The white-haired woman magnified the brush a hundred times. She held the brush in both hands and drew a vertical stroke with all her strength, forming a white light filled with immortal power that blocked three drops of heavy blood.

The black sword flew out from under the ghostly masked man's feet and transformed into a huge ghost face filled with ghostly power. He opened his big mouth filled with ghostly power and swallowed three drops of heavy blood in one gulp.

"No wonder I can become the champion, I do have some abilities. But..."

The ghost-masked man stood next to the giant ghost face, staring at Zhang Yun with a pair of black pupils. However, when he saw Zhang Yun's actions at this moment, his tone suddenly stopped, and his black pupils widened in shock.


The white-haired woman on the other side also changed her expression.

Zhang Yun's five fingers were stained with blood, and another row of twenty drops of heavy blood appeared.


Under the horrified gazes of the ghost-masked man and the white-haired woman, twenty drops of heavy blood were already fired towards them.

The two of them were shocked.

The white-haired woman wildly waved the enlarged brush and swept out the white light;

The ghost-masked man hurriedly pushed the giant ghost mask next to him forward.

Peng! Peng!

But in front of twenty drops of heavy blood at a time, even though Bai Mang and Ghost Face were filled with immortal power, they were still exploded by a large amount of blood in an instant.

Overwhelming blood rushed towards him.

The expressions of the white-haired woman and the ghost-masked man changed drastically. At the critical moment, they each used a talisman.

I saw two streams of soaring immortal power pouring out from it, forming two immortal power barriers to protect the white-haired woman and the ghost-masked man respectively.

But the blood color with the power of ten thousand mountains still pushed the two fairy power barriers back a certain distance.

The white-haired woman and the ghost-masked man both looked frightened.

What kind of heaven-defying method is this blood?

Their talismans, which the immortal ancestors had personally gathered to protect them, were actually being pushed forward by the power of this burst of blood...

If this hits them directly...

The two of them felt their scalps numb.


Not daring to hesitate at all, taking advantage of the immortal power barrier to resist the blood, they quickly turned around and fled towards the vast plains behind.

I just turned around and ran away...

Xilulu——! !

The Pegasus neighed, the ghost's body trembled, and the white-haired woman and the ghost-masked man both froze.

Just because Zhang Yun, who was in front of them a second ago, suddenly appeared less than ten meters behind them.

"Now that you're here, don't leave!"

Zhang Yun spoke calmly.

call out!

call out!

He raised his hand and two drops of heavy blood were shot out from close range.

"don't want!!"

The expressions of the white-haired woman and the ghost-masked man changed drastically. They had exhausted all their means and were unable to resist. They could only burst out their remaining energy.

But in front of the bloody burst of two drops of heavy blood, it was all in vain.

boom! boom!

With two loud noises, the two of them fell to the plain below, creating two huge cracks.

Vomiting blood from her mouth, the white-haired woman and the ghost-masked man struggled to get up.

But "shuashua" two sword lights struck down.



The white-haired woman screamed, and the right arm holding the brush was chopped off by the sword light.

The limbs of the ghost-masked man were pierced simultaneously by four sharp sword energies formed by the sword light, and were forcibly nailed to the crack.


Not far away, Man Cangqiong saw this scene, his old body trembled, and his heart couldn't help but feel warm.

The encounter between the white-haired woman and the masked man at this moment was exactly what he had faced before.

Zhang Yun was obviously venting his anger on him at this moment!

"Isn't the one who was hiding showing up yet?"

At this time, Zhang Yun suddenly made a faint sound.

"Is there anyone else?"

Man Qiong was startled.

call out!

The next second, Zhang Yun saw a drop of blood turn into a large area of ​​blood and sweep directly to the void on one side.

With a roar, a figure hidden in the void more than ten miles away was forcibly shaken out by Xue Xi.

This is a young man with conspicuous green hair.

"Wait a minute, fellow Taoist!!"

Seeing that Zhang Yun was about to take action, the green-haired man quickly shouted: "I'm just a bystander, I didn't want to take action... Damn it!!"

Zhang Yun ignored him, raised his hand and shot out ten drops of heavy blood.


The green-haired man was shocked and quickly took out a piece of turtle shell and offered it as a sacrifice.

A piece of green immortal power spurted out, and the turtle shell instantly enlarged a thousand times to form a huge green turtle shell over 100 meters long, which blocked the majestic blood-colored power formed by ten drops of heavy blood.

"Fellow Taoist, if you have something to say, please speak it carefully. Don't be so violent!"

The green-haired man huddled in the turtle shell and shouted loudly.

Zhang Yun ignored it and was currently staring at the huge green turtle shell——

【Green Fairy Turtle Shell】

Introduction: The creatures of the fairyland turtle clan are made by gathering fairy power from part of their own turtle shells.

Once released, it can form a defense comparable to the turtle shell of the turtle creature's body within a certain period of time.

How to crack it: Wait for the shell to dissipate on its own.

Current turtle shell remaining time: :59:59.

"The shell of the fairy turtle..."

Zhang Yun murmured. He looked at the green-haired man huddled in the turtle shell and frowned slightly.

At this moment, I really can’t defeat the opponent!

After all, even an immortal might not be able to break open the shell of an immortal turtle easily, let alone him.

The green-haired man in front of him had surprisingly good life-saving methods.

And the other party's hidden method is a special magical power called the Immortal Turtle's Breathing Technique.

If it weren't for the perception brought by the area controlled by the Immortal Token, he might not have been able to find the opponent without careful inspection.

This green-haired man is obviously a descendant of an immortal.

The white-haired woman and ghost-masked man next to them are probably from the immortal forces of the Red Sea and Blue Sea!

Ignoring the green-haired man, Zhang Yun flew to the crack next to the white-haired woman.

Seeing him coming, the white-haired woman's expression changed, and she tried to hold her brush with her remaining left hand.


Zhang Yun dodged directly, kicked the opponent's hand away, and picked up the brush.

【White Fairy Pen】

Level: Pseudo Immortal Weapon

Introduction: It is made from the hair of the immortal weapon White Immortal Magic Pen combined with the hair of the immortal horse. It possesses some of the power of the immortal weapon and can release the power of the White Immortal with impact effects.

"Fake fairy weapon?"

Zhang Yun frowned slightly.

When he first saw it, he thought it was an immortal weapon!

Different from the fairy weapon parts like the witch fairy staff and the previous Buddhist fairy rosary, this fake fairy weapon is completely made from additional parts of the fairy weapon.

It's not as good as the fairy weapon parts, but it's better than the holy weapon.

But it's somewhat useful.

Zhang Yun wanted to put it away, but thought that the space utensil could not be used, so he casually inserted the pen into his clothes.

The white-haired woman turned pale when she saw that he took away her Bai Xian Brush without ceremony.

Zhang Yunke didn't care what he thought and just pulled off the other party's robe.

"You...what are you going to do!?"

The white-haired woman's expression changed.

Zhang Yun was too lazy to offend her, and directly took out some elixirs and other items from the other party's robe, and then covered the other party's robe back.

Then came to the ghost masked man.

The latter's expression changed.

Zhang Yun was not polite to him, and directly plucked out the ghost mask man and took off the ghost mask on the other person's face.

This mask is a good thing as it can survive heavy damage without being exploded.

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