yun!"

The three robed men looked at each other with concentration.


The leader among them made a noise, took out the Immortal Fighting Token and took a look——

‘You have encountered the champion of District 306 and obtained his token. You can replace it! ’


The three men in robes looked at the message and their expressions perked up.

His consciousness glanced around.

"Do it!"

Although it was a little strange why Zhang Yun was the only one, the three robed men did not hesitate.

Zhang Yun refused to form an alliance before, so he was not an ally. Since they met in the secret realm of fighting for immortality, they were enemies.

What's more, Zhang Yun is still the champion!

"The secret method of demon eyes, illusion!"

"The secret method of demon eyes, Huo!"

Two of the men in robes rushed out from the left and right, and two huge eyeballs appeared on the robes, staring at Zhang Yun.

At this moment, Zhang Yun felt that there was a heavy fog in front of him, and his surroundings became hazy.

"Ninth Elder, why are you so stunned?"

Suddenly a familiar voice came to my ears.

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